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in this video I started out with zero dollars in a truck and spent the last two years building the farm to where it is today so we're back again for season three to see if we can expand the farm even more hope you guys enjoy content like this and you want to see more be sure to subscribe and drop on a like helps too anyway let's go do some fun well boys it's another day another dollar back out here on the farm the Sun's shining we got good weather so that means it's time to get to work we got just over 3 600 bucks in the bank account right now and we are currently in very bad need of a cedar now the reason for that is because we want to see this field to wheat and uh well we can't do that with our planter so we're gonna hop in the old 29.50 here and head out to the used equipment store where hopefully we can at least find something that'll work well we made it out here and I think I see something that's gonna work looks like there's two older John Deere Cedars here I don't think we need two so I'm gonna see if I can deal for just one but these theaters seem to have a really cool feature where you can slide out these end pieces here and you can hook another Cedar up behind it so I've your main one going here you can put one off to the side here one off to the side here and you could literally repeat process until uh can't physically pull it or it's just way too big that might be something for the future but for now we just need the one well boys I made the deal three thousand dollars but leaves us with just 622 dollars left which is not a lot of money but we'll make it work anyway we just bought one but you can slide these out on both sides and we could definitely upgrade in the future but I think we're okay for now anyways I'm hoping this should do the trick well it was a long drive but we made it back here I think we're gonna try to get this loaded up with seed and fertilizer and then we should be good to go so currently we have a small issue that issue being that uh this planter takes liquid fertilizer but uh this Cedar takes solid fertilizer now uh most of our fertilizer here is liquid this stuff right here but we have this old palette of solid fertilizer here so I think we're gonna try to get this out it should be okay to use I hope we're gonna find out either way I guess let's get the combine moved out of the way here usually mid-summer we get a bunch of solid fertilizer to spread on the fields but uh this is kind of the last of it we have left so hopefully we can get most of the field done if not all all of it with this palette but we'll see what happens there we go that takes pretty much most of the palette here we might have enough but I'm not entirely sure it's some seed put in there and we should be good to go well we finished off the last of that bag there that about halfway filled it up so I think we'll use the second one here and that should do it the rest of the way all right perfect good to go after getting the cedar ready to go for weeks out in the old 40 40. grabbed our disc and headed out to the second field since we didn't have time to disk this field over fall it was now time to get it cleaned up over spring this is getting the trees that were previously in the field removed a week prior it was now pretty easy to work in after getting the field all dished up and ready for planting we headed back to the farm cleaned up our now dirty equipment and set it aside for later alright so I just got some really really big news from the bank our 150 000 loan just got approved now Austin you ask what in the heck are you gonna need a hundred and fifty thousand dollar loan for that is a huge amount of money you struggled to pay back the last one and it was about half that well this is the year I figured we'd go big or go home now we under up buying this chunk of land last year and it had a bunch of stuff on it we got rid of most of it and I've always wanted to do cattle but frankly we've never really had the money all at once to go build a massive Barn get all the equipment necessary and so on and so forth to actually do cattle now I've had this kind of plot marked out for a long time now and I figure this is the perfect time actually start breaking ground for a brand new barn now that brand new barn is gonna cost us anywhere from about 50 to 75 000 but that comes with just about everything we're going to need actually have cattle minus the equipment of course so I think right about here is where we're gonna build it now I do think I want to clean out some trees or somewhat of a pole barn out here and obviously get rid of a lot of these other ones so we can turn all this kind of land out here into something we can actually cut for hay now if you look right over here you can kind of see our plot it's number 33. so we've got all this land kind of right about up to here Kinda Yeah right about here is where the uh land is kind of marked I am gonna have to stake this out out though so I don't go on to anybody else's property now frankly hay is one of our biggest money makers and the more land we have to actually make it the better throw it and clear out some of these trees for some space to add a pole barn but the actual barn and fenced in land right about here we actually have a good bit of land going back this way so in theory we should have more than enough and now we also have this huge huge chunk of land that's ready to be seated as well as the one across from it eventually I'd like to buy the kind of middle plot that's in between this one and that one right there because we don't own this stuff right now and I'm still driving on it ah it'll be fine but maybe one day we'll get it done and as the sun rose on a new day it was go time and go time meant that we'd be out in the field for well a long time and we started by getting the main field seated to oats now while oats weren't the most profitable crop they were going to give us something that we really needed now one thing that we really needed was straw something that we couldn't really get from any of the other money making crops now while we didn't have the biggest Cedar out this one would definitely get the job done but a part of me was kind of thinking I should have bought the second one but it made the job go a lot quicker but soon enough we finished up the job up and now it will be on to plant it well the 2950 was nice and I thoroughly enjoyed the ear deafening noise it made considering there was no cap I decided the 4040 would be a nicer Choice considering I might enjoy some nice air conditioning and radio but I switched out the disc to the planter and we were ready to go now this field was considerably bigger than the last so we were going to be here for quite a while okay so we're about halfway down this field here I just ran out of uh seed here so we're gonna go pick up some more but while I was planting there I got a call from the used equipment store I told them that if any equipment comes in for uh cattle you know to let me know oh there's a helicopter look at that anyway if there's any equipment coming in for cattle there to let me know and he said he just got a bail processor in there so uh we're gonna go check that out real quick gotta fill up the cedar here in a minute but I think we'll leave that to a little bit later top in the old Ford here and head on down there now those Bale processors usually go for about thirty thousand dollars brand new and that's a lot of money but uh this one is used and he said he wanted 15 000 for it right off the bat so we'll see what kind of condition it's in well this is it I do believe yeah this thing actually looks in really good condition you can see here there's a little bit of wear but like barely anything this thing almost looks brand new a little bit here and there it's even shiny that looks like they shined it up here before they tried to sell it but uh yeah this actually looks pretty good I'm just gonna ask if I can go grab a tractor here and just test it out quick make sure all the Hydraulics work on it make sure it's good to go and I think if uh everything works good on it I'll have to buy it because we're definitely gonna need this once uh we get the cattle in fresh straw give them a little bit of haze silage there all that good stuff silage Bales at least all right they said I could grab a tractor here the uh old case 89 10 I do believe I kind of like this tractor actually it's not half bad it is two-wheel drive that's one thing I really don't like about it but uh yeah it's a little big for this processor slightly all right that looks like it works good perfect fired it up here tested out the PTO everything looks good no bad clunking nothing like that so I think we're gonna take it here I'm gonna see if he'll go a little lower than 15 for it even though I know it's worth 15. you still gotta try and deal a little bit ooh you know what I actually like the look of this thing it's an old Ford uh c600 yeah the deck on this sits a little worse for wear but actually I like this this would be perfect for hauling hay actually I think a little bit better than what we've got right now oh man I gotta see what he wants for this too AB at the end of the day too we really need it probably not well 15 000 for it you would not move on price I can't blame them it's definitely worth it I'm already getting a really good deal on it because uh if I tried to go new I'd be paying upwards of thirty thousand dollars and I can't necessarily afford it well technically speaking I can but if I want to get this Barn built and everything else I need yeah we're not gonna be able to do that so this will work just fine and it even hooks right up to the truck so we'll be good to go to tow this home all right first piece of equipment for the cattle secured here I still would really like to have a loader and a livestock trailer so uh that will all come in due time I'm sure but uh definitely some more things to look out for I know they've got a loader there to use the web in store but uh he wants a fair chunk of change for it so maybe actually we've got a lot of trees to clear out there so maybe if those trees make enough money we can actually afford to buy that but for now I gotta fill this thing up with seeds so we can get back out in the field and finish up after getting the cedar all filled up and ready to go we headed back out to the field and got back to work yet again after getting the field finished up it was back to the farm to work on our next project which would require some different equipment we got that loaded up and went on down to the site after getting everything situated at the new barn site we took the Dozer and got to work then with the work of the tractor and the Dozer we cleaned out some unwanted bushes and trees from the surrounding site to clean it up and make it look somewhat decent after everything got piled up and was ready to be hauled away we now had the perfect sight to get building on well I'd say we're pretty much good to go here everything's looking real good here I'm gonna get all these trees hauled away here at some point that should get us a little bit of money I might cut down some of the bigger ones in the future there's still a couple little ones over there I got to bring over but uh we got a lot of the bushes cleaned up and I made some calls and we should be getting this Barn here built pretty soon this is the perfect pad for it and considering I just took the biggest risk ever with this 150 000 loan yeah this is gonna be quite the crazy risk to see if it pays off I think I'm gonna leave these two trees here though because we'll make a nice little circle area where you can pull in probably have the pool shed somewhere around here the barn right here I don't know what we're going to put in between here we might just cut all this for hay because we're gonna need as much as we can get to actually pay off this loan but anyway hope you all enjoyed subscribe and goodbye please
Channel: Austin Farmer
Views: 276,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roleplay, fs22 roleplay, fs roleplay, Austin Farmer roleplay, usa map, usa farming, usa roleplay, Austin Farmer, Austin Farmer fs19, Austin Farmer fs, farming simulator 22, the formal pickle, the formal pickle fs22, the squad, fs22, mudding map, fs22 mudding map, fs22 camping, fs22 honda atv, fs honda atv, honda atv, fs camping, fs22 truck mod, fs22 puckup truck, fs22 mods, fs22 ford mods, STARTING WITH $0 AND A TRUCK, starting a farm with $0, SURVIVAL FARMING, daggerwin
Id: 845icVpHPlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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