The Biggest, Longest, Coldest, Smallest Things in Space

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[Music] in space anything is possible tiny black holes planets made of diamonds and stars no hotter than a cup of tea anyway the biggest star if wo H g64 was in place of the Sun the earth would be inside it and closer to its center than the surface its volume is 17 billion times larger than the Suns good thing it's a hundred and sixty thousand light years away from us the brightest star actually the real thing is a hundred and sixty three thousand light years away somewhere in the Large Magellanic Cloud lies our 13-6 a1a star 8.7 million times brighter than the Sun this star is also the most massive astronomers have ever found most elusive signals in space fast radio bursts or FRB our radio signals so intense the Sun produces this much energy in 80 years these flashes rarely appear in one place twice but there were cases when FRB repeated continuously before going silent some say they can be related to neutron stars or to matter falling into a black hole the coldest star those are brown dwarf stars that essentially failed at continuing to be hot for a long time the coldest of them was just as hot as boiling water but then a star was found with the temperature barely reaching 8 degrees Fahrenheit the fastest star in the galaxy u.s. 708 is a rogue star that flies right through our Milky Way galaxy and will eventually escape it entirely it's traveling at 745 miles per second but in theory beyond our galaxy there can be stars flying close to the speed of light a nebula with the strangest shape nebulae are large clouds of gas able to take almost any shape but Red Square nebula is just that a huge red square astronomers have no idea how exactly it could appear but there it is the most mysterious star astronomers can discover exoplanets by measuring how the star's light dims when a planet passes in front of it tabi star is unique in this way it losses up to 22% of its brightness no planet could do this a huge cloud of dust could but tabby star is too old to have it every answer only provides more questions the strangest space object in the solar system Palmilla is a dwarf planet located in the Kuiper belt in the outer reaches of our system it's the fastest spinning object around the day here lasts only 4 hours despite its small size Palmilla has its own set of rings which is unprecedented the most famous black hole it's the win astronomers took a photo of a whole bunch of smaller telescopes work together as a huge virtual telescope to take a picture of m87 this black hole is located in the center of the Messier 87 galaxy 53 million light-years away from us the smallest planet kepler 37b is only slightly bigger than the moon and has a little under 1/3 of the Earth's mass despite that it's still considered to be a planet orbiting kepler 37 star the smallest star it's two and a half times smaller than Earth it's a pulsar a form of neutron star and that means it's so dense that even with this size its mass is much bigger than the Suns the darkest planet the hot jupiter-like planet t re s to be orbits its host star really close yet it can't reflect almost any light from it the planet surface is so black it absorbs all the light the emptiest space in the universe galaxies are arranged into groups then into clusters and filaments but between these colossal structures like cosmic voids with little or no galaxies inside them as a result any given part of the universe would look like a sponge with holes inside those are voids the most distant galaxy ever discovered we see the gnz 11 galaxy as it was thirteen point four billion years ago but calculations show that this galaxy is really 32 billion light years away from us due to the constant expansion of the universe the most unwelcoming potentially habitable planet Gliese e3 81 C is a super earth planet orbiting its star in a so-called habitable zone close enough to be warm and have liquid water on the surface but far enough not to cook up the only problem is that it's always turned to its star with one side which is too hot while the other is too cold and dark in the middle though there might be a narrow stripe with just the right temperature the tastiest part of space Sagittarius b2 is a huge molecular cloud not far in cosmic terms from the center of the Milky Way scientists recognized more than 50 different molecules in it but one of them is the same stuff that makes the taste of raspberries the farthest human-made object in space Voyager 1 was launched in 1977 it provided numerous data and photos of planets like Jupiter Saturn and their moons today Voyager 1 is already beyond the borders of the solar system almost 14 billion miles away the most powerful quasar quasars are active galactic cores consisting of supermassive black holes surrounded by charged matter the accretion disk when this matter falls into a black hole it releases extreme amounts of energy the most powerful radio signal from a quasar came from 3c273 and is the brightest quasar ever discovered the strangest planet Gliese 436 B is a really hot planet made of ice the surface temperature here should be at around eight hundred thirty degrees Fahrenheit but the ice doesn't melt because of the planets enormous gravity the largest structure it's called the great GRB wall a super cluster consisting of a huge number of galaxies gravitationally linked to each other it would take ten billion years for light to go from one end of it to another which means that it takes up around 1/9 of the whole observable universe the biggest lightning the 3c 303 galaxy has a quasar in its core that emits a huge cosmic jet in this jet astronomers found an electric current measuring at 10 to the 18th amps it's like a trillion bolts of lightning striking all at once the smallest black hole those are supposed to be supermassive but IG are located in the constellation Scorpius is just 3 to 10 times more massive than the Sun in black hole terms it's teeny-tiny the most expensive planet about 1/3 of Planet 55 Cancri consists of carbon and given the temperature and pressure below its surface all of this carbon has to be in the form of diamonds it's literally like dirt they're the most prolific galaxies dubbed the baby-boom galaxy it's the brightest starburst galaxy known to science it produces one new star every two hours in 12 minutes on average and 4,000 stars per year the Milky Way galaxy produces only 10 stars per year the strangest galaxy shape this prize goes to the Hogs object a so-called ringed galaxy with an elliptical core in the center a huge gap further on and a ring of stars and systems beyond that the hottest exoplanet well its Kepler 70 B that orbits really close to its host star and has an estimated surface temperature of more than 13,000 degrees Fahrenheit the coldest planet this planet is 13,000 light-years away from us and I'm not saying it's full name but here are the facts it's about as big as Earth it's about the same distance from his star and this star is just 8% of the sun's mass because of that the planet is an icy wasteland like nowhere else in the universe the most planets in the habitable zone it's the Trappist one planetary system it consists of seven planets five of them are close to Earth in size and three are located in the habitable zone of their host star it means this system alone has three candidates for the possible development of life the planet with the most stars double star systems are quite widespread in the universe but exoplanet Kepler 64b orbits a double star that orbits a double star four stars at once the oldest discovered star twelve thousand four hundred light-years away from us lies a star that is over 12 billion years old almost three times older than the Sun the most unique place in the universe zooming in from the Milky Way galaxy to our solar system and finally at last the earth as scientists no there is no bigger mystery in the world than life and how it came to exist [Music] and this is the only world we know of so far that contains that precious life kind of blows your mind doesn't it [Music]
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side videos, good news, space facts bright side, space facts animated, space facts about black holes, mind-blowing space facts, best space facts, space facts channel, cool space facts, facts about space, space exploration facts, facts about the Universe, Solar System, the universe, biggest space objects, biggest things, habitable planets, smallest star, smallest planet, strangest space objects, weirdest space objects, bizarre things in space
Id: PyB1ieyVq4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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