The BIG CS2 Patch is Up... Let's Test it Out! | Cities Skylines 2 ... LIVE!

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[Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] sh [Music] [Music] there [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] f [Music] [Music] he f [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] yeah [Music] yeah [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] hello welcome back to city planner plays thank you so much for being here everyone short notice just kind of randomly decided you know what we've got to go over this patch because it is the big one and I figure we can do it all together so the first thing I figure we'll do is actually take a look at the patch itself and see what has changed and then we'll test it out in game we get two new maps sunshine Sunshine Peninsula Coral uh Coral riches and uh some performance updates some gameplay updates graphical updates lots of good stuff but before we do any of that where are you guys from today so we are definitely streaming at a European friendly time so I'm I'm hoping to see a lot of uh a lot of faces from Europe right now so I'm going to go through twitch first and then YouTube afterwards Missouri Connecticut Colorado Springs Central Florida Florida UK Denmark Barcelona Hungary Norway Copenhagen Austria France Denver Hawaii Ontario Michigan buenos Ares Iowa Buffalo Finland Stockholm Sweden Czech Republic London Texas Maryland Hearts unknown Jacksonville Kansas City Elgen Illinois Munich Germany New Zealand Melbourne Florida saskas Saskatchewan and the UK thank you all so much for being here and I appreciate all the gifted Subs I appreciate all the bits I've missed a number um and I'm just really really sorry YouTube where are you at today I see Toronto I see Tennessee Texas New Zealand Ukraine UK Melbourne Australia Germany Nova Scotia Jamaica Massachusetts Melbourne Seattle UK Birmingham Alabama Finland New Jersey Denmark Oakland Honolulu Maryland Minnesota Greece holy cow all over the world too really really appreciate all of you for being here all right so let's dive into the patch and just see what we should be looking for I'm going to be completely up from what I was doing before this was filming some b-roll for the next video on the channel and uh completely changed everything so we'll have to take a look at this one thing that's really exciting is the modders did update some of the requirements uh for the mods so we are running a modded version so we have the line tool and all that good stuff available to us uh but first the patch notes so added lods for characters and assets optimize geometry uh decrease virtual texturing pressure which is huge so these couple of things in and of themselves should hopefully mean that we don't have potato mode anymore so I am really really really hopeful so we're probably gonna bump into Tombstone and just kind of zoom in and check things out after we take a look at the maps uh disabled vsync for default settings I think I think my job here is done folks I don't I'm done that was my thing disable vsync and everyone gets more F FPS so I'm really excited to see that that is something that is a thing now uh disabled volumetric lighting calculations so maybe we can actually turn on volumetric lighting now um because it's disabled where it was mostly invisible so these are all good performance things for game play Holy Cow hype train 100% again I I'm still trying to figure out what all this means thank you so much twitch I really appreciate you guys uh for gameplay improve Lane changing behavior for vehicles so the traffic might not be silly uh it fix traffic accidents that last forever I didn't even know that was a problem uh improve cargo Air Trans Port so the airplanes can now carry more cargo terminal can carry seven times more now holy cow uh all of the resources for air adding all resource types to outside air adding all resource types to airplane outside connection connections not allowing cargo terminals to store garbage resource wait are you telling me that the cargo terminals were storing garbage before that is that is nuts they had no idea that was happening um lots of storage fixes wow so we are looking at situations where there were just lots of under the hood issues that we didn't realize cargo terminals were importing garbage um companies can buy import resources from commercial companies that's backwards uh export can happen when resources below zero so you were exporting things you didn't actually have uh resource become uh resource amount might become negative when transport vehicle loading a large amount of resource wow airports can import re or import goods from Road outside connections when there is no Air Cargo route I just I wow oh Zoom it sorry guys yes I uh wow these are all just like kind of crazy things that I think we all felt were issues but we just couldn't articulate because how would we know that your cargo terminal is importing garbage that is absolutely crazy but I'm glad to see that it's fixed and there's just so many of them here fix pedestrian navigation issues with uh train subway train stations Subway upgrade I wonder if that means so there was a imperial Jedi on a stream last week was demonstrating that you can actually have a pedestrian path next to a subway station and people will kind of teleport in between them I wonder if it fixes that or not um I'll have to I have to check that one out pedestrian walking through air between elevated okay I think it does because this is another bug that's related where pedestrians can kind of just go from an elevated path and and fall straight down to a path beneath it uh options search text can overlap the deleted single symbol interesting um it's kind of minor oh my goodness saving and rebooting the game gives extra XP so I will tell you Magnolia county is Way Beyond where it should be because of this bug because I often save and reload back in so um yeah that's wild and then let's see pressing M well in photo mode removes the UI Four Seasons and spider webbing achievements cannot be earned I haven't done any achievement stuff anyway um sometimes pathf finding for resource does not include cargo loading locations interesting missing localization for photo mode and options UI so if you are in if you're looking at uh this uh if you if you play in another language that might help you and then finally Graphics added a line color for passenger ships cargo ships and cargo train engines I didn't even realize you couldn't do that but it kind of makes sense now improved quality of character model so this is one thing I have taken a look at and I can't wait to show you it's interesting uh fixed visual glitches with metallic smoothness maps on character clothes interesting fixed light props on brid Grand Bridge boat well that's interesting too uh let's see the improved lights on Fair Forest Machinery so they were kind of glowing before it's kind of a strange thing improved proing for several buildings fixed spawn point for cargo trucks is not inside the warehouse as expected International Airport roads are not inverted with left-hand traffic very interesting sidewalk looks broken when pedestrian path bridge is connected there's a whole bunch of this stuff so I would say that if you've been holding out for a big patch and you have Game Pass or you've pre-ordered the game and you already own it this might be the time to hop back in and give it a shot it seems like they've made a lot of improvements but we're going to test them out but before we hop into a live game I figure we'll take a look at the maps and we've got two new maps available to us we have uh the coral riches map and the Sunshine Peninsula so I'm going to pull twitch and I want to see what you guys think what which one we should dive into first so let me make sure let's see if I can actually get this at at a reasonable time which map and so Coral riches and sunshine Peninsula and while we're doing this I'm going to leave this open for about 3 minutes and we'll read the descriptions and it looks like the coral riches map is a vast Coastline expand filled to the broom with natural resources we're going to we're going to look at that the center is dominated by a large lake accompanied by sizable Islands suitable for building multiple outside connections provide additional opportunities for resource production and transportation of goods Sunshine Peninsula is a peninsula comprising a plateau and some islands basking in the Eternal Sunshine in the warm seab breeze the terrain provides a lot of easily buildable space to found a thriving City with literally no rain and steady warm temperatures throughout the year this is an ideal choice for those loving the sun uh yeah so I I do see you uh drilling yeah 54 gigabytes for Game Pass I don't know why but it's it's massive uh yeah I guess they hurt Jim they they definitely heard snow complaints yeah two new maps so these were maps that they were testing on now interestingly they say this map right here Coral rich is they claim that this has a lot of resources so let's look at that so here's Magnolia County I would say that it has resources but I don't know that it has a lot of resources so in terms of fertile land we're still looking at a map that doesn't have a lot it's three times more than Barrier Island but it's still not a ton um forestry is about the same has a ton more ore and oil four times as much you know and it's kind of the same thing over here I guess I guess sunshine sh Peninsula has a lot a lot of fertile land for a colossal order map I put that way only fans when probably not anytime [Laughter] soon uh sunshine has more farming let's see I'm going to end the poll right now it looks like uh it looks like sunshine Peninsula is is winning I can't end the poll or I don't know how to end the poll so it's going to exist and you'll just know that I picked this one so let's hop in and take a look interesting this is a European map just pop in we'll see what we [Music] get and let's Coral not Coral sorry coral Coral uh Coral like The Walking Dead Jake not anytime soon so you're saying there's a chance you know no lonus Tech tips had one you never know uh so these maps are available for everyone that's my understanding and ah so this map the buildable area and truthfully let's I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to pop out for a second we're going to reload in here and I want to unlock everything and let's just check it out like that cuz I would to be able to unlock all the tiles and really get the the whole feel of it I guess if we want to and yeah it's uh it's very flat so this is the buildable area interestingly there's a lot back there and it looks like that bug is still present um it's very flat it's very flat there aren't a lot of trees there's this Plateau which I think is kind of strange [Music] um it it does look very flat let's look at our contour lines yeah very very flat so I guess if you want to build a large city and a flat area this is certainly a map that you could do it on the starting tile is is is here I'm going to be honest with you it kind of feels it kind of feels boring but I'm happy it's here yeah John magic it's it's it's kind of boring can we have a look at the uh yeah yeah we we'll take a look at Coral in this view as well um so yeah lots of empty lots of empty land there's a lot of uh little islands off in the background I don't really understand that I don't know if that's maybe like some Florida inspiration or something um but yeah very very wide looks like there's a shipping route right here we have train yeah we got trains right here I like that they haven't overbuilt the highway infrastructure so it's just a two-lane highway coming into an arterial here and then there is a power line in terms of the natural resources let's see oh my mod is getting in the way Legacy flavor so let's get rid of that here we go and honestly okay so here's the thing I don't understand their resource placement but in terms of a vanilla colossal order map this is about as good as going to get you could actually have a ton of farms here I still like like I mentioned I don't I don't get it what is the what is the the methodology here but yeah a big Richard head I agree it's a good beginner map it's not too bad there's a lot of resources here so I think you could do worse the map is not super exciting but let's be honest I live in an area where there are places that are not very exciting to look at uh in terms of the geography a good example I wouldn't say that Chicago has the the most exciting geography in the world it is a gigantic lake with a bunch of flat land next to it and a river going down down the middle of it so I think that if you wanted to build a city like that I mean you could build an absolutely massive City here and I appreciate that there are a number of trees it's I think a lot of people are going to build on this map I'm warming up to it I'm warming up to it I don't know what do you guys think oh yeah a backwards River in Chicago after they reversed it okay fair enough Chicago has interesting geography because the Great Lakes are cool I agree however when you look at the terrain itself this actually has more interesting terrain even if I don't fully understand what's happening with it we got we do have a nice little uh a nice little Lake right here and I wonder okay I'm going to Freestyle a second here because I'm really curious about this and maybe this isn't something I should be curious about let's purchase a bunch of bunch of tiles what if I were just to like like make this Lake really big like go like this will it fill this whole area in because that is a way so I look at this and I wonder is this A blank slate so if I want to get really experimental with this and do something wild can I and I think we might be able to uh Resort on the plateau yeah that's that's a great idea great play of 16 I just started playing last week and it seems like a great map for beginner I completely agree uh what do you think the best maps are for beginners honestly just looking at this one I think that this is the very best map for a beginner so far and I really appreciate it looks like this lake is going to be terraformable and it's going to fill this in which is really exciting uh you got some R rce vibes from the lake test yeah the poor trees I mean I can I can take the trees out of their misery that's that's no problem all we got to do is get rid of this crank this to 100 and uh oh I crashed the [Laughter] game well you know City skylines to going to city skylines too [Laughter] so maybe we'll try it without the uh we'll try it without the thunderstor we'll just go purely vanilla otherwise this flat map is way too much for City skylines 2 to handle okay we're going back in yeah waterfalls I don't I I think waterfalls might be pushing this thing a little bit too far maybe after the holidays yeah whoops whoops this is definitely uh not uh I didn't expect that to happen I won't lie SK hi dud thank you for the super for for subscribing uh AAR thank you so much for subscribing as well all right so I think do you guys want to take a look at that map again or should we go back into the other [Laughter] one oh we got c will creative here how you doing today ctie love it all right we should check out the other one all right all right so we will pop right in here and unlimited every cedarberg that's a nice Wisconsin name and uh North American we'll go with it love it uh what cities have I helped plan i' I've mentioned a few of them um obviously Madison area that was one uh Denver I I was in Denver for a while a bunch of other random places when I was a consultant so Vic thank you for being here I I definitely didn't give you guys a heads up at all why wow this is Chicago or you could build Chicago if you want to I was just well except for the snow so here I am making fun of Chicago's geography and imagine this is Lake Michigan here's the river we can close this up a little bit and you know just one highway it's not too much to get rid of this awesome let's take a look at our resources again you know I just I just don't get it I just don't get it I don't get it I don't get it whatever it's fine it's super flat I I I assume it's flat anyway let's look wow there aren't any Hills here at all so if you want a totally this is okay without a doubt this is the best beginner map I think that uh with how flat it is you won't have to worry about the terrain at all you could grid forever the only thing I wonder so we do have power here do we have rail I don't know that we okay rail's right here and yeah there's there's a couple things going it's not oh we can't play this song now we're not leaving hold on [Music] um thank you stream's not over chat stream's not over we'll it's it's going to be a response you guys just I mean it already is a response you guys hear you think we're done okay so what I like about this is if you wanted to be the ultimate gritter you could just grid out a whole bunch and not worry at all I don't think it's going to matter let's just let's just see how the buildings spawn in I mean I I think we all know and I I am curious about one thing so when I made Magnolia County I brought Water and Sewer right up to this oh that's a bummer I wish that they would have done that because I do think that that is a Mulligan's in here thank you uh check out the win pattern let's let's check out the win pattern uh okay so the so that is this is a map where you probably want to build your industry on the coast so oh yeah yeah so it's blowing towards the coast actually it's kind of coming this way and this way I don't really understand what is causing that direction change but yeah not not not the map where you want to sneak your industry back here you'll blow all of the pollution right into your city uh let's see the worst thing about the vanilla Maps is the trees they look naked yeah yeah so that that is a thing but here's here's the thing so the reason why oh the reason why there aren't a lot of trees in the vanilla Maps is it's the lowest common denominator you want to make sure that it works for everybody so I totally get it make the least Green City possible I mean we don't have any any sewage uh treatment here so that's a thing makes it pretty not green um and we're not going to I don't think we're going to build in this one I what I really want to test so we're going to go into Tombstone and we're going to see if we get potato mode so we'll just build for a little while and uh is there a face in the river city planner [Laughter] plays they're kind of is yeah I see the eyes the nose yeah I kind of see it I kind of see it I wonder if that's uh if that's an Easter egg it's [Laughter] ET I assure you that I am not naked in every video and you don't know it because I'm off camera I am fully clothed I'm wearing a patreon sweatshirt actually uh what's potato mode exactly so potato mode is basic so look at the last stream the uh the VOD basically all the trees end up turning into little potatoes little spheres all of them and then you can't see anything basically what's going on is the uh LOD is freaking out so yeah it's it's it's bad the way you said that makes you believe that I'm fully naked you'll never know although I did face reveal in the last stream accidentally and I wasn't naked so you should know uh Blue Owl thank you so much for the prime all right let's go into Tombstone and check it out and the one thing I will make sure I don't do is inadvertently go to this because you guys don't want to know what happens in Magnolia County next that' be bad all right we will click so okay couple of things to remember we did lose a bun yeah level of detail sorry um we did lose some of our build because it crashed so hopefully we don't run into that same issue now so I think the main thing is I think airport asked for airport asked for a taxi uh Depot so we added one right over here maybe it's was right here so we'll just randomly place that back in someone drop a link to the face reveal literally my last stream partway through um yeah I look like a normal dude dad energy that's that's about right I'm just the dude playing games in his basement that's all it's all I've ever been and uh I I I appreciate all of you for being here I really it's it's wild uh I just looked over at YouTube uh Boyd thank you so much for the Super Chat uh ever think of doing a sci-fi or fantasy inspired City using the current City's skylines 2 assets I haven't really um imagine this was not actually on Earth how would you build and Zone that is interesting I haven't really um if I would if I were to do anything outside of my normal it would likely be a European build I think that's what most people uh have asked for and I would probably try that out the thing is with that kind of a build my the whole reason why I haven't done it yet is I know who I am and I will get lost in the nuance and ultimately release a video a week because I'm too busy researching European city design which not a hexagon City no so I could do something like that uh I should grow a big old beard I already have a big old beard I I'm a I'm a beard man that's that's I'm I'm All About That Life and and really it's the life of not ever shaving because it's easier not to so I'm not [Laughter] uh I I I despise shaving I probably should get better about it if there's any reason why I don't have a face cam on it's at this point because it's so much easier to just show up in sweatpants you guys can't you guys can't tell what I'm wearing so we built all this in the previous one do you'll recall that we flattened out a bunch of this we built a football stadium a soccer field uh uh a whole bunch of stuff moving to Cleveland when man if I if I die in my house I've lived a good life that is my goal is to never move again in my life uh wear a suit I uh I no so even when when I was actively planning I my My Philosophy about getting overly dressed up is always that especially I mean you would get dressed up when you go to a public meeting and why would you want to I guess why would you oh whoops I don't think it makes sense to outdress the general public I want to be approachable not look like a Fed so I would I would kind of make fun of some of the planners that I knew that that would get all dressed up like that because to me it makes it unapproachable it makes it seem like you think you're better than everyone and that was never my intention my intention was to to be approachable someone that people could talk to about their Community yes drawing up a storm uh is this respecting the topography this is uh this is a disrespecting a map that has topography that is greatly exaggerated so we will uh we will we will we'll do what we have to do V tubing is for cringe nerds should I be a vtuber and be a cringe nerd I could do that I don't mind V tubing I think it's I think it's interesting uh do I play any any games other than skylines that's a good question so the reason why I'm streaming right now on both YouTube and twitch is because tonight we're going to play Civ 5 so you guys all requested that I guess I left a poll last week uh after and I here's where I'm going to apologize to you YouTube so I kicked you guys out of here and then I rapidly proceeded to uh sign up for geoguesser and we had a 100 person match of geoguesser and it was absolutely a blast so yeah it was it was uh yeah my last vtuber attempt I decided to go analog vtuber it didn't work um um but yeah so I kicked you guys off geog guesser and I apologize the next time I I I will not do that so maybe we'll play a round or two or G auster before we end this stream but there will be a second one later on today that will be twitch only that will be at 9:30 Central Standard time just like it has been for the last couple of weeks so uh but Geo boy I had a good time I hope I hope you guys enjoyed that too uh Dante sorry to be negative but I'm very disappointed in City skylines too I should have checked it should have cooked in the oven a little bit more in your opinion I I yeah I you know I'm not going to deny that I think that I think that with a little bit more time this could have been the game that we all hoped it would be a completely polished completely perfect game and we didn't get that and that's super disappointing and I really hope um certain parts I really hope that colossal order understands just how important it is to get modding and the editor available to us because the game to me particularly without the editor just feels the for for maps feels incomplete now modding the modding Community is amazing they found ways around all of this and they're figuring it out I don't like that the situation has led to there being some nefarious folks out there doing some nefarious things that are causing lots and lots of uh issues for some people there are certainly if you go to the wrong Source right now you could potentially get a a virus uh when I go on Steam I know that I'm safe and I just yeah it's it's definitely disappointing that we don't have um that option that said for me not having maps and the and the vanilla Maps being what they are and then I know that they were trying to do the right thing by saying we're not going to work in any content creator pack stuff or um DLC until after we get the game resolved but that also means we don't get any more maps so that's the reason why for instance that I just didn't have a series for a while because I just genuinely don't enjoy most of the maps that come with the game and and once I made Magnolia County I started having fun with the game again so it was just one one of those crazy it's it's one of those things I just think that I they're doing the right thing but they're also doing the wrong thing oh ad break for twitch so YouTube it's just you and me and uh the subscribers on Twitch and I'm going to take a moment while we uh have the next minute and a half of ads to thank all of you subscribers I'm really really really sorry that I'm missing all these there's so many of them coming through um and I uh I I'm I'm deeply deeply apologetic for that and for everyone on YouTube thank you holy cow there's 2,477 of you guys I wow that's wild thank you all so much and on Twitch holy cow almost 668 way more than uh than we've ever had so that is that is wild and the ad break is coming at a good time because I think my kids are walking in the house too so I might need to put up the Bight back screen for a moment and say hello to them otherwise you just might hear me say hello in the background you know it's fine 30 more seconds on the twitch ad break uh thank you for all the Hearts YouTube I appreciate you guys I I appreciate all the support I know that the city skylines 2 videos for some people it hasn't been um amazing especially if you don't have the ability to play the game so um I appreciate the support I I I see all the comments about that another 8 seconds 6 seconds and twitch is back uh when's the time for a face reveal in last live I don't know got a look it's it's only a it's only a 4 and a half hour long [Laughter] thought so the problem with booting up without all the mods is now all my line tool and all that good stuff is missing so and that's that's certainly a disappointment uh face reveal was super worth it was it I don't know that it was uh from The Voice you might be expecting too much you definitely are expecting too much I'm just the normal dude uh your app is struggling because of ad block oh well that's a that's that's a bummer uh so this is vanilla only yes so this is the the city that we've been building on stream I basically want at this point the whole goal is to see if we are going to enter potato mode and maybe we should just do some potato mode worthy things so coming in like this and just staring for a while would get us into potato mode and I don't see it I don't see it I'm pretty excited uh let's see what else would do it so likely just kind of oh oh oh oh this Stadium at the high school turned uh this into basically an acid trip and it looks I can look at it I can look at it I'm s that's awesome oh that's great uh let's see what else we'll just look all the way across the city that would sometimes do it too oh this would often do it it's a small sample size folks but I think that uh I think that we are okay I think can I do an accent I have one accent Wisconsin hey sweetie I'm I'm live right now that will come up in a little while okay but it why don't you put it hold on one second guys but you uh put it right by the of the steps and then I'll put it away okay okay you can try first and then okay sounds good all right all right that was my youngest uh every time time when she gets home from school she comes back down gives me a hug little kiss and uh says hello I appreciate that I appreciate that so I always make sure I'm not not recording at that point in time so I appreciate that that uh you guys are a little patient with me yes little CPP but that was a good test because now we know that there aren't any potatoes for sure I think that the potatoes are cooked I'm I'm really happy about this I mean for me o look at those traffic problems uh for me that was the biggest issue for recording uh one of the main reasons why I moved the Tuesday video to Wednesday is I've really really been struggling recording because of potato mode nonstop uh Wisconsin yeah and so that that's been my biggest issue so if potato mode is truly gone I yeah that that to me makes the game a ton more fun now the other things are a little bit more challenging to test so the traffic issues let's just I wonder what is the best way for us to test this I think I have one let's I'm going to save this real quick we'll just go right over the top and we're going to do some silly stuff I want to send all of the cars on the highway straight into the City and make them drive through the city and then we'll add a bunch of traffic lights and we'll see what kinds of Lane switching we get so let's do this this is going to be absolutely ridiculous and then two lane road right into here hopefully you guys are here for this oh whoops that that's not we got to make this look at least a little bit of okay right so use our curved rad tool and I will tell you guys i' I've had so many comments in the Discord saying that I need to get better at using the uh complex curve mode I'm going to need one of you guys to put together a video to show me how to use it because I'm super struggling with it okay so now all of this highway traffic should come directly into the city iser french fry mode um can I check where you keeping the uh the Vimeo folder as well as the members only video on YouTube am I keeping DJ John Mary I'm I'm a little confused by your question banana maybe you can help uh Beluga Brin thank you for the prime and I'm I'm I'm gonna randomly thank people because I keep missing these okay here's here's our one movement directly in no one's coming in that way and then here we're going to sever these so we'll just get rid of this and then let's see we don't want to pick the same road we want this to be complex so we'll come in here this is excellent roadway design by the way uh so many of you guys know or if you don't my i' I've been multiple kinds of of planners but generally the kind of specialization that I have is transportation planning so this is the Pinnacle of Transportation Planning just so that you all know this is this is what we strive for when we're planning cities especially this bump right there I love that oh we got a we got a signal that is amazing oh the blinding white I hate that that's the whole reason I have mods that whiteness mode perfect yes everyone in Idaho plays Idaho plays on potato mode you know there is no place sadder right now than Idaho we have crushed their dreams they no longer have a specific game mode in City skylines 2o and you know what I'm really enjoying this remodel we're really open I think that when you do this you start to realize just how much space Highway infrastructure wastes in a city when you have all all of this stuff removed and you're like wow multiple city blocks right there that we could have had okay we're just going to connect this up simply and then I think that this looks like the perfect spot for our highway to connect right by our high school because we need to give the the kiddies a challenge when they learn how to drive they accidentally end up on the interstate and there's nowhere to turn around [Laughter] Perfect all right there's one connection here's the other then we'll just reverse this quickly and now we should just see a ton of traffic pump into town and as we look at our highways my My Hope Is that we see a lack of Lane switching so let me see I think I have I think I still have Dev mode okay I still have that so let's turn our simulation to eight times and really crank this thing and get this thing going we've also got crazy stop lights we've got people doing all sorts of uh crazy things yeah we we raise short-term tourism by a 2,000% you're completely right uh there are no cars no there are there are cars they're they are coming so let's see this is an absolute nightmare we see some switching occurring but they're staying in their Lane [Music] okay let's look at the traffic flow we'll keep this here and I'll look at chat for a few minutes uh your second favorite song ever from uh CPP yellow yeah this song Yellow base yes it's a good tune I like this one highspeed rail definitely something we need here uh apparently monana once experimented with no speed limits on some roads I thought Montana didn't have speed limits on uh still on some roads or maybe it's just higher What GPU am I running I'm running at 490 if you want to know how things are going we can look at cam um currently sitting at 90% load and it's not I mean that's warm but it's not too bad I actually feel chilly in this room today which is impressive normally I I have the temperature of my office is my feet are cold right now so yeah it's uh I think they've improved a couple of things all right so we've got heavy traffic right here this would be so right now we have flow so lots of flow the volume also high in this area I wonder where the best spot to look at this is going to be I kind of want to see if cars are bobbing and weaving on the highway so this is probably a good spot let's follow some cars here and we'll just just see and it looks overtaking that's fine all right the real test will be gaming laptops yeah so I actually have a GPU enclosure and I have the original laptop uh so I should really test it on that yeah dude is tailgating the bus it seems it seems like it's okay it's really hard to tell oh here's an accident is it going to last forever or will it be resolved it'll be resolved without animations I'm guessing they said nothing about that so there's a cop on their way completely fine okay um so I would say nothing is definitive but it seems like they've made some improvements one thing that we can test I don't know if this is so I'm not sure if this is because I'm in Dev mode or not but I can show the FPS in frame time it's really tiny uh so you're going to have to look at your screen see maybe Advanced is good enough so I'm getting a consistent 60 FPS do I have I might have vsync on I do so let's turn vsync off and I have everything anything set to high except let me see what don't I have set to high so under Global Graphics quality I've gone through and I've adjusted the anti-aliasing to be TAA I have also taken volume metrics and set it to low Global illumination I've set to low depth of field to low motion blow blur to low and then for level of detail the default high is 70% I've cranked it to 100% And I've taken the geometry cache limit which is normally 2 GB and I've taken it all the way up to four so this is basically as high as you might ever want to get it so we're taking a look at that um Vic I figured during the ad bombs it could be an opportunity to Rattle off some yes I agree I will I will do that thank you Vic I will I will rattle through that that makes a lot more sense so it looks like I'm hovering around 64 FPS but this is a really poor test we've got a better one let's look as we freestyle totally we have our original Magnolia at 100,000 so let's see how we do here I'm a I'm a little nervous I'm a little nervous but we'll see okay so with the rain woo it feels oh oh feels a little yucky so we are definitely experiencing some issues still but but don't before everyone goes and says there's there's some issues here the load times are crazy yes absolutely Jim um I think that we need to do a couple of things so looking at the setting I'm going to hide the advanced it's not actually hiding it okay I think that we should probably turn off Global illumination again we'll turn off depth of field and motion blur and see if that fixes things for us and then remember I've got level of detail on some ridiculous setting it's okay we're basically hover in around 40 to 45 I'd say it's definitely playable now remember this is this is a 4090 so this is a ridiculous card uh in terms of the power let me I resume it maybe it'll fix oh we've got a bottleneck that's the problem so I don't know if they fixed the bug there or what the case may be but it feels pretty good uh and I'm guessing if I were to turn off the rain it would be even better let's see what that does for FPS we're going from 45 to [Laughter] 45 so at least let's see Donnie Roxy at least 10 more updates that they're right there doing them and how much will include I don't know you know I'm going to say that I think I think that this has been a sizable update and I'm I'm happy with what they've what they've been up to it's seems like they're actually taking some of the concerns uh to Heart there are some quality of life things that I would personally really like to see added into the game uh the whiteness mode I just I don't understand why this is our default view when we click into Zone uh or this so things like that I think could be improved and obviously uh the performance still has some ways to go and and here's the big thing we're at 100,000 in this city but I've heard that when you get to 150 the simulation itself slows to a crawl and that's something that we can't we aren't really seeing here the simulation slowing to a crawl because we're not it's not a big enough City yet uh Q boy thank you for being here uh the two big updates that you want to see are dlss and FSR 2 and mods yeah yes yes we will see gigantic increases in performance then and then mods I mean just we've got to have official mod support just just that's just huge oh we need 1 million cities well I would I would take that but ultimately I just want a city that's this size to feel like butter we're not quite there yet but I'm also playing at ridiculous settings we could try to optimize this let's see if we can get the let's take this down and try to do it even better so I'll take this down to 1440p and I don't know that it made a huge difference if I'm it's so when I'm up here now I'm getting close closer to 50 60 sometimes hitting 70 granted we still don't have power so that's a [Laughter] thing uh ejs sa has a 500K City that's really slow yeah I I think at 500k right now it's probably be still a crawl and the thing is in the patch notes that we took a look at they said nothing about the CPU they said everything about GPU and I will say from a GPU utilization standpoint it feels a ton better and you know the temperature is completely acceptable I'm okay with this uh want to give street names to these cities perhaps you want to share your tips oh thank you Vic I appreciate that Discord definitely check out the Discord uh 60 HZ yes this is 60 HZ I have a color accurate monitor that's why I'm using that um yeah so I'd say it's much better except for that one crash but that said I was using thunderstore so you know that's that that that's something to kind of be expected what do I think about being on Paradox mods instead of the theme Workshop I think I have really mixed emotions that's that's what I think so part of me thinks boy yeah you had a good thing going why would you change that good thing obviously we all understood what was happening with the Steam Workshop um but at the same time I think that there is a chance that they could do something even better with uh with Paradox mod so I just bluntly I'll be completely upfront with you and say that I haven't seen it so I I'm reserving judgment that's like I'm not going to say that that the console version of City skylines 2 isn't good until I play it or I'm not going to say that it's great until I play it they say it's at parody but who knows if it actually is at parody until we actually see it so it's it's hard it's hard for me to say I do wish if given the choice between Thunder store and steam I mean that obviously I'd rather have Ste are they going to have paid mods I hope not not I mean that was I think everyone's big fear is that that's why they decided to go for uh the Paradox mods but I don't I don't I don't think that that is that's their goal it doesn't seem like their goal anyway and they've come out and said so much now obviously they could come out and and do whatever they want and they you know I think that the community would react accordingly I don't I just don't see that as being a thing now the one thing that I will be upfront and say that I would really like to see is is I want to see better ways for mod and asset creators to monetize the content that they are putting out so I don't want to see it being a forced thing but come on everyone let's be completely honest without mods without assets City skylines 1 died four years ago the DLC is great but the mods and the assets are what keep it kept it alive for most of us so from my perspective I want to encourage enourage the people that are spending all of this time uh and effort because they are passionate about the game to be able to reap some kind of reward and then some sort of encouragement to keep doing more and better things so I guess if they were going to do something I would love to see something like that but again I don't know that that's something that would be um mandatory I just I would love to see that direct link because right now it's just not there do I mean and that's one of the frustrating things is we are kind of forced right I thought I was underground uh we're kind of forced to seek out everyone's specific way of monetizing and I think that that's not great everything is overloading so apparently I just did a really bad job with uh the power here I that's what I've been trying to do is how can I make this not overload and I just for the life of me apparently can't figure it [Laughter] out uh have I played City skylines VR I have not I have not um has anyone here played it is it any good I'm just I don't have a VR I don't I don't so that was only available for the quest my brother-in-law has a quest swears by it personally I'm not a big Facebook fan or user I have a Facebook account and like many people of my generation who were first exposed to Facebook as basically uh so I remember going in undergrad and they're being a a print out that someone stuck to the side of the wall and it said join join the Facebook and you had one profile picture you could put your phone number to your dorm and you know your room number and there were no your grandma wasn't on there so the further it's got away and this is going to make me sound like an old kogin guy the further it's gotten away from the Facebook that I enjoyed the less I've enjoyed it and the less I've wanted to use it yeah I I was a MySpace user too you know going going through and uh updating the HTML on my on my on my page I'm old so yeah Facebook sucks and because of that because of that I'm not super interested in getting a quest so the VR R version is fun but you prefer the PC to the easy play that's the other thing like for console the reason I don't play console is because it's controller first that's not to say you can't play with the mouse and keyboard but it's this bottleneck is going to drive me crazy uh but because it is a because it is a mouse and keyboard second you feel it while you're playing and the overlays are gigantic it's just not a great experience uh let's see best run a few high voltage lines under your city and install Transformers yeah that's probably the right call I can't believe our city isn't dying yet it's just been it's a it's been a here we'll just add this here here we're doing some ugly things we're about to play some geoguesser and I won't kick you off here YouTube I'll give you the code we'll they'll be up to 100 of us yeah I think that solved it so anyway it feels all right I think it's it's all right um it's if you if you've taken a break from City skylines 2 because you're not sure of whether or not your your computer can handle it I'd say give it a shot if you've been uh disturbed by some of the bugs give it a sh shot the one thing I am before we move on before we move on do we have a cargo train terminal here we do I want to see if we actually have things loading cuz that has been a thing a big thing so we're getting Cargo in is it going to take cargo out oh boy let's see it's still empty that's that's a bummer maybe we'll yeah I yeah that's that's a bummer uh did they have fix the economy Mak a ton of money here the only way that I could really tell you if it fix the economy is to go look at Magnolia County because that's the one that I really I really know um but I can definitely should we I I'll you know what I'm going to let YouTube decide this one so I will give you guys a poll YouTube should we take a look at Magnolia County episode 5 and see what the economy looks like or should we go to geoguesser what should we do magnolia County or geoguesser all right let's see what YouTube says there's 2,448 people on YouTube right now so I want to see at least 500 before I oh boy there's only there's 70 votes right now but it's overwhelmingly in favor of taking a look at Magnolia County so we got 140 people right now in the meantime I am going to try to thank a few people on Twitch and of course I need to I need need to know how to filter things first okay I think I figured it out I think I figured it out holy cow uh so babe Watcher Bob thank you for becoming a subscriber FP 69 gaming Jesus Norris Rex Blue Owl 3 characters oh bosy thank you for becoming a subscriber uh Annie senu thank you for becoming a subscriber the way dog Timmy Tims 96 MD Albert uh Gritz worch body of zingi thank you all for becoming subscribers wave AV hyp Hawk the great Ginge 21 race for Matt Ford n thank you so much for the bits I really really your support your ongoing support just thank you really appreciate that uh let's go do some cheers since twitch is adding free bits to all cheers over three 300 thank you I uh wow thank you so much twitch cheered 500 bits uh is that actually twitch oh oh that's twitch adding on to your so thank you uh capy rubber duck Tintin Madura magic cuttlefish wicked wicked Pizza Mr hats for cats thank you all so much thank you all so much uh zelor make Beluga brain Archie leford Noble tin Tintin I believe Jason Martinez brain pickle wos Inc Aaron the egg salad Apple gator thank you all so much for becoming subscribers let's see YouTube 500 of you we are going to Magnolia County I'm not done with the thank yous but we are going to go take a look at this because we can at least take a look at the economy and you can kind of see how I do my episodes now lots of little pieces so let's pop in here and honestly this is an opportunity for me to show you what I built off camera anyway uh you're let's see uh sentient mango what is the plan for City skylines one oh that's a good question so it's funny I actually tried to load into holy C I'm getting a 100 FPS in Magnolia County that's wild um granted I'm at I'm at uh 1440 but that's pretty awesome the plan is I so I tried to go into Clearwater County and I was downloading mods for boy 30 minutes before I just gave up so I eventually I think that what we're going to do for Clearwater county is kind of a ver Beach style rundown of uh holy cow we're making a lot of money let's just take a look at this and we'll spread this out of the ways Grant we've added a ton to this um back to back to that though so we we're going to have a a ver Beach style rundown um there's one more build for sure that I want to have in Clearwater County oh and we are on an ad break so before we go any further I'm going to finish thanking everyone uh so Neo ax thank you for the bits body thank you so much body of of Zing thank you for the bits Mr ory thank you for the prime wolf wolf andal thank you so much for the bits and you know what I was at the very top interative interative pronoun thank you for subscribing scri McGriff thank you for subscribing and Darth zitter thank you so much for subscribing as well so much support it means a lot to me so I'm not going to talk anymore about City skylines one series until the ad break ends we've got about 40 seconds left on that um M thank you so much for the Super Chat I appreciate you like trains I like trains too probably not as much as some other folks do but doesn't mean I don't like them I I respect trains I respect the heck out of them I'm just bad at them in City skylines although I will give you a hint in the next episode we're fixing it I think based on the feedback in the pin comment hopefully I got it right I may have gotten it terribly wrong uh Mr ory thank you thank you thank thank you for the content thank you for being here I appreciate you four more seconds and then we're back on Twitch okay ad break has ended so here is the goal so we've got at least two more episodes of Clearwater County one is going to be a build I want to finish out uh Johnson's Creek we've got a spot near the highway That was supposed to be a high density development so we've got to finish that one off and then after that I want to do a rundown there are unlimited builds I had a whole bunch of builds queued up in my mind but we just at at some point I've got to cut it off um in Nikolai Bay we've got one more build and then at the end of that episode we'll probably have a rundown of the entire Series so I will basically we're going to build a a I won't I won't tell you we'll have a big build um and then then we're probably we're probably done with City skylines one and I'm taking that basically from the feedback that I get in terms of of uh views and comments um um I've never had as high of a dislike ratio on a video as I did for the last nickola Bay and I'm kind of taking that as feedback from everyone that maybe you're not into it maybe you're not into it anymore and that's fine that's fine so yeah High dislike ratio is pretty it's pretty it's pretty strange I didn't expect to see that I expected less views but not not more dislikes so it's fun you were excited to see the most recent episode of nicolay bay I appreciate [Laughter] that yeah it's it is honestly sad cities by Diana but it's okay I still enjoyed making it I still think I personally believe that the last nickola Bay build is one of the better builds that um in the entire series I I feel over the last little while I felt so I guess here's the way I put it with all of the issues that City skylines 2 has had it's really pushed me into to uh directions with storytelling and like doing things that I can control so nothing beats Verde Beach yes one thing I loved about Verde Beach is that I could control everything I felt like I was totally in control all the time but with City skylines too I don't always feel that way and because of that like you know especially when we have big up updates that are doing stuff like this like what's going on [Laughter] here when you have gigantic updates like this uh it makes you wonder uh if you're totally in control it changes the story you can tell so I've been leaning into the storytelling as a result overcharged egg thank you for being here buddy how you doing ver Beach is hot I mean cool but hot yes a wild egg has appeared in twitch I appreciate you guys so from that's that's that's kind of been going on for me and that has extended to City skylines 1 I I felt like I could tell more stories and i' I've appreciated that so this is the one thing I did build off camera this is King bait shop this is where Nick King uh he owns this supplements his income over here on the farm gets him away from apparently all the pollution the ground pollution at his house he can come here walk out to the boatless peers and take in all of that natural Splendor it's absolutely wonderful thank you it looks great I I appreciate that uh so this was actually in the uh in the intro to the last episode when I was making the intro I realized I needed this to tell the story and I forgot to build it in the episode so just went in after the fact and had a little bit of fun and truthfully I forget because I build so often on cameras how much it's it's enjoyable just to throw a YouTube video up on the side and and build something so that is what I was doing are there boats no there are not I don't know I mean are there boats in is it home key that gets me to this I don't know if there are actually boats oh well so let's see yeah no boats the ship I could take a cargo [Laughter] ship so I don't know if you guys have done this if you have Dev mode on if you push home you can go to the add object screen and apparently just destroy all of Magnolia counties th it's honestly a lot like find it too it's pretty exciting it's it's pretty it's pretty neat highly recommend if you haven't been in Dev mode check it out do so safely make sure that you're not um make sure that you're not doing so mid save save right before you do it infrastructure went nuts in his latest video that's awesome yeah I probably won't use this all that often if I'm being completely honest with you because for Magnolia County it's not going to be completely vanilla but I want want my goal is that if you are on Console holding out and and watching this series I want on day one for console for this map to be available for you and you can build along with me and that means I can't use Dev mode to do things that you might not be able to do same thing with Game Pass I don't know if Game Pass folks can actually use Dev mode right now I don't know maybe maybe someone else knows but if they can't again I can't I don't want to use it yet so it'll be available at some point this is my vanilla is series uh can we take pre-made maps to console you're going to you're going to have access to Paradox mods so as long as I can get this on Paradox mods without it breaking in theory you should be able to have this this map uh there is a way to use Dev mode on Game Pass okay cuboid so maybe maybe it's not as big of a deal uh Zephyr Blaze thank you for giving overcharge egg a tier one sub and uh egg enjoy the new uh the new emotes uh you're on Game Pass and use Dev mode okay I I had no idea so the way that we do it on Steam is we actually go and uh maybe I can just show you this real quick you go into the properties here under your launch options you add this just Dash developer mode and it has to have this capitalization the m has to be capitalized and then when you launch it you have access when you hit tab you get this screen you can change the weather when you hit home you can add add an object so it's really powerful and if you want to play without mods this is an absolutely amazing way to do so and still have a lot of control that you probably shouldn't have but you've got to be careful because especially in this console a bunch of stuff in here can crash your game or render your save broken so it's always helpful to know what you're doing in here have an extra save and you know don't don't play too much what if you don't have a home key I assume then you have a you have a a 10 key list and you're probably have to set a function key to it I I was one of those people and then I I saw the light and now I have a I have a Logitech MX MX something yeah I love it uh are you actually catching a stream you are uh I did check out the new maps in fact I think that we are about to venture over to geog guesser in a moment but I want to we've let this run for a little while in terms of the economy we have kind of a balanced budget which is where we we were it looks like it's a little more tame oh no never mind so it honestly doesn't look a ton different to me the one thing that's a little bit interesting not this update but the one prior to that changed offices and now they just generate kind of a ridiculous amount of money and if if you look at what I've zoned for office in this entire area that's it there's maybe a couple over there it's not very much office and that's the majority of my zoned tax income so I think that that is out of whack I mean you look at that it is double industrial almost it's almost triple commercial and you know in comparison I mean there's a ton more commercial so yeah you love Logitech keyboards uh fog ghost yeah it's absolutely wonderful I have a Logitech uh keyboard and a Logitech Pro wireless mouse love it love it love it love it yeah it does feel really wrong so I think that's that's an issue all right I think we we know that this has improved performance it seems like things are are are working better potato mode is a thing of the past I think that we are going to spend just a little bit of time playing some geoguesser and then for twitch anyway I'll come back tonight I'll come back tonight we'll play some sip uh good afternoon you very much enjoy city planner plays perspective on the game you're an architect and you love designing uh for fun thank you appreciate you all right let's uh let's quit out of here and we'll hop in the geog guesser and give me just one second I'm going to log in and then I will give everyone the URL and we'll have a good time uh and you know what I was going to put up the be right back screen it's fine we'll be all right now the real question and I want to see you guys put this in chat where are we going to go are we just going to do a worldwide map again um and I should change my name because last time I could couldn't do that um I just want to change my name the Avatar I mean okay ah there that's better now it looks more like [Music] me there that's that's basically what I'm wearing right now so we'll roll with that uh I have no idea how to change my name so I guess we'll roll with it if you guys want to play geoguesser with uh foggy field this really bugs me you know how to do it so let's let's play multiplayer and trying to remember exactly how we did this is it party mode guys I need I need a I need a reminder twitch chat change it to foggy Phill I should that would require me knowing what I'm [Laughter] doing let's just see I'll go into multiplayer and just see if maybe this is where we do it you'll never tell you think it's party okay that's it yeah this is right this is right all right so I'm going to paste this in both chats and if you want to join me and play geoguesser with me here's how you do it there's 100 slots so go fast go real real fast now while we're doing this do we want to do a worldwide map do we want to spec the specific place so last time around we did worldwide we did Wisconsin we did Europe we did us we did uh uh wonders of the world it was a lot of fun US cities I feel like there's a lot of Europeans in in today it's filling up fast yeah I'm excited I'm really excited we're at 70 getting so close so close European cities what don't we do well we'll do a couple we'll do a we'll do a world we'll do a EUR European union and uh you guys will see how bad I am uh jerak Millennial 7:30 p.m. you're in California all right all right we're good we're good we're going to do it World we're going to do it live so let's see what we get always do worldwide okay and what do we have here so the real question is are you guys going to leave me astray so we're in Europe I can see that where in Europe are we I'm going to say I'm going to say I have no idea let's start zooming in it's probably like Serbia or Albania or is it Spain oh turkey is Turkey in the EU Middle East no it's not Middle East because I saw the European Union at least I don't think it's it's Middle East because I thought I saw the European Union uh like okay English and okay maybe I'm wrong maybe it is turkey it's eastern Europe Hungary oh Serbia and Albania aren't EU so that's really helpful it's not Israel I don't think so unless they have the same license plates cuz you kind of see there's the blue is it Israel am I actually wrong we're not in the EU okay you know what I'm just going to guess and we'll see if I'm we'll see probably a bad guys we are in Europe that's Arabic next oh we're in Cairo oh my goodness we were in Israel yeah okay we were in uh yeah I was way off all right well hard fail on that one not even close but I still got points and I'm I'm good with that you know and there's 82 of you that are better than me at this so that's pretty exciting round two okay and let's see that to me looks like EU look at these people maybe the sign you know what I have no idea so I'm guessing is this Hungary maybe Romania baltics it's not Ukraine I don't think it's I I don't think it's Ukraine is it Poland maybe no it's too it looks too warm for that it's pretty I like the I like the design of it I think it's really really nice there's mountains in the background are stop signs exactly the same everywhere oh wow this is nice I I I I dig the the cobbles okay I'm look at Bulgaria yeah almost Romania or bulg so is that going to be is Romania and basically the baltic's going to be my my Scotland today I think it might be uh we're going to go with we'll go with Croatia it's either bulgar or M okay it was Bulgaria and I was I was 463 miles away I think I probably I moved up I moved up I'm into it Gio 512 good job good good job all right next round O we're on a boat are we on a boat uh only a couple countries in Europe use ailc what is [Laughter] this I don't know how oh I can I can go up the I I I can this is wild I did not know that Google had Google Earth had this where or Google Maps so we are going to paddle up the river hopefully as quickly as possible and see civilization oh he raised his hand I think we must be getting close to something where are we going where are we going Philip Columbus is put in in in the in the vot you already know where this is I have no idea I think that we are I have no idea 42 seconds oh now he's in the water what is this okay you think it's Chicago Australia the Nile no idea yeah I have no idea what this is but I'm into it I really want to know I this is Egypt trania Kenya so we had Kenya last time somewhere near sa San Antonio Indonesia oh I'm I'm I'm out of time you know what you know what we are there we're just going to get Europe uh Egypt oh Madagascar so many of you guys got wait I got to see did anyone actually okay that's impressive though so did you guys actually know I think that I think that you guys were close madur you were close nice nice work that was really that was a tough one you think it's southern Africa yeah all right so that leaves me an 80th I'm dropping Mr Mason thank you for being in YouTube we are in geoguesser and after this round we're going to do a couple more and uh we will uh this is kind of how we're going to wrap things up today just doing this I'll I'll leave the invite code and dump anyone who's not playing anymore so this looks where are we honestly this looks like it could be rural Midwest water tower that's going to be that's going to be our clue right there the water tower oh what does that say nothing okay someone biking all right now it doesn't feel like we're anywhere that I've ever been but we're almost the town let's see Ukraine Kansas Kansas was kind of like that was kind of what I was thinking I don't think that we're in Kansas anymore though this building does not I think that we are in Southeast Asia somewhere the question is can we figure it out in the next 27 seconds I just want to see okay okay there's language on the side of that vehicle of course it's blocked now 19 seconds uh Secondary School mck Bar Road bag Pat big big Pat I don't I don't okay okay okay I think I probably figured out a clue but I just need to guess there we go we'll see if that's right is it India Bangladesh oh it was India oh guys this is embarrassing I might be I know I know I am you got it again Madura you are just rocking this I am this is the worst I've ever done yikes is right 95th year thank you you're making me feel a little bit better I will definitely sing past you my goal is to be last okay so now maybe it's actually where I just thought that we were I wonder if we can figure it out from the license plate now they're blocked completely like they should be and let's tyen I could see that let's see any mailbox it just straight up says I'm I'm always shocked with how much English is in other places okay so now we've got some Billboards yeah I'm I'm thinking Thailand it's obviously very urbanized we're just going through alleys what does this say uh can't tell I don't even know if this sarin Place sarin place if someone gets this on the dot I know that you're Googling but yes I agree I think it's Thailand I think I'm just going to look is it is it Bangkok or do you think it's something smaller doesn't matter doesn't matter we're going to go for it right there and fingers crossed it's Cambodia for sure oh 7 miles away 7 miles away that jumped me up to 66 oh I feel so good now I feel so good you're still in first freaky uh freaka bester fre freaking bester nice work Diana always doing good nice work 18th Place that's awesome that was that was a good time uh let's see who we got here Johnny number one Adam number two hoser number three nice work everybody nice nice work everybody uh so I see a couple familiar I think Sasha played last time so nice work nice work all right let's do at least one more should we do well I'll remove all the inactive players I'll kick you all out and paste this back in So YouTube I'm skipping the ads you guys are supposed to have ads apparently there is the code if you want to jump in click on that and you can play with us there's 100 people that can play and as soon as it's full I'll remove the inactive players once again soon as it's full we're going are we doing world or should we do EU this time we'll do EU and uh maybe one US geography is not your strong suit I shouldn't admit this my bachelor's degrees is in geography and here I am showing up in 66 Place being good at geography doesn't necessarily mean understanding geography do world oh change the stream category thank you Vic appreciate you there we go I've changed the category we're good to go on on Twitch I think uh where's the code there's the code once more I think oh we are we're filled up so we're going to start so World let me see YouTube USA USA why don't we do we'll do we'll do a couple more we'll we'll do rapid fire we'll do one USA we'll do one European union and we'll finish off with the world and then I'll see you guys tonight so USA to begin let's see if I embarrass myself oh wow it's my block just kidding let's see if I can figure out this looks to me like Washington or Oregon Oregon what do you guys think I see Caribbean I would fail that one so hard blue license plates I have no idea whatever it is it looks very moist so that makes me think Pacific Northwest definit defitely Washington Small Town in Washington that's my guess where is the main drag that's the real question once we find that Green Recycling uh recycling green bins you think it's Texas Tennessee I don't I don't see that what I really want to see is someone rocking a state flag on their house but I don't see that um it's got to be Missouri ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh I feel like the realtor sign might expose it I got 22 seconds though uh ooh that license that's it's it's for sure Washington I recognize the plate I feel like you can't go wrong guessing somewhere around Seattle I'm going to pick we'll do right here Lacy got 3 seconds trash can set Portland no no oh oh all right well 41 we're starting out in a way okay this is definitely this looks like California this looks like California it's so bright and sunny I do miss that although I had a nice bright bright and sunny day today too warm for snow uh let's see y definitely we're in California you can see it on the plates the real question is where it's it looks like Southern Cali oh you guys gave me the garbage can hint Waste Management that could not be any less helpful uh honestly we could be anywhere what do you guys think Monteray Park Pasadena I don't think it's Pasadena now if if there are if we're in the LA area and there are area codes I would know me see can I just see anything it's just like oh we're in a random culde saac I don't know I'm I'm you think it's San Diego uh freaking bester uh look for wild life is there any Wildlife here okay how about the street sign Shadow tree okay I don't I let's look out okay I'm saying and I'm going to go with San Diego too uh FedEx operates is that a clue oh oh guess I at least got a guess in oh my goodness Oceanside you know I should have guessed that because I remember I've actually never been to San Diego because I went to go visit San Diego and I was coming from LA and I want to say it was Oceanside this area I got stuck in some suburban area like maybe like right here it was it was kind of a mess you live in San Diego that that okay you guess it was oh maybe it was delmare somewhere around there I just got stuck in wall to--all traffic and I just I was just like all right San Diego's not happening today okay so we are on Northstar Lane in a place that looks a lot like anywhere Midwest lots of duplexes is this Kansas it's flat yeah it could be it could be Kansas it could honestly this to me looks like all of the uh the worst times I've had in uh in [Laughter] Illinois just like a place that you're driving through and you just want kind of want to want to come come on through because you're trying to go somewhere else but I'm sure it's a lovely place to be honestly it kind of looks like the kinds of places that I've lived so more snow than Kansas that makes me think honestly I wonder ooh ooh ooh 605 605 that doesn't where is 605 is that Illinois trying to think okay okay Quail Crest shopping center oh hiy oh oh oh oh oh that hiy is a huge giveaway this is definitely in the Midwest oh ad break for uh okay I got to pick place we are in Cedar Rapids Iowa for sure uh you're guessing South Dakota oh you were right you were right that is oh Sue Falls and I'm going to I'm going to hold here we got 12 more seconds and let me see 34th 34th I feel good about that I feel good about that chat uh su falls yeah so I had a cooworker at one point that that was from sou Falls uh but I've never been I've never been all right next up oh Diana are you in first place you are in first place are we back in California now now this feels unfair because uh I feel like I feel like Diana probably knows this one too I should know more of these ooh it's nice Mustang so when I lived in California I uh I don't know if I've ever told this story but I thought boy I'm moving to California I'm 21 what do I need right now oh this is this is this is potato mode I need a Mustang and uh this is before I was into much of anything uh related to to urban planning and uh I bought a Mustang and gas swiftly spiked wow this is pretty are we in Hawaii I think we're I think we're I think we're in Hawaii um gas spiked to $575 or $5.50 a gallon and I could not afford to drive that stupid Mustang and uh I rode the bus and rode my bike and that's part of I couldn't afford to drive that stupid car so yeah I'm going to say I'm going to say this is Hawaii what do you guys think North Bay NorCal Forest it just looks so it just looks okay fine I'm going to bite we'll say it's here and we'll see if I'm wrong Inland Empire no way no way really really I would have it just looked wow that must have been after a rain because it looked it looked tropical the trash can it's always the trash can isn't it Diana I just I'm embarrassed because I actually looked I went to I went to calply Pomona and I looked there and calp and uh uh San Louis AB bispo I went to both and took a look there and almost went uh to school at Cal I really like calp I thought it was really cool uh Pomona that is you're wearing your UC Riverside hoodie that's awesome uh will CS you're here I should I I I'd promote you but I can't because I need to figure out where we are and uh this are we in Wisconsin I'll know by the license plate it this this honestly feels like rural home I think I think we're going with it we're going to for sale where where's your uh where's that no number yeah I I think and this is oh you think it's Mississippi this is a Midwestern suburb or small town for sure I that's that's my feeling to me this I mean I grew up in a in a small town that had this same Vibe I'm going to say we'll go there I'm wrong I'm sure totally not Mississippi Iowa oh this one was Illinois this one was Illinois where at in Illinois Sheffield okay well yeah it definitely that felt familiar to me that one felt really familiar and of course it felt so familiar that I I picked Wisconsin when no one else did Morris Illinois all right so 34th and that's it freaking bester nice work excellent job first place Tally Cat first place for you control dub nice work Evan excellent job Tyler Chan nice work too and Continental Continental PL toe great great work uh let's see Diana where'd you end up you were at the top for so long 17th still excellent work everybody we're going to do the EU next I'm going to remove everyone who's inactive I'll paste the link in there hop in if you want to play and jump in we've got 42 slots they're going to fill up quickly uh if you click on the top right menu oh oh oh oh oh I can change my name okay I'm going to make a point to before the stream tonight I will I will change my name so we're going to change this to the EU got 100 people actually I'll remove inactive there's a couple inactive I guess we're good we're full all right EU now you're going to really see how bad I am at this oh it's what that all because of Illinois I blame everything in Illinois I think that's fair don't tell zaris I've got oh you didn't get logged in oh bumber hopefully in the next one Denmark okay chat I'm going to rely on you guys because I have no idea where I am all I know is it looks like a little quaint Village I think it looks lovely I I love how manicured the hedges are looks beautiful uh that's Denmark 100% it's not Pennsylvan it's not [Laughter] [Music] Pennsylvania uh so with the European Union license plates are they just all okay yeah it's not really telling me much of anything I'm trying to remember from when I went to Greece uh so Banky who's so so Banky who I wonder if that'll help so you said oh that probably means house now that's Denmark houses say Scandinavian Vegas can I zoom in on the street signs they'll probably I haven't really seen many I've got 11 seconds and I'm spinning around I have nothing selected so we're not going to do that we're just going to pick right here actually right next to it guys I think I'm really close 117 miles isn't bad oh it is bad it's I'm in 7 74th Place uh European Suburbia well it looks lovely I thought it was a small town I didn't realize it was Suburbia what did I do whoops I don't want to open up Google Maps Okay next round let's do it key lime die nice work coming in first place you were must have been right on top of it all right I don't know what well they have they have gigabyte gigabit internet so that's that tells me good things uh Czech Republic right so that's what the dot CZ is okay so are we in so we're in a city what do we see on the side uh hosy I don't [Music] know so we're by a city how big is it though that's the thing I can't really tell the side the size of the city by the buildings not Prague is there a link to join the next game yeah I'll drop it in the chat uh geography it's it's got him show the city sign is there oh oh right here is that the city sign oh what is that what is that okay okay so I think that's good enough it starts with an O uh 30 seconds 30 seconds in white you went past it oh I passed the city sign oh is that it is that it the blurry okay there it is and I have no idea where that is I have 9 seconds SM right there we'll just cross our fingers hope for the best almost dead center oh so many of you guys got right on it nice work no there it is sure enough right outside of this city and I can't pronounce that I I I I need to get better at pronouncing European uh European city names the white sign uh with the red slash indicated you were leaving that's really smart very nice all right so 56th there are a lot of Europeans in here so if I get in the top 50 I feel good about it I feel good about it uh let's see this I wonder what this is it's pretty is this like is it this looks Spanish or I guess maybe it's not who knows what do you guys think there are two lipas what is what is what is a so twitch chat doesn't lead me astray how about you YouTube what do you uh you think it's turkey Croatia the sign had a town name in it did it right there was that it down this way hotel that's in English that's interesting uh what language is this what language okay that tells me this has to be Bal you oh it's Greece oh I could definitely see that or Cyprus oh I think oh so they speak Greek in in Cyprus right and there's a lot of English so the lot of English makes me wonder if it is Greece because I when I went there I was I was shocked at it apparently there was some point in time where uh Hills Omega Greece we're going to go right there uh Cypress is Greek and Russian okay yeah northern [Music] Greece Greek and Turkish has a lot of Russian tourists yeah when I was when I so I went to um I went to Athens and then I took a ferry out to uh Santorini and I I swear that uh it seemed like 50% of the tourists while I were there were Russian uh anyone can join but I have to give you the code at the end of the round and we're doing European Union right now and I think that we are are we in in Scandinavia right now this looks like home to me like that it has the same sort of foliage can I see anything back there does this mean anything to you guys it's finish or Norwegian Sweden you know what I think that was an asset set from City skylines [Music] 2o uh honestly it looks okay maybe this is helpful what does that look like to you guys finish Sweden Finland because it's neat I feel like the last time around we were we were looking at the neatness of a place and that was not a giveaway it's Finland for sure yeah I'm going to say Finland uh just got here what happened to the patch we went through it uh basically the game no longer has potato mode FPS is a little better it seems anyway uh and there were a number of bugs that I think most of us were not aware were in the game that were patched out which is pretty exciting I'm going to say it's right here at least I got to guess it 300 miles not great not great I'm in the top 50 go north go Southern Finland most people don't live there Northern Finland was the right way I'm in the top 50 and I'm going to take that as a win uh Daniel that was finish that was all right all right so where are we now uh let's see ooh it's England part of it is that part German too we're in a we're in a we're in a town at least so that's helpful maybe in this building uh meline so it's in it's kioski Toto we got to find a street sign there's got to be there's a roundabout um how long have I been on Twitch this is I think my fourth stream it's Finland again are you kidding me we're in Finland again sounds super finished you can read all the signs so it's finished a functional roundabout it's a really small town it seems like Anyway is that a bike lane or bike path multi-use path just sidewalk very nice either way actually I don't think that we are in a small town I think we're in a suburb but I haven't seen anything that gives away the name of the place Auto Grill uh Estonia I'm going to go I'll go right here wa is that we're going Finland twice in a row oh my goodness 70 miles I'll take it this is the big city in [Laughter] Finland well there we go that's that's where we should have been 39th it is so close to it is it Tampere Tampere surely nobody is Googling here's the thing you guys can tell that I'm not Googling or at least you think you can I'm not Googling though and I'm in the top 50 I feel good about that uh let's see LL 2J nice work first place uh Nathan G epie uh Eric and Bill nice work rounding out the top five all right we are going to kick everyone out or we'll kick out all of the inactives and I will drop the link for our last one which will be a world map let's see we've got 55 slots so jump in if you want to play click on this once it gets to 100 we're done and we'll just go right away just outside of the top 25 SP then John you got a bounce thank you for being here I appreciate you Gary you came in last it happens it happens all right we are good to go this is our last one um and before we disband all of this well I I want to thank you all for being here uh let's see worldwide again uh City Skyland stream after this no we're going to do Civ tonight I'm going to go make dinner after this and uh go hang out with my kids maybe play some Mario Kart with them we'll see are we in Europe again Poland Poland okay I should I should recognize I have I have a lot of friends with Polish ancestry I'm actually technically I think a quarter polish my grandma was polish uh let's see yeah this is that's definitely polish so where in Poland are we and is there a way to actually figure it out I have no idea okay you're not in Finland anymore it's Poland yeah B I'm going to stream uh I'm going to stream Civ tonight oh there was a street sign or a city sign I believe is that a city sign you sto playing and there's your country isn't that isn't that how it works so the real question do you know where this is Ona I have no idea I got I got I got a couple seconds we'll go with that oh my goodness did we just get raided by Jedi Imperial Jedi thank you so much I appreciate you I appreciate you thank you for being here you you came in at the tail end of the stream but we're playing maybe we'll do one more just for you Jedi we are playing geoguesser and oh I wasn't too far away so right now we're doing worldwide geoguesser and uh we have a hundred of us in here on YouTube and twitch and uh I'm I'm I as long as I'm in the top 50 I think I'm doing all right because surely no one's cheating in here geog guesser does slap love it Ripley nice work first place oo bring home Glory that looks like turkey to me is this is that a beer ad bring home the glory well in Europe it's almost tomorrow is it what time is it in Europe right now uh you never played this game but you this game is so much fun I blame uh oh you think it's you think it's Nigeria I blame batch for this okay it's not turkey oh it's it's almost midnight in Italy and it's 100 p.m. in Poland well thank you all for being here I know that this is a more conducive time but it's not a great time and I I appreciate you guys for being here uh let's see sustainable living uh those look like neighborhoods in a large city what do you guys think city planner on Twitch indeed I uh I've been on Twitch just a couple of times now but I but I I'm having a great time 1:30 in Turkey holy cow you don't know how you how buying beer is bringing home the glory maybe it's what really sites your spouse you brought the home the beer that's all that they needed logos you know what I don't have time we'll just go with that I probably should have guessed losos no I'm I'm feeling good twitch you guys are not leading me astray you guys are 16 16 uh you remember suggesting uh dur during a ver Beach stream Paulie thank you thank you you I you know that might be where this that might be where the seed was planted as well uh the CS2 patch is looking fancy they really pulled up uh to me the CS2 patch okay I think we're in the Middle East to me the CS2 patch at least makes it it's really helpful for me because there's no potato mode so I'm going to be super selfish there and say that I'm really excited uh how the heck are people so close I you know Google's Magic and people get lucky but if you can if you can figure out a place like ah where do you guys think we are right now I'm going to uh let's see I have no idea I have no idea Egypt Google is Magic uh Abuja Algeria there was a flag I missed the flag oh no oh no so the reason why I think I'm not that great at this game is I panic every time and then it gets to the last 10 seconds and I'm just randomly picking a place Libya I feel like I've just gone up the same street back and forth sure sure we'll go we'll go with it we'll go with uh tripley tripy Jordan is definitely plausible it is it is it should have been oh you guys were right it was Jordan so that's oh that tanked me oh my goodness oh my goodness that is terrible Envy nice work nice work up there in first place you're either an excellent googler or a genius all right next up narrow roads which seems appropriate when you're out in these these really rural areas it's fine yeah if you find a business it's too easy to Google it's places like this that you're just like where am I this could be anywhere uh do I know Arabic no I really wish I knew here's where here's where being an American is really really terrible uh most of us know one language and another language poorly sometimes and you know Spanish that's not the most helpful one because reasonably I can kind of make out some of the words even in English Russia or po Poland maybe yeah it's north by the climate uh you can play the maps that are only rural play without moving play oh we're going to have to get more creative and try some new things okay we're finally in a place and let's see license plate looks like it's Europe which is not helpful uh do we have a street a city limit sign here Zona what do you guys think oh Slavic oh oh all right all right we're going to go Denmark no I'm going to go right here that's not France oh you were right there it is Czech Republic should have guessed it should have guessed it uh 71st this one's not going my way guys I'm feeling bad I'm feeling real bad I've got to nail this one if I want to get in the top 50 uh scota car was a giveaway it was you missed okay so we're in a city that's helpful uh we are in Asia are we in are we in Japan where in Japan where in Japan I just love the way Japan looks it's just so orderly it just feels like so much like even in a place that's just kind of a random place it's Korean I like Korea too unfortunately twitch uh does not like Korea right now apparently uh billiard's club uh let's see what do you say what do you you first thought it was Japan too yeah but I it's I I it's really hard to tell it's really hard to tell I'm all the Korean letters have the little circles and ovals okay uh let's see what does what does YouTube say Korea bro it's Korean Samsung okay so where in Korea I've got I got 15 seconds who's not going to lead me astray who's not going to lead me astray okay we're gonna oh my goodness it's all urbanized we're going to say it's here because I've never heard of it you know maybe this is the thing oh it's so small that I still got a lot of points the thing about geog guessers I think you just like when in doubt if you know the country you just go for the biggest city or somewhere around it and you're probably right uh Japan has left- hand driving ah so let's see 69 nice G Willow wizard nice work first place key lime D second place nice work lean 2009 excellent work Daniel Grant nice work and uh l2j nice work this is going to be the last one I think I did win we're going to kick out all the inactive players and Jedi oh actually Jedi let me send you a message directly cuz I'm going to send you the link and of course I'm in I'm in streamer mode so nothing is working for me Jedi are we not friends on uh okay I'm inside of our super secret City skylines creators Hub in general chat Jedi I've posted the link there Diana I posted a link there I want the two of you in here and now I'm going to give it 10 seconds and I will post the link okay be patient be patient okay we're going to go for it There's the link there's like 30 more slots hop in Jedi did you get in did you get in you got in thank you thank you Diana you got in too all right we're going to do world one more time some random username for a reason we'll do more we'll do more tonight well maybe I want to finish the game of s we're going to be doing something weird I like doing a something went wrong no oh that's a bummer well it doesn't matter because you're not going to be able to figure out where we are based on this anyway this is it looks like we're on a bike path is it Brazil lots of clay yeah looks like Texas but we know that in Texas they'd have 15 Lanes here even though we're out in the middle of nowhere thank you for snoozing the ad appreciate you Texas is sandier I'm I'm going to go with oh there's a person there's a person and they're gone but there's a sign oh I don't know what country you're in I'm going to say I think is there any place in Southeast Asia like this this yeah that's where I was thinking Jedi Taiwan is Tai is Taiwan really clayish Australia I don't know I mean we're in the middle of nowhere yeah yeah yeah you know what I feel that I feel the middle of Australia I wish I could switch the view of this so I can make sure that I'm in a place jamest toown Australia it's the Philippines South Africa Malaysia do I get points wait so being 3,240 mil away gets me into 68th place I'm here for that I'm here for that I think that folks on YouTube were closer okay round two Shadows were saying Indonesia yes the the Chads that were saying Indonesia we're right that's an interesting building I dig it uh ooh what does this say jardan what is that what is what is Jardine is that is that a place oh here's koopy gobano so is this so this might have happened last time so I feel like I thought I was in Mexico oh it's French Jan is a garden it's garden in Spanish so last time this happened I thought that we were in Mexico and we actually were in Argentina or no was it no we were in Chile that's where it was botanical gardens uh jardan botanico I uh well I who's on the side I can't tell it's Spanish it's South America yeah it's definitely Spanish I [Music] can Venezuela okay okay I don't know where we are but that is a good hint and we are going to go for the largest city there we go that's it you feel like that sign is bait it's Canada I probably hit the button a little bit too oh it was Puerto Rico San Juan here we go with a place in the US and I get it wrong so many strods Puerto [Laughter] Rico you need a Google Earth start I'll give you a Google Earth story tonight uh Venezuelan community in Puerto Rico awesome down to 7 70th was there a sign for Guyana maybe was there Guyana gu I Community as well oo is that oranges limes I don't know what that is we're some place that it's warm enough to have stuff mangoes love a good mango you hold me to that for sure we've got to look at the places uh the countries that we are uh going to be going after tonight because it's going to be a very aggressive game ofv lemons it's you think it's Italy Italian Vibes I could see that that building is really nice uh ad break can I snooze I snooze the ad break let's see uh lemons mangoes what YouTube what do you think where are we what is this what does this say what does this say uh domesticas that looks is that is that Spanish it's Greece port Portugal Sicily Portugal YouTube says Portugal so does twitch uh somewhere in Europe for sure uh I think I'm going to go with portug Malta I think it's Portugal and when in doubt we're going to follow our rules we're going to go for the biggest city is Lisbon the biggest city is a Porto probably Lisbon right it's Portuguese Lisbon is the biggest city okay and of course it was Porto [Laughter] uh we need a community Civ game we have to make sure that everyone gets there on time yeah Lisbon is the largest and of course it's the second largest I 200 miles I'm good with it 56 key lime die again at the top you're making me suspicious you're either a geography buff or the very best googler all right we can see some l language right away what does that say rang DK what is is that is that Denmark this is Denmark so where are we in Denmark um man this looks like a nice place I'm into it Hotel Euro Globe now if someone gets this exact location I know what you're [Laughter] doing this one seems like it's getable because we have the street names right there so let's get let's get ourselves ready should I just say it's Copenhagen either that or they live there it's Copenhagen that might be the next place I got to go well I actually I know the next place I'm going already I'm going to Arizona that's going to be it's going to be fun too escape the winter I don't see anything that's really giving it away to me um hey Phil with the twitch VOD stay are be viewable when the stream ends yeah they're viewable and it's also on YouTube so you can check it out there uh oh oh I didn't I didn't guess if you see a canal it's 100% Copenhagen oh my goodness I cannot believe that a mile away that got me to 50th let's go chat all right all right I just I want to end it right [Laughter] now look at the googlers I'm going to beat the googler I'll beat one one googler maybe two that that'll be good enough for me great taste is that Ramen if that is what do you guys what do you guys think this is Asia it's Asia bus Rapid Transit only it's in English Hong Kong or Singapore I could see Singapore I can't move oh it won't let me go that way interesting are we at some sort of a international Crossing and why can I only move this fast it's driving me nuts it's like I'm stuck in traffic wrong side of the road for Hong Kong that's an Indo my what is that what is that celebrate with smoo what is this what is this I there's something on that building there that hopefully will give us a hint there was a picture of a person wait are we in Africa I'm so confused I am so confused where are we somewhere that speaks English Nigeria we're going Kenia I don't know sedan you think it's Nigeria again oh it was Nigeria again oh my [Laughter] goodness well 58th I feel good about that key lime D I think you were like three feet away from each and every one of these so that is impressive uh MTT you got that without uh without Googling nice work nice work uh now bro that's weird we're getting an ad break in 65 seconds so I think that's the perfect time for me to thank you all for being here uh great job everyone on geog guesser I will come back tonight we'll play some Civ it's going to be a lot of fun what uh what place am I I was like 58th uh so we're we're wayed out I didn't I didn't get to the 50th like I was hoping but good game everybody thank you so much for being here I appreciate all the support random stream might do some more of these from time to time and we'll just have fun like this one had a lot of fun so for tonight I don't know if you guys said the ad yet but for tonight we're going to do Civ 5 and I'm going to do a tiny map with a whole bunch of cves there going to be a lot of War it's going to be a lot of fun so thank you all so much for being here I'm going to say goodbye we've got to we got to do it right though so where is cats walking there's no pull out we can't we can't do that but we can do this hopefully you can stay up tonight Gary I hope so too here we go cat's walking thank you so much for being here Jedi thank you for the raid I really appreciate that's the first time I've ever raided Jedi so that is that is absolutely amazing tonight's stream is at 9:30 Central Standard Time no for real that was my very first raid ooh I have to okay YouTube we're going to say goodbye and then we're going to raid somebody and we'll have the combined power of two City skylines channels so YouTube thank you so much for being here we are going to bounce thank you take care if you want to watch YouTube it'll be on Twitch tonight I'm not going to put that one on this channel but thank you so much and peace wigle thank you for being here I didn't I didn't I didn't see you in the YouTube chat thank you all right going to say goodbye and then we will find someone to ra
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 94,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: city planner plays city builders, City planner plays cities skylines, city planner plays, cities skylines 2, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines starting a new city, how to play cities skylines 2, city builder, let's play cities skylines 2, cities skylines new city, cities skylines 2 reaction, cities skylines 2 leak, city planner, cities skylines 2 release date, city skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines ep 1, cities skylines ii, cities skylines 2 features
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 20sec (8540 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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