The Best Windshield Wiper Fluid in the World and Why

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rev up your engines, today I'm gonna talk about the best windshield washer squirter fluid in the world and why, and as usual I'm not sponsored by anyone I just tried out a bunch of them over the years and found out which one works the best, and I did learn the hard way, I used to be really cheap, yeah isn't that a shocker and I'd buy the cheapest stuff you could, and put it in my wife's car which at the time was an old Toyota, now I have to admit I'm old school, on my own car I usually clean the windshields by hand, but my wife she used to be a schoolteacher, she got up real early, all the dew and everything was on her windshield in the morning and she'd you squirt her and she'd use that stuff like mad, I mean she'd go through four, or five, six gallons of the stuff every year, so being cheap I bought the cheapest stuff I could get it was like 89 cents a gallon, and here's what happened, the cheap stuff was so caustic there ended up being a line in the paint and then up here on the hood where the overspray was, there were other lines, it actually ate through the paint granted it took years of using it and she went through gallons of the stuff every year, but you don't want to use the cheapest stuff, because here's the cheapest stuff this blue stuff, and look at the ingredients, they don't even really tell you what's inside, they're kind of lying in the ingredients, just look at the ingredients it says water plant based cleaning agents and dye, but then it says warning this product contains a chemical known in the state of California to cause cancer, now I assume they're talking about methanol, because most of them have methanol in them, but really look at the ingredients, what a lie, it should say methanol, not plant-based blah blah, I mean they're even hiding what's in the thing they should at least be honest, because look at the rain-x that i found to be the best one, it even said danger contains methyl alcohol cannot be made non-poisonous, so even though it looks like orange Fanta you got to keep the stuff away from the kids, you don't want them drinking the stuff, but the good ones all contain methanol or methyl alcohol, that's what helped keep it from freezing and it makes it a nice cleaner, and you want to get the stuff that says all season, this one's good to zero degrees Fahrenheit if you get one that isn't, it's gonna freeze in the winter, like this cheap stuff, it says for use above 32 F it used to say, protects to 32, which doesn't protect anything, that's the same freezing point of water but at least they have a little bit more honest, but if you have this in the winter and it gets cold, it'll freeze and then the stuff won't work at all so it's better to use the all year one all the time so they don't have to think about switching it out when it gets cold, and whatever you do don't try to make your own to save money, a lot of guys use stuff with ammonia, well hey you're gonna breath that stuff in and it isn't any good for you, because really your squirters and right here, and what's in front of them, your air intakes, so you're gonna breathe that stuff in, you'll notice when you do run your squirt you're gonna smell the stuff, and that's one reason I like the rain-x, because really it smells like a weak Windex, it doesn't have a horrible odor to it, now granted this cheap stuff, it hardly smells like anything, because it hardly has anything at all in it, it doesn't clean bugs good, it doesn't do hardly anything, and being a Rain-X product it also helps it bead up on the windshield so the wipers don't drag and make noises and stick, and since my wife is an adamant washer user, using gallons of the stuff every year, I put different kinds in her car didn't tell her what I did, and one day after putting the rain-x in she said, oh did you change my wipers they clean better now in the morning, and i said no i put this orange rain-x stuff and it was a little more expensive, but i wanted to see if it worked better and she said well it certainly does work better, and since you can't beat a blind experiment like that she didn't even know what was going on, hey I'm sold on this stuff, but like anything else, you want a price around, I've seen this stuff advertised for over $11 a gallon, but I bought mine for two dollars and 87 cents a gallon and a Walmart, and that was actually cheaper than this cheap stuff that I bought at a local auto parts store, this was over $3 a gallon, so in my case I was really happy because I got the best washer fluid and I paid less for it, and since this is mechanic Monday, I'm giving away some of this stuff, to have a chance to win just place a clean non offensive comment on the YouTube comments below, and the winner will be chosen random my computer to have nice clean windshields, so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 1,335,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windshield wiper fluid, windshield, windshield wipers, wiper fluid, fluid, the best, best, best in the world, the best windshield wiper fluid in the world and why, how to clean windshield, diy windshield washer fluid, diy washer fluid, wiper fluid review, rain-x windshield wiper fluid, rain-x, rain-x review, rain x wiper fluid, what's in wiper fluid, homemade wiper fluid failure, wiper fluid refill, how to clean windshield sprayer, auto, car, car diy, car repair, diy, scotty kilmer
Id: tHcaem4EZmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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