The Big Eat (Competitive Eating Documentary) | Real Stories

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the greatest athlete in the world his record 50 and 100 but welcome him to the stage kobayashi here's a man who can eat 53 and 1/2 hot dogs and buns in 12 minutes there is no way to explain how he can get the food that he eats into his stomach as quickly as he does when you watch it his fingers begin to blur with the hotdogs and you cannot tell where his fingers begin and where the hotdogs end but he is clearly operating on a different plane than the rest of the eaters stuffing your face is big business in America and Japan thousands of dollars can be won in prize money from the 40 eating contests held in the US every year everything from popcorn to cow brains to its devotees it's as much a sport as baseball or American football over a million people watch the annual hot dog eating challenge staged at Coney Island every fourth of July it's considered the world cup of competitive eating now the search is on for a UK Eton to take on the best and biggest in the world over the last six months a series of heats of whittled down challenges to four hungry finalists each eager to become the first official British competitive eating champion Horsemen of the oesophagus are you today they would face each other in a pork pie eating contest to determine who has the biggest appetite the strongest joys and the rights to eat for Britain at the International hot dog contest I wanna win this event desperately whoever it is they're going to have to put their stomachs on the line by going up against the seasoned pros of America and Japan America might be the home of competitive eating but it is Japan that has produced the greatest eater the world has ever seen 27 year old Takeru Kobayashi has dedicated his life to filling his slender stomach as quickly as possible he's the world's only professional eater and reputedly earns $125,000 a year in prize money and sponsorship in his first year of competition he ate 50 hot dogs in 12 minutes doubling the world record but being number one hasn't turned his head though he's a shy unassuming but totally determined character Jose Jose Coto an Imagi bonito CNC rocoto and also inna ankara thank you yeah machinee Sankar young high a no victory in Christina Ricci Minka Anita Nikita demo training go to Decatur Eva so no fighting no Tommy no tobira training was denied on Oh Paquito little in Africa Tomas oh no no no too many choko choko training as a memorizer AutoStick ANOVA a notable training you know gon be ranked I dare a know Carolyn is yoga art or token e9 John Hawkins NIDA Nyssa Bogart oh I know eager from space yeah I know knocking at the Shimano their yoga no Civil War Auto steamer right Kobayashi is not only the greatest athlete living hee hee maybe something that is more than that leader more than a human he can eat 20 pounds of rice in under 20 minutes he need 53 and 1/2 hot dogs and buns in 12 minutes many people think you know this must be a carnival sideshow at one point they see someone who's trained they see someone who uses meditation and focus and has a strategy and wins and on the other hand they see something that they can't explain and it might as well be the two-headed baby if Kobayashi can make a decent living out of eating cow brains he has one man to thank head of the International Federation of competitive eating Jorge che with his media savvy evangelical zeal he's taken competitive eating to a global audience Jorge is a public relations man by day and knows what makes for good copy and pictures no claim for his beloved pastime of competitive eating is too outrageous for Jorge we have a goal we believe that this is the most beautiful sport now being practiced and probably the most dramatic and our goal is to bring this throughout the world and to bring it to the Olympics we have sin unknown number of letters we've reached out to Jacques Rogge the president of the IOC who has snubbed us competitive-eating is actually more akin to the original sports of the original Olympics the running the jumping the wrestling the fighting the throwing the eating you see rather than you know do you know mini golf miniature golf is a trial sport and the Olympics I believe miniature golf and yet they turn up their nose at competitive eating when people ask me what my husband does it's kind of a little odd I always kind of start with like do you know the Nathan's famous contest and people say yes they know the Nathan's contest and they're usually familiar with Takeru Kobayashi the Japanese guy who wins every year and so I sort of say well he does the PR for that it he's the MC and they're always kind of really relieved that he's not one of the leaders in the contest but it's just it's uh it's just odd it's an odd thing to do for a living I think yeah Crazy Legs it's George Shea tomorrow's thing with GMA has been moved to 9 8 let's say he's kind of obsessed he's loves it he's passionate about it and he loves being the center of attention 9 and the competitive eaters they have no bounds they call here all the time and you know who's very passionate about what he does but I kind of just wished that you know he's a brilliant PR man and I think there's plenty of other you know things he could be promoting I'll be there I'll be there I I'm breaking his heart saying this but competitive-eating to me is not really a sport it's a bunch of guys eating you know it's not like you know I don't see the athleticism in competitive eating George isn't going to let his wife's opinion get in the way of spreading the gospel of competitive eating he's come to the UK to host a new event in the sports calendar the winner of this eat off will represent prison at the Coney Island hot dog championship but not everyone over here shares George's love of mastication I did notice a little hostility in a way I'm the Gerry Adams of eating and a lot of people are angry at me but I think they'll realize that what I have to offer is a bridge to a new sport that in many ways brings us back to our very essence the athletes in the UK fans in the UK are known for their passion so ideally what we'll find here today is someone who can advance the sport and really be an ambassador to a whole new region George is moving into unfamiliar territory the UK beauty contest is to be held at a modified car valley near knotty and these four finalists won't be eating hot dogs they'll be cramming in as many pork pies as they can in 12 minutes to claim the UK crown eating the pies is only part of the challenge keeping them down is enough in April this year 40 fever eaters took part in national hits all hoping to become Britain's first competitive eating champion with the winner going on to represent the UK at the world hotdog eating contest in New York the mastermind behind this is all-american showman George Shea it's part of his plan for competitive eating to go GU I am on a journey as a representative of the IFO Cee because it is time for Britain for the UK for this entire part of the world to come into the fold with America and Japan and and enjoying in our quest to create a sport that is meaningful to everyone the phone would be champion eaters maybe now face each other in a no you need to pull pie challenge one of Rob's more notable Eton feats was chomping through the whole of the Burger King men in one city for a bet he won with room to spare when I saw the ad I'm sort of looking at it thinking well this is something on the dough this is something out of I think I'll be good up and just fought sorry I'm gonna have a girl for it now it wasn't shocked because that's that's Robert fear a lot of the times when I polish off their food when we're eating it's genuinely because I'm still hungry well he's just a mammal if you don't know where leave your plight with him because the chances are there's been nothing left on it when you come back so you don't get to the toilet just in case oh I've been Anita if I have to hold my hands up I was a portly kid always had a penchant for the air savory snacks in life Martin's always had quite a big appetite for drink coke being lustily and certainly food chips chicken things like that it would not be something I would wish go to certainly his grandmother is appalled absolutely appalled by it but as long as he isn't one of those that make some mess or throws up or has stuff coming out of his mouth I would be fine with it Jim is the bookies favorite he's the only one that world eating records to his name well my experience was mostly around oysters and Guinness and I've done that for a number of years holding the boy back court for 12 hours in the paint against just over 13 seconds I think the fastest paint ever was 1.8 seconds Andrew Coulson works as a stockbroker in the City of London not the background you'd expect for a competitive eater the amusement would be the way to describe my family's reaction I think they were just very confused and didn't quite understand what my mother in particular didn't quite understand what she'd done wrong in terms of bringing me up the eaters it's the 29th of May the day of the UK fight for the event George is testing out a new food he wants something distinctively British so each of the four men face an infinite pile of pork pies the one who stuffs down the most in 12 minutes will become the UK eating champ frankly if you if you break this in half you know yes look at that shell is really very doughy it's very tough and my heart goes out to these eaters this would be a challenge for even the greatest eaters I'm aware what's in it for pie we're talking a lot of eyelids bits of Trotter pig's ear congealed in a gelatin kind of fat and sconed in a coming of all butter lard pastry they're not good for you I'm ashamed to admit I only had one sort of dry run with pork pies and I didn't find it very pleasant it wasn't something I wanted to repeat I tried them with water treading with milk but each time they would stick a maestro and then I realized just history was not my thing the trophy's weave pawpaw if you doubt get him before a dose then they are garni too simple as that look you know so you have to be a bit quick on getting the pork pie before he actually gets his hands on them much like the governor of the Bank of England competitive eaters face a very significant challenge which of course is to balance the forces of inflation and deflation but they also must have hand speed jaw strength and stomach capacity those are the three significant tools that they need to win at the eating game the time of waiting is over George whips up the crowd in the style of an old-time carnival huckster an act honed over the course of hundreds of eating competitions on the big slice probably a contender in this sport Thunder roll the dice what's get me involved the winner of the competition we may have to eat as many as 20 to 20 minutes 12 minutes I held one record for three years and oysters and Guinness and I miss a spot right I really want this one at stake is a trip of a lifetime and the chance to represent their country against the seasoned eaters of America and Japan in order to fill their stomachs to maximum capacity they're going to have to keep their nerds out there on one awareness event desperately and the prospects of going to Japan and the non scenario to compete is overwhelming and I wouldn't have entered it if I didn't want to win there is one thing that every eater needs and that every great eater has and that is character it's the intangible aspect of the athlete either have it or they don't they're a gamer or they're not the direction of the food must follow of course is down if there is a reversal in that direction at any juncture during this contest before the whistle blows that will be an immediate disqualification I think you know what I'm saying I would like to not refer to it directly however if and only if it is necessary I will utter the phrase Elvis has left the building I give you you K eating championship countdown with me if you will from Ted nine hey seven six five four three two one go they are off ladies and gentlemen here they are perhaps the greatest challenge of their lives the clock is running and all the eaters gets off to a good start after the first couple of times though each eater has adopted a different strategy Robin Angela chomping steady while June crackling is taking on a lot of water Martin prefers to devour them whole big rent as he calls herself his dominating proceedings martin has got through his first plate of ten pints and has established a lead and it's one pie behind him with the others and struggled just more than three minutes into this contest you're on their second plate I never expected it to happen but both big red and the doctor through these pies six minutes into the contest and Martin is out in front leading Andy the doctor Kosan by two pints love is in third place with Jim struggling in fourth the grace in the water can jail and the back bathroom he started with going a little bit slower and slower first ten they went down pretty good no problems wasn't a question of a how many I could eat there's a question how many could keep bringing me the competitive eaters greatest fear is the feeling of a full stomach speed and Pammy since like gluten which in the worst case causes vomiting big red is shaking much I remember at what point I felt I was in trouble and I just reached simply reachable water was my downfall I didn't quite realize but during the course of the 12 minutes I approximately drank three to four pints of water as well as the considerable amount of pies the mistakes the showboating the crowd the wrong sort of preparation what did i do right we still have one minute and 40 seconds left the darts are now of jumping the strategy realizes he must fend off a late innings push by one of these two fathers oh my goodness shaky drive to get down to this big red disqualified and ecosan is on course to take the crown just behind him is Rob burns by now Jim Klecan is out of the running putting the pressure on the doctor putting the pressure on and Dakotan dead back he may be able to do it unknown to Andy Rob Burns had been munching away at a steady pace and is beginning to catch up they are now on 16 pies each the finally sees a desperate battle between the two we shall find the fields we shall finally urgent than this fan is going on to college it was so close at the end that both thought they'd want oh dear Lord perhaps the closest contest I have ever witnessed and perhaps the greatest comeback in history ladies and gentlemen baby face Rob Rob burns is crowned the first official UK eating champ to Andy his efforts were in vain I hadn't left him out at the end of the competition I could have stuffed it with a couple of pies and really gone for it so I mean I I have to admit that what that was my fault I I didn't push as hard as I could have done and you know I paid that I paid the price for that did you eat more if there were time absolutely absolutely and if you had to guess it's very hard to estimate what level of capacity have you reached now do you have another if you had another 30 minutes and speed wasn't it could you do another 10 pork pies what could you do there's another gate I could flick in so absolutely yeah I could probably do another nighty George returns to the u.s. confident he has got his man for raagh the next four weeks are going to be intense for starters there's a trip to Japan to study at the feet of the master Kobayashi then the main course the world hot dog eating championship at Coney Island on the 4th of July no wonder not straight into train like a brightly jewel by chomping through 18 porta guys in 12 minutes Rob burns from Google is the UK's first official eating checked and the toast of the Midlands media but he can't afford to bask under the publicity spotlights he has less than four weeks to prepare for the world hot dog eating contest in Coney Island New York the poor poor thing was intense actually I remember emotionally trying to understand and let it sink in that I'd worn physique lay feeling absolutely exhausted I [ __ ] him with a paramedic running round after the event asking if I was Alki often it's just the look of all and shock on my face than anything names while before I could fight support PI again actually I don't really feel there's a great expectation I think everybody's wishing me well and wishing me all the best and it's nice that there is no real expectation to go out there and win that's only because someone unknown elements it'll be exactly the same with the competitors once I'll get there and that's nice it's nice being the underdog it's nice being Lyon now jeez we always have greens and vegetables and things like that but I've never liked then chips mouseland beggars and as you say doc dogs as he likes well I hope he does I hope you do is keep up the good way before winning the pork pie contest Rob hadn't had any experience of competitive eating but he's always been up for a challenge sometimes to the embarrassment of his family no extraordinary representing her country in America I'm embarrassed putting my dad's a big eater the kids think I'm absolute lunatic and that'll never change anybody no matter what of the laces to say but they're always supportive sir no problem tomorrow class fire to Japan you made the world show the first step is preservation is a trip to Japan to meet world champion Takeru Kobayashi depends only pose in the state's office there there's no I'm going to stand up there and describe for some standalone be 10 to 20 odds on a stumble on this on the premise that it's a free trip because that's not just spend some time with car boy issue the first thing I ask him if he's got tonsils because he just straight down are missing swallow swallow absolutely unbelievable markets a frog named olive in Japan yeah yeah having seen car bio she performed in 2004 and the prospector meeting the guy you really can't put into words you know he's he's an amazing eater well in fact that doesn't even saw me up so the the prospect of standing next to him by Seeley you know I'm conversing and alien with the man you know and having him sort of in parties tips and tricks I guess he's something I'm really looking forward so you know anything that we can do to prepare for New York is gonna be it's gonna be pretty cool competitive eating challenges used to get the big treatment of Germany's TV now three years ago shows featuring Kobayashi will comment on TV then a high school student tried to copy what the challenges and died speed eating rice Japan turned its back on challenges and now Kobayashi advises trade in the u.s. before meeting with Rob watch is the most of the work on an American TV show some clothes it just keeps shoveling in you so constant shovel shovel shovel show some below vote if you before your slapping technicians come while at it again hajime must a robot this yeah okay well yeah come on up there for no man had it [ __ ] them kidding this your person at all scary nine now there hopefully I might have a thing is wrong no no you cannot have taquito gocanada sized furniture up man hotel oh macha to kill your step King Tommen desk at all so no okay no it all not contested it did KK hope in our team so you shouldn't cut a carrot to go to war can you see me before Giulio Thomas amoeba Yacouba Tyson Toshiba Apple a 3-2 curveball now the map Thomas indica decide oh you gotta talk at all Julian can say tiny Tsuchinoko cheated on me keep that tamara suiter-ocuto our speed on what emergency so 13 or abrupt queenie as you got my biggest fear about county is embarrassing my friends and supporters that I now have governing to the event by not doing well enough how do you think I could handle that mentally scary the gym [ __ ] there so it's the contested Emily the end okay autonomy Arriba sorry walk or viral stop but as Kaka motives to win Akiba Troy yokas through Cotto decorative stone when I mean item the sort of mentality before no they're back in Wolverhampton with Kobayashi she's advice ringing in his ears and time running out rob has to raise his game with amore as his trainer Rob works on his hot dog eating technique he's got to eat one hot dog every 30 seconds he refused to achieve his goal looking on seconds to get to where you are they know they probably will easy to pass on is just given you sausage and then even better actually you know whether you nori into it or places or you have insurance and Swami can be beaten in an effort to increase his stomach capacity he orders six portions of curry and rice at his local ball t house oddly throughout his training he hasn't put on an ounce in which every sup rice working for you at all I was literally mesmerized repeat like because generally you could feel Karine it's like rice and you have the meat and the sauce and then that C yes probably for DC before I'd finished my mind mail you know sorry just could see the extent of what he can eat when he actually puts his mind to I know you think you'd be lost if seeks the up dogs or whatever probably core element you say it yourself to get to all are doing excess of 20 so anything out between anything and you better win as well that's all you can do do you [ __ ] six minutes on a cupcake I don't approve oh no I'll be foolish yeah well see you range only for fall over on the stage that's when it shuts about it being pretty but did they really throw down with it absolutely scary too much needs the dog first before he eats the book yeah me wife side disappointing to be which is the way he does it it's like a conveyor belt most of the frets just a couple of men to carry it's two days from the world hot dog eating championship and the big eat has come to the bigger Rob's training and preparation is finally going to be put to the test George share is in his element with his public relations skills in overdrive he's organized a weigh-in for the eaters right by City Hall that was kind of real that was kind of scary Hey serozha down George has even managed to speak for Kobayashi to throw out the first pitch of the usual that's Facebook more publicity can be made of them now Kobayashi throwing the first pitch at Shea Stadium you know there with Mike Piazza it was a huge hero I mean a huge sporting hero and to have the players from the bullpen come out present him with a shirt I mean it was really astounding you know so the stars have aligned for our sports to step up and take its place in the world's pantheon of great sports Rob knows he's in the big league now some of the ETS he's up against are almost twice his size man mountains like Edie kooky javis and Eric Badlands Booker who between them hold a stomach-churning number of eating records a 76 ounce steak and a side of spinach and seven and a half minutes 49 glazed doughnuts in eight minutes four and a half pounds of Nathan's french fries in six minutes three Malians in one minute 30 and a half hot dogs and buns in 12 minutes pe shap a 17 inch pizza in three minutes she's taking champ of the world 21 and a half cannolis in 6 minutes America they probably have you to the White House and you'd probably get treated like royalty because no Americans were never to win it back as the competition approaches the rivalry between the eaters intensifies dead cookie John's who came third 2004 is growing increasingly bitter about Kobayashi dominance at the fourth of July event if I got first would I be a static absolutely I'd be the most thrilled guy in America and I'm sure America would be thrilled for me and then you can finally put the comment to rest how come he can't beat that little chef Rob joins cookie as an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet part of cookies pre-contest preparation Rob wants to get as many tips for the competition as possible but cookie isn't a generous with advice as Kobayashi wants now trying to find a method the best suits and you know whoever to don't not to dog everybody go lol oh yeah once you get it all rhythm was really not we found how's your technique them as you've gone on or I've watched Kobayashi run the key to Monday is if the 15 households to get your permit yeah because if not you don't get the keys to the city to hit 20 I can eat 25 and then you never get to prep then all of a sudden it's adios it'll come out faster than they're winning it's not attractive that's the worst I think that's got to be the worst thing to get better view is to lose the food yeah and they're saying I'm gonna make a big splash of fish you don't want to do that actually we had a guy a couple years ago from Thailand he got upset stomach and one of the guys that was standing next to him he puked all over him he had a hot dog in his pocket when he went back to the room in his partner back to the room Rob's biggest test is only 24 hours away but there's a hitch in his preparation he's never tasted the unique championship optin - until you you'll have to eat over 50 but today he's struggling with this career and I probably never will again after mundo it's the day before the world hot dog eating contest the organizer George show is putting all his publicity know-how to the test in staging an event that will be seen by over a million people across America The Wall of Fame at Nathan's Famous is the Times Square of Brooklyn and people come by here and just drive by or check in year round to try to get a sense how far are we away from the contest now we are under 24 hours you know so the anticipation grows exponentially until tomorrow just before noon it is just an enormous groundswell of emotion and trepidation Ruffins the UK champ is at Nathan's along with the rookie eater of the year Tim Janus this is the home of the 4th of July context rod hasn't had one of their hot dogs before and the distinctive taste comes as a bit of a shock take your first bite I can't describe I thought that size like actually half but is surprisingly greasy salty well the taste is like it's your best friend inch or worst enemy because as you go on the taste is won't pronounce you know you're more sensitive to that strong flavour like I always tell myself that as powerful as the flavor is that it's a good thing I don't know I try to imagine I'm taking focus off it in the end and just sort of think about anything rather than the fact that you're eating the dog or I just try to say to myself that the bad taste is a good taste and try to convince myself otherwise okay I think it's fair to say I'm pretty nervous so I getting the shakes a little bit I think but it's more of a nervous excitement than than anything else everything we've done over the last few weeks leading up to 12 minutes tomorrow in front of all the media that's gonna be there I think that's probably the most daunting thing and dare ever I'll get very much sleep tonight I that would might be guide ly say evening and I've a little drink a little bit of stylistics I really I'm starving here we gather here at the corner of turf and Stillwell too old for this famous fourth of July dog eating contest you know when Rob gets on that bus of champions it's all gonna hit home to him in a very powerful way we're not screwing around anymore Kobayashi's on the bus at cookie Jarvis Badlands Booker and he's gonna realize that he has to step up and do what he can to represent the UK or go home in defeat and I think that may cause a little bit of anxiety I remember getting off the bus it was just overwhelming actually the nerves kicked in but not because of what I was about to do no skating just because of the sheer scale and everything when you start realization at the end it's actually huge it's quite strange to remember looking out into the code that we got on stage and our sectional looking small right there's a sort of plaque are there the gal Rob ghoul or whatever he'd say then I look to my left and was one that as well and you stood there thinking well I'm in the United States and in Coney Island these people don't know me from Adam and yet they're sort of holding up cards going gal Rob garnet was fantastic all of our leaders are being taught in Sochi friends our family pretty directly over the last few days and again that the response is extremely positive you know they're all just do your best you know don't worry about a thing you know just come off stage and as long as you've done your best then it's not a problem in front of millions of Americans Rob is about to endure the longest 12 minutes of his life twelve million C's of funny things we've got all these phony country that's pretty alien to you know even though you may have tried it once or twice and you're having to run down as much as you possibly can within that 12 minutes not be sick and whatever else he's enormous he's running freely my 12 minutes is nothing regarding an absolute blink what makes us strong stars he's sandwiched between two experienced American eaters but he's intent on keeping focused Kobayashi true to form takes an early lead closely followed by Sonia Thomas if Kobayashi is to beat his record of fifty three and a half hot dogs he is going to have to eat one hot dog and bun every 13 seconds rob has a personal minimum target of 20 to reach that he's going to have to eat the dogs at a rate of one every 36 Kobayashi is using a method he pioneered and which other meters are copied he it's two dogs at once followed by two bodies which have been dunked in water halfway through the 12 minutes and Rob has eaten six hot dogs he's on course to break the European record of 13 hot dogs and maybe even get beyond the 20 he has set himself as a target Kobayashi is in first place with 29 and Sonya Thomas in second with 25 to rookies one Japanese one American vine place cookie Jarvis isn't going to bring the dog back to the US he's in fourth place it's our only eight-minute month when competitive eaters hit the wall and begin to struggle many are slowing down taking on more water to force the hot dogs down Kobayashi doesn't let up he's on 43 hot dogs Rob like many of the eaters is in trouble he's only on 8 and can't seem to pick up the pace with time running out rod makes one last desperate effort with the 12 minutes up rob has only managed 10 hotdogs and come last Kobayashi wine with 49 for shy of his world record indescribable of everything that we've gone leading up into these 12 minutes and then get him into it I feel so disappointed unites all the well-wishers all the people that have spurred me on all the competitive eaters that have you know wish me the best and to get such loud numbers and you know not not even bright the European record he's really really hard to take I was on my ice so the half-white faded which is pretty good they were going down really easy and there's a broke the next one the next targets promote trickle of grease run down and he made me feel really sick and then you start to touch the salt you start to really taste the Grace and I knew that I was gonna be sick if I didn't slow down I wasn't gonna leave being sued what can you do oh there it is there's the stomach like an anaconda that swallowed a pig look at that look at those arms let me see the guns again look at that despite the UK champ poor show Georgia's desire to spread the gospel of competitive eating abroad remains undimmed we live in a world where there's I think a false barrier a false a distance created between the masses and then those whom the masses watch whether they are news broadcasters or political leaders or athletes this sport eliminates that barrier and brings everyone together in an experience that is extremely rewarding and powerful Kobayashi returns to Japan to get back into training for his next eating challenge for Rob after the fourth of July fireworks it's back to Wolverhampton who knows them with what he's learned he might be back challenging next year you would do it in an absolute heartbeat you do the lot again and you'd leave every second every moment every joy all the sorrow you do again not a problem at all Japan was outstanding New York Coney Island the people we met along the way it's it's been not life-changing but it's something I'll never forget that's for sure
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 482,195
Rating: 4.3969231 out of 5
Keywords: BBC 3, tlc, Movies, Full Documentary, competitive eating, Topic, Amazing Documentaries, coney island, BBC, transgender documentary, ITV, PBS, Documentary Movies - Topic, Full length Documentaries, only human, timeline, Documentaries, Amazing Stories, Real Stories, Extraordinary people, hot dog eating contest, Channel 5, Channel 4, BBC Three documentary, competition, hot dog, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary, BBC Three, Sky, Takeru Kobayashi
Id: zhtQ8JyhaHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 24sec (2784 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2016
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