The Blues Brothers - Theme from Rawhide (Official Audio)
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Channel: The Blues Brothers
Views: 2,044,852
Rating: 4.9213309 out of 5
Keywords: blues brothers, blues brothers 2019, blues brothers music, blues brothers playlist, blues brothers soundtrack, blues music, dan ackroyd blues brothers, john belushi, john belushi blues brothers, john belushi music, soul music, the blues brothers, the blues brothers 2019, the blues brothers live, the blues brothers movie, blues brothers theme from rawhide, theme from rawhide blues brothers, theme from rawhide, blues brothers rawhide, rawhide theme
Id: rtP7yH7l87w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 40sec (160 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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The Blues Brothers
artist pic 500,183 listeners, 7,280,482 plays
tags: blues, rhythm and blues, soul, Soundtrack, rock
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