The Biggest Slice of British Pie
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Channel: Dirt Magazine
Views: 631,372
Rating: 4.9572711 out of 5
Id: pdn5exIbZho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 32sec (2972 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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This is reminiscent of those late 90's and early 2000's snowboard and skate videos. I love it, greatly prefer this style over the overproduced Red Bull movies even though that style has it's place too.
Fookin 'ell
I enjoy the British Slice of Pie series so much, these guys all have a ton of fun shredding with their bros. Love watching this! Cheers to slaying some singletrack!
49 minutes of shredding loam and rutting out trails.
Who wouldn’t love this
I wish my area had trails like this and not machine made stuff that I have legititmately watched dudes rip on fixed gear bikes.
They are taking all the fun. I need friends who just want to jib trails and slap turns.