The Biggest Phil Hellmuth BLOW-UP Compilation!

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melt down in 3 2 1 what the got race with freaking king8 well this kid probably won't last another hour it's just so sick they have no concept of poker the guy can't even spell poker I red let him know what I had this idiot guy over here this is this is how I lose my money to some idiot buddy you're an idiot is what you [Music] are my image as a player is poker brat nice hand buddy how can I fold I guess I'm kind of like the John Mac Andro of Poker buddy have you won any hands in that seat yet I've been known to berate people sometimes when they beat me they misunderstand the game so badly you know I snap over the edge a little bit you can't give me lessons too no professional would raise me there enough is enough end of interview let's go holds around to Phil helmuth in the small blind Phil's got an ace Phil has Ace King you have Aces I think Chino had Ace King too in that hand Chino did you're right you might have AES this is sick yall got a bed here n you don't have Aces I think you have Ace Queen Phil giv dragir too much credit oh Rea from Phil to 255,000 with Ace King everybody else in the world wants you to move in with this hand I'm praying you fold honey yes dear I hope he doesn't have Aces I'm going to show this hand afterwards dragir does not have Aces he has 104 don't worry I'm going to show you dragir is going to call I guess dragir wants to mix it up with a poker brat and he's got his lucky 10 Fork classic match up and there is a 10 in there dragir takes the lead with a pair of tens check dragir with top pair they heard helth Che now dragir here we go Mike so I can't believe this they D me Aces versus Kings again right here this is so sick dragir bets 300,000 this idiot guy over here IDI that was uncalled for I I don't you know what Mike I think he called the Ros with Ace queen or something he's just a crazy guy trying to go you put in he put in like only 150 Mike you you tell him what show him the 38 off suit or something 104 baby is sted that was worth the price of adition and everybody gangs up on Phil this this is how I lose my money to some idiot he's now said idiot two times too many I'm going to tell you something buddy you want to hear what I have to say this is no after you you learn some manners yes forget it forget it buddy you're an idiot is what you that's three times this is this is a state of Po I'm an idiot with a stack you you don't have a tax whatever someone puts in $400,000 with 104 and the crowd celebrates like it's a good play this is the state of poker the guy that's the worst player in history and they're cheering you are an idiot four times did you see what this idiot just did five he played with a I had I had enough of that this is the the 10th time you are an idiot come on what is this dragon fighting what it's the 10 time what is this I apologize but I don't like the way you play poker that's all whatever that's all I won't say anything I don't want you out worst player around I won't call you let's go it won't last 10 minutes tomorrow I don't think to be honest it cost me you know it cost me like 10 grand to get in this tournament it cost you nothing so just leave me blow away my 10,000 okay buy that's I don't care you're way out of line we love to watch the ACT but hu's actions here are deplorable understand I understand he sucked out on you but okay it's poker poker to you it's poker man to me this is my life raised to 15,000 on the Adam Levy Queen 10 he is a very powerful online player people from all around the world log on to watch the guy they call ruthless play he skipped last year's World Series so he could be a camp counselor in Georgia the Flop with these guys heads up nine six Jack pair of eights are still best for helmouth Levy with an up and down straight draw not the best flop for Phil to see Levy with the draw yeah why wouldn't he stick around with that straight draw a call all right so now the turn card turns an eight of diamonds Levy hits a straight and that also gives helmuth a set that is an unfortunate card for Phil Phil checks Levy will not slow play his straight bets 37 th000 and Phil with a quick call a deuce on the river Levy earns the check mark he's got the straight it's a blank on the river and helmut's got to like his hand unfortunately for Phil Adam ley's got the nuts 60 60,000 from Phil helmuth I'm not tricky enough to play Queen 10 this good am I L's the one with the queen 10 Rays Ley announces Rays up to 100 55,000 now that raise freezes Phil momentarily let's see if he comes back over the top with his set Phil just with a call Queen Queen 10 yeah leave you with a queen 10 and the win called a race with a 10 you called a race with Queen 10 honey I know honey he's some online guy I had a set he's supposed to bust me anyway call the race with a queen 10 not player I think he's from Florida or someplace stupid race with C idiot player actually he doesn't look like an idiot player and I don't think he did anything wrong that hand he called a race with Queen 10 how do these players how are they even still in this tournament they let them in every day and I have a set I know you had a set pudding it's just unbelievable this kid probably won't last another hour half hour tops I promise watch he called the race with a Queen in a 10 a queen in a 10 how do these players even last this long don't know it's just so sick they have no concept ofer it was an aggressive call aggressive call idiot van freaking gave me a freaking nice dealing there mighty fine buddy mighty fine you I haven't won a pop one time they've been just raising me and reaing me all day actually this is a new dealer you give me a set I just sat down though unbelievable I am exhausted L idiot players call races with Queen 10 they don't even know how to spell poker I mean like this kid has all the chips he probably won't even make the final 200 can you call a clock on ties you showed a raay with Jack four what do you think the guy's going to do not call you uhoh come on you moved in with kingt so please don't discuss poker with me after liis limped in with King eight of Hearts Phil raised with pocket Jackson liquis made the call now the flop King 610 lilis with a pair of kings Phil bets 1100 how takes step one into the valley of unhappiness yeah L just with the call Deuce on the turn no help to Phil he's not worried though 1,800 takes another step into the valley of unhappiness little again just calls Phil needs some help on the river and it's another king lest ends up with trip Kings and the check mark Phil checks this time Phil slows down 2400 I hope helth picks up on that accent Bill calls meltdown in three 2 1 what the got the race with freaking King eight this is the valley of unhappiness man El not happy with lqu call of his pre- flop raise moronic players are the worst players rules in place to prevent player abuse it's the Phil King easy good position you want to discuss the hand really no I don't what's the reasoning behind calling the race with p8 just why not position figures look at a donkey to pay off with Jacks we'll see who the donkey is at the end of the day sir I'm all in he's going to push all in the poker brat pushes with about 20 big blinds left only have one jeez there yeah you're you're a real smart up come on lay it down let's go call he calls to put them both at risk God he called the race for 10 jack off this is how I go out shung with top two pair fill with pocket aces Jenkins with an up and down straight draw how us in danger of going out right here his aces are in tough shape come give me a five give me a club that's a great card the five or an ace are hel's best cards to hit Sean can knock out two players here turn card is a seven and Jenkins hits his straight it's a disaster for Phil Helu and he's got to ask himself why he didn't R raise pre flop with pocket aces the river is a Trey Jenkins can hardly believe he'll take the main pot shung the side pot helmuth is gone you know heart well played he called $25,000 for 89 and 10 Jack 10 Jack offit called and 89 called and they both beat me was unbelievable these are some of the worst players in the entire world over here it's the valley of unhappiness final Main Event Edition and I do feel Phil H's pain it's just unbelievable make it 32 that's okay he raised it up all in wow that's over 16,000 more chips and Phil's right there Phil literally couldn't wait to put his money into the pot Phil flips over his leading Ace King to pitman's King Jack as quickly as Phil acted as as if he knew he would have Pitman dominated right there they share the king and Phil's got the better Kicker and now our flop with Pitman in trouble 44 Deuce one heart only for Pitman in there turn card nine of clubs Ace King for Phil still holds up and now the river oh a jack that is a bad beat as Pitman steals the pot this freaking donkey stuck 15,000 with King Jack I mean the guy can't even spell poker i r raed let him know what I had you peel the king off a jack off with the sucker I don't know how to fold a hand some of the worst players in the world I can't believe this is the World Series of Poker yeah go figure huh I threw away all those hands just to make it look like they could move in on me what a terrible Play If I ever stuck stick all my money in with King Jack but of course that'll never happen in a million yeah I've seen worse not for me buddy that's why I'm the nine time world champion of Holdem cuz I always have the best hand you found a jack for the live one huh Phil said this guy can't even spell poker where else could I get more out of my entertainment dollar come on you know hun come on looking for help from his wife Kathy the guy's trying to catch a flight what a cry baby just sick let it go that's you know you're not out right you're not out you're not out and uh everything can turn around but you you got to let it go otherwise you know you're not going to give yourself a chance right this woman is a saint and an angel well Phil so far has lost about half of his stack it'll test his gentleman Theory early what is going on here what's the deal believe this 1,500 right that would leave me uh 3450 that's nice nice wow like Old Faithful I mean this is ridiculous he playing king8 and king deuce and queen deuce and stuff it's a Minefield man Phil always whines but he's right about the Minefield of amateurs with the suited Jack 10 he calls he's got a dominating hand against the poker Brett both connect with that flop pairing their kicker Phil checks after Rick had checked not a good spot here for Phil but he saves chips not betting his pair barabino checks he's an accomplished internationally known back gaming player helth bets 15,000 and barabino pretty much beat him into the pot he did indeed another 10 for barabino he checks the third time hoping Phil's going to bet but he doesn't this time Jack 10 give me the money cost 16,000 when they know I have it let me get 3 yeah I mean I guys can't win they don't have the patience 16,000 with Jack what they deserve they get to look at one Street king of spad lead uhoh uh I guess this is a rant in progress about to come I do believe so when Phil loses his hand to trip fives which is what we call roll down he he had pocket fives and made a third five on the river he's not going to be happy with losing with his jacks up particularly kind also cuz he wasn't behind at any point of his hand and mother guy why why what is he doing what the what the are you doing I felt the same way the other day about this guy Phil Jesus Christ what the like magic what's he doing he came after me with fives I raced under the gun after you limp in with the queen what the all right enough of raise it he's going to raise it from the one hole as he calls it he's first to act 120 six players left he's going to make it 120,000 and Beth will play along calls the extra 80,000 so sha and helmuth to the Flop and there's a queen for Shaq and Phil helmouth paired his 10 also sha with top pair helmuth with middle pair and top kicker I'm all in and Beth sha putting Phil to the test this would push Huth all in and if Phil were to call here his quest for a 12th bracelet would be in grave Peril and helmuth does move all in and sees that he is behind called the race with a she called the race with a queen king well it was suited she was in the big blind and she was getting 2 and 1/2 to one on her M and Dan Jack on his feet she called the race with king queen well it was suited she was in the big blind and she was getting two and a half to one on her money called the race with a king queen well it was suited we know we know two and a half to one on money I couldn't think she had a queen I mean how how could she call a raise with king queen she called the raay with a king queen the Phil helm store hel needs help to stay alive turn card nine of hearts and sha steal some outs hitting a flush draw well Shaq once paid Phil to give her husband a private lesson now she's in a position to knock him out helth needs a non-hard ace or 10 or he is gone and the River card and now our River card is a juice and Phil H is gone the alltime bracelet winner will have to wait another day to win number 12 very nice play pH win 76,000 he'll ship that and more to Phil iy of king queen well it was suited she was in the big blind and she was getting two and a half to one on her money that's so sick it's so sick so she's going to she she can't win she's going to give all those chips away she got mine though I hate poker it's only one decision there's only one decision left so yeah you I wish didn't say nothing so then you think we should just try and you know you're going to fall out of the love category if you keep that up oh yeah St sticking up for Phil man Sean would you please mind this time please please be quiet please be quiet so I can [Laughter] talk is this the way it's going to be every tournament out here or what it only it only gets worse from here I mean I could see if you said please be quiet so you can stop and think you know what I mean Phil but then you started going on and on I mean talking about 4,000 bed that we all know about Mor you going to give penalties for that [ __ ] or [Laughter] what he made he he he made it he decided for 3 minutes no one said one word we all walked over there is this is this Mory is this the way it's going to be or not I want to know we can be quiet can ftiness just went up a notch we we increased the feistiness no I want to know because you know I played poker for 20 years and never as someone just like blatantly talked as much as this when I have a key decision it's ridiculous I haven't said a word Phil what you talking about this is the way it's going to be Mor eskandani is one of the executive producers of Poker After because because you know what I might not play another one if it's going to be like this all right you understand this is not poker go down the when you I'm trying to make a tough decision for all my chips I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with it and then I've got him talking and him talking and everybody's joking and laughing people are laughing it's it's horrible people having fun you know you think you think I'm kidding huh no I don't think you're kidding good good cuz I'm not kidding so what penalties can we put in place so that when a man has a study for all chips people can shut up just ask I mean I'm really I'm not upset I might sound upset I'm not upset guys give me a little that's all just ask me I did that they do it I said please they'll do it I mean I didn't I didn't hear the please word but if you say please I hey I won't say a word no Mor I want to know what you have in place for next time I guess you can verify that tried to clear it and what happens if I ask and and they continue to talk just kill time wait until just kill time wait until they then you just have more time for the decision I'm not playing anymore if that's the way it's going to be that's not poker let's have a moment I can't use my reading abilities and poker anymore want reading abilities damn I got to get drink why don't you shut up I got to get a drink can you say that on TV that's out of line Phil you're out of line you're too stupid to know I didn't say a word to you just jumping down my throat for no reason right now for no reason for no reason you got you playing bad you got losing hand and you just trying to get some TV time mock your hand idiot myy what are you going to do about this seriously you know instead of the scramble you should do like a I'm hang out with the girls one of those tag team wrestling things Mor I got to tell you I've been playing poker 20 years I don't know how many times it's happened to me where I'm making a decision for my chips and everybody talks like zero times now I asked them to shut up everybody everybody's quiet I've made $20 million on my reading abilities and understanding future abilities and now I got to and now now I got to get insulted about that too right reading abilties this is going to cost me the pot again Andy she's moving with any a I already know that I set it up I'm sitting here with Ace 10 I can't can't even make a decision anymore this is bull n and now I have to let her win the pot with ace8 because I can't think it out right I've been playing poker 22 years in poker tournaments I've never I've never ever seen it in 22 years where you didn't where where the table wouldn't shut up in 22 years I've never walked out of a poker tournament in the middle before I left once or twice after in between things and that was that was a bunch of BS you know sha shakan is not only a poor loser but he just he won't shut up but it wasn't just Shawn it was everybody I mean I didn't say a word why you picking on me Phil you play Bad you want blame your bad play on me you way out of line we'll be able to have you can I can I talk Sean or you want to come up here and say something you play Bad you you want to look at your hand minute I do want to look at my hand I told TV time we playing poker bro you understand me set your ass down and play poker you're the worst ever all right well how long does he get to wait more you want your hand up Phil Right the BL are going up right so can you stop the CL I thought I was told that if I came over here Annie stop the CL you trying to you stop the clock you can take you understand the rules you can take as much time as you understand the rules I can take as much time as I want no kidding I want to know if they're stopping the clock while you're talking okay that's a fair point that's all that I want to know that's all I said are they stopping the clock while he's taking his time to look at his hand that's all good thing Phil regained his composure thank you okay then I don't really care he can I well I mean this is this this this is more this is more like the worldwide Wrestling Federation you know I mean now look at this guy you got you got Shiki way out of line here and it's getting ridiculous I mean this this is this is not poker anymore it's it's like it's like the worldwide Wrestling Federation well why don't you get back there and play some cards are we going to play poker can when I when I have a when I have a big decision I would love to watch you play cards I would love to actually play the game and not and not and not have it be the worldwide Wrestling Federation all right well good luck Phil I want a little action here that's how good your hand is have fun boys all right let coming Ray no I've got nothing check it round two between Allen and Phil and again Allen has way the best of it Phil needs a five or an ace to take the lead to raise or call that's the question I asked myself right now coward Phil he check calls another check from Phil as the board pairs on the turn was that was yeah exactly yeah it's good it's a th Hors he's not quite sure how strong Allen is in this spot raise it up but there's one way to find out as he has raised it up making it 19,000 total $122,000 for Allan to call and that is not what he wanted to see Allan Cunningham has called Phil can hit the five or the ace and he shuts it down quickly on the river over $50,000 out there already and Allen is content to check and show Kings and Deuces to take the pot God I'm so mad right now I want to bust Allen so bad I don't have these I don't have these feelings much but I really want to take Allen down so badly right now he's such a nice guy I W the first couple pots against him the field has been cut in half Phil helmuth in the chip lead with 47,000 36 blinds at 6 and 1200 oh by the way you guys broke me I've taken off the hood because it just got too hot the lights plus all the pressure you've been putting on me I'm raise Helu raised it up with Ace Jack cloney's going to Rea with Ace King give us a count please pull in the 31 and then uh to go from there that's too much oh that's right I'm wrong I'm wrong I'm wrong you're right I'm wrong hel me ships it all in and cloney calls insurance I can't Ure it God dang this is BR all you have to be I watch your raise with A7 all week last week scouting report's pretty awful here wow I could have laid it down but I just watched all week every time you're on the blinds you rer people with a week that part I didn't like of your game but it worked El meth referring to a previous poker after dark match that cloney won I don't like the way I played this hand it's just a Scouting Report from last week got me in trouble oh seven Queen Jack I knew there's no way I'm going to hit it against her she's just been too lucky 40 40 20 I mean 20 excuse me so after being down to just 4500 in chips at one point in this match colon Gowan is doubled through the chip leader to take over the chip lead she's got 78,000 nice s clone you had me fair and square both times I know what you're moving in with I know you're moving in with any queen king of race in the last hand you happen to have Ace 10 26281 God was just so annoying she moved in and played all these Ace Rags last week when she wasn't supposed to I knew a lot dang it freaking a joke that's so frustrating God I watched her move in with A6 A7 all these reraises with a weak Ace last week on the TV she shows up with I know what she's going to do with Ace 10 Ace 9 king queen I know at least she overplays those hands that's what I do know she showed up with Ace King come on of course I can't win my coin flip pH Phil Phil I only overplay those hands against opponents that I know will fold 00 another week you know that I watched you all week last week I know you watch me you don't think I can adjust you don't think I can change gears I don't change my hair color for one reason that's not what I do about changing gears well why don't we look at those two hands you did move all in where you didn't get called I guess you're going to try to say you had big hands those times look it's three-handed you're entitled to play fast with Ace rag anyways it's not like I'm probably you're right I'm probably going to re ra with a lot of AC in that spot I mean I just happened I happened to have a hand in that spot they're eight and 16 so s you know I didn't do anything wrong no you didn't nothing at all Lins are up short-handed hand versus hand a little bit of History you're going to get that I know I mean if I didn't watch her last week I can maybe get away but I I watched what she did and I said well sorry I've got it like a blueprint be illegal though Jee he looks awfully scary he's bulked up a little bit too got a little stronger oh oh Jack 95 top pair for helmuth with top kicker but it's top two pair for Alex fox in fireworks imminent buckle up we're about to have liftoff foxin will lead5 105k hel quickly calls 535k in the PO Alex foxin with a little more than 700k behind such as Ace Jack or kingjack that HTH can absolutely have 315 I'm in call the snap all in the snap call in here we go he can do it buddy I me what the had your trapped for three days hit your kicker a million times wow what is it the Jack nine how much you got uh 760 what the [ __ ] all day yesterday I had you trapped hit his kicker hit his kicker hit his kicker come on I uh doesn't seem fair still one card to come is not an ace doesn't see me oh my God in heaven guy raise come on every hand and just flops top two and I'm so conservative I wait for the Four Diamonds to hit I sens he might have a nice hand Queen T of hearts or some [ __ ] come on in about to lose it I know pretty pretty funny Alex cooler me give me your money drawn dead and then cooler me to get it back pretty funny yeah come on what the Justin calls oh and turns another four me might explode after this 1700 bading for 1700 I can't believe Justin isn't just laughing right now he's doing everything he can to keep it together because he knows oh and now he men Rises yeah 3400 me snap calls river is a five 11k in the pot hel me checks what happened it just W spit up down Sor I wasn't paying attention Phil got to see I was like zoning out wow God you have to have me it's just ridiculous yeah he does it is ridiculous I guess all right four gets paid off uh oh Jack for Phil see it so them set up he calls me with bottom pair gets paid off like this middle see people don't understand why I'm whining about this like they don't like only the great players understand what just happened have you all set up and hit every hand so we're straddling right yeah I think so so unfair why don't we just give four he just called me with bottom pair double as what the he's taking a walk he's he a little but Phil's not going to let him get away with this I'll check classic Phil helmouth line check board catches an ace just what the doctor AED the only card he can win with and he bets 12,000 oh wow what are you doing B I believe it's called gambling trying to give me the money huh yeah definitely okay let's go okay Co I believe I believe you're trying to give it to me I know I am yeah seriously sure check Che I mean I don't love my hat right now we have ignition that's 7,000 on I had Ace n on a king king 10 board what you me I don't understand I learned from the best Tom D really why like how can't believe I missed a bet on the river what kind of am I he's going to try to Bluff Phil helus I'm expecting him to try to Bluff me they find I had A9 on a king king 10o that's okay I'll buy it no you can put in four I'll buy it no problem happy I mean how bad does B play I mean he's the one guy I already told him I'm going to he's going to just give me all the money for no reasoned to anyway good job good job and that's another one for you they just found an ace I only when I beat Phil though but I have a feeling I'm going to punish that in short order that's usually how it goes 750 750 huge hand for Nick on the button but how you I've seen that hand crack queens before not on this board Queen 8 du's top set for Nick Wright he decides to check back and make quads 900 900 and this is why we do it certainly there's always some risk associated with allowing your opponent to pick up some Equity or some back doors and maybe give you a bad beat but we can't always fear the monsters under the bed in particular heads up play and look at the beauty of the situation that he has created for himself Maria helmuth zooming but I co it doesn't appear disingenuous at all no goes for the T uses a Time extension makes the call now helmuth has bloated this one to 12,500 and that could be an unfortunate card for Nick Wright's action though would Phil give Nick credit for having check back a spade draw on the Flop so perhaps backdoor clubs maybe a combo draw clubs and a straight draw is where Nick Nick finds himself 7200 and helth comes with 7200 27,000 27,000 which is promptly piled on and a big pot there headed right what the did I do he's going to give you all the money Phil he bets every flop he raises when he's not supposed to raise before the flop and you try to Bluff him what are you doing he's going to 100% give you all the money what the you doing just wait God damn it it's so easy you got a guy who raises every time you limp with Ace Jack you're going to bust them it's 100% coming so was in close proximity to Turning Stone Casino which was 18 and up and you would head down there frequently play some poker many years of experience on the felt but certainly not this caliber competition with any regularity here he is with top pair after defending with the 10 six check calls the 500 C bet oh and a jack on the turn Perfection for helmuth check 1500 1500 I like this large sizing from Huth on the turn just want to charge those draws certainly Nick with a pair is still likely to come along based on his track record of calling fairly light mhm lot of posturing there out of Nick is it looked like he had put together a check raise but instead calls and makes tens and sixes wow and you wonder whether or not Phil's going to pump the brakes here based on what he witnessed on the turn from Nick or if he thinks that's posturing designed to solicit a checkback barring any of that I think going for Value here would be the right thing to do minus any of these reads Jack's with a king I red you buddy snap call uhoh he's up [ __ ] 10 six off calling me down with ace high what the [ __ ] is going on here I mean if a six comes he makes nothing just an offit T what the I mean what the is he doing what the [ __ ] he's winning I mean this is just insane this a mockery of Poker aing mockery of Poker what the is going on here what a mockery man this is my living here off Su 10 from calling station called me with ace high so I know he's going to pay it off what the [ __ ] is going on here this is a mockery of Poker if I were a sour pack right about now I'd be pretty nervous mockery man it's brutal found a off suit 10 form what the I I don't even bet if a six comes really kind a offsuit 10 all those hands they beat me 3x maybe maybe a little bit small even south of 3x slightly maybe we want to go bigger but okay paired flop a sign in good shape here against King n which is straddling that jack of diamonds and let's see how far next takes a straddle we have half pot here from from Phil let us defer to Daniel looks like he's coming with the call seems very reasonable King n jack of diamonds position especially because you know if Phil loses enough pots he could get frisky out of position and just look to power one through naked against the float looks like he's checked already and we have hel with a sort of value bet comes with half pot he's definitely been utilizing that half pot quite a lot today for Helm I I I think we just sort of have to muck we don't love it but uh we're just kind of guessing comes with a snap call at Chucky Chucky Chucky Chucky getting stubborn plus a Chucky checky checky so I mean okay probably just a check winner for next as take it here we go idiot ID I got an idiot all right we got idiot baby LIF off you called 2100 on the Flop to try to float me like I'm not going to call him down with a high I mean I mean how the does he get away with it king9 diamonds is my lucky hand twice ridiculous how like you're gonna you think you're gonna Bluff me CU I showed you all those lay downs [ __ ] man I mean how many how lucky are you going to get Jesus Christ I think I'm going to float Phil because I think he is ace high I'm GFF him yeah good play phly so lucky I think I'll call 2100 with King naan and then I'll call 2100 on the Flop to float fail because he won't see that coming that's pretty funny I think so you're funny so good it's you're my favorite guy to play with cuz you're so good it's insane but it doesn't matter I'm still going to beat you cuz you're going to give it away just like that with King n I'm going to have Kings next time you're going to call 2100 which is stupid you're going to float the turn drawing dead uh just south of 4X from NS and then the kind of Min click up from from Phill in a very playable one from neg so here we go and I think Daniel is very comfortable with Phil's range in this spot I think he has a real sense that Phil is working godi this could be a wrap I mean this really could be it 4,000 4000 and MTH reasonably so is putting in a you know a responsible amount of chips nines and fours here quite strong and uh 25% of his remaining stack yeah no I mean it goes in here of course meaning just it's going in at some point H the slow play here from neg I I'm not I'm not why not just get him to commit the rest right here we are with hearts now off we go let's see check that's the thing maybe like and when Daniel Che calls this text listen spr stacked a pot ratio less than the pot here for hel the S1 12K 154 already out there n is going to put him in I believe he comes with a cuteness oh this is tortuous kind of weird maybe could have gotten it in on the Flop but uh wow standby shows it nine this is uh main reactor is you know you might win this [ __ ] match but I'll tell you what I hate the way you played you played so you can say so you played bad it's crazy what the putting 3,700 in against with four six against I put 2200 in how do you get yourself trapped in case you need it if you want to throw in the towel it's for you if you want you what you've done to me is Criminal should I do it cuz Rocky didn't do it and freaking Creed was getting crushed and he didn't do it and Creed died and I don't want to see bad things happen to my buddy one of those times you got to just be stabbing the river it like oh let's find out together maybe o call call God damn it how all in one time in 35 hands he has done well let's see he finds 10 for all the marbles maybe I'll hit a seven yeah but he's got a lot fewer marbles in case I have to pay Nick then he did I'll tell you right now that's 10 just a few hands back 151 total a double here which he has poised to make though Maria would put him back into that 30 blind range yep and will leave Phil very frustrated hard hearts are work will he have follow through though it's just unbelievable he's moved all on 20 times I'm all in one time in 40 hands things looking clean here comes that River and the TS hold on collecting over 30k in he's all in 12 times me the master I'm all in one time because I know I mean it can't be a flip at least I don't mind losing another flip to you and that's well that's what should make you feel better if it was a flip with that board you that should make me feel better Nick yeah with that board absolutely it's all get out I understand how I should feel better I got you I mean I understand from your point of view
Channel: PokerGO
Views: 627,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KbkQBmcd47Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 29sec (2849 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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