The BIGGEST Misconception About Raiden Shogun

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so you know those people who take something you say and twist it to mean something completely different those same people who take one small problem that somebody has and they preach it like it's gospel but amplify to be a hundred times worse i'm sure you've seen them some of them even live in my comment section there is a major portion of the gentian impact community that takes what content creators and theory crafters say about a character take out the context of team or a very specific environment and make their misinformation everyone's problem so today and over the next few days i'm going to be talking about the ryden yai miko and kokomi banners coming up in 2.5 and overall the goal is just to explain why a lot of the information about these characters is greatly exaggerated or misleading as usual if you do enjoy the video make sure to leave a like and let me know who you're pulling for next patch now without further delay my name is braxophone and in today's video we're going to be talking about the ryden shogun i'll get straight to the point the main misconception about ryden is that she's a bad unit without constellation 3 or 2 or just constellations in general i've seen this all over twitter i've seen it all over discord i've seen it in gentian impact in-game chats people are freaking out about ryden's rerun because they're like i need c2 my ryden can't do damage without c2 she can't do damage without c3 ryden is a terrible unit without constellations what am i gonna do there's usually a lot of doom posting that goes on in this community i think it might just be a theory crafting thing because gentian impact has such a large theory crafting community that these people will hear something from a content creator and then they'll just take it as the undeniable truth and gospel and then exaggerate it a hundred times over i'm here to tell you today that ryden is incredibly strong and brings a ton of value to any team that doesn't revolve around specific vaporize and melt reactions so let me explain we'll talk about our damage in a little bit but first i just want to talk about why ryden is good without damage so genjin has been releasing characters with horrible energy problems for a while after kazuha almost every single unit has had a high energy cost burst you have kokomi with 70 ayaka with 80 sarah with 80 tomo with 80 goro with 80. sayu has 80 and even ryden herself has a 90 cost burst and to be honest i don't think that yai miko is going to be different either now similarly to how lue introduced enemies that made you want to shield up and utilize the geo archon's ability inazuma introduced mechanics and characters that need another character to battery them or to have their entire setup be focused on energy generation there are even some bosses that drain your energy now you can even take a look at the new bishop duo where whenever you take a hit you lose energy and if you don't have energy you lose a huge portion of your health clearly mihoyo wants to give you energy problems they've been trying to make it so you have to build energy recharge on these characters or you have to run batteries otherwise you're gonna have a bad time with new content the same way they're trying to phase out shields by making it so there's some kind of corrosion or effects that can hit through shields this is a common theme with genship they're not gonna nerf characters that they've released but they are going to put in new enemies that indirectly nerf those characters by making their kits less useful but at the same time they want to release characters that are more useful for the current content that's why kokomi is seen as a lot more valuable now and i'll talk about that in another video in relation to the energy problems we were just talking about there were also two artifact sets that were released that are energy based with emblem of severed fate being meant for characters to battery themselves and shiminawa requiring a battery character in many cases so why are all of these energy mechanics being released and why are they being released so aggressively in mihoyo's eyes it's really simple ryden is actually the solution to all of these problems ryden unlocks the potential of almost every single inazuma unit indirectly while you wouldn't pair her with someone like ayaka who's best in a freeze team she is the best battery in the game and can be used with any character to help them generate their elemental bursts consistently regardless of the element that they are does that mean you should throw shogun in any team no obviously now you still want to play her optimally but the idea and concept of her being a universal battery is incredibly strong and incredibly present for example one of ryden's best teams is with eula you can use euler wright and sara and someone else a flex a verdus inventor user there's a lot of characters you could use in that team but the idea is that ryden is going to help battery sara and eula and you're going to be able to swap out and consistently buff your team while getting huge nuke damage with eula with basically no effort at all regardless of what teams are at the top ryden is still gonna be a great universal battery and as long as she's not messing with your reactions she's gonna be usable in any other team but on top of that ryden deals nuke damage now you might be thinking ryden's burst isn't actually that great euless is better gone you and hutow deal more damage with charged attacks something along those lines and you're right ryden's burst potential at c0 is low compared to top damaging units but that damage still isn't bad the amount of damage she can output with just the initial slash of her burst is actually pretty good especially considering it covers a huge area on top of that when you're using slashes in a burst window you're generating energy for the rest of your team ryden's energy generation is really solid and though fishel can come close to the amount of energy that ryden provides there's one thing that a lot of players overlook when they're comparing fishel to ryden and that's comfort of play ryden is extremely easy to get a lot of value out of her elemental skill lasts a very long time so you don't need to switch into her that often she gets a ton of poise when she uses her burst meaning she doesn't get knocked over when using it that often and it just makes her really hard to punish for bad play or lack of dodging on top of that whenever you're using officials burst you don't actually have iframes so that can be really hard when you're against bosses when you need to get oz out on the field but you get one inch punched by a runeguard on top of that if we're just talking about strict free-to-play accessibility though ryden is a five-star official is a four-star brighton does have a very very good free-to-play weapon called the catch which you can get by fishing whereas fishel doesn't really have a free-to-play weapon that's going to be insanely good for her on the same level that the catch is for ryden now circling back to comfort of play i'm not necessarily saying that ryden is at her best when you're playing her without thinking too much but what i am saying is that even if you don't play her optimal rotation she still feels fine and deals decent damage while being an amazing battery now why do people think that ryden needs constellation 2 or 3 well it's pretty simple ryden's constellation 2 and 3 allow her to be a more powerful damage dealer and puts her closer to many other dedicated damage dealers for the amount of field time she takes up having up to constellation 2 can increase ryden's personal dps by about 50 percent which is a massive improvement and enables her to be a strong contender for carry units everyone sees her elemental burst and thinks that she automatically has to be a high damaging unit and i would actually love for that to be the case by default and to be honest she's not a bad damage dealer but if we're being real without constellation two and three she's not going to be on the same level as your kanye who tau xiao any kind of hyper carry let's be honest though fifty percent more of bad damage is still bad but fifty percent more of good damage is amazing if ryden at constellation zero didn't have good damage to begin with then nobody would be freaking out over her constellation two or three she had to be sustainable and playable at c0 otherwise these constellations wouldn't do that much for her but now some people are even talking about how c3 write-in actually does as much damage or more than their c65-star dps i know this can sound really oversimplified but 50 of 200 is significantly more than 50 of 100 if ryden didn't have good damage to begin with then our constellations 2 and 3 wouldn't be as valuable now i get it once you've seen free-to-play units hit over 100k on burst or even higher it's really hard to rationalize a character dealing 80k on a burst being a reasonable pull especially when they don't perfectly fit within multiplicative reaction teams like melt and vape those are always going to be the top of the meta as long as they increase your damage by such a huge amount it's the same deal as when players believe in damage per screenshot over dps the idea that one big hit of damage is better than a bunch of hits that could possibly even add up to more damage than the big one now that's not to say that ryden is amazing damage either at c0 to put it bluntly it's just good damage it's not incredible it's not amazing it's just good and that is why people feel the need to get into constellation two and three but consider this there are many supporting units that deal damage some of them even deal damage at the same time as they're providing their support utility and usually there are exceptions but usually when a unit provides great support they don't really provide amazing damage they may provide what you can call good damage but generally speaking it's the kit combined with good damage that makes the character good and to this ryden is no exception even at c3 her core kit remains the same use her skill generate particles while causing reactions and every so often cast your burst for good damage and generate even more energy with her burst ryden may not be the best damage dealer at c0 and i mean it her damage is not the reason to pull for her at c0 but what makes ryden a solid unit is that she provides more than damage with all of these things considered ryden c0 at least for low spending or free-to-play players will be more than enough to bring your team to 36 stars in spiral abyss and more than that she's easy and comfortable to play making her at least in my opinion one of the best electro units in the game even at constellation zero with all that being said you can pull for whoever you want i'm not trying to say that it's a waste of time to get constellation two or three because it's not it's gonna be a massive damage increase but i know that if i was a free-to-play or low-spending player i would not want to spend over 300 poles to get a character guaranteed to constellation 3. when those 300 poles could go towards new units new synergies and potentially future meta teams right now even with a c0 ryden you can still 36 star abyss fairly easily with bride national often called rational or hyper carry riding with specific units so if you're on the edge about getting constellations you definitely can but don't feel like you need to there are plenty of other units in the game and there's going to be plenty of opportunities to get other strong characters that you definitely won't want to miss unless you're wailing then just get everything [Music] you
Channel: Braxophone
Views: 234,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact raiden news, raiden shogun, raiden shogun genshin impact, genshin impact raiden shogun, raiden shogun banner 2.5, does raiden need c2, does raiden need c3, is raiden good, is f2p raiden good, f2p raiden, f2p raiden shogun, baal constellations, raiden news, raiden shogun news, genshin impact raiden, is raiden shogun good, constellations on raiden, raiden or kokomi, raiden or yae, should i get raiden, is raiden shogun worth it, is raiden worth it
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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