The Blessing & Power of the Blood Covenant | Pastor Gregory Dickow

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I want to talk to you a little bit about this, because it's times like these we need to proclaim the Bible says, as often as you eat to spread. Jesus said as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup. Do it in remembrance of me, and he said, as he said, as often as you do it, you're proclaiming the Lord's death until he comes. And I used to think that that's such a somber moment and such a sad time that we're proclaiming the Lord's death until I really learned about what the blood covenant was, that when when it says we're proclaiming the Lord's death, the Bible says there is no covenant without the death of the one that makes it. There is no will. There's no last will and testament without the death of the one who writes the will. So in other words, we we have to realize what God was doing by sending Jesus to the cross was the price was being paid a death. The death of Jesus was to put the will of God into effect in your life and to give you access to all that belongs to God. So just like if I died, I have a will. It's called my last will and testament. So when I die, all of my belongings go to my family. All of my belongings have already been written out, who they will go to and how they'll be distributed. And so that's my will. In the same way, I think Christians have missed this point that this is what the whole point is, is that Jesus didn't just die so that we could go to heaven. That's certainly a part of it. That's the best part. But he died so that we could be recipients of all that is his would become ours. His will goes into effect through his death. And that's what trick the devil, the devil thought by getting rid of Jesus, by crucifying Jesus, he'll get rid of the son of God. But by crucifying Jesus, a death occurred so that the will of God and all that belongs to God would become the possessions and the belonging of all of his children. Somebody to say a man a little bit better than that. Everything that belongs to God now is yours. Whatever is his is yours. Salvation is his. Now it's yours. Healing is his. Now it's yours. Deliverance is now it's yours. Blessing is his. Now it's yours. Everything Joy is his. Now it's yours. Love is his. Now it's yours piece. This is now it's yours. And how do we how did we become the the proud owners of all of this inheritance through the death of Jesus. So when we take communion, we're proclaiming that death. We're preaching the gospel. We're saying Jesus still on the cross. Amen. Where my band go. Oh. I want you guys to get this. Wherever. Wherever you are listening to this, those of you, they're here. Is now gone into effect, and every time we take communion, we're declaring it, we're reinforcing it, we're activating all the blessings of this new covenant that is bought by the blood of the lamb through his death. The better covenant exists, the old covenant was pretty good. They put blood of lamb, they put a blood of an animal over the doorposts and the plague of death passed over them. The old covenant was pretty good. There was healing whenever they looked at the at Erens, Rod budded, there was healing, there was blessing, there was many great things that happened in the old covenant. They moses' part of the Red Sea. They went out of Egypt and into the land of promise. They went into the wilderness, into the land of promise. Many great things in the old covenant. But the Bible says the new covenant is a better covenant. And if it's a better covenant, that means it has to do at least what the old one did and then some. It has to do at least with the old one did and then some. That's your cue for the longest time as your member of this church. The old I used to say this all the time, saying it now, the old covenant, the new covenant is better than the old covenant and anything that's better, like new and improved, tied. New and improved laundry detergent. The whole point of it being new and improved is it's got to be better than the old tide, otherwise we're sticking with the old tired, we're sticking with the old, we're sticking with the old Old Spice. If the new Old Spice isn't better than the old Old Spice, the new covenant is better than the old covenant, the Bible says, and in order for the new covenant to be better than the old covenant, it has to at least be able to do with the old covenant. Could do. And then some for the new covenant to be better than the old covenant, it has to at least be bit like wind of Tides said this new and improved tide is way better than the old tide. It doesn't clean your clothes, but it gets you high. I mean, that might be OK. But it's not better unless he can at least do what the old one did and then some. So why is the new covenant better, the new covenant is better because the new covenant can do what the old covid, at least with the old covenant, did. And then somehow the new covenant can do at least what the old covenant could do and then some, the new covenant is better because it can at least do what the old covenant could do. And then some Kamala's praise God for that. So. I believe the people have been robbed of the power of communion and the power of the blood covenant. And so I heard some people that were saying. You know, I'm tired of hearing all these things about the blood of Jesus, you think God's going to protect you. People are dying and people have sickness and people have disease. People have been dying since since Adam and Eve sinned. Folks, Jesus has paid the price for it. You can choose to accept that and apply it in your faith and activated and believe when you take communion, you're going to activate all the blessing and healing and deliverance of God. Or you can just think we're doing some little tradition that doesn't really have any power. That's up to you what you believe. But I'm not going to let you remain ignorant. Lacking in knowledge of how powerful it is that Jesus shed his blood. And put into effect a better covenant because it was better blood, not the blood of a bull or a goat, the blood of the lamb of God. It has better promises. It's a better company. Because it has better blood. You don't have to live a day in fear anymore. Let me show you what he said in First Corinthians 11, verse twenty three, Paul says this first Corinthians 11. Now I'm going to share a few thoughts with you and then we'll take communion together in first Corinthians 11, verse 23, Paul said, I deliver to you what was also delivered to me for the Lord delivered to me. He said that the Lord Jesus in the night in which he was betrayed, took bread. Can can can I get some bread up here in the night he was betrayed? Thank you so much. The night he beat, the night he was betrayed. What did he do in the night in which he was betrayed? What did he do? He took the bread and gave thanks. When did he do that? In the very night he was betrayed. In other words, Jesus didn't wait till all his problems got fixed before he took the bread and before he gave thanks sometimes for waiting for all our problems to end. And then we'll take the bread and we'll give thanks. I got better news for you. Jesus took the bread and gave thanks while his enemy was sitting across the table from him. Because God wants us to learn something from this. God wants us to learn that we don't have to wait until all our problems are solved. We don't have to wait until the coronaviruses gone. God prepares a table for us in the presence of our enemies. So when Jesus took the bread, Satan was at the table. Through Judas. But God was at the table through the bread and the wine that represented Jesus, guess what? At every table in the world today, the table. Our city, our nation, our country. There's a virus at the table. But there's a healing at the table to. The disease is present in the form of a virus, but the healing is present in the form of the body. And the blood of Jesus. The disease is present at the table in the form of a virus, but the healing is present at the table. In the body, in the blood, healing is here. Jesus gave thanks and he broke it. And he said, this is my body. Do it in remembrance of me and in the same way he took the cup, the Bible says, and he said, this cup is the new covenant in my blood. And as often as you drink it, do you to remember to me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, Paul said, and Jesus said. For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you're proclaiming the Lord's death until he comes. What are you proclaiming? And what is the death of Jesus produce a better covenant? So what are we really proclaiming? Every time we take this bread and drink this cup, we are proclaiming the new covenant. We are proclaiming a better covenant, which has better promises because it's built on better blood, which means it has to do at least with the old one did. Let's look for a moment at what the old one did in Exodus Chapter 12. Let me take you to a verse that will show you a little bit of what? Of what of what the old one did. It's in Exodus Chapter 12. And I want to put I want to look at. First, let's look at verse, I believe it's verse seven for seven and eight, so could Exodus Chapter 12, verse seven and eight more says they shall take God says to Moses they shall take some of the blood of a lamb or a goat, and they shall put it on the two doorposts on the lintel of the houses in which they are eating in, and they shall eat it. The flesh eat the flesh. That night, the same night, same night that he was betrayed, same night roasted with fire, and they shall eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs that speaks of Jesus. He's the flesh. He's the bread. He's the flesh, the bread and the wine. The unleavened bread. This is Jesus is talking about Jesus. And then if you jump down to verse, I think it's verse twenty three it says. And the blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you live, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you and no plague will be for you to destroy you. Notice what he said? He said, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. And no plague will be for you to destroy you. When I see the blood, I will pass over you and no plague shall befall you to destroy you. Listen, there will be plague's. But none of them will be for you to destroy you. There will be weapons formed against you, but none of them will prosper. Now, I think today all around the world, people are either afraid they're in fear or they're in faith. They're either in fear of what might happen. Or they're in favor of what happened at the cross. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you and no plague shall befall you to destroy you. Hallelujah. All my life, you have been faithful. All my life, you have been so sucker. Every breath that I am. I will say. All my life, you have been. Dormi, like you have been. So good with every breath. Let's say that one more time. Go ahead and be with me for a few more moments, if you wouldn't mind. Thank you so much. And for those of you that are wondering, yes, I will keep my day job and not be the worship leader. You know. The woman came to Jesus in Mark, Chapter 14. She poured the ointment on his head and on his feet and she wiped his feet with her tears. And the disciples, some of them were mad and they were like, why is this such a waste? And Jesus said something very powerful in Mark, chapter 14, verse eight. Jesus said what she has done. Well, she has prepared my body, she has anointed my body. For the burial. In and say she is anointed my body for the burial, she is anointed my body, she's anointed my body, she's anointed my body, I want you to understand something. When we take communion, the body of Jesus is anointed. The body of Jesus is anointed and you say, what is the anointing to you? I'm glad you asked. Isaiah, chapter 10, verse twenty seven says the King James Bible, Isaiah, Chapter 10, verse twenty seven. Let me read it to you. If you guys have it, go ahead and put it up. Isaiah Chapter ten, verse twenty seven. The King James Bible, The New King James. Whatever you have and it shall come to pass in that day. That is burden shall be taken away from off your shoulder and his yoke shall be taken from off of your neck and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anoint. Because of what. The anointing. Because of what. The anointing. So when Jesus says she is anointed my body, she's anointed my body. What is the anointing do? It removes the burden and it destroys the yolk. It removes every burden and it destroys every yolk because of the anointing, because of the anointing, because of the anointed the anointing and Jesus body is anointed. He said what she did will be remembered forever and wherever the gospels preached, what she did will be spoken of. Why? Because his body. Is anointed. And so when we eat, the annoying burdens are going to be removed. Jokes are going to be destroyed. Sicknesses and diseases are going to fall away, the power of the devil will be broken over your life. The blood of Jesus already broke, broke its power, but you will be reminding the devil that he is powerless over you. Behold, Jesus said, I give you a authority and power to trample over serpents and scorpions and overall the power of the enemy and nothing so by any means hurt you or harm you. That's how powerful this body is. That's how powerful this blood is. And boy, if there's any time for us to believe that it's right now in this world. Right here and right now, and not to cower in fear, hey, we're following all the restrictive requirements and then some. But we're not walking in fear, love is here, and perfect love casts out fear. And this that I'm holding in my hand. Is perfect love. The body and blood of Jesus offered for you and me, that is perfect love. And it will cast doubt, fear. In Genesis 14. Verse 18, we we we find the first communion. You know, when we were good Catholic kids, I think when we went to third grade or something like that, we had our first communion. I don't know if anybody here had their first communion when you were like third or fourth. Did anybody ever remember the first communion and look at the little kid and you don't even know what's happened and you just get to drink out of the wine. You know, you're 10 years old and you get to drink the wine. And, you know, in the in this glass, I can remember the taste, you know? Don't you remember the taste of the silver cup? You know, don't give up until you drink from the silver cup. You know, it's like that. And I remember, you know, then getting born again and. Like, OK, I don't need to drink from the same cups of now, so born again Christians, they all drink out of a different cup. You know, we all have our own cup and our own bread now. But the Catholics, man, they still they still drink out of the same cup. And I remember we went to a funeral. And 10 years ago or so as a Catholic funeral, and I remember Grace is like, I'm not I'm not afraid to drink out of that out of that silver cup, like I'll drink out of that cup. I said, I'm not afraid either, as long as I go first. And sure enough, I don't mean before her, I just meant before everybody. So when they, you know, rang the bell every time to say communion, I got up out of my seat and went as fast as I could to the front. And I took I drink from that. I was the first one to drink from that cup. You know, I. I didn't care what happened after me. And. This is perfect love. Greater love has no one than this, that a man would lay his life down for his friends. So the first communion in the Bible is in Genesis 14, verse 18, and it says The King of Peace, Melchizedek, the king of Salem, it's the word peace. Salem is the word shalom. It's where we get the word salvation from and it's where we get the word healing from. It's where we get the word wholeness from Shalom, Salem. This is a picture of Jesus. Melchizedek is a is the Genesis version of Jesus. And he brings the bread in the wine. Can we can there be any doubt this is Jesus meeting up with Abraham and he brings the bread and wine to have the first communion. He was the priest of the most high God. The Bible says Jesus is our chief priest and the Bible says Jesus is our king of peace, our prince of peace, Salem Shalom. I know some of you thought king of Salem like that was where the first cigaret was created. But I'm telling you right now, Salem means shalom. It means peace. It means nothing's missing, nothing's broken. It means healed and made whole. It means salvation. So I want you to see when they took communion. The first thing that happened I want you to see the first blessing of communion is peace. And boy, does the world need peace right now. People are anxious, they're afraid, they're worried and want frankly, anxiety medicine is the number one largest medicine. The number one prescription around the world every year, because so many people are anxious, depressed, afraid. Worry, but this is my anxiety medicine. Today, the body and blood of Jesus, this is my medicine for fear. This is what brings me peace, the king of peace brings us peace, the first thing I want you to expect these things to happen, we take I mean, the first thing I expected to happen in our body, in your body, in our community, in the world, in the body of Christ peace, the gift of peace, first thing to expect when you take communion today. Second thing is, he said he blessed him and said, blessed be Abraham of most high God and blessed be God, the most high possessor of heaven on earth. The second thing that we need to expect is God's blessing. In other words, instead of the curse of disease, we have the blessing of healing instead of the curse of lack. We have the blessing of abundance instead of the curse of sin. We have the blessing of righteousness. Instead of the curse of fear. We have the blessing of faith instead of the curse of of bondage. We have the blessing of freedom. We take communion today, I want you to expect peace to flood your soul like a river. I want you to expect a blessing to come upon you and overtake you. And then the next thing that happens when he takes communion is found in chapter 15, verse one now after these things, Genesis Chapter 15, verse one. After these things. After what things? After Abraham took communion with Jesus or Melchizedek Abraham representing us, Melchizedek representing Jesus. After they took communion, the word of the Lord came to Abraham in a vision. I want you to see the next blessing that happens. The next gift. The next. The next thing you can expect to believe for when we take communion is a word from God. The answer that you need. I believe we're going to find the answer to the coronavirus. I believe we're going to have find the answer to cancer. We're going to find the answer to heart disease. We're going to find the answer to everything. God has an answer for us. When we take communion, we can expect the answer. Maybe you need an answer about your job. Maybe you need an answer about your finances. Maybe you need an answer from God about your family situation. Maybe the answer from God about a decision you got to make when you take communion. You can expect the word of the Lord to come and answer from heaven is on its way. And then the next thing that happens is he says, do not be afraid, the next thing that comes when we take communion is it frees us from fear. It's perfect love. So why wouldn't it free from fear. We're about to eat. And Drak, perfect love. And perfect love casts out fear. And then he says. I'm a shield, I'm a shield to you. Thank you, Jesus. I'm a shill to. It's divine protection, a shield protects you. The shield of faith extinguishes all the fiery darts of the wicked one. Is fear a fiery dhada, the wicked one? Come on, help me. Is disease a fiery darter, the wicked one? Virus, a fiery dart of the wicked one, the shield of faith extinguishes all the fiery darts of the wicked one. This disease didn't come from God, but the cure sure did. I'm a shield to you. Protection your life. Drink this cup, drink liquid love. And you will experience divine protection, he says, by drinking it is going to happen. It's what Jesus did with his body and blood that they put it into existence. Now, when we take communion, we're activating our faith in what Jesus did. I'm a shield to you, it's protection and favor we find a shield represents two things in the Bible, it represents protection and favor. Favre is going to come into your life, maybe you discover the cure and then you can tie that we can all have all our bills paid, then we can meet everybody's need. And then he says, your reward should be very great. You know, there's something about. The fairness of God. That we don't get the punishment. Jesus took the punishment. So that we could receive the reward. He says, whoever comes to God. Believe that he is and that he's a reward. Stop expecting punishment. Jesus took that start expecting reward, Jesus gives that stop expecting punishment. Jesus took that start expecting reward. Jesus gives that let's stand together. To it's the only. If you know the songs you made a way for. To Mansour, the. To the holy place I your. Now, I want you to I want you to take this bread, you pop it open and you take the little wafer and in the name of Jesus, his body is anointed. I declare every burden in your life is going to be removed. The yolks in your life are going to be destroyed in Jesus name. Those of you at home, take it with us. Let's receive the body of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus gave thanks when he broke the bread. And then likewise, he took the cup and he said, this is the cup of my new company. Hey, what is it about the new covenant? The new covenant? It's better than the old company because it can at least do with the old covenant did. And then some. And if he passed over. Plague and destruction passed over those who had the blood over their doorposts, the old covenant, the new covenant is the blood of Jesus. All of that stuff's been done away with. No evil shall befall you, nor any play come to your 10. This is the cup of Blaesing. The cup of Jesus having done it all. Let's receive his love and his blessing and all these blessings in Jesus. Come on, let's just give the Lord thanks, worship him for a moment, just worship him for a moment. We have one more moment together. A moreto. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. For trusting God, trusting this church, whether you're online or whether you're on site, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We'll be letting you know of any changes occur in our schedule, but we're going to plan on doing the same thing next Sunday. We'll be emailing you about Wednesday to talk about that and broadcasting that on social media and everything should look for that announcement, whatever we're going to do Wednesday, but we're going to do the same thing Sunday, unless for some reason it's all over by then and then we're just going to do it anyway. So I love you guys. You're dismissed. Give people their space out of respect. And if I don't hug your spit on you, thank God I love you guys. You're dismissed. You're the best. God bless. Thank you for being a part of this. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for believing in me. I really appreciate it.
Channel: Gregory Dickow
Views: 6,933
Rating: 4.9262671 out of 5
Keywords: Gregory Dickow, Pastor Dickow, Life Changers International Church, Gregory Dickow Ministries, Fast From Wrong Thinking, pastor gregory dickow, life changers, life changers church, the blessing, the blessing and power of god, the blessing power of the blood, the blood covenat, the power of the blood, the power of the blood of jesus, the power of the blood of jesus christ, there is power in the blood
Id: Yv7-k9LibSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 31sec (2131 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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