The Betrayal of Anni Dewani

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[Music] hey you and welcome my name is mike and in this whole video we are heading off to south africa i get to do my cetera foreign but first in sweden then england then south africa uh then england again then south africa again something like that there's a few spots in between it's a whole thing you know there's a lot going on in this old one but mainly it's based around a couple shrien and ani duwani and their honeymoon to cape town and you know what transpired from there so let's give it a go [Music] so first off we're hitting sweden via uganda to meet the hinducha family of which ani you know later dewani she was a member of she was born in maristad sweden in 1982. her parents indian descent but living in uganda well they moved well actually asylum to sweden when the president of uganda that's idiomine ordered asians to be expelled from the country that was the last king of scotland guy not sure he actually was though someone should should check on that i haven't seen the movie so the hindoja family were given asylum in sweden and that's where annie hindochi would later be born she grew up there in her hometown of maristad and later got a degree in engineering after which she worked as a product designer for ericsson it was in 2009 that annie would meet her future husband srien duwani and he had just popped over to london she was staying with a cousin in luton just outside the city and that's where things you know kicked off srien his mother like annie's was from uganda and his father came to the uk via kenya a lot of people of indian descent here the espora they live in um east africa just in case you're wondering that goes back to like colonial days where the british were building railroads and the indians built them srien's father a very successful man in the uk specifically bristol he ended up launching a chain of care homes and the duwani family had sterling to spare srian privately educated economics graduate from manchester then worked at the accounting firm deloitte that is it before moving back to help run the family business those care homes retirement communities sorry so srian annie were instantly attracted to they it hit off right away they went on a few dates and then they began a long distance a relationship him in england her in sweden they argued from time to time maybe more and even broke up in january 2010 but two months later they patched things up and annie deciding if this was going to work then it's balls to the wall time nut upper shut up she moved to the uk two months later right in may 2010 they were engaged no they still had you know their bit of adele issues here now and then things weren't you know magically perfect because this is real life but you know it was great it seems srian had some issues with hormones their ability to you know have children together was called into question they still argued almost called off the wedding but in october 2010 they pulled the trigger with a lavish hindu ceremony in mumbai it was a tree day event a festival hundreds of guests you got elephants you got the snazzy outfits the dancing you got it all the dewani's now including ani were devout hindus so after the wedding they returned to bristol to celebrate diwali and then it was time for the honeymoon south africa was the destination arriving there after a 12-hour flight volcano on the 7th of november [Music] less than a week later twenty-eight-year-old anitawani was murdered the circumstances surrounding her death uh bizarre to say the least on the night of the 13th of november in google matthew township southern cape town pretty pretty poor enough area srian duwani was found by a passerby he was extremely distraught extremely upset he was telling this pastor by he needed to call the police and i mean like right right there he said they were driving and they they were hijacked right the driver zolotungo was thrown out then sriendawani was thrown out and they drove off the hijackers drove off that night with annie in the backseat the police were called the search for the car the search for annie began that that very early morning now this is a pretty built up area shacks kind of everywhere so needle meet haystack something like this happening on your honeymoon nightmare uh fuel friend zola the police all regrouped at the hotel hotel cape grace and the hunt was on though immediately what stood out in this situation was well the dewanes a very wealthy you know beautiful couple on honeymoon what were they doing in a pretty poor reportedly very dangerous part of town that late at night when srien and annie first arrived in south africa they took a domestic flight to the kruger national park where they stayed for a few nights taking in the lines and the zebras and crocs and all that they then flew back to cape town on the 12th and as they were getting a taxi from the airport to their hotel that's when they met the driver zola tango zola yeah he took them to the hotel they seemed to be busy mates all of a sudden they were having such a great time they were like you know what here let's stay in touch you meet our guide around the sea no better man so then that takes us to the very next day which was the 13th of november that day the couple spent it mostly hanging around the hotel they went to the bar after which they arranged that just before 8pm zola would pick them up take them sightseeing around the city they went they had dinner and were back in the car at halftime then in the car as they were driving srien said he wanted to see you know he wanted to see as much as he could and they were staying in a you know a five-star luxury hotel resort they wanted to you know get away from the not you know they wanted to see the real real africa right away from the polished you know the usual you see everywhere so zola he said he'd take him to a township where they could see you know more more authentic side so as they were driving along the highway just as they pulled off they're about to take a right turn and the car was stopped when a guy ran up to the car started banging on it and he had a good on his hand zola was thrown out of the car one of the hijackers got in the driver's seat and the other got in the back beside the dowanis trienzio's luxury watch his wallet his keys phone they were all taken from and they drove for about 20 minutes and he was you know hysterical maybe as you can imagine and they but they said you know we don't want to hurt you we just want the car but we're gonna let you go separately srian was out first and that takes us here zola tango the driver you know when he was interviewed about what happened he the story the story matched what i just said which was trienne's story at approximately 8 am on the 14th the vehicle was found annie was in the back seat she was dead she had been shot in the neck though she had a few wounds the shot it went through her hands grazed her chest and entered and exited the neck she was she was in a you know defensive posture when she was shot she had gripped marks on her like she had been restrained held down she hadn't been sexually assaulted though her expensive items jewelry they were missing sharian was devastated when the investigation began there was you know just a few red flags namely kind of everything that uh happened for a second two witnesses were just let go second of all they said why were they there and then thoroughly why they said they just wanted a car why did they just leave it on the side of the road with a body in the back they would have dumped the body in the middle of nowhere taking the car and stripped it if that's what they wanted it was just weird that they ended up where they did their trip the iwanis trip of the previous night it didn't make any sense even the restaurant they went to was not a good one far from the hotel tourists going into where they ended up at that time was odd and unsafe when zola was questioned you know he was asked why would you take them there it's not safe even during their day but he said you know their dewani's they they wanted to go their pain so he goad srien had some conflicting statements about the night too for example he said that you know when he was giving his original statement he said he gave the hijackers their engagement rings just gave them everything yet later he told the police he had hidden the engagement ring in the car and it was found in the car it was 25 grand so i i'd imagine you'd want to hang on to it he actually wanted to leave south africa asap and he did so three days after the murder leaving with annie's body and annie's dad who would come over fingerprints were successfully taken from the car and they led the police to a suspect khalil ngani excuse my butchering of this language he was arrested on the 16th and he confessed when confronted with the evidence he had a record but not a violent one at all it was kind of surprising he did what he did well he confessed to it but he told the police everything and he even you know identified the other guy he said it was the other guy who had shot annie after she refused to give her her bag over he gave them a bit of a run around as to who the other guy was first identifying someone who was not involved at all then it turned out to be um he again like ngani had a record but nothing uh violent in his past again like the other guy he spoke up almost immediately about what happened he implicated another guy named monday who worked for reception at a hotel not the not the duwani hotel a different one and when the police followed up with us and spoke to monday he said that zola tongo the driver came to him asking for a hit man monday put zola in touch with the two actual hijackers see shit's getting pretty uh real this was not a random you know carjacking and then apparently you know according to the confessions uh of the hijackers zola said the husband wanted the wife dead a few days later zola tongo was then arrested and these four conspirators not counting srian will get to him later so he got the drivers old hungo the two hijackers and the middleman who was monday you know none of them had a history of this sort of thing it was odd you know but zola tango he too said the husband organized it they met alone in the hotel car park after they arrived and he said srien was going to pay 15 grand rant which is a little over two grand us dollars to each person involved he wanted it to look like a random robbery meanwhile srian was back in london preparing for annie's funeral attending a funeral he had it appeared to others zero interest in or respect for this was an avenue srian it was said you he had ptsd and depression from the from the whole experience the police however they had to follow up right had hope with the claims the killers made what they said that there was um a whole thing here so was srien involved that was the question there was one point when srien was seen leaving the hotel to go to zola's car where he remained for about 10 minutes that's when zola said they spoke about it cctv matched his story the day of the murder they were seen driving off together allegedly to exchange currency to pay the hijackers zola tongo told them this too they also had proof that zola and trienne were texting each other that very night the night of the hijacking while they were driving around while annie was in the car while annie was beside him talking about her murder okay well no they never actually got the contents of those text messages they were never recorded but they did have you know proof via cell phone terrors that they had been texting each other while they were in the car together with annie why would they text each other while they were inside a car together if not about a murder plot while the victim was beside the morning after the hijacking zola and srien met in the hotel before annie's body was found zola said srien was asking if the job had been done there was no microphone on the camera so you can't hear what they were saying but at one point friend looks around zola said this was because he told srien there was cctv in that room a couple of days after the murder zola manchurian met at the hotel zola said this was when he was paid for the well the plot triane walked in with a white envelope left without zola had it so what you're thinking yeah annie's final texts to friends back home told her she was deeply unhappy with srien they shouldn't have gotten married zola tongo took a plea deal told everything in exchange for 18 years this involved naming srien as the orchestrator this would mean the police the said african police they had a warrant for his arrest and he was arrested for conspiracy to murder in december 2010 he was out on bail relatively quickly in london srien with mounting suspicion and rumors abounding he hired a publicist a fellow named max clifford i've met him i've spoken to him i've looked him in the eye i've talked it through i've asked him all the questions that journalists have been asking in all circumstances and i totally believe i'm sure uk people out there will recognize him as a giant piece of obviously you know portraying him as a loving husband that started up as did the rumors about trian other ones rumors were going around that srienne was secretly gay this was all over like the gay bars in bristol apparently he frequented them pretty often and then you know uh put two and two together really this was denied of course must be joking then a guy came forward to reporters his real well actually his real name who cares what his real name is because his he went by the name german master that's pretty rad dude you looked around too look at him cigar cool uniform oh wait you mean he's not an indiana jones villain he was a sex worker and he told a lot of stories about srian because he knew him pretty well inside and out srian was also active on gaydar a gay dating website under the name asian sub guy 24. so that was that now if that had anything to do with the murder well um you know that's what the police were starting to think it's pretty shitty though you got to feel kind of sorry for shrine that he kind of got blasted in the newspapers uh but he didn't feel you know comfortable coming out but it was really about the murder he fought extradition to south africa his defense said he was suffering from depression ptsd and there was a serious risk he might harm himself if he was extradited this went on for four years now in the meantime here's something for you to chew on right in february 2011 lawyers for two of the accused men the hijackers lawyers for them spoke to the guardian newspaper they said their clients had been tortured beaten suffocated forced to confess that there was pressure on the cops to solve this quickly and the cops got their confessions anyway they could bruises and all and then here's uh something else right get a load of this there was an angle to this case that was bigger than just the case that impacted south africa as a whole see you know they had just had the world cup it was it was tickity boo and then the murder of ani dwani became headline news not looking too great for tourism which they hoped he would rocket after the tournament random robbery random murders don't like that but what if it wasn't random what if south africa was actually really safe you know this was a plot so you go there as a tourist you'd be fine then you'd feel safe right something happened to you you know it's like that thing uh you know the joker and the dark knight he's like it's all part of the plan right so you people won't lose their minds south africa is safe as this wasn't random robbery hijacking not at all you gotta watch out for that sri and wandy though he you know danger follows him there's also some evidence that andy duane's shooting may have been an accident that she wasn't you know intentionally killed the gun just went off there was never any evidence that srien was involved other than the words of well the accused his story never changed the other men were naming srien because they wanted to cut a deal shift blame onto him and you can see how it might be in you know south african tourism's best interests to find an englishman guilty rather than south africans wholly responsible and i mean the series of events that the investigators were going on was that sri ndewani asked the first taxi driver he met once he set foot off the plane to find hitmen to kill his wife and this guy just said yes seems uh implausible and this was all because he was secretly gay and he came from a background where divorce wasn't you know accepted right what about this clip well the defense said trienne was simply paying zola for driving them around he had provided a service there was a plot you know srien's defense said but it never involved srien he was a victim too the plot was simply to rob this rich couple zola tango he picked him up from the airport he's seen it you know brigade gucci suitcases dolce gabbana 40 grand watches all that kind of so he started counting contact contacted his buddies said hey we got a couple of you know tourists here might need relieving of their and annie's death was an accident [Music] monday was not prosecuted zolotango got 18 years guabe 25 years genny pleaded not guilty he said the confession was given under grs he was convicted and received life he later died in prison of a brain tumor [Music] it's been very difficult for my family we we are just focusing on this case at the moment and we it's hard to even start to make the grieving process for any yet because there is so many questions we need answer to and it's been a nightmare i i can't sleep at night i can't even work the only focus i have is getting justice for her today he's getting extradited and that's one step closer towards what we are seeking for that's justice for her it's been very frustrating legal process srien was extradited to south africa in 2014. his trial began in october of that year in the dock and on trial shreem dawani the british businessman has spent four years fighting extradition now he's fighting to clear his name as he denied plotting to kill his wife days after their marriage wearing badges showing her face mrs dawani's family traveled from their home in sweden to the court in cape town inside along with mr dawani's family they heard details about the wedding the honeymoon and the murder it's believed the prosecution will present his sexuality as the motive for wanting mrs dewani killed he denies all the charges and says he would never have orchestrated the murder of his wife he pleaded not guilty the prosecution said he was secretly gay and had annie killed you know to get out of the marriage the defense said in fact he was he was bisexual and it had nothing to do with anything srien's sexuality came up again and again and again but did he have his wife killed really is the question i think they should have been asking the witnesses who testified against him were up zola tango took the stand especially you know as he was the one who said he spoke to srien directly about the murder manny stuck to his story but the defense managed to find cracks in his memory in their memories especially mr tongo blank spots in their stories contradictions and lies two months after the trial began the case against srien duwani was dismissed mr tango who was the only witness who could link the accused to the conspiracy gave evidence to the court which is so improbable and contains so many mistakes lies and inconsistency that one simply cannot know where the lies end and where the truth begins i accept that at this stage of the proceedings the credibility of a witness plays a limited role but in my view the evidence of weakness these witnesses is so replete with fundamental contradictions on the key components of the state case that i can all but ignore it in making this finding i take into account that all three witnesses mr tonga mr mullambo and mr kwabe are intelligent people and therefore more than capable of attempting to twist their version to implicate the accused there are many unanswered questions about what happened on this fateful night i realized there is strong public opinion that the accused should be placed on his defense i take note of that i have heard the plight of the hinduja family that they would like answers to the question i have i ever taken oath of office to uphold the rule of law and to administer justice without fear favor or prejudice that i cannot do if i permit public opinion to influence my application of the law if any court permitted public opinion or emotion to influence their judgments it would lead to anarchy the circumstances i make the following order the application in terms of section 174 of the criminal procedure act is granted the account accused is found not guilty and discharged he was free to go [Music] and now annie dawani's parents say the man accused of killing their daughter lied to her and he lied to them and so ends this long convoluted and ultimately murky murky's hell case it's hard to say what really uh uh happened but it is it's a lot of sadness you know and this one the the beautiful you know smart intelligent annie she was taken uh in the prime of her life her ashes were scattered over a lake in sweden trienne you got to feel sorry for him too for a start he had to hide he was gay and then his life was dragged you know through pure shite for years not counting the fact that you know whatever she was murdered and he was there and he can understand why he would have ptsd from that i don't believe he had anything to do with it at all just uh holiday gone wrong definitely the honeymoon from hell that's for sure so there you go no winners in this one oh uh the stories i tell is there ever thank you so much for watching um i really appreciate you doing so being here until the end of the video with me uh it really does mean a lot um so here go on uh happy christmas happy holidays whatever you're celebrating hope you're having a good celeb celebration celebrate yeah and please take care of yourselves because i love you okay [Music] you
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,523,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, anni dewani, shrien dewani
Id: xwYQ7101ztc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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