The Best Workout Motivation Ever - Joe Rogan

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[Music] it's this fear of discomfort people have this extreme feeling in their mind when it comes to their associations with exercise they want to avoid discomfort they feel like any type of exercise is just like something to be avoided that's not for me [ __ ] that I don't want to sweat I don't want to strain and a lot of times this association that they have is about the beginnings of getting in shape it's not about once you're actually fit because once you're actually fit exercise is something you look forward to it's an alleviation of stress it's it feels great like if I can't get a workout in I look at my schedule I go oh [ __ ] I don't any time for a workout which means I'm not gonna get that good feeling and so instead of looking at it like oh I've got to go grunt and sweat I'm thinking I'm not gonna feel good I'm not gonna feel relaxed I'm not gonna feel carefree and I'm not gonna feel even appreciative like my appreciation of things in it gets enhanced greatly after exercise I just feel better I feel like I can take things in for what they are rather than you know whatever that weather or sensory data that I'm getting from any event is just one more distraction that gets in my way and you know that that's a lot of times how I look at things if I'm overstressed or if I'm working too much like our bodies for whatever reason most people their associations are to avoid anything that's uncomfortable but it's so illogical because when you look at comfort and you look at success and progress and the eventual the feelings of accomplishment and of getting past certain hurdles and in terms of like how you feel about life a lot of those are connected to discomfort like discomfort is your friend it really is like discomfort and and not being happy and content with certain situations in life or certain feelings in life there are massive massive motivators and they're they're amazing at at facilitating change and yet our instinct is to avoid those and just sit on the couch and watch some [ __ ] reality show about dudes and make moonshine with our jaw open like its with bizarre and for me at least when I get when I get like really disciplined and really I get really consistent with my workouts one of the things that I feel I almost feel momentum I feel like there's like a push behind me like all right we're you know like after I get out of the gym I have a really good workout I'm like yeah now I'm doing it I'm doing it all the time now and I'm looking forward to the next time and it makes that resistance much weaker and it makes my motivation and my discipline much stronger I think a lot of it is based on just the consistency you know it's one of the things that I talked about recently on the podcast I said you know like blowing something off it's not just not good like blowing off of an exercise that you planned is not just bad for you physically it's also bad mentally because then that option is now available the option to [ __ ] off is available and you did it before and you're probably gonna do it again and you'll get mediocre results not just in that aspect of your life but maybe in all aspects of your life because I think that option to [ __ ] off when you embrace it that is a pathway that you might choose when it comes to dealing with conflict in your personal life dealing with business decisions dealing with career decisions like an uncomfortable decision that you might be faced with where you maybe you need to make a change as far as like what your pathway is in life but you don't do it instead you [ __ ] off and that the inclination to [ __ ] off I think that gathers momentum as well the inclination to be disciplined that comes with momentum too and I think both things like you did you take a path the path of the healthy person or the path of the [ __ ] off like this is not like your body is like a race car that you can juice up yourself like you can add the fat tires you can add the improve suspension you can beef up the horsepower in the engine you could do all that yourself or you could just choose to have this shitty body that's always falling apart on you because we're essentially ecosystems you know and we're we're charge this weird consciousness that has all this resistance and has all this inclination towards comfort and [ __ ] off and blowing things off is what is in charge of making all these things happen that keep this ecosystem healthy it's almost like if Earth itself had like a shitty manager you know if like there was a manager of a natural manager of Earth that was like oh god who cares if it rains Oh God you know like let's let you know I'm gonna stop growing things I don't give a [ __ ] anymore it's all stupid anyway I mean it's literally like the the just blow it up let's just kill all the life what Dave it's all gonna die eventually I mean the Sun only lasts 7 billion years you see that is the perspective a lot of people take with aging where it's like well you're gonna die you're gonna age you can't stop aging and it's like yes you're right but that's not the point the point is to age better like that's the point the point is to increase your health span you know and that is we know is possible like that can there's some there's some of these like centenarians and super centenarians I've seen that are like in you know over a hundred years old and they're like riding bikes and racing and it's like yeah they're old they are very old they're experiencing a very good quality of life yeah and there's experiencing a quality of life that these other people that don't exercise feel they physically feel their own body diminishing and they just feel it's inevitable it's just what it is what it is you're wasting your time you're out there running around but no we're not because this experience right now it's not like no one's under the illusion you're gonna live forever but you are enhancing the experience that you're currently involved in right now and you are alive you are alive you do experience this life but do you experience this life optimally is it is it as enjoyable as it can be and we all know that there's a spectrum for that enjoy ability like we've all had times in our life where it's not been so great and then times in a life where everything came together like what a [ __ ] great day whew like make more of those look you could make more of those and then the whole thing's better and I think when that whole thing is better it affects everybody you touch ever but it's around you everybody come in contact with and that in turn made it sound so grandiose but in an in turn can affect the entire race of human beings for more interesting videos like this one please subscribe [Music]
Channel: After Skool
Views: 3,662,688
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Keywords: exercise, joe rogan, aging, joe rogan exercise, joe rogan inspiring video, joe rogan health, work out motivation, joe rogan work out, inspiring work out video, motivational exercise video
Id: e_eJRDl2J6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2017
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