THE BLIZZARD - Hugh Ingalls: "Never give up till your dead..."

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[Music] in the night we heard lightning and thunder and it rained we got eight tenths of an inch of rain in the night and we have no idea how much snow it came with such a wind that and it was so wet and cold the visibility was zero right in this area was probably some of the biggest loss hue and out he went with the tractor up to the Butte and I thought well he's going to check all the pastures to the south and so on and they came back after dark and I said well what what did you find and he said we didn't get any further than the viewed a Friday morning it was turned to snow and when was coming up we worked with some of the groups the cattle and got him in protection and checked him out I knew and it was tough enough so he does not go out anymore so we didn't get some of the cattle they weren't able to find shelter in their summer pasture eventually they started drifting and took a stall we married 109 189 head five of those were the hired man's till we got out there didn't realize the extent of the loss it it was really hard to unhu' because those are not just cows out in the pasture they're cattle that he's raised and and watched all the progress and on their calves and kept the best for all the years that I've been here so it's it was really hard on him the side drawers off the main draw Smurfs on deck years radium traveling one bunch stood against the fence you wait for me I think the Colerain to start with with the wind chills I'm pretty bad snow got too deep hard for him to travel I just just got down and couldn't keep going to run out of run out of energy they found a heifer I think they said all I saw was the ear they dug out that heifer a calf and and she just laid there and there was a couple others live once around and after a while she got up walked away so every once in a while there was some what were bright spot [Music] where you had him it wasn't the financial as much as it was breathing over losing animals we're at the place in our life where finances aren't that important we worked hard to all our lives and and money isn't as important as some other things being established will we'll survive and I'm concerned about the younger ranchers is trying to buy a place and get a bunch of cattle put together we're gonna have to help them what we can and I'm pleased to see a lot of local effort there's no way they can take care of all of the loss monetarily I can just keep them going too give him the courage and the fortitude to go on they've got the guts to do it they just need a little help [Music] or Bly from Marshall Minnesota said I can't believe you people I said well the Lords in control and and we've been through a lot and we can do this well we're an optimistic bunch I guess you wouldn't be here kind of proud and independent sometimes it's hard to accept help but you got to know you got to know when that time is you got to know how to give you got to know how to receive I'd like to give some young guy that bunch cows lost [Music] will we will well girl back you may not go back for more air but I think the genetics are deep enough that we can go back keep on going when things like this happen and they will happen if you're gonna be in it long enough it's gonna happen it's just another chapter in the book another page in life you're gonna keep on going you got to take what comes buck up and do the best you can my dad used to say he's got tough you see never give up till you're dead expecting another snow tonight the forecast is a foot of snow of a 50 mile an hour winds coming tonight so the men are out trying to get things in a good place well probably everybody you'll probably be preparing for that next lizard for the next ten years so no you just keep your eye on the weather and do what needs to be done and take good care of this stock and in the land and I'll take care of you use most happy wings out feeding those cows some hay so I don't think we'll go anywhere I've heard him say not until we have to [Music] you know the sound of this pickup [Music] the other day you pick out me [Music]
Channel: Angus TV
Views: 61,992
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2013
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