The Blues Brothers | Aretha Franklin Sings "Think" in 4K HDR

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help you boys you got any uh white bread yes  i'll have some toasted white bread please you want butter jam on that toast  honey no ma'am dry gummy fried chicken   best damn chicken in the state bring me four  fried chickens and a coke you want chicken   wings or chicken legs four fried chickens  and a coke and some dry white toast please   you all want anything to drink with that no ma'am  a coke be up in a minute we got two hunkies out   there dressed like hasidic diamond merchants say  what they look like they're from the c.i.a or   something what they want to eat the tall one wants  white bread toast dry with nothing on it elwood   and the other one wants four whole fried chickens  and a coke and jake [ __ ] the blues brother   hi jake matt what are you doing how are you doing  how's jolly at oh it's bad thursday night to   serve a wicked pepper steak can't be as bad as  the cabbage rolls at the terre haute feral pan   for that oatmeal at the cook county slammer oh  they're all pretty bad matt me and ellwood we're   putting the band back together we need you and  blue lou oh man don't talk that way around here   my old lady she'll kill me ma'am you got to  understand that this is a lot bigger than any   domestic problems you might be experiencing matt  what the hell is he talking about don't get rid   of sugar don't you don't get rid of sugar me now  you're not going back on the road no more and you   ain't playing anymore two-bit sleazy dives you're  living with me now and you're not gonna go sliding   around with your old white hoodlum friends but  babes this is jake and elwood the blues brothers   the blues brothers [ __ ] they still owe  you money fool ma'am would it make you feel   any better if you knew that what we're  asking matt here to do is a holy thing   you see we're on a mission from god don't you  black seem in here don't you blast him in here now   this is my man this is my restaurant you two are  gonna just walk right out that door without your   dry white toast without your faux fried chickens  and without mad guitar murphy now you listen to me   i love you but i'm the man and you're the woman  and i'll make the decisions concerning my life   you better think about what you're saying you  better think about the consequences of your   actions oh shut up woman you better think  think think about what you're trying to do   i ain't no psychiatrist ain't no doctor with grief let your mind freedom freedom   me me think about it think about what you're trying to do best book well go ahead damn it you
Channel: Universal Pictures
Views: 8,488,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: universal pictures, blues brothers, blues brothers think, blues brothers think aretha franklin scene, the blues brothers, 4k movie, 4k movie scene, aretha franklin, 4k movie clips, aretha franklin think, aretha franklin think blues brothers, aretha franklin movie, aretha franklin blues brothers, aretha franklin blues brothers scene, think aretha franklin blues brothers, blues brothers 4k, blues brothers 4 fried chickens, 4k hdr movie clips, blues brothers 4k hdr, 4k hdr
Id: RTXszRHc0qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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