The BIGGEST Kitbash! Making a Custom Kill Team Table

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I'm making an incredible custom Warhammer board set on a space Hulk in the first part of this series I built the exterior wall of the spaceship I also built an incredible glowing backdrop to represent outer space and the dimension behind reality known as the warp in this video I'm building the inside of the spaceship so let's get right into it now the basis of my spaceship is going to be the new into the dark terrain kit The Games Workshop just released as I showed previously it's a clever system of highly detailed interlocking walls doors columns and detail pieces that make it quick and easy to make a space Hulk in any number of cool layouts but since Games Workshop asked me to do something special we're going to do some scratch building kit bashing and customization to make something truly unique and extra immersive with one of the table edges dominated by a spaceship exterior some of the rooms will face outer space I showed you in part one my plan to put a hanger-like entry point in one corner and then a grand hall with Windows next door I thought an excellent way to add character and variety to these rooms would be in the addition of some height and space so I made the decision that each room will be double height the effect on gameplay will be fairly minimal but the visual impact will be immense let's start with the room I call the hangar [Music] but for the hangar room I decided to make a split level feel the doors at two heights by gluing the into the dark walls on top of each other I made a nice hanger wall sector mechanics walkways will act as catwalks adding access to the second level and the doors up there to add a more interesting shape to the room the lower wall opposite the hangar doors brought in somewhat this allows it to support the walkway directly and also reduces the boxiness of the room as a whole adding some visual interest I glue the walkway on and then using other wall sections I support the walkway as the glue dries since I'm crafting this portion of the Games Workshop kits I use plastic glue which is the gold standard for gluing styrene plastic to styrene plastic it basically melts the contact surface of each piece fusing them together and creating a bond as strong as the plastic around it I used some little pieces of styrene sheeting here and there when the Heights and shapes don't line up exactly between the different pieces this is a great way to just fill some of those pesky gaps that come when two pieces that look cool next to each other don't exactly fit together like puzzle pieces let's talk for a moment about Kit bashing plastic terrain kits I use several methods for cutting sometimes like cutting off little bolts and small details sharp knife is enough for more heavy duty applications I'll use a small saw for straight and precise Cuts along an existing Line This panel liner from Tamiya is a really incredible tool it gouges out a surprising Furrow of plastic with each pass now when it comes to hardcore Big League cutting though the heavy lifting is done by my Dremel tool look at this thing just shred through plastic [Music] make sure you wear protective eyewear if you're doing this though because I can feel the little pieces of styrene pitter-pattering against the glasses and I'm glad that's not going in my eye so yeah stay safe guys anyways the second level rests on a sheet of two inch insulation foam with the rooms Beyond existing on that upper level the two inch foam is slightly shorter than the plastic walls so add some foam core as well there are a few more millimeters that need to be made up before it's at the perfect floor height but that'll come later when we detail the floors I put my landing pad in then use another part from The Landing Pad kit to act as a support and just like that when you put everything together the hanger room is looking pretty sweet already let's put a pin in this one and work on the room with Windows a room that I've started calling the gallery first off I wanted some cool custom walls that feel Grand and different from the bulkheads rather than just stacking the existing bits again to accomplish this I kit bash together some pieces from The Landing Pad kit with some necromondazo mortalis pieces I had some height with some beveled pieces of insulation foam cut on the hot wire cutter these obviously have much less detailed than Games Workshop kits but I think that actually works to my advantage in my own personal tastes I think the eye needs some room to rest sometimes too many details is actually Less Pleasant to look at your eye needs room to to breathe as it moves around the piece I fill in the gaps between the pillars foam as well before cutting up some sector mechanics support beams and gluing them in on top for some detail I now have a really interesting wall section that matches the aesthetic of the rest of these kits but is still something interesting and fresh and unique that doesn't just jump out as something you've seen before I glue that wall section to some two inch foam again to represent the raised rooms Beyond I had some doors on the second level filling in the gaps of necrom under bits by adding another into the dark wall on the far side I bring the layout back to the original grid so with these two rooms in the rough formation you can see what a cool view you get looking down the length of the gallery already it's already so much more interesting than just having a normal out of the box layout I'm stoked let's keep going addings two inch foam build the basic floor structure for the rest of the second level and block out a layout of corridors and doors using the kit here I allow the kit to do a lot of the heavy lifting this allows me to spend time on unique details elsewhere now before locking in the layout I played a game with my brother to get a sense for the feel of the into dark rules the doors and corridors can really change the feel of the game and it's pretty cool it's important to have the right amount of doors and cover but I also wanted to leave myself some options for later so some of the parts where the scatter terrain is able to slot in I'm going to leave that as pieces that you can move around so you can get some variation from this table even though it's going to be relatively fixed [Music] foreign I wanted some varied and interesting floors to help the different parts of the board feel distinct and interesting and unfortunately Games Workshop doesn't offer a kit for this yet so I had to build it from scratch since I'm building the floors from scratch I decided to use sheet metal as a base layer now sheath metal is not very easy to work with so there's a good reason for this in the 40K Universe Space Marines and other void Travelers can walk through a zero gravity environment using magnetic maglock boots there's an incredible scene in the book no no fear by Dan Abnet where ultramarines are fighting word Bears and the outside of one of their ships maglogged to the exterior of the hull I don't want to give you any spoilers but it's a really really cool badass scene and it inspired me a lot so as you guys may know I like to magnetize the bottom bases of my miniatures is that irrelevant to anecdote I don't know we'll see later I guess to add some texture to my sheet metal floors I glue a big piece of aluminum mesh to it with some two-part epoxy gluing metal to metal is kind of a nightmare but by weighting it down while it was drying I was able to pull it off super glue also works for this but I was running kind of low and the fumes are pretty gnarly not that they're not gnarly for two-part epoxy I don't know whatever works you go with it for the room just behind and above the gallery I wanted to do a different type of floor that would be something distinct and unique and really sell the transition between the different rooms so what I did was block out the floor using some strips and squares of chipboard to Echo the grid of the into the dark tiles once I'd block that into my satisfaction I cut some pieces of diamond plate sheeting this is a plastic product usually used by scale modelers and railroad enthusiasts but it's a great way to add some cool texture and in this case adds a really different floor finish that I'm pretty happy with this room up here is going to be the most modular of the rooms it's going to have this little wall section here that can move around and that'll allow you to choose a couple different layouts it's also going to be where I expect scatter terrain to come into play and I anticipate some really cool fire fights happening in this room I wanted to take advantage of the fact that the sides of this table are cross sections so I have a little bit of depth to work with to add some more Dimension to what would otherwise be mostly two-dimensional table so I decided a cool way to do that would be to have sort of a maintenance Corridor underneath one of the hallways huge influence on this choice is the movie Alien where the aliens moving around maintenance corridors and access shafts and they can't pinpoint its location until it's too late I think this is the best scene in all the alien movies to be honest I was genuinely scared anyways I glued together a bunch of pieces of Zone mortalis walls and trimmed off the tops for height there's uh my driver's license in the frame for some reason this is a do not do on the Internet 101 but you know I'm still learning guys so I don't think there's any sensitive information on the back anyways hopefully anyways I made a floor frame using some medium chipboard blotting the design with pencil then carefully cutting it out with a work knife as usual a link to all the materials and tools that I use will be in the video description and using those links helps the channel at no extra cost to you so if you use them it's much appreciated with that frame cut out I use super glue to attach some aluminum sculptors mesh to the frame trimming the excess with some scissors this makes a great detailed walkway my first tutorial on the channel actually featured something very similar to this it's crazy how time flies some things just stay the same I used some foam core on some two inch insulation foam again to make the rough shape of the floor segment in the corridor below and then I glued on a Zone mortalis walls backdrop so sometimes I do this really stupid thing where I press record on the camera thinking that I'm starting recording but I'm actually stopping recording so if I do that several times in a row I actually have a bunch of footage of all the moments in between what I wanted to film and don't capture any of what I wanted to film itself anyways I did that for a little bit here but I didn't lose that much footage I basically just glued a length of pipeline from the battlefield expansion set onto some little foam blocks to raise them up as you can see here this piece on the end it's a little hard to see but it's actually one of the old necromonda bulkheads from the starter set released in 1995. these pieces are some of the best terrain ever made in my opinion and it pains me to cut them up but I wanted to put some of them in as a little bit of a tribute I added an angled ladder to create an access point for the maintenance Corridor and then glued some foam support beams to my walkway to test fit that into place I checked the clearance of the chaos Space Marine it's cozy down there but a mini can fit snugly on the top I added some sheet metal then more sculptors mesh and having blocked in the corridors previously I laid out some bits of chipboard where they'll sit not only as a guide for myself but to add more detail and visual interest to the floor do you remember in part one how I said the Gallow dark is composed of tons of ships from all sorts of alien races not just humans well what is a ship when you really think about it it's a vessel that carries things right so technically this start collecting box is kind of an Eldar ship right anyways I'll cut that up and use the cardboard just so the xenos players get their customary crumb of attention I use this ldar card to add a few final details to the floor and clean up some of the edges and add some more features put the walls back on and boom a very cool maintenance corridor [Music] sure there's only one access at one end but that's deliberate you see this little fella here he's a hatch cutter he has a special ability where you can cut a hole in a wall and so you could do the same here you could also give this ability to any of your guys as a fun little house rule I'll leave that up to you I'm feeling pretty stoked about this maintenance Corridor but I wanted something really special on the inside corner of this piece another access point slash deployment Zone that would have at least equal interest to the hangar and space Vista outside which is why decided to create a bottomless shaft in part one you may recall I made a riser for the whole table out of insulation foam sanding it smooth and giving the whole thing a coat of flat black house paint now the featureless Black Walls not only add height but they accentuate the impression that a segment of the spaceship has been cut out focusing your attention on the playing surface where all the color and detail and action will be you may have noticed though that one corner of the black pedestal is cut away that's because I wanted to have a room with a bottomless pit feel in Star Wars the death star has all kinds of huge gaping chasms in it these not only add a sense of tension to otherwise mundane activities but also add a sense of the death star's enormous scale I figured a vertical shaft of this kind would have the same effect for my build I started by simply making the walls with two pieces of black foam core so I could build this thing independently of the black pedestal Now using the into the dark walls as a guide I glued together some sector mechanical spaces to act as a walkway connecting the two doors with a slice of alkemite Stack I had a cool piece of Machinery to the space in the corner at the top now I wanted to have a bit of protruding walkway down at a lower level something that adds an interesting shape that guides the eye downward an Alka might stack in a bit from the Killzone moroch kit make some nice detailed supports now I'm not going to glue those in because it would make it impossible to paint behind but let's just just imagine them there I guess they'll be back I have all these incredibly detailed wall sections from the battlefield expansion set but they have these ruined edges that aren't what I'm looking for right now so with a few quick passes of Dremel I'm able to square those edges off and make something a little cleaner one of the pieces will work nicely for a doorway to the platform below this door doesn't open but that's cool because there's nothing behind it anyways I mirrored that design somewhat on the other side as well getting a nice symmetry adds some balance to the piece and makes everything look a little bit more deliberate turning the whole piece upside down I add a half an alkamite stack to the corner giving some more support to the walkway I make it nice and stable with some foam and construction adhesive in behind so this is what my workstation usually looks like just outside the camera frame by the way and if you look closely you'll see that I spilled some plastic glue right right in here it wipes off no problem but the grid pattern on the cutting mat comes with it and for those of you keeping track at home this is the eighth cutting mat I have ruined on the channel so far nice so using some more ldar cardboard I trace and cut out the shape of the walkway with a pencil and a ruler I make a design of half inch strips going around the outside and cut that out with a sharp knife I trace and cut out the same shape and Sheet Metal then glue that down on top of the bottom of the walkway with some construction adhesive I glue some mesh on top of the sheet metal following the direction of the walkway with that done I glued the Elder cardboard bit on top with some hot glue pretty nice looking I did the same for a small square walkway as well I add some more detail to the walls using some necromunda bulkheads trimmed to shape and these pieces have a built-in ladder which works perfectly for my plan here I had the small platform at the bottom with some supports from a newer necromonda kit the continued design of the central column at the top add some pieces from the morocc kit making a feature that looks kind of like a contiguous support pillar using more bits I make a mechanical mushroom adding more height and detail to the corner piece now I lay a long length of pipe in one corner continuing it on the walkway above this gives some continuity to the whole piece really selling it as a vertical shaft starting to look really cool but there are a few gaps and rough edges to hide this circle here looks looks pretty terrible so I cut out the foam behind then add a little collar piece from the alchemite stack with some toy pipes Link in the description I obscure some more of the rougher edges and bits that lack detail with some more pipes that cover the Gap here above the necrom on the bulkhead and on this edge here where the foam core pokes out I mimic the pattern of the moroch bit with some strips of chipboard this will help tie the bits together with the piece as a whole turning the piece upside down again I really don't like the pattern on the bottom of the sector mechanicus walkways so I covered this up with some more sheet metal while we're here let's add some heavy duty electrical cables using some rubber coated Garden wire I fasten one end in with hot glue then super glue the rest to my build at the bottom I concealed the end with another bit of foam add a few more to hide gaps and add some detail using some guitar wire and some thinner gauge tie wire I made a bundle of cables pinching little Hoops of wire around them will keep them together this will conceal and distract from the rough Edge on this side over here nice check it out the shaft looks pretty awesome already but those colored bits are really distracting so let's just hit the whole thing with some great primer through the airbrush just to unify it together the shaft looks incredible and detailed and cool but does it look bottomless not yet so I went out and bought some 12-inch mirror tiles and if you put one at the bottom wow all of a sudden there's a pretty convincing illusion that the shaft continues down into the table is a good time to mention that I've been magnetizing the bases of all my Miniatures using powerful little magnets from the sponsor of this video the magnet Baron and since I put sheet metal on the bottom of all the walkways you can place a miniature on the underside of the walkway here and see him standing way down there making the illusion 10 times as strong credit where it's due this is my brother Kirk's idea but I just can't get over how cool this is magnets are quickly becoming one of my favorite things to play around with in the Hobby and if you're interested in getting some for yourself check out the magnet Baron he's got a great knowledge of what wargamers need and great quality products as well I personally use his magnets for magnetizing weapons as well as making my minis easier to store and transport and I'm always happy with them so check out the tell them I sent you so here we are guys construction on the ultimate kill team table is complete we have two awesome deployment zones a variety of really cool interesting rooms cramped maintenance corridors an exterior view of the spaceship and view to outer space and this video is getting too long so make sure you're subscribed because in part three we're finishing this project painting it adding final details and of course playing a match on it you won't want to miss it these videos take a tremendous amount of time and effort so if you enjoy these videos please consider supporting me on patreon you get access to our Discord Community where we share work in progress photos with each other and bounce ideas off each other and it's a huge help to the channel that allows me to make these videos as usual huge thank you to all of my existing patrons you guys are incredible thanks for tuning in and we'll see you next time on Eric's hobby Workshop thank you daddy do that the daddy do your back wow oh okay get that one back
Channel: Eric's Hobby Workshop
Views: 137,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QjUUSr2d8xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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