The biggest improvements to Javascript happen in the browser

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but the truth on the user experience side if you have highly interactive apps is that the best way to solve initial load characteristics to actually ensure like the biggest impact you can do is actually improve the JavaScript what happens in the browser like how much data that you have to send over serializing how much JavaScript you have to send over to hydrate and how much JavaScript has to execute when it comes up and to solve almost all of those problems you need a way of like knowing more about your program now you can use static analysis to try and like figure that out obviously but there's limitations to what you can do purely statically and what I realized like I mean don't get me wrong like big companies people like Google like there's a reason why they do split where they actually like render in Java on the back end you know for like Google search and then have like a resumable framework in the front end and they actually have a compiler that compiles to both Java and to JavaScript closures like on both sides
Channel: Melkey
Views: 4,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video sharing, video, sharing, computer science, software engineer, silicon valley, computer programming, coding, learn to code, machine learning, artificial intelligence, cloud, python, javascript, how to code, Data scientist, AI developer, Machine Learning, typescript, biggest improvement, how to learn javascript, how to get a job in tech, how to learn react, how to learn webdev, solid js
Id: a8OeAk1PZRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 55sec (55 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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