The Biggest Map Yet! - Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal

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so like I said before this is pretty much the only area that I have to sit down so we're going to go for it I'm gonna drop there get our first collector down this time I'm going to go to this edge so that I can drop a siphon in immediately and then we're going to spread collectors over the entire area not worry about any of this crap until we're done and we are going to get several beamers up so that we're not in this situation again so I just need to make sure that I fully exploit all of this and then we need to go around the outside edge as well I hate irregular ground because it takes way more emitters to cover the same amount of space it seems like I do there and then we need another siphon on this side followed by our guys here here here here here here here another siphon there as well and then I should be able to get by with two cannons one on each side to guard the flow right here okay so two cannons is gonna be way less than we were dealing with before once you buy it into the second siphon you should lay some reactors yes that is exactly my plan so I am going to get my defences there I'm going to build a couple of beam weapons and I'm basically going to burn all of the siphons getting reactors up because that was my critical need in the other one was just getting enough freaking energy to stay alive which is difficult sometimes so a good spot to build is gonna be I want to pack in as many as I possibly can so I'm gonna go for three there which leaves me a row for those and then I can get a few more on that side so that is going to heavily deplete my siphons but it'll give me a fair bit of energy moving forward one of the things I've always struggled with in creeper world is the ability to tell exactly how much energy you have available why you know oh because you don't have bullets yet I was about to say why you know shoot emic bang bang but that would definitely hold a lot of explanatory siphoned depleted siphoned depleted and we are eating into our third siphon now what we're gonna finish our reactors did not want to waste any but that was unfortunately all that I could do so we're gonna build another five which we still have a siphon so I really need to build even more go for another or there I can fit one there a couple back what is this lazy it is creeper world a really good old game that's uh unfortunately I do not make the time to play probably as often as I should could it because it is a fantastic one okay so there's my other siphon depleted we're immediately into the hole seven energy but I think we have enough ammo in the front cannons to sustain until we get our reactors done and then once that's complete we're good like we're gonna have plus thirteen or fourteen energy which is going to be far and away above what we had before and my immediate concern is going to be beam weapons so ooh I might actually have a more immediate concern in the form of this creep is actually getting dangerously close to my area come on come on oh lazy I had no idea well welcome back around I'm glad I can play something something that piques your interest that's a bad thing about a game that you don't play super often is that you get rusty as all hell in it and then when you try to jump back into it it just doesn't go well so before we ended up I think we had seven at the same time and a single beam er can kill two spores I think with a full charge without receiving any additional energy but they were kind of oddly spaced some of them coming in towards the northern edge so I think we're gonna deploy five right off the bat we are energy is good holy smokes all right well that's fine I am just going to deploy some mortars wherever I can which might actually be an issue because hello lack of build space Mayan how to juggle a couple of things around before I settle on a solution for this and I think that with our extra energy I am in a drop just a couple more just a couple more reactors to make sure that we're ever increasing the amounts of energy that we have at our disposal one of the things that I do need to go for rather early on is a bit more storage because that helps you with your fluctuations to know a little bit better how your grid is going to react to things creeper world for height train is fueling up dude I cannot wait for creeper world for it is going to be balling I'm gonna play the crap out of it go ahead and drop both of those as well and our mortars over there yeah our mortars are firing okay so what I was curious about was can I get these situated in a way where I can fit I can put one there and then that'll give me space for a mortar in this location which i think is all we're gonna need at least for a while but I just got to make sure that everything is connected in the proper way okay so we need the sprayer and we need to start taking this area away from the creep and I am once again completely full on energy so we're gonna drop four mortars which is going to leave us remaining on full energy so I'm also gonna get in three cannons so once those are built we can send them to the front and use that to expand our line which I think we can already afford to bump up at least a little bit not enough to actually build another node though unfortunately and before brink remembers about the turf and Terps his way through the game dude I don't even have any Terps me a break please give me a break okay I need to focus on using all of that energy so while we're moving to the front I'm gonna go ahead and build two more three more maybe three more and I should probably also build one more Beamer at the top because that is what bit me in the butt last time around also I have literally no beamers on the front side crap well that's gonna bite into my power supply for sure but I think we can sustain it yeah I did not build a single stinking Beamer on the front line dang it Terps are locked yes Terps are the one thing that you should always have in every single game and it kind of hurts my soul a little when I don't get them I'm gonna bump all these guys up to the front it's fully loaded should be fine once these three come online we'll be in a much better position and of course our beam weapons reloading takes a massive toll on our bridge which we do have two more of those coming in I guess I have to build an emitter in range of these things in order to kill them I don't know that is a is a difficult one to know we can't build that guy right there do you know the key shortcuts brink I should by now but I don't hold on so there's me let me try this okay so it's just numbered us ad is for that so r is for weapons t is for Titans y is for orbital oh that's super easy the only one that's gonna bug me is escape for cancel and pause is also canceled we actually change that real quick keys we're going to it's canceled erase that binding okay so cancel is only escape now actually what is right-click do-do-do-do-do-do I should definitely do cancel on right-click I can't that's annoying already used by forge button X that'll work okay back to it then yeah they even locked relays this is they have put everything behind a pay I mean not a pay well I you get further into the game wall this is probably safe to put something down in and then I need to get I'm gonna stick a cannon right up in there shouldn't be an issue what just blew up ah a collector was lost well that's unfortunate it's fine though I've got a sprayer it is all goods so they don't have relays it's kind of a pain because it takes a while for stuff to hit the front line I think that is my least favorite thing about this I think these guys will hold for a fair bit longer I don't know that we necessarily need to be worried about this - more spores coming in looking pretty good on the north side we are going to have to have more units in total though to deal with everything coming in from the south side so I think we're gonna build a couple more mortars through this area just to have something to throw at it mortars are gonna be what I have to rely on because staying my lines of sight are terrible on this Oh oh crap we're good all right good enough for me so that is gonna put me on that's my sprayer so that's my beam okay beam weapons down you're clearing out we're getting anti creep spray it is all good in the hood let me get some of these guys up to the front again with the relays it is painful I'm gonna have to build collectors out every single inch of this I don't actually have space for a collector on the front line we're gonna go up right there which will give me a little bit more space I can also build here and collector has been lost Oh Oh hold on before I go any further this guy you need to actually divert over to this edge because I have a nullifier that needs to go in right here so once that is built we'll have ourselves a circle of power you can launch that son of Italy right down that away eradicate the mess you can configure mouse buttons and the options at the very top but only for a limited amount of options yes I will take a look at it on another day when I am NOT in the midst of a fights I need to move let's move these guys up I know that I don't really have any clear resupply structure built but we can definitely make it happen and get those there I'll actually give us good energy coverage - excellente if I can get one here uh-huh move on in sunny so collector there and if I can get a collector here which it would appear that I can then I can also place a mortar on this little rise in territory that'll help clear this entire area fantastic fantastic [Music] also need my or mine right there and I will need more beamers down towards the front and what sucks about these types of maps is that when you start advancing towards the front you can't just pick up your beamers and take them with you because there will always be more things launching at you so you have to just continually build more beamers this is not a campaign Mountain no the creator of this one was an absolute sadist I would totally agree with you now if I can just stop getting the hiccups that would be glorious I also just realized that I don't have collectors over here which is shorting my grid that's really good music I always forget how good it is so our mortar what is what is your range on that quite substantial actually good for you I just realized that I lost a collector in this area rap and I like gain a small amount of movement here I can put you down here which will work and then connect a collector on that space yes okay that will allow me to clear this area of creeper fantastic sir on ttis makes truly sadistic Maps is that who made this one you made this one I don't actually know I'll have to check it out specifically because that would make it interesting to play I'm sure [Music] oh I need to leave that one cuz if they double bomb this area I gotta have the extra in there to sustain this guy see what kind of sucks I can move these up if you place mortars they're really exceptionally bad at breaking down the frontline you really can't make it work very well and these little guys right here I am going to have to build a relay through this area and I'm not quite sure how to do it so I can build down in here but I have to clear it first so we need more mortars in range to fire essentially can you please just like have a normal amounts of space where I can actually place items that would be amazing thank you I guess that's too much to ask for a map isn't it way too much to ask some small amount of normality and eco whoring if you can't eco what is the point of even playing a map this one is not made by him okay I like the last dev update of CW for the red click creeper late I've done it out the red creeper looks a little bit like hell I could definitely see that I have to confess that I didn't watch the last developer update I was slightly busy with other things that were going on I need to go back and do it I had watched the last few and it is kind of exciting to see the game coming together it's not often that a developer gives that type of preview in into what's going on with the game that they are building I think that I would like to build up here but I am concerned about the likelihood of doom doom seems like a very certain conclusion ooh but I can activate this by building a collector down here which the ante creep will protect and then I can move this guy all the way over here to take this area hallelujah collected to forge I need to build that son of a diddly right now if I actually have the build space tape-record I can build over here I think yes okay we're good we're good we're good and we're already connected to two totems or artifacts whatever they're called yeah two of those thingamajigs over there all right seeing a few Rowi its terraforming disabled I have not unlocked the turf yet that is the problem turf is going to be unlocked a little bit later on once I am actually able to find the dang thing for it it's actually right there I just got to make it over to that side and then we'll be good is this doing me any good at all anymore it's kind of doing some good ish sort of maybe possibly perhaps I'm gonna back you up a little bit then we're gonna move you up to the front and you my friend are going to become home to no I should put a beamer on this yes that'll protect the whole freakin area and then I can remove my other beamers down to the front line it will become much less of an issue dude [Music] the titles at the top sector 23 yes okay so the objective is to get within range of these emitters right here and that is going to take a little bit of convolution these guys are not firing too terribly much anymore I think I need to just leave one and move the other two up to the top of the stack because that'll start clearing this area I need to get access the nullifier is gonna have to go about right there which I can build and range with this I just need mortars within firing range so that I can clear that massive stack of creeper that's going on right there also do I have I do have one more mortar in the back that I can place right there so I don't have another thing in range I'm gonna have to build snipers as well it's actually do a couple of these I have I do have snipers let me build a couple of snipers towards the back I think because this is a bad idea let's destroy that go collector on the front collector collector just got to cover all this area in after we leave it oh no no no no no no no no no that needs to be that needs to be one of these because there's another area where we can take advantage of it I need to leave my mortar on this side to hold the line those will build and be able to kill that later we are almost up to where I can place a nullifier in this area fantastical someone tell me what Matt this is oh sorry I already read that yeah sector 23 up at the top sometimes I glanced over a chat and I have been doing other things and it does not immediately register that hey brink you have actually already seen that comment you just don't think you've seen it creeper is still getting into this area which is very unfortunate I need the anti creep on the frontline I think so let's do full dispensing in this location we are still running zero out on anti creep so our one tower is completely depleting our creep supply so it's actually one two three ratio as far as I know we may need to reevaluate that in the future all right so nullifier in line let's get that things at the deja vu intensifies did I connect to the top artifact uh yes I did speaking of we now have the ability oh look that is exactly what I was afraid of that's what killed us last time there's one two three four five six seven eight eight simultaneously coming in so I have six which will give us a little bit of headroom I think we're gonna do we're fine on energy efficiency we'll do one on or efficiency and then I need to do packet speed times three because the packet speed right now is killing us due to not having relays but that'll make life a whole lot easier that gives us a quicker response time on our reloads and such things yeah I was a hundred percent going for packet speed lazy there's no way you can't do it alright nullifier charging up let's go ahead and get our old hold on I do need to make hat hotkeys a habit and look them up and then I'm not using them thank of it stop it stop taking my things away so this will be fine and then I need to put another one of these guys up on the front which will help us moving forward at a greater pace now this guy I think I need to leave because that's kind of a backdoor into the colony and I need to make sure that we don't lose anything critical right there although it does appear that the frontline is a Folden fantastic I'm gonna leave him in there is a defensive guard we're gonna leave not many beamers because this super Beamer is on the case I'm gonna move those three down to the southern edge that'll give us more space for collectors as well and every little step we take every move we make brings us a little closer to the front line with that antique reef really doing a lot to push us forward didn't have one more I do I have one more Beamer right down there which we need to bring up to the front just like so you why can't you just place I need you to be out here it would be so much more useful [Music] I think that'll work just fine so now we're all the way out here on the peninsula we're getting quite stretched on our supply chains let's see what is a singularity on your Forge the singularity takes all of the creep in the area it requires a hundred minimum to fire so once you get all your upgrades then you can spend it on the singularity but it sucks all of the creep into one spot with gravity and the more points you have in it so you can spend 50 or you can spend five hundred that determines the timer for how long it stays so if you're doing that you can like pick a spot here and it would suck all the creeper back this way and you could build a nullifier right next to that node potentially and kill it without your nullifier being destroyed the disadvantage being all of that creep stacks up and then once it releases it's like a tidal wave of destruction that just crashes down on everything it can totally screw you over it can save you but then if you're not prepared for the wave if you don't kill whatever it was you're screwed on the other hand though it also lends itself towards Big Bertha shots cuz if you pre target a Bertha and fire the singularity right when the birth is coming in that was incredibly close you can kill a truly horrific amount of creeper with a single shot by doing that I think this guy has no place in the back anymore we can go ahead and move him and also drop a couple more of these guys I cannot actually get this into an area that is helpful and that is frustrating so I am just going to clear this do I have one more cannon I have one more cannon I need to get this space empty and then pull another oh I am glad that I put a beamer on the front how many do we have this is on a 104 cycle with one sport yes that's pretty easy to guard against oh I don't think I had to be too terribly worried I have mine set to use only 25% yeah you don't want to use too many of the points at once because it is useful to fire multiple singularities back to back occasionally and if you don't have the points recharged well then no luck but yeah it is a dang good weapon one that you should use and abuse that every opportunity you get that was probably the sketchiest one that I've placed in a long time I am going to build that there and hope for the best so our creep is building up still let's go forge menu full one more or efficiency two more packet speeds that is not working ah there we go okay so design is gonna get me Terps hallelujah we can finally create for ourselves a steady path dear Lord that was annoying and I like not lose that please if in you mind okay so that's built so we can go up here with all of our mortars and start advancing the frontline in a much more real way a little worried ah I lost that collector again no big deal II oh it's fine this is all five and six so I think if I just do like a level six terraform through the center we should be good so let me build a couple of Terps or do I want to go for level ten should I just straight up go for level ten and burn all of yes I totally forgot that I moved that thing wait a minute no that was the one I killed I never built anything on it okay we're gonna build the soup perturb and move that up to the front a second super beam I'm gonna do it right after I use this turf okay we're gonna terraform two terrain heights eight on a five brush size which is this gonna go I need to go directly for this area we're just gonna go right down here okay so once this builds has got to start receiving energy and then yes it is just going to turn this into oblivion and this is going to be our avenue of excess absolutely lovely really wish I could build there actually I could if I turbed it but we're not gonna do that right now yes oh I love you Terps I need you to terraform nearest first because then it takes it straight to level 8 and we don't have to worry about all the crappy right it's free right there I don't think I really need to rewrite their I think I need to move one of these up to the front okay so collector right up on top and then we can draw two cannons side by side and maybe even a mortar I misplace that's Mythili somebody needs to write a Terp to deter theme song because I think this would be hilarious also I'm finding myself needing a hilariously small amount of weaponry to cover my tracks I am going to need a few more mortars a couple more cannons though so we're gonna drop those our energy is still looking fantastic to be honest it's not in a few more reactors just in case because once i unlock big Bertha's we will be able to use a lot more energy than we're using right now because I am sure as hell gonna build some of them so there's our power stall incoming oh speaking of power stall I need to increase my storage amounts that would be something useful where is my energy storage will dump two into that and then two more into packet speed seems unreasonable come on come on finish up please just this once cooperate thank you very much oh dear that isn't actually wide enough terraform 2/9 hold on 8 @ brush size 7 dadgummit it's not wide enough for a tutor it creep that's so messed up also I just now realized that there is another there is another thingamabob or over here where's my other there it is all right so we do actually have a decent front line there I think we just leave him where he's at don't see any real need to get away this I will need to bring in though relatively soon there's him drop another here and another mortar as soon as this turf can't reach anymore which I think it is right at the edge we're gonna drop this turf up at the front line where you can actually help a little better it's not they actually did they put a stupid little hole in the ground so you can't move things up properly the annoying sons of guns and we're going to put our other Beemer and right there fantastic this is the kind of protection that you really need so on one side we have the traditional warfare the cannons versus the creeper with no assistance and on the other side we have the Turk creep just going through as quickly as we can moving this frontline up kind of interesting the difference between the two strategies oh speaking of two strategies which really has nothing to do with the statement that I am making what we need one of these guys on the front line because we are really close to a rather nasty little bug problem that I really don't want to deal with I'm going to try to get these up in here as quickly as I can mainly because I need a couple of these little guys to be able to feed them so how about we actually kill what's in front of us instead of letting the mortars die you think this is a thing that's possible maybe maybe possibly perhaps kinda-sorta apparently not who's making some progress but not enough I go to get lunch and come back to turbo Palooza dude it is always time always time for turbo Palooza where have you been I do think that we can move this guy up that's probably safe bet although I just kind of screwed myself for pathing to find where that is actually supposed to go um I think we have room for a nullifier right here and we do so let's kill that and that'll let us get yet another super weapon online not sure what use the superior weapon will be but we will definitely put something there getting pancit and lumpia what the hell are you talking about armed did you have a seizure I hope it wasn't a seizure or a stroke a stroke that is where I was going with that strokes are bad okay holy mother of bad supply grids this is a bad supply grid oh I hear it lighten up come on you can do it just light the son of a gun up is that oh my goodness we can actually get an Opie Thor it's it's beautiful and here's our relay right there on the front line hallelujah we can place and grab that son of a gun and then relay all the way back because this was getting painful there's our relay okay so relay is gonna be here to there they're gonna make it back surely yes all right now this is going to be slightly more complicated and go there I can kill this what did I say it was shift X yes so there's that deleted yes all right relay is connected we now have a backbone that is lovely and once those connect we can much more quickly transport stuff to the front oh as Filipino food I've never actually tried the Philippine cuisine which is kind of a funny word in and of itself I wouldn't even know where to start with what that is I'll just stick with my cheap American Chinese food which is quite tasty indeed so digitalis is a problem and nope okay so that's not gonna work for you then how do I get to that I think I'm gonna have to go around I think I'm gonna have to do something with this this is gonna be a little easier to get to what I never understand with these is that there's always this one guy that has beaten the map in like 20 minutes and I'm always looking at that and going but how how is this even remotely possible to be in 20 minutes that makes literally no sense to me but there's always that one guy the guy that beats it in two minutes I'm gonna say straight up probably a cheater but I mean there's always that chance that at the 20-minute mark it is a real thing that has just happened to make you feel totally insecure about everything that you do in life I'm gonna drop three more packet speeds and then we're gonna go for an energy efficiency and an AC storage and then probably the next serious load we're going to dump into we were going to dump into range I haven't even sped anything up we're sorry apologies to headphone users we are at one time speed and that is the rate at which my packets are being delivered prioritize build and movement speed upgrades okay that is true if you're building things faster you could be shaving a lot of time off of your completion I didn't think about that of course then again there's a lot of things in this game that I don't really think about so I probably shouldn't be using my own success or failures to gauge the cheating of others although I will say yes the the 2.2 minutes to beat this map definitely cheating 100% there's no other way so now that this is full we can pretty much ignore that side and just keep bumping up on this edge I'm gonna go ahead and drop a relay on the other side I think that'll get us right here and I think I can drop a nullifier in that slot if I get us clear the freakin digitalis because the digitalis is brutal why do you do I need a siphon I mean let's build it because siphons don't hurt to build they don't actually deplete the gem unless you need the energy so there's no reason not to build one it could save your butt later so let's get this in and then I think I can afford another sprayer on the front line let's do that set him to always on and then maybe drop a couple more into or efficiency oh dear I am almost out of range of my beamers crap I totally forgot about that we need to pull several of these down to the south so that we don't get ourselves eradicated because that would smoke we actually move you back there you hear you there and bump all of our mortars up to whatever level we can so that we can get them all in firing range or at least as close as possible to it I don't know how but you can listen to this soundtrack for ages and ages and ages and it just never seems to get tiring it's perfectly designed background music what do you guys usually listen to I've found myself listening to game soundtracks more and more I read somewhere that game soundtracks are specifically designed to increase your focus and make you like more actively involved with whatever you're doing which totally makes sense for how games music should be designed so it makes good stuff to listen to when you're doing other things because it helps keep your brain focused and whatnot I don't know how much truth there is to that but I have found myself listening a fair bit to game soundtracks just overall as I'm doing other things lots of symphonic metal oh that is a good category to listen to as well I can appreciate I can definitely appreciate still listen to pretty much country says Triax nothing wrong with that it's in phonic metal or Night Court what specifically is night court everything that I've ever listened to that says that it's night cor has been some like variation of a it's basically a remix song that's sped up and made higher I don't know if that is the literal definition of night cor but I've been curious about that bashed-in original soundtrack I do have a soft spot in my heart for Celtic music as well I agree on that one Finster dark country what the hell is dark country there's no such thing as dark country you've got to be kidding me I am way overloaded on energy I could be doing so much more right now Triax over here keeping it disturbingly real so I'm gonna put you two up and I'm gonna check the digitalis on you so that we can hopefully keep the digitalis clear for a secondary cannon that will begin shooting everything off of that and then we can start expanding a little more aggressively I think we might do the same thing over here let's actually shoot a turf that direction let's do a Terp right here this is level six or seven I'm thinking it's level seven let's let's terraform at level nope that is obviously not level seven so level six yes little six is gonna work okay so we can just terraform level six on quite a bit of space here and use this to claim this area we'll do the same thing where we put two of them scheduled to shoot at digitalis and then that'll keep it clear for another arguably more vital cannon to come in and aim at something else [Music] of course there's dark country my dog left me for my sister armed I think that I think that I would get along very well with your music tastes that sounds like a pretty good selection okay so now that we've got this relatively well secured actually let me go back to terraforming we're gonna bump this back to eight and I'm going to terraform as much of this as I possibly can and move this guy back because it's not really doing me any good I am gonna move you up though probably you as well because I think if I can get you in a good spot here might be helpful we're going to drop a nullifier on this and hope that we can keep this clear until it fires then I can eliminate that one as well then we can bridge the gap over to this side and start working on some of these areas have I ever heard of Wolfmother I have not I've listened to a fair bit of a monomer though my tractors stole my girlfriend okay new contest hashtag dart country on Twitter and let's just like come up with the weirdest the weirdest titles of country music that we possibly can or catchphrases or just post them to chat but I think that would be hilarious data compilation somewhere of all of these different things nightcore as far as I know is always a remix 25% sped up high pitched version of a trance or dance song and lately I'm coming across a lot of other genres as well okay yeah I'd heard nightcore remixes of a couple of rock songs that I liked and it's not so much nightcore as or it's not so much modified as it is just sped up which is kind of hilarious to me I'm actually gonna build a relay on here this is going to end up dooming me I'm gonna see if I can connect to this no why does that not work like I thought it would it should always work like I think it will so I don't actually get any increase I guess it's just relay to relay boost I don't know but that was abysmal try harder a game crying out loud power symphonic metal bands that is referring to either ancient bards or the other band that you mentioned yeah there's a lot of more obscure stuff like I think that there's room for just about anybody to listen to a band that no one else that they ever meet in conversation will ever know about which is the awesome thing about music there's plenty to choose from you don't ever have to restrict yourself really here's the power symphonic for you okay I know it's not really the case but I just felt like saying it I need to pull these guys out to the front cuz they could be doing a whole lot more good than they are currently I think probably you can go up there oh there is another artifact that I totally need to get a little bit of space set aside for so that I can connect it to the grid that's would be loverly I cannot get two sets there which is pretty disappointing if you ask me let me move gonna move you back cuz I have to get a relay right here Wolfmother is like jimi hendrix ancient bards his power symphonic metal okay oh sorry tracks it's always nice when window check windows changes settings for you when you least expect it so that you then fail abysmally at whatever you were doing okay so this has done a little bit of work we're going to go ahead and drop a couple of these guys in maybe set two digitalis only so digitalis and digitalis and then when those are up there we're going to draw this little guy in oh no that is not going to work at all so you need to be a hello dog how are you doing today Marky I assume me terraform that little section and then yes okay this is exactly what I needed nope hold on we got a finished error for me crap can I just like get there ya go if that last little thing settled in so that I can put this here and then we can finish the terraforming process we're gonna cancel this and then finish that after which we will put a cannon up there which will do marvelous things so you need to go connector a here with a little bit of a relay right there so that we can actually make a connection we've already got anti creep all over the digitalis so that should be no problem just eliminate the blue and then we can move on in yeah windows is always helpful with features that you didn't ask for so helpful excuse me apparently the pepper on that chicken I had for lunch is also super helpful let's see I need probably one more turf because Terps are always useful they speed up the process of things it would also most likely be helpful if I had a fuel line connected to that why can I not place oh because there's one more single solitary little divot in the terrain there that is preventing me why are you being so difficult because I can't actually see what's going on that's why there we go okay so that'll start hammering away on that edge windows features [Laughter] Windows is such a helpful company aren't they aren't they I think we're ready for the next phase of our expansion how successful this will be I don't actually know yet but we are definitely going to go for it it's actually not gonna be very effective at all if I can't get a stupid relay built in a timely fashion there we go we can move our turf over there and then get a relay where he was sitting which will connect everything together on that side but I really want is big purpose well then my digitalis why are you not shooting oh because it terraformed everything up around me while not actually terraforming this spot right here oh my goodness really really that's how you're gonna be okay we'll just finish finish this and let me put this guy up here come on come on I guess that's my bad or for making the mistake of terraforming around the turret that was protecting me meet an that is kind of hilarious not gonna like I get phone calls from a company called windows and I thank them for phoning Microsoft and they run away screaming weird some of my favorite types of people are the ones that screw with people trying to rip others off it is really quite satisfying you know I should not be sitting back relaxing on my tush I should be building more things let's build more mortars let's build more cannons if we can you build one there you build more here this will give us more ammunition for the war a head I might actually attempt mass drops later because that could be quite a good time as well or you should get do I have Guppies I do have Guppies I should build Guppies and get I guess that'll work there we go four of them we can get them all in on formation will give us our little strategic drop going on here so there's our digitalis which should be able to fire at literally everything around here excellent excellent I need to build another Terp as well we're just gonna terraform our way directly into the center here I am curious as to how to kill these maybe the snipers I don't know anybody have any ideas on that also ask to speak to their managers that is also a good one maybe the snipers maybe okay so I've got my massive airdrop potential this is how screwed up the terrain is right here let's just go drop and see what happens this is going to be a monumental waste of resources but I'm gonna have a good time with it so I don't care [Music] I do need this to terraform nearest first though because otherwise this is going to take forever all right mr. Tuerck bring me some more of yourself wow that is an unfortunate level of casualties yeah we could do we could just pick them back up again before they go to minimum health that would make a lot more sense and then we can reuse them oh my goodness this is so efficient alright Terps whenever you're ready maybe if I build I can put him right there then I can put the other one right here so that should work out just fine so as soon as these get done we're gonna go ahead and move a couple more of you fine fellas over this away also on digitalis Duty you actually sign you did you Tallis in the air on the way and then I should be able to put this little guy right there at some point areas yeah unfortunately I can't allow links in the stream because there were some terrible that were posting some rather malicious things to the stream chat and I just couldn't have that so out it went unfortunately nullifier or yes this apparently takes a nullifier I'm curious as to the nature of this one because if I build a nullifier then it leaves the range of the nullifier I wonder if it would long-distance Beeman's from wherever it was when it finished charging I might make the most sense actually all right you get down here we also need another relay and let's do move speed fire rate fire range times as many as we can go for with that range boost that is going to do marvelous things for our chances I'm gonna drop you guys all up here eventually you will get some better spacing to put you in but for right now I think you can take care of yourselves so you start building it and then it will shoot the target once it moves back into range okay that makes sense do one day soon I'll be able to police my tour it's up here I don't actually need these scheduled on digitalis anymore although I might regret this later once I actually do need them scheduled on digitalis somewhere but for right now we shall just deal with it kind of curious what level of ink or what level of torture we require to just like continually place one after the other and as each one runs out of energy it's just dead weight and you just do strictly kamikaze runs the entire time on it might make for a fun time might make for the most miserable playthrough you've ever had any creeper world map let's drop everybody a little closer to the front here grunty thank you very much for the twitch sub man I appreciate that there's no way in heck that someone legally beat this in 20 minutes this is a multi our map yes this is a boost but right now I'm actually overflowing on energy so it doesn't do me any good there's not a viable pathway through here really I think I just want to go in a straight line as quickly as possible around and into here because this I think if I killed that that is how I end up killing the entire map pretty much so we're just gonna go for that route and hope for the best speaking of Defense's oh no this is totally fine he is not doing anything at all to that area all right we got it build you there and then we need a ooh that is not particularly fantastic so we actually terraformed up to where the creeper is now overflowing onto our high level which is less than ideal to be sure but we do have enough cannons here that we're keeping it clear and also anti creep anti creep is the salvation of us all but um actually I need to leave an auntie creep over here because I got to have at least one sprayer that's still doing work in the back end yeah we're gonna leave him as the gateway holder come on come on come on and zap oh it does leave us one sweets okay so we're gonna do that again and then I'm gonna have to penetrate through I think this root is where I have to go because I have to kill that we're gonna need so many of these stupid little guns okay so you should probably go over here somewhere and you're gonna come down this way I think this is a perfect candidate let's drop him on the circle of power because that will eliminate everything coming this way was that my other yes another command node hallelujah so what that is gonna do is that is going to give me the ability to start you see that's gonna give me the ability to start my power chain at the bottom so it's gonna nix the long travel times that we've been experiencing for the last little bit which is absolutely critical moving forward because our supply chain is getting unconceivable along I mean I keep bumping packet speed but after a certain point it just doesn't even matter anymore how about some turps in the back lines to make a good staging area four million bombers that is actually a brilliant idea let's do this so turf a turf terraform let's just get all of this set up we may even mix our mix art collectors and build relays through so that we can get more clean build space also the amount of Terps that I need is to them high but I guess there's always room for more Terps can you do a mass guppy Plus firebase that's kind of what I was thinking with the other one but I'm no longer thinking that that's viable because this entire area is covered in digitalis although no no no no that's a no-fly zone that is also a no-fly zone but I could stage right here this is also relatively uneven ground let me start bombing what I really need is the freaking Big Bertha also this if I could get that this is another command center what is around here there's another Titan there's big Bertha's way over there which I am going to have a very difficult time getting to but this one this one is much more feasible I don't know if I'll be able to do it though we'll wait until this goes for a while terraformed ears first please we'll get some bombers up and we'll see what I can work out I would dadgum it oh but their shielding Flippo appreciate the resub man that is eight freakin months that you've been in here thank you thank you let's go ahead and link up with the relay here I think that'll be safe pretty sure that'll be safe and let's get in range to get our other siphon up okay so this should clear out the area perfectly for all of our Terps to go to work we're gonna get them all up and range come on a little break there it is so once these get done we can tap into that and then start aunty Creek farmers because what I'm thinking live on but what I'm thinking is if I can get a large quantity of shielding up if I can get an anti creep space started I might be able to move my command center over and start an actual supply line over on this side although it's gonna take just a monumental guppy installation to continue moving over maybe that's what I need to do maybe I need to focus on Annie Creek bombers and just tons and tons of pelicans there copies or whatever they're called what do they call Guppies Guppies got these Guppies this game is so satisfying it is kind of it is I wouldn't necessarily say this is the ultimate turf creep but it is a decent turf creep I have done larger Turk creeps we're gaining on antique rebound which is kind of hilarious no we don't have any bombers there's no bombers available dag gummit why is this a thing okay so we're gonna have to actually put a dispenser on the islands which is so dumb we got to get this done more quickly all there is to it we're gonna just build turps in random locations to be able to assist this a little bit more quickly yeah you can build there once he is done we'll shift over and we finally hit our maximum energy utilization so I think we may build more here the one thing that's unfortunate about how this game works is that if I try this gambit and it works I've probably shaved 10 to 15 minutes off the game completion time rather than going all the way around the outside edge but if this doesn't work I still have to go all the way around the outside edge and I have just wasted all of this time and you never know which one it's going to be I think you should just focus on grinding it out I'm gonna do the drop I've got to at least try it I've got to at least try the drop if I don't I will consider myself a failure you got to go for the brave solution man I guess you should build more reactors yeah I should because if my energy is stretched to this degree and I have not even made the jump yet a power stall will literally literally kill me once I'm across so I have got to get it up we are - slightly more than what we're making but it is not yet affecting us badly have you ever found an oxygen and not included that duplicant starve to death causes others to eat the food before they can get to it yeah I've had that happen they don't ever consider which of them is the most hungry they just go eat food if they're hungry the only thing that I've found that eases that is if you put some if you put restrictions on the doorways leading to food what is war is or what the I guess or is what the the easiest yes no yes okay so the plan is to save up a singularity shot this is already this is late level 68 which is just stupid so we're gonna take all of these mortars and we're just going to fly them over here they're going to die they're absolutely going to die but this is going to be what starts are are revealing of the land over here let me leave you on this side and we need to start also getting set up for our jump I may need I may need to drop terms in wait a minute what why did I lose a bunch of Terps just then Oh oh dang okay well I forgot beams whoops that was kind of a critical importance did you do any damage at all 63 64 67 yeah that's no damage at all without bombers this is going to be a so our total dent made was basically nil so what we're gonna have to do is we're going to have to very carefully strategize pulling all the creep away with a singularity shot then we're gonna have to place a shield whine to repel the creep make sure that we have all of the energy let's actually see how much have I got in my forward right now I've got 390 let's pull a 50% and fire right here just to see exactly how this behaves and what land is underneath it aren't bombers the next unlockable in the bottom no I don't think you've ever unlocked bombers this is this is the Thor although that would actually let's go for that that is going to go okay there's our singularity fire and it can pull give it enough time it could actually pull it back to where we needed it but that four three two one boom and there it goes pulling it up to nine hundred hi good God let's go this way kill this and unlock this because if I can get that up we can actually be bubela get a staging area located on the other side but that is going to require a little bit of finesse here [Music] let's go let's go this way I am going to have to build another set of cannons and another relay set to to digitalis and to to creeper and that should clear this entire area and then I can look at relays to get across to the other landmass and go after this I also need two more emitters I think or sprayers not emitters well they are kind of they're anti creep emitters put I'm gonna build both of those out well that didn't work dude set both of these two always on should we're fine if we have these setup that will help push this back and we can devote more and more to the actual digitalis oh that doesn't necessarily connect but I should be able to get no I've got to go I'm gonna have to go this way I think see this is what sucks you can't see what was under it yes faff is what the videos are forged alliance forever like Octavia was saying I never actually played on GPG net by the time I came around GPG was already completely dead and I was on I started on the FAFSA verse so I've never known anything but fast I played I played a little bit on Steam before I came to pfaff I should say I should clarify that I did play a little bit of steam but I didn't have any interaction whatsoever with the original with the original can I set these two creeper and okay I'm gonna put you up on the front get these placed cleanly and then you need to do up I'm gonna put a beamer on you a once again the range on these is just astounding I don't know you may be you may be right I might should just go for the grinds and move across because I'm already over halfway there and that will unlock several more Thor's for me yeah I'm just gonna go for it get a relay up on the front drop one of my digitalis cannons and one of my regular cannons up onto the front edge if I can which it does not appear that I can and we're gonna tear form at level 10 through the front if I can just get close enough to zap this son of Italy then we can put we can get it set up with a nullifier to kill that one from range and then we can kill this with the two spores can you use the digitalis Network yourself you actually can as you can see the anti creep does spread across the digitalis first and it can use the digitalis to jump where there isn't a landmass and that's the only real way that that works so you can see it kind of leeching across right there I am going to place you on the front with another relay and I don't actually need a regular cannon there because the anti creep is doing the job we're also down in the pits on anti creep which is kind of a shame but something that we probably could have seen coming so real a there you are gonna be set to digitalis so that will suppress each one of these areas and no problem I just realized that all my Terps are out of range kind of hard to turf when you can't turf but I can definitely get these guys up here and that'll finish fantastic the light theme is unreadable dude always always use the dark theme on every possible website it makes your life so much easier I kind of wish OBS actually OS is a is an open source program I bet somebody has a dark theme for OBS I wish that OBS had one because it is like a stark white screen over there grunty you should definitely try it I would say that FAA is probably the single best $15 game that you can buy because you don't actually need the original game if you buy FA the way the FA Forever is set up it unlocks all the campaign missions from the original all of the playable factions you don't have to own the base game to get the original three factions like you did in GPG it's just 15 bucks for FA and you get the entire experience but you do have to own FA you can't just buy the original supreme commander it specifically has to be forged Alliance OVS has dark in the settings well I definitely missed that so I will have to go back and take a look let me go back over here and pull digitalis to the front and a regular to the front should help out quite a fair bit all right we're max Ilan move and range it's really just fire rate that I can increase now and good Lord is my fire rate through the freaking roof oh look at this look at this I can actually make the jump across once on earth come on come on come on come on jump across here get me set up on the other side and let the tack this from two fronts not just one that's the best thing that we could possibly do right now I kind of need a turf over here as well these are hitting the digitalis from both sides keeping it off my mortars so that'll help with suppression even more let me see what the range on my nullifier is abysmal that's what it is so I have to actually get up to there in order to make the kill unless I land a turf over here and I put in a relay that can feed it and then I terraform a little spots what do I need three bite hold on I need three by three to place a single unit I think I need three by three okay so we're gonna build this and do what we can this needs to terraform yours first thank you very much dark-themed more like adjusting my screen settings I mean you can do it that way if you want I suppose how am I supposed to yeah I'm gonna have to do this I think let me terraform 210 right nearby oh dear oh oh okay I forgot to fuel those whoops whoops emic daisy pants yeah bro II that's basically what's uh basically what I did the last time around with mine GPU I bought the 980 TI literally the same week as the 1080 came out okay so that should clinch this area and then I just need the one more there it is now we can get a nullifier right there that's kind of sort of out of reach let me terraform across the front oh that is out of ooh oh oh oh oh oh that's what it is we need another relay over there I didn't realize that that was out of fuel but that explains a lot and now it's able to keep it free fantastic I just grabbed a water block for my 970 and Oh see the nuts off of it well I don't from my understanding the 970 was not a particularly good overclocker I couldn't be wrong on that could be totally wrong but I didn't think that that was the case so once I killed this we're gonna wipe the rest of this island out from digitalis I'm gonna put a level-10 terraform on this drop a turret on it to clear the digitalis and then we are probably gonna put a mortar I because the mortars seem to be working pretty dang well the 750 and the 750 Ti are kind of oddballs because they're built on the same architecture as the 900 series is the only cards that I know of and yet I don't know everything but I found this interesting it's the only cards that I know of that within a generation they were built in two completely different architectures with two different manufacturing processes so the 750 Ti is actually aged better has better performance now in newer games than a 760 does and it uses way less power per performance because it's built on what would be the 900 series architecture what was being asked can creep across level 10 yes it absolutely can it uses like wave / rebound physics so if there's lower areas that aren't full yet it will typically fill those areas first but if enough of it is building up that it can't flow away fast enough it will lip up over the edge it just kind of depends on what's going on and there's our space for the relay booyah can also drop another or line so that we're not negatory on that so consistently oh no wait that was the bomber oh I thought that was the Thor it looks like the Thor how was that the bomber so that's the plane dadgummit guys you were right you were right the whole freakin time you were right I was wrong it's fine that's how it usually is well I'm glad I went for it because now I actually have the bomber tech that I needed this is absolutely going to tank my creep so I'm on maximum efficiency now but this is going to just go completely away once these bombers start feeling the highest we had was 500 creeped up I just had a 900 and siphoned depleted so we are oh that was a lot of bombers at once wasn't it we're at minus 23 now oh dear Lord okay so real a loss I guess something hit it maybe some of the spores probably pumped one of these guys over here if I can there we go one of the other things that could be is that because it was power starved this Canon wasn't shooting the digitalis down but no seeing the spores over there definitely makes me think that it was forced yeah a spore landed yeah yeah the natural depth of creeper can rise to a pretty ridiculous degree there's some of the maps that I've been on I don't know if I've ever been as high as 500 I've definitely been into the hundreds before how the hell am I supposed to get that nullifier don't reach yo I have to get onto the landmass in order for this to work and we maybe not let me just like build all this up and see if I can connect it - probably also have one of these lovely fellas in the front because otherwise I am going to get bored to death I also need a couple of Terps at the ready so that I can terraform as soon as the opportunity presents itself and we can creep into the landmass there so whenever my auntie creep catches up that means our bombers are full which it does look like they are doing now and I'm just going to schedule the mother of all anti creep bombing runs on this place and see how it goes if we actually make any progress Roey surely it's only one weekend right and he asked him to move his to Sunday whichever one of you whichever one of you scheduled your tournament first the other one should be so kind as to move theirs to a different day I would think I mean I would hope people shouldn't be that much of a butthole all right so we have now effectively uncovered this and this is going to be a royal pain okay so as soon as this passes the next time around we got to build this ASAP although we may not even be able to do that can I build I'm gonna move this over here can I build an Ola fire that reaches that I might not be able to we need to get a relay built right on the edge and do what we can maybe just skip a weekend on your tourney I don't know I'm gonna have to rebuild it yeah this needs to go back here somewhere okay so we get another digitalis on the front then you go over here see this is where it gets super sketchy oh no I can't move that wrap this is actually bad I need another turret right here that can fire in digitalis otherwise this is going to get screwed digitalis check check check and our bombing run is ready let's go every single one it's gonna drop right over here all right let's see how it does anti creep incoming oh and it immediately just melts the base off of this we'll let that run for a minute see how it goes oh this looks a lot better kind of kind of sort of maybe perhaps possibly let's wait until as soon as this goes by and then build this at the furthest possible location away from it come on come on come on bill bill bill bill bill bill bill bill bill Bell Bell Bell billed you dirty son of a gun why can't you go quickly Oh hold on let's try a shield shall we that might be a little bit better how are you guys doing up here so the creep is now 64 deep again but that is mostly due to the fact that the bombers have stopped dropping so we need to see what it looks like after a bit because it's probably going to get depleted we build two more shields I always forget that shields exist for some reason he made his yesterday oh oh so you you're actually the guy who scheduled his tourney you should have posted it sooner man excuse me good Lord forgive me for not hitting the microphone on that that was not exactly the best can you maybe not okay so it passed let's move the other shield up and another shield up I don't think I'm gonna get another shield let's see how this goes so these have absolutely no effect on the digitalis at all so I need to move this guy back away over here somewhere and I need to put another digitalis cannon on the front these are like the little optimization puzzles that are a royal pain to deal with yeah I should have moved to Canada okay more cannons more cannons all right bombers I need you guys to auto bomb we've seen any of the bit of videos that pebble crackers made of cricket world before yes I have it's gonna take some getting used to on the graphics style because it's just really super different but I think it'll turn out well I mean he's done a good job even when he tried other game ideas like particle sweet where it's a totally different style of game it's worked out so I don't think there will be any overwhelming issues I'm gonna move this guy out to the front line and then trying to get mr. NOLA fire built in the back I'm gonna see how this acts once it comes up oh crap yeah that's an instant ko how in the hell how do you build it there with that stupid thing passing every single time you can't build unless okay I'm gonna detail form this hold on we're gonna try a different route so you're gonna fly back across let me think about this strategically you have 1900 Tek available yes I do let me pick it up I don't need energy efficiency I could definitely use fire rate I could definitely use build speed I could definitely use packet speed and probably that'll be fine okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to terraform back down to level 1 the area around this so that I only have this little space here that I can build that I can build the nullifier on and then I'm gonna see no it still does it it's still overlaps the freaking path what on earth what is the solution here can you tap on your side I can turn there's no area where this passes close enough to lands Oh unless I go over here but I can't really do that because none of this this is all digitalis the actual hell am I supposed to do North East part looks vulnerable for being nullified across let me see if I can okay so I can build over here can I build close enough is the question oh it didn't actually go on top of it that time nope it's not gonna be close enough alright nullifier being built come on come on load you son of a gun is it gonna actually kill both I might actually kill both oh no no crap but hey that actually did answer a question for that I had about using a strategy in a different way another time okay so we got this done let me build my nullifier here and then it should charge and fire only when that thing comes back around good good good good so this should charge up it may not fire completely come on come on come on come on come on come on come on you got to get the full damage cycle in and it's good it is good fantastic finally okay so we got that terraformed we can drop one of our digitalis guns in right there one of our regular guns in right here once that's done and then we are going to be golden actually and a nullifier reach yes it can these cannons are so dang strong build that there and we need to terraform just a little bit more probably right there so that we can get another relay across see what progress our bombers have made we're down to 53 to reign height over there which is a lot less than it was but it's still not going to be enough and we um oh that relay does not actually reach build right there auntie creep I know I know I know I know I know I'm just waiting for this to come over here and fire again it's slowly but surely depleting the num the amount of creeper that is over on this side I think I might be to the point where I can start thinking about a fire base over here as we're continuing to hit the southern side I'm gonna drop hold on I'm gonna drop a bunch of these guys I'm gonna drop quite a few cannons mortars rather and then I need a couple more shields so there's our shields and then we need way more Guppies so these are gonna be all my energy Guppies and then we're gonna need I think I think we're just gonna turn these back to energy as well I don't know there were four up here put them on pockets so then we get more power Oh and now our energy is tanked as well oh there's always something take that it's usually the power did I max the AC production upgrade I most definitely did my man most definitely did was that I must have been a s'more you need to be digitalis and let's go relay right there just connect it and we'll be fine there we go all right sweet and we've connected for another base station so we can actually drop a command post over there if we need to oh oh that's bad relay need in c'mon ma where is our other I could have sworn we had another one of those there nope hold on that's digitalis but you know what that's okay because we need more digitalis there he is over there okay so he's connected this is that that's good we also need a beamer to come up to the front line [Music] yeah this is just gonna take some extremely concentrated effort for a little while and we should be fine oh all right bring would you ever do a D&D stream I've never actually played the indeed never ever how I ever I am NOT opposed to it it might be very interesting to do at some point but I've just never never done it okay it is about to be time for the mass drop of the century into this area over here how much do I have saved up on my Forge 1000 so we're going to go to maximum level singularity we're going to wait until the Bombers are on the way and then I'm going to coordinates the largest drop that I have ever done ever anywhere okay so in comes the rest of the bomber fleet hopefully possibly perhaps in the near future yes okay so we're going to drop our singularity weapon right up here to collect everything we possibly can on the northern edge then I am going to pull all of my shields and everything over to here so for now these are just going to be placed up where we can keep track of them I also need my Guppies with all available units to come up here oh crap just go that is going to be also [Music] yes okay that's a sprayer good good good good good we can do the Guppies after we space everything so I'm gonna have to kind of see what is going on over there before I actually make the drop in because we do have to deal with a bunch of rough terrain that is unfortunate but I need to make sure that everybody is already flying that direction so that our spacing comes closer together upgrade power generation I will do it the next time around so I also need let's pull these two mortars up here and if I can get mortars on the ground while that is still firing that is gonna be huge because I will be able to pound that position with mortars allowing me to eliminate just an ungodly amount of Crede very efficiently so we've got a hundred and twenty six seconds worth of singularity saved up this is either going to be brilliant or be a disaster well we all know it's gonna be a disaster you not okay so we're just gonna like randomly move you to a different area till we see what comes clear oh dear Lord oh dear Lord okay pause so I can kinda sorta see what the terrain is now let's do okay so I've got a shield here I need to do shield shields we're gonna kinda cordon off a group area so there's a shield here's the shields and here's the shields okay now behind the shielding we need to put approximately all the mortars and I don't know if this is actually going to work or not okay so here is space we can go mortar mortar a look another shield [Music] dude [Music] dude [Music] okay so that's a nice little clump of four mortars and they pull you over here you over here except we are now out of space and it's hard to see what's going on underneath good lord okay so Guppies cancel out this is gonna take a fair amount of concentration for a few minutes here we need two Guppies do I have room for a guppy ever here I kind of sort of do but it is going to be at its own peril so we're going to drop a couple more pelicans in on this side Guppies sorry I need one up here somewhere because otherwise otherwise I'm not gonna be able to power the forward shields sprayer I need you somewhat towards the back this is this is unfortunate I pull you two down here because we are going to need a rearguard of some sort to try and help eliminate all of the stuff that's gonna be left over in this little plot this is another mortar so we need him over there oh no that was that was a Terp actually that was a Terp which shouldn't I shouldn't be worried about too much are you gonna drop your other command center if I can get the police Terp tin where there is enough territory for me to drop a command center in then by all means yes I am going to drop the command center in my biggest concern right now though is getting to the point where I can actually establish a foothold so you need to come down here as well alright this means to fly back over here let me just see what that one does you need to come over here you need to come over here there's no space why is there never enough space and everything immediately starts dying okay so I think to a certain degree we just have to kind of sit here and hope for the best what are we losing we're losing shields we're losing everything I see blue on the ground though hallelujah let's go ahead and build another round so for weapons we need a few mortars we need a few cannons and I realize that this is gonna crash me out at a really inopportune time on power but it has to be done and then we're going to get shielding back up I shouldn't have sent the shielding in at first because the shield gens are really fragile dropping another command center there but not work as the command center would have no power yeah it wouldn't until we were able to build an actual power grid over there okay we did it we have Guppies on the ground with functioning cannons with sustainable infrastructure it is not all over let me get let me get a couple Guppies we're gonna pull them in what do we have ninety four seconds left we have a minimum and a half a minute and a half so I need to get these guys connected in so that we can refuel all of our stuff guppy you can go there do I have any other I need you to come this way okay do-do-do-do-do-do and that burned all of our infrastructure really quickly I'm gonna set you up over there you up over here and then I need to build a relay node somewhere in here probably right there okay so this relay node is going to tie the pelicans together where they're able cancel that move you up here where you're needed so this is going to allow everything to share the power that it's getting and I need a relay node over here I'm gonna have to build one up there at some point okay how are you guys doing I'm build you are built and you have one in the chamber that is 1/t so we're gonna get them right over this way bloody okay guppies coming in what did I just lose I lost something we'll see you in a minute so the mortars are just pounding the crap out of this area which is exactly what I wanted and I cannot really terraform that we got to get another guppy in here I have just got a fit Oh hold on cancel cancel cancel cancel I need to pull a guppy from one of these areas are you parked anywhere already I don't think you're parked anywhere already [Music] and we're minus 8 on energy oh dear board can you set one or two Guppies for auntie creep or your sprayer no I'm not going to because actually I'm gonna move my sprayer out and just destroy it yeah you go up there thank you because that is another valuable space that can be taken up with another mortar because I think the mortars are going to be my salvation where can you go right there and there's the anti creep and there's our Guppies we did lose a mortar on the Southside so I need to pull actually I think I'm going to pull a cannon in because that is an area that doesn't look too terribly well defended otherwise so the goal here is to just stack as much anti creep as possible in one area what do we got 27 seconds left not much time not much time 27 seconds left in which to eliminate as much creeper as possible and build a sustainable infrastructure I'm gonna move you out slightly we did lose the sprayer I'm gonna build a relay oh you did not actually build a relay oh dear really there and I do believe all of our guns are connected look at that we are 1600 high there is no way in hell that this is working good lord if I had a Bertha if only I had a Big Bertha I could hit that spot and it would work let me see if I can fit any other shielding around the area anything to just delay the inevitable as this crashes down upon me and before time runs out and everything insta dies I mean it's likely the only bad thing about this is that this shielding is going to do weird things with my auntie creep might not be the best thing it's connect on that side I think I'm gonna have to be content with that okay so all my mortars came in good good good four three two one and crippling relentless wave of creep comes in but the anti creep is slowing it down we're down to 40 tore it to the rear please and thank you save all of our firepower alive if at all possible and keep it at a close proximity where are you at you need to go you actually need to stay where you are okay we'll pick them up oh my goodness this might actually hold hold on hold on another mortar slot we're gonna get a mortar slot right there our shielding is up at the front that one's gonna die hilariously need to move you see this is the problem the terraforming here is just terrible terrible absolutely terrible two shields lost not much I can do about that you sorry I need my guppies back hurry with the power dispensed the life-giving juice yeah and pelicans dropping everywhere but the ante creep is back oh dear Lord I think we might actually save this we are we are going to save this holy smokes ah Tara what terrible I give up now um oh you're right I do have but see then I'm just gonna be saving up another wave and I only have 615 let me just like do this so it'll suck to the rear and help clear the space around this okay so all of our Guppies are employed except this one which I am going to bring in right there as another power source and then we've got four more Guppies over here is there any other areas that one's safe we've got a safe spot here and then I've also got a safe spot there I think the rest of this is taken kinda sorta if he stayed safe spot there Wow the power just gets annihilated as soon as the Guppies set down that is insane okay so we got 45 seconds there let's go ahead and pull all these right up yeah it is coming together it is coming together there are two free AC deposits on the bottom there are where at oh there's one right here you are right good sir it will build a relay here and then build our other or mine there with a digitalis cannon that shall inhabit this area to cover that I think that'll work just fine okay so we're coming in I can't believe this actually worked like there is no reason that this should have worked but we have a sustainable foothold on the base now this is crazy are you not are you still filling I don't think either one of these is actually servicing an area hold on we got to get him across there's an anti creep locale at that space if I don't have a command center can it routes things correctly we get a relay down let me just build an ore mine just for just for giggles get a sprayer down to use that which will be set to always on did I see a power gem at the bottom you did but it is under creep plant this third command center I will as soon as I get some turps up I have to get Terps online out here in order to get buildable space because I have a meal I think I'm only gonna do two so that I don't absolutely crash the power structure or for my base I don't actually mind having all of the anti creep over here because it just spreads out in a pool anyway so this gives us a beautiful staging area to work from all we got to do is punch straight up through the middle there's our Terps they're fully loaded let's go to terraforming level ten and we're going to do a nine size brush straight up the center and this will start our creep towards the middle need more bombers not a chance I am already look at my ante treif I'm minus 30 minus 30 on anti creep is not a good place to be when you're trying to sustain the thing so this is collapsing now we were at 200 deep coming down to negligible deepness so terraform nearest first terraform nearest first I may actually be able to sustain two more Terps on this because the anti creep has now reached that's the thing with any creep once you get enough anti creep in one spot it doesn't actually it's not actually that difficult to sustain an area it's just getting that critical mass up which we now have and anytime it starts to fail we get a lovely bit of bombers coming back in that can push all this stuff out even more ship decks that son-of-a-gun we don't need shielding on that if you're not -100 you're not trying hard enough I would like to more efficiently deliver creep to the location that I want than to pull myself that negative contrary to what people might believe who have seen me play other games get the relay down and then we'll start I'm actually going to leave these know I could pull I could pull weapons from the core I don't need to worry about that so these Guppies I am just going to leave in the safe zone and we are going to project using the relay stations all the way up it's amazing how little build space there actually is here I'm kind of amazed that we did not fail epically so we're just going to move up with a core of with a core of mortars and then cannons down each side to just break a path through for the Terps you guys need to all be terraforming nearest first so that we project the point properly it's inefficient being above 5,000 power I mean energy I do like the idea of grabbing all the AC from your face and then guppy hanging it over that is actually a super good idea collects always on collects dispatch sorry dispatch that's what I needed okay so that should be able to refuel the Guppies at a startling rate let me go ahead and move up with you guys and now the ante creep is entirely self-sustaining that is beautiful also this is beautiful if I just had relays to power at all maybe move the bomber drop upwards slightly um I don't think so well actually here I'll use cancel that I'll use half the Bombers and drop them up here oh wait no that's air denial space that's right now it's working all right cool cool cool we get a lot going just fine and dandy got to have our symmetrical base going yep okay so you guys are defending just fine all of our Guppies are sustaining just fine I need to move up and terror for him a little better which is kind of difficult when you have basically no space come on come on there we go [Music] okay so that's gonna be where we need to end up with a nullifier and I just need to get well that was disappointing I don't know that I even need all these cannons but I'm building them anyway we do need another relay right up here and a nullifier because I just realized that that's one of the gun is doing tracks right there and we're gonna need something to knock him down with well that's unfortunate you're doing it wrong you need one more anti-air at the bottom for that man a nullifier for the UFO yes that is where I'm going right now oh oh he just passed over okay so weapon we go nullifier as far back as possible and schedule the bills so that'll charge up and come in and smack him upside the head also I think yeah these guys are losing track so Terps need to move up to the front this is a long mountain long ass all right Turks are in range let's kind of lost how did we not oh we don't have enough pelicans that's what's up all right me turn two of you off dag gummit we need more pelicans but we can't actually do anything useful with that because we're just burning too much energy in general over here so I need I just need to I think stall really really hard for a minute and get more energy up also energy efficiency times 10 I forgot about that one as well place a nullifier inside your own auntie creep not on the platform that is a valid point indeed I may have to look at that but let's see how this one acts in just a minute now that we have in ever-increasing amounts of energy let me pull let me pull more Guppies because we have the space for them now so there's no reason to not have more on the platform to have more energy available I've I've been going all this time without my energy upgrades that was stupid absolutely stupid but it is how brink dude okay so there he goes he is through let us build our nullifier right there and we need to get a relay up in front get our cannon outs and then I need to move my sprayer up to the top because if there's a layer of anti creep available oh also hold on let me set a thing down here so we can enable the collection yeah that's not even doing anything okay hopefully it kills it what oh well it didn't die so that's good let's move you over there oh dear oh dear I forgot to build femurs up towards the top what they're overflying anyway so it's fun Oh hate that all right there's two of those soon as this Tara forms we are gonna go in for our command center so that we can get all that set although we could actually just schedule one of these guys to be for AC and then the rest of these we can just start laying out relay needs to go here here here and here and then we'll get the command center down in just a second oh stop wasting an energy portal on a cannon you don't need there put a gen there oh that is true we could do that but this is more true let's unlock a circle of power that we can drop a freaking cannon on and hit the entire surrounding area with oh boy let's build you there with a relay there to connect and I think that's GG as soon as we kill that we're done oh this is gonna be good Belma I just gotta finish it off we can get the pelicans in we'll be fine I know that we're taxing our energy systems with the amounts of tarping that we're doing but there it is Oh wait are you serious right now that didn't gg the map I have to kill everything I'm up here feeling all accomplished with having gone to the center of the map and actually killed the thing you need to kill the flying one too so I need to kill that how the hell do I kill that okay so I need to go over there let's let's kill this stupid actually no we don't need to kill the stupid no-fly zone um let's start a new bomber campaign right over here where we are going to go for another epic drop Terps I need you over here with relays built-in terraform to level 10 all the way over this way if an you please because I need to be able to get over to this side and then we're just gonna drop approximately all the cannons over here once that gets done but hopefully we can get a foothold on this and then when this guy comes around we just need to get this we just need to have a staging area on this platform where we can build a nullifier that's all we need that's it lazy whatever peanut butter jelly peanut butter jelly peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat where did that come from a turtle Megan seriously what brought that to your brain is that really what is occupying your valuable mind space at this time I guess there's nothing wrong with that I have definitely definitely had stupider ear worms more stupid ear worms whatever [Music] so I'm just gonna do this and it's gonna be epic because I'm going to start clearing this entire area okay so I was correct this right here is directly inside the pot so I need to build like right here somewhere check name Lords not right this second pretty sure you have enough research to pull the creep for the rest of time and space break yes I do actually when this comes around again we shall establish ourselves for right now though we're gonna let this do its magic and just continue with the ante creep yeah I have projected so much ante creep this game that is not even funny is just stupid amounts of auntie creep I just got to remember to go back and look when we get to the points where that thing is coming around again because as soon as we're able to build it we need to do so although it's gonna take a little while for these guys they're almost down through it it's only 15 high now the antique read bomb is slowly but surely working this looks like one of my games just less AAA I think stupider is appropriate what it's well see the problem with this is I am married to an English major so when I say things like this I can just feel Bell cringing from the next room so sometimes sometimes I take the care to correct myself because reasons and sudden things [Music] time for a second command center in additional power generation I could actually drop the second command center and I totally forgot about that so there's that we now have another energy storage and a full extra power grid that is now being supplied so that's fine and dandy I can also pull a sprayer too right over here with a relay connector oh wait hold on that isn't appropriate cancel there we go okay so those will join and then I need not to build more cannons to move more cannons over to the fronts [Music] you are much more better at English yeah if anybody ever wants to give Belle an aneurysm just like going to discord and start typing in the most incorrect manner that you possibly can and then yeah yeah then it'll it'll grind your gears for sure why am I telling you this she's going to hate me now also why am i moving these forward when I have the ante Creek right here at my disposal we're down to six thick so it's only gonna be a couple more minutes and that'll be down to ground space although we do have the singularity where is the thingamajigger it is over here so as soon as this is coming in I'm gonna drop the singularity and then we'll build our node next Photoshop ideas I suppose I suppose all right incoming so let's get the singularity ready to fire rates over here I see bare ground it is happening so once this goes then we need to put a couple of Guppies over here and we just need to build the nullifier 240 seconds good lord okay as soon as it goes by as soon as it goes by as soon as it goes by no rock it's way too much creep still dadgummit I might have to make the connection over here you have got to be kidding me and I get some more Guppies I need Guppies with anti creep carrying capabilities so that we can then build additional sprayers which will do additional spraying on this side of the map need more Terps to possibly I do need to move the Terps that I have up that's for sure but we're almost over to the edge and then I'm just gonna put the put the sprayers on this side and just start endlessly bombarding this edge here that is 638 high just not actually as high as I thought it would be that thing though is spraying a lot more creep then the other one was so let's do let's take you guys put you back over here let's pull a nullifier right here because I can build a 10 high wall around this and I can build the nullifier on this in order to hit that from farther away I just got to stack the ante creep up really high over here and there's that so we're done let's pull all of these guys excellent day excellent day we can connect our main relay system right over here good this is all gonna die of course as soon as this thing comes around again but I'm just doing all the damage I can in the mean time Browdy I don't know what to tell you about a chill game man most of the games that I don't play are particularly chill well I guess this one is chill to a certain extent do we drop a Terp over here hold on gonna drop a Terp on the back side and one of these pelicans on the back side as well and then we're going to terraform at level 10 on this which is not going to be available because of all of the death and destruction that's happening around here right now well crap bumbum although let me get my relays built again relay relay okay so get my relays up let's take you we're gonna land hold on cancel terraform and there goes my Terp Thank You Mitch why you gotta be so rude [Music] all right so that's gonna be completed just got to figure out the puzzle here battle Tech has become my chill game I can see battle tech being a chill game I can't I'm gonna go ahead and do digitalis only and drop this right here that's gonna have terrible sight lines terrible sight lines for shooting but it should provide us with some relief okay so now that's gone what on earth oh oh oh oh okay screw you okay um let's see did I build more I did build more of these so you three you're gonna be anti creep and you are going to drop right here why can I not drop more than one that's super weird super-duper-duper weird well that's fine because I can connect to the relays there so it's all good all right so we got sprayers I'm gonna build extra sprayers over here move these up to the front there's another one here that can be spawned that can be killed I think we need to move this off we need to get our turf back okay so that is coming in super quickly so I'm gonna need to build this like right there to defend this area then when the Terp comes in we need to terraform to level 10 terrain height and then place it again so that we can clear the entire area of everything oh dear lord the singularity is about to break crap crap crap crap come on come on come on there we go this is gonna be super bad SuperDuper duper duper duper bad but it does appear to be holding at least slightly so you're gonna move back to right here why are you not oh because you ran out of energy and nothing is connected that's why okay we'll hop back over there nine eight seven come on just connect those last two thank you okay so go back there and now we get the cascade failure which hopefully will not end in our doom looks like this is sustaining the anti creep hallelujah just in time just in time for our favourite floaty boy to come back around and destroy it all for us so lovely so lovely I am just thrilled every single day by the circumstances that befall me in this game it is amazeballs yeah so about that I'm gonna have to disagree with your plan for me so I'm just gonna kind of build drop these over here maybe get a relay up on the backside and go here my only real hope is that my creep is stacked high enough wait a minute where did it go hello where you be oh he's right there he was over me the whole time I just couldn't see him because he was actually not leaving a trail oh my goodness this is perfect you will win 24 canons 1 floaty boy I hope you're right hope you are right we're gonna nullify their I don't need to worry about my wall dead I get is build a NOLA fire the next time it comes around actually let me disarm this it'll charge and then I can arm it when the thing is flying over yes all right we have a plan we just have to wait for floaty boy to get all the way back around oh look I could have actually done it up here as well well crap no I think they purposely I think they purposely made holes in the environment around here so that you can't do that yeah I can make more than one I don't know why I need redundancy though because if one of these goes down they are all going down there is no doubt about it I do appreciate the fact though that all of this is now under my control completely so we have successfully beaten the creeper back into this one little area in fact I can just go ahead and build let me just do this cuz there's no reason not to just in case this doesn't end the mission let's go ahead and drop an Ola fire there and nullifier there okay so there's that one and then eventually let me just like pull a drop out here which I can then use to reach up into that and nullify and then that is gonna be a little bit more of an issue but not too terribly great a one here he comes almost back around yeah ASC is anti creep I beat your time of 2 hours and 11 minutes oh look if you've actually played this one cool do you know what the end condition is yeah I could definitely build more energy hold on just to say that we eco horde to the max oh that's the other ones okay I was about to say did I deactivate this what on earth is going on all right incoming love to see how a creeper world game with spherical worlds like planetary annihilation works dude that would be way too confusing way too confusing okay incoming incoming it's in range yes no no don't tell me we actually have to do all of it we have to kill literally everything so we have to kill all the spawners all right I've got one more two more three more four more over here five but I can get this one right now come on come on give me a spot so there's that one thanking at a nullifier on this edge I was really hoping that it wasn't going to be that complicated but it just had to go and be that complicated usually when they give you that nice juicy target in the middle of the map it just means that you have to it just means that you have to kill that and all the other creeper dies yes there's a birthday cannon token somewhere here where was it there's the bomber there's the birthday cannon so in other words I did this in the hardest possible manner to do it in and still somehow want it in a reasonable approximation of the time to complete it shouldn't take me that long to finish this I don't think do [Music] all right relays I need a relay up here this is actually not there is no regeneration right here at the creeper because that doesn't emit creep I don't think oh dear bored oh dear Lord stop why you do this thing I may need a Beemer up there it's just gonna go off that way harmlessly that's fine that's fine nullifier drop on in there you got to get that thing built to eliminate that then we need this guy should be right for a terraform to level ten and then the installation of an auto gun awesome what does that blue square icon thingy oh I forgot about that nullifier hello this is what spawns those little walking things these guys right here but I think it has to be covered in creep to spawn them alright so year down good there's another one down better than duh duhhh another one bites the dust but of them um another one bites the dust and another one's gone another one's gone another one bites the dust all right bombers get on that mission you think I turned off one of these collectors yeah dispatches or so that should catch us up on our antique root means and that'll give us a huge leg up on that [Music] oh that has no energy probably be helpful if I built some wouldn't it come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on there we go all right we're good oh you can build the build a birthday boy on them for some reason yes you can build them on a power spot and they do a try shot instead of a regular shot three bullets out which does a massive amount of damage that's my favorite thing is to use the singularity can and then plant some earth a shot directly on top of it works freakin wonders all right so we've got spores over here as well that I can drop a drop a nullifier on and then if we can get a relay close by then I can terraform to ten that would require a turf though let's pull a Terp in so we can terrify to terrify terrify take a form to level 10 and then use that to beat the digitalis back yet further [Music] do I want to build there I think I do I do indeed so that's gonna keep us clear digitalis I can build up on that we do have another totem there but I don't think I actually need it there's one and there's one let's do our level 10 tear form here which will hopefully go just fine I think I'm gonna move some of these guys up a little so we can make sure to clear this and then drop one of them on the circle itself terrified a level-10 I think that's what I think that's what it's Oh Jason I think that what Jade that's what Jason is all about need to get him up in here digitalis is one of the most annoying things in this game but it does make it very challenging so I suppose that it is a mechanic that is necessary rap today at ten and I'll sue midnight it's not giving me the option to postpone it anymore Windows is getting really freakin aggressive on this I guess they have a exceptionally important update that they really need to get to me because sometimes they're insistent like that Jason is just up for slaughter at level 10 Freddy is the one who needs fear okay I will accept your reasoning it does make sense as you probably guessed from what was going on in the game yesterday I am not big on oh crap I have to have one checked here we go I am NOT one that's huge on the horror genre she's not something that I'm typically up for so there goes that that's gonna be a little 10 terraform as well awesome and do you need to get up to the front with this though which is going to require another relay methinks excellence oh no a stupid Turk died Terp why you let me down why did I have it so close to the front actually well that was totally unnecessary oh oh hold on relay come on come on come on [Music] back up a little it spreads so freakin fast through the digitalis it is stupid come on you need to go digitalis too because otherwise I'm doomed back up back up back up okay we're safe they're relay and use set back down so we can fight back up to the front good rip in peace cannons yeah so if I get up just a little bit farther I think I can get a cannon over on this side my problem is going to be that I can't actually you know what this is stupid let me go this is level three let me terraform it actually did go let me go back down to level three which means this might be level 4 for these that are untouched there it might be level 2 su okay so they can all go down to level 2 this is level 2 I think so now if I plant this in here well then we need it at level 3 and while that's doing that we are gonna go investigate our progress so this is now an accessible area let's relay across doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo can I like make a connection across here thank you very much I don't know if that is actually sustainable but we will go for it because I can get a nullifier right there and that will make my life infinitely better so there's a nullifier on that and then this I think is my last one all of the rest of them are dead oh no wait wait wait wait there's one over here so I actually need to thread this is always such a pain to get around this stupid digitalis I need to go over here then over here nope that's not gonna work can I make it all the way to this side I don't think I can daggum that's not gonna die though okay so I can go there but this entire area is completely covered the digitalis is just such a pain in the butt to remove I'm gonna have to go level ten terraform on this and then and it's safe kinda sorta oh dear Lord do you have stray furs they killed it digitalis vine uh don't have stray furs I think yeah I don't where are the strippers I should have gotten the access point to unlock them already they are not sure where they're oh they're right there so I don't have them yet is the short answer to your question that nullifier was like 90% complete can you like maybe not do that let's just do this it'll be easier oh it sucks the auntie creep - which pulls it all into one spot and they cancel each other oh that is beautiful that is super fantastic doo-doo-doo maybe that'll work I need to get the other spot clear here apparently the digitalis is just too resilient I need more than those cannons come on let me see a four we'll do it because if I get that last spot terraformed I can take control of this okay that'll work Terp I need you up to the front please forever in always and then we need a level ten terraform on this you know we don't because the digitalis is in the way all right so you need to set two digitalis and drop we're T one bomber support for the nullifier I think they're spreading pretty well right now I'm just gonna put this in here to clear to get rid of all the digitalis that's spreading this way and then I'm just gonna try for a super-fast terraform right where it was that then I also need to get an extra relay in right there as soon as that's complete come on come on come on because apparently the digitalis can't spread where there's not creeper so that is beautiful we can hook this up and then that will kill off all the rest of this in a very wide area creeper and you may be clear the stuff that's under you first and then digitalis okay fantastic now we've got this clear so we get terraformed a little 10 that fourth cannon made the difference that was all the difference right there as soon as that's done we will drop another cannon on top of that clear from the other edge and then this one right here is almost ready to go after I think I'm gonna hit this one first because this one is actually clear can I fit an Ola fire there I can't fit a nullifier there and it will work too it can spread without the creeper it's just slower it wasn't spreading at all onto the onto the area that I had an anti creep on maybe that's because it was anti creep we had to build at least one big birthing come on [Music] I can't build there and I don't have the proper tools in line to terraform um let's build it here there we go it's gonna be the most useless tool ever but by golly I am going to build it alright so turf to the front terraformed a little dead build ourselves another handy dandy cannon and then we can move on to the next area so are you yeah you're on ten terrain height so now we just need to get up somewhere right here and do the last one [Music] all right mr. newly are you gonna be able to connect depends on yep it depends on whether or not we can actually fully suppress are you able to fire you're able to fire at that so with two different cannons focused on the digitalis I would hope that we would be able to sustain fire on this entire area and not get distracted and let our NOLA fire die all right relay is up we're gonna bomb directly on it and that should be the last nullifier that we had to build no yeah I totally forgot about the bombers man sorry the digitalis consumes creeper to requires creeper spread in order to grow okay okay holy mother of long ass maps that is a hell of a game world secure 207 claim that victory I don't have anything else to do with this map that was a monster a monster of a map that is gonna wrap everything up for this video guys if you enjoyed it feel free to drop a like and share it with someone if you want to support the channel catch the streams or join the discord check out the links in the description thank you all for being at least partially insane and I will see you in the next one
Views: 314,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BRNKoINSANITY, RTS, Gaming, Strategy, theBRNK, BRNK, creeper world, tower defense, survival
Id: QS9z2KiD2LY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 26sec (11006 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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