The BEST & WORST Rap Album of Every Year From 2010-2020

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are you ready to see the albums that Define some of the most important years in hip-hop history because today we are going to be looking at the best and worst rap album of every year from 2010 to 2020 now when it comes to the 2010's decade there has been no period in rap music that has had more going on in the genre at once from albums that became cultural Staples to some of the most experimental and Boundary pushing records ever released these years were truly legendary for hip-hop as we received some of the best albums of all time and while many see this era as a golden age where we just got non-stop Classics at the same time we also ended up getting projects that set new standards on just how bad a rap album can be from talentless pieces of trash who did everything for clout to horrific falloffs this period in hip-hop showed us that while rap music as an art form was reaching New Heights it was also hitting some staggering lows so if you are ready to see the albums that defined hip-hop in this legendary era for better and For Worse let's waste no more time and let's get right into it now kicking off this list with the best album from 2010 in this spot we got a pick that is about as Undisputed as it can get with Kanye West My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy and when it comes to y's legendary fifth studio album what is there to even say about this project that hasn't been said already no matter what you think of Kanye you can not deny that this album gets about as great as it gets as it doesn't just manage to embody all the quintessential aspects of a legendary era defining album but it takes everything to levels that even after almost 15 years of being released nobody has been able to even come close to from the grandio production to Features so legendary that guests like Rick Ross had to make their own music videos for them My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is an album that isn't just the defining moment of Kanye West's career but also for modern hip-hop as well everything about this album just feels so much larger than life as Kanye took the concept of music presentation and evolved it to make an experience that feels not just climactic and epic but really lifechanging in its entirety the songs on this album are so layered complex and dynamic as Kanye fine-tuned every single note to mirror Perfection and when you see how many hours he spent making some of these tracks it really shows you that he was never more in tune with the full scope of his musical genius than here the Master's sampling drum work writing use of features and so much else all work in unison with one another to give us an experience that shows us rap music at its very best and while there is so much more to say about this record I don't think you need me to tell you anymore about why this album is great so for all these reasons My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is the best rap album from 2010 with these now when it comes to The Worst Album of 2010 as one Superstar released their Magnum opens to kick off this deck in another Legend dropped their absolute worst album with Lil Wayne and his Venture into rock music rebirth now when it comes to this album before its release Lil Wayne was in the very Prime of his career as he was absolutely stealing the show on anything he was a part of and as he was on top of the rap world he tried to prove that he was invincible as he ventured into rock music and while this goal was super ambitious the end result was catastrophic now with rebirth outside to dropped the world with Eminem which is a banger every song on this album fails miserably as Wayne meshes with the rock inspired production just about as well as electric and water do listening to this record from start to finish is an abysmal experience that feels so clunky unrefined and Lil Wayne wraps over the Beats on this project in a way that is so awful that it actually will end up giving you a headache The Rock inspired production trades in any semblance of quality that it could have to be about as loud and obnoxious as humanly possible and during a time where Lil Wayne dominated because of his one-of a-kind nuance and wit he comes off sounding as uncharismatic as possible here which makes everything even more painful This Record really suffers because Lil Wayne's style and the soundscape just don't mesh one bit and instead of making competent music it feels like they are fighting against one another at all times so overall while a little Wayne rock rap album could have worked if he actually attempted to adapt and evolve his style in a way that was genuinely meaningful the Half Baked product we ended up getting here has immortalized itself as the Worst Album of 2010 now moving on to the best album of 2011 despite this being a year that gave us such iconic albums as Jay-Z and Kanye's Watch the Throne Drake's take care or even Kendrick Lamar Section 80 the best album from this year comes from the roots with their record undone and with some of the greatest storytelling ever portrayed on this album This is a record that every rap fan should hear in their lifetime now when it comes to undone although this is the rud's 12th studio album while many musicians would be way Beyond washed up at this point in their career they really sound just about as hungry as ever as we hear the group evolve and modernize their sound for a new era all while retaining and really expanding on the aspects that made them so renowned throughout the '90s and the 2000s when we look at the genius of this album while the Ethereal production spearheaded by the one and only Quest love makes it so entrancing sonically what makes this record as amazing as it is is the story that is carefully narrated throughout the entire Project's 14 tracks now the story that this album tells is about the life of a man named Redford Stevens and what makes the narrative about his life so particularly interesting is that it is told in Reverse meaning that it begins with the tragic end to his life and spends every following moment exploring how he reached Rock Bottom now through the delicate and poignant storytelling of group frontman black thought and the additional performances from Elite lyricists like big crit and fonte each verse on this album is able to add more and more context to Stevens's life and truly immerse you within the scenarios and circumstances that drove him to try to save himself but sadly caused his demise there are few albums ever that have been able to utilize The Art of Storytelling this powerfully and Beyond this even fewer that use its sound design to not just complement the experience but enhance the narrative in moments where words are not enough to describe the downfall of oneself and for all of these reasons undone is the best rap album of 2011 now back to the worst albums just as we looked at one of the most complex and intricately designed albums ever we are now looking at one of the stupidest albums you will ever find with Gucci Mane and V nasty's collab album Bal and while Gucci man has released hundreds of projects in his career this is without a doubt the most insufferable of them all as he teamed up with White Girl Mob member V nasty and in a year where we saw maybe the most renowned hip-hop Duo team up for an album with Jing and Kanye it's crazy because we also got a record from arguably the worst Duo ever with this nightmare of a combo now in defense of Gucci man he's really not that bad here as his performances are just about as standard as an early 2010's mixtape version of him got and while they are definitely not great or even slightly memorable they are formidable I guess but when you look at the other half of the performances on this record from V nasy this project doesn't just disrespect everything that hip-hop stands for but it's also one of the most confusing records ever released in the genre as well this album really feels like a parody when you hear V nasty come in and try to replicate exactly what Gucci man is doing in the most offensively horrible way possible but it's not this was an entire record that they actually thought was a good idea to release on ironically and it just makes no sense Gucci man was really doing anything for the bag at this point because there is no other logical reason why he would have made an entire collab album with somebody who's about as entertaining to listen to as a wall now if you don't understand how can confusing of an album this is and how bad of a rapper that V nasty was today this would be like if NBA young boy made an entire collab album with wo Vicki and if you can't imagine how horrible that would be just listen to this because it's actually even worse than you would expect so for being one of the biggest jokes of a record that hip-hop has ever seen in its entire 50-year lineage Bal is the worst project of 2011 thankfully back to the best albums on this list for 2012 we have one of the greatest rap albums of all time with Kendrick Lamar's good kid Mad City and wow to this day even after over a decade of being out in the world good get Med city is an experience that from its masterful storytelling to its decade defining hits offers up an experience that is so authentic to everything that hip-hop stands for that I'd go as far to call it the IL Matic of this generation with Kendrick Lamar working on this album even before he released his debut project section 80 this this was the record that he always envisioned cementing his status as a great in the rap world and that it did as the 12 tracks he poured his heart into made for one of the most immersive listening experiences in all of the genre good kid Mad City is relatable yet unfamiliar accessible yet complex and it's this hard to come by blend of artistic ambiguity that has made this album infinitely replayable to this day from start to finish this album feels like a movie with the Vivid lyrical canvases being painted by Kendrick throwing you right within some of the crazy experiences he has ever lived through and this along with the skits featuring his friends and family and even the one-of aind B switches give this album such a distinct sense of style and tone that makes you invested in the world of it more than most other pieces of music or really media for that matter can ever make you this is why a song like sing about me I'm dying of thirst is revered as one of the best in the genre's history because it is the very climax to everything we have learned about Kendrick on this album and seeing him deconstruct his choices and examine his life in brutal honesty isn't just brilliant in of itself but it also causes you The Listener to look into your own soul as well when an album is able to resonate with listeners so powerfully it's truly a rare artistic achievement and for Kendrick Lamar using his genius storytelling and songwriting skills but most importantly his emotional Integrity to do this Good Kid Med city is without a doubt the best album from this year and really one of the best ever now back to the bad side of this list for The Worst Album of 2012 we got Ja Rule with P2 and with this record Being a sequel to jaw ru's triple platinum third studio album over a decade after its release this was a desperate attempt for jaw to string onto any relevancy he had left and after seeing what went down in his career after this I think you can probably tell how this album went for him this album just feels pathetic to listen to as it's clear that from the very second you turn this thing on you're listening to a rapper who deep down inside knows that his career is on life support and is just swinging at anything he can to retain any sort of relevance which clearly didn't work as the first week sales for this thing were Beyond terrible JY ru's ashy voice feels so worn out on this album that it alone put you to sleep and with the generic pop rap production and cheap attempts at trying to capitalize off of some of the most popular trends at the time looking back on this steaming pile of garbage all these years later it only comes off as more rancid than it did back then so for being one of the most pathetic rap albums of all time pain is love 2 is the worst album of 2012 now when it comes to the best album for 2013 this was a pretty tough decision as it was a super competitive year for hip hop and while a lot of albums deserve honorable mentions in this spot I got Kanye West's 2013 album yeus which managed to get here by disregarding every single musical convention in rap music at the time now where Kanye West had the best album of 2010 for making the ultimate hip-hop album This Album couldn't be more different as yees is the antithesis to everything that hip hop stood for at the time it was released from start to finish on this album everything about it is unconventional and despite how hated This Record was for this approach when it initially released all these years later many people have realized that the experimental approach Kanye took to this project ended up giving us an experience that is musically unlike anything else out there the abrasive sound on yeus creates a Sinister environment throughout the entire project that while showing us a version of yay that was even more egotistical than he was on My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy uses is this insane Power Trip that he goes on to speak out in some of the most important ways that he ever has in the second half of his career whether yay is talking about the problems brought on by consumerism culture or he's alluding to how his Fame is destroying him beyond all of the spectacle of yeus conceptually there is an album that is quite tragic now while this makes this album all the more layered thematically at the end of the day what makes this project as great as it is is the production job from Kanye which is arguably his best and that's really saying a lot from the out-of thebox creativity to how Dynamic and performative the instrumentals and Arrangements became in themselves with every bead switch chord change and contorted sample on this record it only further showcased that Kanye West is truly one of the greatest musical innovators of all time so for being an album that bent everything on its head and redefined the box that greatness could be judged in yeus is the best album of 2013 now when it comes to The Worst Album of 20133 we got another record that shows off a rapper who was trying to rejuvenate their fading career with L Cool J's authentic and while don't get me wrong L Cool Jay's older album Still slap to this day but it's clear that with this project the modern LL Cool J has nothing left in the tank now with authentic from the cover alone which looks like it was done by somebody using Photoshop for the first time we should have known that this record would be an absolute train wreck but beyond the horrible artwork somehow the music is even worse as we really see a once legendary rapper humil themselves with music that Beyond being bad is just straight out lane L Cool J raps with about as much Charisma as a robot here and even worse than his cringe inducing flow and nauseatingly bad punch lines the Beats on this project are genuinely some of the worst that were placed on a major rap album throughout this entire decade this was because the instrumentals tried so hard to be modern and fresh but they just didn't have an actual grasp on the pulse of what was going on in hip-hop around the time of its release so while they tried so hard to evolve l sound in actuality they made him sound like an out of touch musical fossil as the Beats try so hard to fit in with the trends of the time that they end up making a rapper who was once at The Cutting Edge of what was buzzing in hip-hop looked like an absolute shell of himself now with this project running for over an hour through its 16 songs all of this is made even more painful so whatever you do please stay away from authentic because this album will only take away a precious hour of your life and leave you with absolutely nothing in return now moving on to 2014 this was another special year for hip-hop and while we got some iconic albums this year taking the crown as the best we got Freddy Gibbs and mad Li's pinata and when it comes to this combination of lyrical heavyweight Freddy Gibbs and one of the greatest producers of all time in madl they delivered one of the greatest rapper producer albums ever with this one when we look at pinata well many of the best albums on this list Thrive because of their one-of aind creativity or generational storytelling this is a record that dominated because it embodied Hip Hop's most fundamental principles to mirror Perfection with great bars and great beats Freddy Gibbs and mad lib deliver 17 tracks of musical Excellence filled with some of the most animated lyrical performances and best sounding instrumental Loops that you'll ever hear from the moment you press play pinat R defines what the term Peak hip hop means as Gibbs Glides over M's memorizing instrumentals in a matter like no other this album sounds like a soundtrack to a classic crime drama with the suspense it's able to evoke between Gibb's lyric about his life on the streets and the Jazz influence soundscape that shows off the art of beat making at its finest now while Freddy Gibbs may not have the respect he deserves from everybody in the culture this album more than proves that he is one of the greatest MC's in modern hip-hop as his Larger than Life Charisma smooth flow and Technical proficiency make him one of the most unique and skilled personalities that all of Hip Hop has to offer now Beyond gives his bars This Record gets even better as it is stacked with amazing features from the likes of Earl Sweatshirt back Miller rayquan Scarface Abol Danny Brown and so many others so overall for being one of the best wrapped and produced albums in all of modern hip-hop pinata is the best album of 2014 and coming in as the Worst Album of 2014 we got a record that showcases hip-hop at rock bottom with Nick Cannon's white people party music and oh my God this record isn't just the Worst Album of 2014 but it's really one of the worst albums I have ever heard as Nick Cannon manages to reach new lows even for himself here with this being Canon's first album since his debut in 2003 while for most artists who would have taken over a decade to release a new album the long wait would have meant that they have spent years trying to make some of their best material for somebody as talentless as Nick Cannon taking 10 years to release an album means that he had enough time to work on the most insufferable project out there and oh my God is this thing insufferable Nick Cannon disgraces the microphone on this album like few other musical grifters ever have been able to and as he creates songs centered around the most mind numbing and superficial things possible he truly pushes the boundaries forward for how bad music can be and if it wasn't for the features from future Migos and Pitbull who step in to save us from the full Wrath of the obnoxiousness of Nick Cannon this wouldn't just be one of the worst albums but really one of the worst pieces of media that has ever been created by a human being I can't even put into words how how offensively bad this album is so seriously whatever you do please do not find a way to ever allow your ears to touch this absolute piece of musical filth now listening to this album Honestly made me feel so bad that the only way I was able to even continue this list was by having an amazing meal from today's sponsor Factor 75 Factor makes meeting your nutrition goals easier than ever by delivering fresh never Frozen dietician approved meals right to your doorstep and unlike some of the trash artists on this whose music makes you feel terrible Factor's team of gourmet chefs create each meal using only ingredients with 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subscriber and now let's get back into the list now moving on to 2015's best album we are looking at the Holy Grail of modern hip-hop with Kendrick Lamar's to pimp a butterfly now when it comes to Kendrick Lamar's third studio album this is one of the most important bodies of work that has ever been put into the hip-hop world from start to finish this is a record that is truly Flawless as every single aspect of it from its insane writing to its Jazz infused production is actualized to Mere an absolute perfection not just few rappers but few artists ever operated on a level like Kendrick Lamar did on this album as every single performance he delivers showcased to as somebody who has absolutely mastered their craft if you thought the storytelling on good kid m city was great you're in for a treat with this album because Lamar took everything to an entirely new level as from the multi-layered meanings of each track to the poem that continues to unfold and reveal more as the album progresses we witness a performance on to pimpa butterfly that actualizes everything that hip-hop can be the emotion Kendrick pours into each song allows him to explore himself and Society in ways that are more eye openening than any other record in the genre and every song on this album highlights this in its own way as each moment offers something that is quite unlike the last whether Kendrick is rapping at the speed of light and talking about about the damaging nature of society or he's questioning all of his life choices and some of the most painstaking emotional Reflections music has ever seen each song on to pimpa Butterfly is so musically and narratively complex that you can sit there and study them for hours so overall even in a year as pivotal for hip-hop as 2015 to Pima butterfly is the best album from this year and really one of the best albums ever across all genres now looking at the Worst Album of 2015 we have one of the most catastrophic Musical failures from a rapper ever with kid Cy's speeding bullet to heaven and just as I praise an experimental album when the artist's Vision actually succeeds I got to be fair and criticize them when they fail and with kid Cy's fifth studio album it really failed miserably now while speeding bullet to Heaven is horrible let me give it some credit this album did come from a super genuine place and there definitely is a world where cu's emotional vulnerability and memorizing vocals could have made for a legendary alternative rock album but in actually uality the record we actually got just fell flat on its face as cu's experimentation just went way too far without any Rhyme or Reason from songs that are structurally all over the place to new vocal cadences that try to evoke untapped emotions but only end up causing headaches everything un speeding bullet to Heaven is so poorly done that it really just feels like all these songs were recorded during one single night from cui and they were never pushed further beyond the demo stage this is really the frustrating part about this album because there are small milliseconds where there is greatness fighting to come out but because of how unrefined it all is any chance this record had of being decent is overtaken by all of its wasted potential so while when you listen to this album it seems like it was almost destined to become the worst of its year speeding bullet to Heaven is a project that should have never gotten to this point and looking on it all these years later this album should really be used as a warning to all artists and creatives to always challenge and flesh out their Visions to the fullest extent because if Cudi had given this record more time to really develop could have been one of his best albums but instead it cemented as the very worst from 2015 now when it comes to 2016 this was by far the toughest year to pick the best rap album as between Kanye West the life of Pablo and Danny Brown's atrocity exhibition there was some all-time great competition But ultimately I went with A Tribe Called Quest final album we got it from here thank you for your service which wow in a year that's become infamous in hip-hop culture for setting the stage for the next generation of rappers a group from the '90s releasing the best album is absolutely insane but when you look at this record and all it stands for it's really not much of a surprise now with many reunion or comeback albums from Legacy hip-hop acts so many Legends fail at capturing greatness in their later years because they get so caught up in their own legacy and Ethos that they forget to stop to look at what is still in front of them and this is exactly the Trope that tribe avoided to make this album so profound as group leader Q-tip kept his ear to what's new and continued to innovate his sound with time and the lyrical conscience of the group F dog continue to stay invested in what's going on in the rest of the world tribe was able to make a record that organically sounds so new and modern with all of the songs on the record featuring verses that address relevant topics to the world and even use references that were so fresh and current because of this the album doesn't feel like it's waving nostalgia in your face and instead seems like a natural progression of everything that made tribe so special in the first place hearing Q-tips oneof a kind ear take full advantage of the production and music making techniques of today really feels like a cheat code because infusing qes one-of-a-kind vision for arrangement and sampling with the tools that have revolutionized music making in this era ultimately creates a soundscape that makes this record feel like it's really From Another Dimension entirely adding to this modern feel tribe only features the most premier musical talent that hip-hop has had to offer since their initial run on this album with guest appearances from Kendrick Lamar Andre 3000 and Kanye West leading the list of generational artists who contributed to this Vision so it can really be something that lives beyond the scope of the group and when we look at Kanye West specifically a really interesting fact about this album is that yay almost joined tribe to help them finish this record when F dog passed away but as F already left the group with the performance of a lifetime here Kanye's Services were not needed and when we look at how great this album really is understanding that the legendary F dog put his last breathing words into making sure that this album managed to say everything that he ever wanted to the entire experience becomes all the more powerful so for all of these reasons we got it from here thank you for your service is forever immortalized as the best album from this legendary year and now looking at the worst album from 2016 the 2010s actually ended up housing an even more rancid collab record than Gucci man and V nasties with Soulja Boy and bowwows ignorance stuff and if you thought any of the albums we looked at before this were bad you better watch out because this record Mak some of them look kind of good in comparison and I'm just going to leave this here I got nothing else to say about this musical piece of Filth as it is so mind-numbing that it actually begins to make you feel stupid and because of how repulsive Soulja Boy and bowwow are as a Duo if I had the choice to ban any artists from making music together they would be at the very top of my list so please whatever you do I urge you do not check this record out now just like 2016 2017 was a year that that was really contended when it came to picking the best album and while big crits forever is a mighty long time and Ty of the Creator's Flower Boy made strong cases for this spot and Kendrick Lamar almost earned his third album of the year with Dan at the end of the day I had to give it to Jay-Z's 444 which after Decades of Jay being one of the most superficial and closed off individuals we have ever seen step behind the mic this album redefined everything not just for his career but for his entire life now in a genre where everything is so heavily based on the appearance you give off the fact that the richest and most celebrated rapper in the world stood up and said that he is not the person we all think he is completely changed the status quo where Jay-Z albums before this were grandio spectacles that portrayed him in a light that only made him seem more Untouchable with each moment 444 Stripped Away all the curtains and shut off the lights and Optics to give us an intimate experience that didn't just destroy everything that Jay-Z's brand stood for but reinvented who Shawn Carter the man was as a whole hearing Jay take account of ability for all of his shortcomings as a man father and most crucially to the project a husband all over the minimally produced yet commanding instrumental Loops from the one and only no ID we are able to witness such an honest and human portrayal of the hip-hop mogul and as Jay confides and confesses to all of his wrongdoings it allows for us to see him for who he really is a human being with flaws just like the rest of us so overall for Shawn Carter putting Jay-Z's mask down and making an album that has now set the gold standard for how rappers should mature and evolve 444 is the best album from 2017 now just as Jay-Z set the gold standard for how a rapper should age of 444 none other than Eminem showed how a rapper shouldn't progress over time with the Worst Album of 2017 being his project Revival now with Revival this is an album that humiliated a legendary rapper in ways that have never been seen before from its overabundance of pop singers and songs designed for the radio to some of the worst lyrics ever written WR by a rapper who ever claimed to take the craft seriously Revival was a complete musical betrayal to fans from Eminem where M was once wiy authentic and Boundary pushing in some shape or form he was now dull and disingenuous as this album made for one of the most toned deaf records that rap has ever seen almost every song on this album misses in scorching fashion and the blandly offensive pop rap production isn't just hard and of itself but M makes everything even worse as he delivers one of the most insufferable performances from not just a rap but music icon ever to this day I don't think anyone knows what got in his head but the rapper who was once praised for being so in touch with the people was so off the mark that even his most loyal fans turned their back and will never support him again because of this album so all in all for Revival virtually staining one of the most legendary rappers to ever Liv's entire career and just spitting in the face of his past work and Hip-Hop as a whole unfortunately it's cemented as the Worst Album of 17 now moving on to 2018 this is a year that gave us a ton of great albums including push a te Daytona Travis Scott's astal World Mac Miller swimming kid see ghost Denzel Curry's taboo and so much more but in this stacked year the album that stands out as the very best to me is Earl sweatshirts some rap songs which despite being so unconventional in its soundscape runtime and style is truly one of the greatest achievements in all of modern rap music music now with some rap songs with this being the third studio album from Odd Future member all sweatshirt despite him shying away from the commercial success that he saw early into his career this was an intentional artistic decision at this point also he can make the music that he wanted to without any creative limitations and with this album it is the pure embodiment of this now in a time in hip-hop where so much was going on both for better and For Worse one of the most important trends that began to really emerge in the late 2010 senator around the rising vulnerability rappers were showing in their music and from exploring their personal battles to their own emotional state albums that tackled these previously shied away from topics broke down walls in Hip Hop and really pop culture as a whole as they helped push forward discussions around people's Journeys towards self-love and when it comes to records that embody this ever important moment there is none that stand as a greater sentiment to the power of this trend more than some rap songs in 15 tracks that only run for 25 minutes ear [ __ ] put his entire heart and soul into a musical experience that navigates his journey towards self-healing and captures all of the emotions that he felt on the way whether he is bringing us down into the void that made for his lowest moments or we are witnessing him finally beginning to heal and love again this album is one of the most emotional experiences you will ever face in all of media as Earl's writing only features the most profound and meaningful of lyrics and between These Bars his raw delivery and the production which mirrors his emotional state in its very nature nature at all times some rap songs is an album that will move you to tears just because of how vividly its emotions are able to capture you in if you haven't listened to this album I am going to leave this here I do not want to say anything more and ruin your first experience but overall for being a modern Masterpiece yes I said Masterpiece that Beyond its technical Excellence is filled with themes and lyrics that will change anyone's life listening to it some rap songs is the best album of 2018 now flipping the script coming in as the worst from 2018 we got arguably the most hated rap album of all time with Lil xan's total xanarchy now when it comes to this record it is so bad that it isn't just despised by pretty much everybody but it has been regarded by most hip-hop fans as the worst album of all time and rightfully so on this album Lil xan just takes the worst parts of the SoundCloud rap era and puts them all into one gross experience everything on this album is done in such poor taste whether it's the glorification of substance abuse Lil xan's painfully uncharismatic presence his flow which sounds like a fourth grader freestyling at a school lunch table or the lifeless production which rides out the popular waves of the time all of these aspects come together to make such a disgusting combination that on every single level just fails miserably so overall for being a disgraceful project that embodies everything that has ever been wrong with hip-hop music and the entertainment industry as a whole whole totals Anarchy is the worst album of 2018 and now moving on to 2019 we have an album that isn't hip-hop in the traditional sense but is still immortalized in the genre's recent history with Tyler the creators eigor and in an era currently where more rappers are stepping out of their comfort zone and the idea of hip-hop as a whole is becoming less about a defined style and more about the spirit of what the artist is doing it's more important than ever to recognize Tyler the Creator's fifth studio album in the grand Lineum of the culture because it's responsible for so much in it now with eigor outside of a few sections where Tyler or some of the featured guests are wrapping this is a record that in every sense of the word is unlike anything else you'll ever hear there is no single genre that you can classify this thing by as this record takes elements from so much and infuses it all into a body of work that even after almost 5 years of being out is still impossible to put into a box of any sort Tyler truly made one of the most unique albums that any artist of his magnitude ever has as between the dreamlike soundscape to the story told throughout the entire project about a love triangle that he is in the middle of egole revolves the aspects of what so many genres and most significantly hip-hop have been on the edge of pushing and because of the masterful way it was able to prove how Limitless of a manner a rapper can create it so many artists have just never looked back since its release and this has directly given us some of the most creative and Innovative albums in all the rap music now I've praised this album in other videos so I don't want to waste any more time but overall while eigor is not a rap album in the traditional sense as the 2010th decade concluded in hip-hop Ty of the Creator's step into music that is really genre list represents just how far rap came in terms of how unpredictable it can be and because of this it stands tall is not just the most important album from this year but also the best now just as Tyler the Creator redefined the boundaries that hip-hop artists can find greatness through with eagor at the same time logic set a new precedent for how horrible music failure can get with the Worst Album of 2019 supermarket and oh my God even in a year where Chance the Rapper dropped a project as bad as the big day and logic dropped another absolutely garbage album in Confessions of a dangerous mind Supermarket somehow stands as the absolute worst of the worst serving as the musical score to a book that everybody's favorite by racial rapper wrote logic released this album out of nowhere and people just stomped this thing to the ground when they heard how bad it was this album features 13 tracks of logic trying to expand his musical borders and just failing in some of the most miserable and pathetic ways we have ever seen despite conceptually doing something creative by taking his hip-hop roots and infusing it with alternative Indie and pop rock there's just no creativity expressed whatsoever on this project the production here is either nauseatingly dull or laughably bad and whether logic is singing or rapping it's truly some of the cringiest material you will ever hear so overall for being an album so bad that it'll make you laugh and cry at the same time Supermarket is the worst album of 2019 now ending off this list we are going to be looking at the year 2020 and while this year marked a new decade for hip-hop it makes the title flow better and also gives us a look into where Hip Hop was shifting at this point and in a year where really no major artists drop because of world event the throne in Hip Hop was really open for the taking and while underground heavy weights and new innovators fought for this spot ultimately coming in as the best album in this now underrated year we got Westside gun and his record pray for Paris now with pray for Paris where the 2010s started off with Kanye releasing the ultimate hip-hop album The 2020s kicked off with Griselle the records leader Westside gun making the ultimate underground rap record from the minimal instrumental Loops to the long list of featured guests who spit some of their best verses ever on this project Westside gun designed this album to Showcase what he and his Griselda records imprint had been doing when it came to Bringing lyrical rap and boombat back into the center of hip-hop and they definitely succeeded in doing this from grisela Members like West himself Benny The Butcher and Conway the machine to guests like Freddy Gibbs Joey Badass and Tyler the Creator this album stands out because it is the ultimate lyrical sparring session between some of the most talented rappers ever and Beyond the competition each Lyricist has to stand out as the best making this record a truly great musical experience the opulent production makes everything feels so grandiose and cinematic so overall for standing as an album that functions like a musical Renaissance painting that shows the reano inting of lyrical rap pray for Paris is the best album of 2020 and finally as the Worst Album of 2020 we have 69 project tattletales and after coming out of prison and being despised by the entire hip-hop Community for being a rat this was supposed to be 69 Grand comeback album but in actuality it was even worse than all of his previous records which really says a lot now the reason why this album is so bad is because 69 pretty much doubled down on everything he was under scrutiny for at the time and on top of all that the only thing worse than the subject matter on this record was the way the actual song sounded if you didn't like the way 69 first sounded when he came onto the scene you will hate this album even more because any small bits of quality that his music once had has all vanished away and as a result you were just left listening to a screaming lunatic with a microphone now I could go more into depth about why this record fails but I'm going to leave it here this album is so creatively bankrupt that 69ine had to recruit Lil a or Big Mac or DJ academics it doesn't even matter what his name is because if you need to use academics in any capacity to rrap on your album it's clear that this thing is cooked so for just innovating on how bad an album can really be the atrocity that is tattletales kicked off the 2020s decade as the worst album from it so there you have it there is my list of the best and worst albums of every year from 2010 to 2020 and let me know do you want to see more of this if you want to see me go back to the 2000s or even look into the 2020s hit that subscribe button and leave a like and just a reminder if you want to take the hassle out of eating healthy give factor a try and head to or click the link below and use my promo code fantastic hh50 to get 50% off your first fact box and if you want to see what rap labels were responsible for producing the highs and lows from this list check out the suggested [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] video
Channel: Fantastic Hip Hop
Views: 97,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kendrick Lamar, Kanye West, J. Cole, Drake, Kendrick, Best Rap Album of Every Year, Best Rap Album Every Year, Best and Worst Rap Album from every year, Best and worst rap albums, Travis Scott, Pusha T, Best and Worst rappers, Horrible rap albums, Tyler The Creator, Kendrick Lamar Drake, Best and Worst Rap Albums of the 2010s
Id: u6UhT8qwCvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 55sec (2395 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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