The BEST White Rum from a SUPERMARKET is...

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welcome back rum fam i'm steve the barman and in this video i'm going to be taking on part one of my white rum challenge my discord community have been asking for it so i've kind of had the idea of broken it down into two parts and this is part one where we kind of look at white rums at the cheaper end of this scale but most importantly available on from your supermarkets in the uk essentially part two will be following probably about a month or so down the line where i picked the winner of this little category against some of the more premium white runs say like ron kubo for instance uh el dorado florida kanye plantation so we're going to have a head-to-head there's going to be even more rumps in that category but for now i want to nail what is the best rum that you can pick up white rum that you can pick out from your supermarket under 20 quid so as you can see the runners and riders are right here in front of me uh in first we've got bacardi needs no introduction puerto rican run originally cuban but puerto rico now and maybe other parts of the world i'm not sure but essentially was cuban not anymore uh so we've got that then we've got uh havana uh three-year-old which is a kind of cuban rum we've got uh dead man's fingers which is bristol in the uk was originally cuba and was originally cornish to be fair but cuban rum they imported but now it's all distilled in or redistilled wherever they do not be done but in bristol um so british rum maybe i don't know who knows so we've got dead man's fingers their brand new ish white rum we've got santiago de cuba uh brand new to the supermarkets i probably will go most supermarkets at the aggie i think it's diageo have kind of invested bought them out essentially or taking over kind of um distributing in the uk so you will expect to see this a lot more in 2022. santiago to cuba have got the old label of the 11 year old there so that's kind of what it looked like they actually have given it kind of like a little makeover and trying to make it uh more accessible in there so we've got santiago de cuba and then we've got this a brand new little beast this is the duppy share white rum so they are your uh runners riders sorry cupid jamaican essentially um undisclosed jamaican distillery however i have seen it on good authority that it's worthy park don't know absolutely don't know but i've seen a couple of people mention there's worthy park so i don't know so essentially we've got spanish spanish spanish english and english sort of styles of rum here all of them under 20 quid so what's going to happen i've got five tests coming up the price will talk about the price in a second and then i've got them i've got the rams already poured out but what i'm going to do you'll see here i've kind of got mojito mix ready to go i've got daiquiri mix ready to go and i've got coke and what i'm going to do i'm going to make them up very quickly after i've done the price i'll flash her up on screen now but you will see see mummy barman swapping these all around they're all numbered underneath so i won't have a clue mummy but i'm gonna be swapping those all around to kind of so i don't know what i'm drinking i'm just gonna purely pick my favorite in each category so we're doing we're doing price we're doing neat we're doing uh coke cooper libra we're doing a daiquiri and we're doing a mojito challenge and then we're just going to see which one wins in each category and see if we can get a favorite so uh test number one is the price now as i said this most important these are available especially in the big two supermarkets tesco's and sainsbury's but we'll be there morrison's as do it and all that so in first place first place we can first run we've got bacardi bacardi carter blanca nissler introduction i've got 15 pounds up there i've seen it cheaper than that but 15 pounds essentially been around since the year dark most pubs and bars will sort of carry it is pretty much a staple so we've got that uh second one up we've got havana three-year-olds uh 18 pounds interestingly tesco's delisted this ages ago uh but sainsbury's and all that still rock it out traditionally about 18 pounds full disclosure for the bulk of especially the sort of from 2003 2004 onwards i had great pouring deals with plano recards i then transferred that and transitioned that into my business that i started in 2012 havana three-year-old has been pretty much the workhorse white run that i've used over and over again for the last 15 years or so um but you know time's changed things move on so 18 quid there now uh we've got um dmf now uh this is currently at 20 pounds i wouldn't surprise me if it does go up to a roughly about 22 pounds a ball but currently in tesco's it is 20 pounds not an offer not a club card offer 20 pounds as staple so we've got that so we've got 15 18 20. we've got santiago de cuba tesco's my tesco's has got it um but we will be going in there at 18 pounds when you see it they have got the all five year old i think it may be i don't know the golden the aged ones and it's slightly more expensive but that will be going in at 18 pounds when you can get it there and then the last one uh duppy share is listed again at tesco's again my tesco's has got it 19 pounds 75 so the cheapest by long way is bacardi um havana is in second in my head dead man's fingers 20 pounds when you've got proper authentic cuban rums at 18 and a jamaican rum at 1975 in my head that's massively overpriced i don't know what it tastes like yet i haven't i haven't smelled them i haven't even now i've just pureed them so i'm ready to go in my head you're seriously telling me that dead man's fingers at 20 pounds is worth more than like duppy or santiago i don't know or havana i don't know uh my head's not sitting right without 20 especially if it does go up to 22 pounds once it's kind of mellowed out but um you know it's not really a test it's just more of a price but you know what in my head i'm thinking those two should be banging value for money at 18 and 1975 but all will be revealed when we test it test two is neat tasting so these are the orders she's jumbled him up in uh but just to clarify number one how this will all go number one number two number three number four number five they're all labeled on the bottom there so uh let's start off with this uh color wise all pretty similar one has got a slight hue to it so i can already assume which one that is but i don't yeah oh i don't know that's got a little bit of a huge oh interesting that's got a bit of a hue to it as well so um we shall see anyway let's let's get on let's not worry about that you and all that it's just do purely on taste so uh the first one smell interesting creamy a bit of an alcohol bite to it um i wouldn't say it's the smoothest but pretty decent you know that's all right and number two smoother a lot smoother still creamy but not as harsh as um the first one there so i'm going to put that and that above that one right um got some water here just have a right the third one that's really nice i like that neat um no well this is the interesting thing i like it neat a proper out and out rum lover might not because it hasn't really got that sort of rum rumminess bite to it but i think that's a very accessible white rum i can't i really like that actually not that you drink white rum knee i've had this debate many times how many of you drink white rum meat i don't know but you have to taste these things neat don't you of course do so that's my favorite so far right uh i would say that that's a good sort of 10 weaker than anything else on here vanilla it's kind of a little bit thicker it's got is sticking to the glass like none of the others um yeah i'm not quite sure how i feel about that right this last one right again not much not much to that which would make it a really accessible easy drinking white rum to a lot of people my favorite hands down is that one um is this in second place that's in second place for me so um yeah i'm gonna put all the ones over there so that's first that's second right then where do we go i think that might be third fourth fourth fifth i think i think that's how i'm going to do that really sorry i know there's not much interaction here but um that's quite tough i'm i'm happy with putting that one third it's then between these two and that's kind of approachable not much going on but an approachable white run i'm going fourth and then this one in fifth yeah i'm happy with that right then the second test we are going for is the coca-cola test i've used coke zero uh kind of done like a one to three ratio for this one to three in a bit uh ratio for this couple of ice cubes in each the white rum that was really interesting actually because just drinking them neat you do actually want a bit of rum to come forward but you know the one i put in fourth place he's kind of an approachable entry level kind of yeah tough anyway let's crack on coke right that's all right nothing much going on there number two's got a bit more flavor going on you know all this one's gonna be is which one would you quite happily drink again and again you know that's what this test is gonna be well i think that's got a bit more to it than that one and the fourth one that's actually quite nice as well and then the fifth one so i don't know whether you can hear the builders go they're not out there over the road but there's not much going on with those two they're all measured out so there's not much going on with those two so they were automatically fourth and fifth um that's got a bit more going on but it's got funny aftertaste to it i think that one potentially is my favorite yeah that's my favorite that's my second favorite and this is my third favorite yeah um yeah i'm not a huge fan of that one right so fifth and fourth so um first second third fourth fifth that's how we did that test number four is the daiquiri challenge in the argument i mean arguably you would sort of say the cooper cooperative is kind of like your white rum that's where it's going but you know your daiquiris your mojitos are very important for white rums as well so uh three one half ratio as you can see that was my daiquiri mix so the lime and the sugar were constant for all of them and completely measured out so and then mummy barman's been in and tested and swapped around sorry so uh right yeah i kind of like that actually that's that's really nice clean refresh not as clean as it could be um but pretty decent right um second one second one's alright it's just you know it's acceptable but i've tasted i've tasted a lot better right the third one oh that's my favorite that is clean so far that's really really nice really happily drink that over and over again that's the big test for me is it a session daiquiri or a one-off daiquiri right uh the fourth one oh a bit more vanilla-y that one um i kind of like that actually i'll put down level with that one for start off with that one's definitely the bottom right so there we go um right first of place this is tough not much between them but i'm going first second right that's definitely fifth uh so that can live here right then and then between these two third and fourth i would go that one next third and fourth so that's that order third second and the winner of the daiquiri and then the final challenge we get to is the mojito challenge probably the biggest for you guys and possibly maybe probably daiquiri to be fair well actually i don't know that's that's a bit of a bold statement i was going to say that the mojito probably the most important test for most of you i think it's a bit harsh actually rum and coke is you know is as big as a daiquiri for this they're all as big as each other let's just have a sprig of water right let's crack on so um again one big mojito loads left over all the mint and i've just put one uh mint leaf in all of these as well so pretty it's a standard base mix just uh pulled out five ways right yeah um yeah it's all right that's a bit better right oh no don't like that that's oh that's got a funny twang to it interesting i didn't really get a funny funny twang off the daiquiri interesting right uh so last two that's nice i like that right and then the last one that's my winner so that's first that's last right in between these three um i said that was better than that so is that betting in this one that that and then that that's what i'm going for there so uh last fourth third second and first well then so results time remember what i said number one number two number three number four number five um i did put a dmf for the buy you know there's no way to really score it but i did put dmf at the bottom for price um purely because in my head at 20 pounds why is dmf a big brand more expensive than duppy and rev santiago et cetera et cetera i don't think it should be in my head dmf is a brand should be cheap coming in cheaper than havana that's all i'm saying for that but it's all on taste so let's go neat twice there so remember fifth uh fourth third second and first that's how we're going to put that there so little notes here let's get that so there we go let's give yourself a bit of room so in fifth place uh so neat in fifth so i can remember in fifth number one bacardi five bacardi oh in fourth place number three you've got nowhere you can see those don't know whether you need that uh so in fourth uh so oh yeah but dmf uh dmf so number three one two yeah this dmf right uh in third place is number five which is duppy in second place uh we have got number two which is havana number two uh so that must be uh number four number four is there again i don't know whether you'll see that i don't know if you can see these on the close-up numbers there without spilling hopefully you can but um so yeah uh havana and in the first place is uh what do we say ron santiago santiago so that's neat right uh with the coke challenge the coke right your coober libras or your jamaican libras or your bristol bristol libras so uh coke in fifth place we have got number two oh havana at number five have right at fourth place we have got number three dmf in third place number four ron santiago santiago of course a mismatch all over the place isn't it number five we've got duppy okay so uh two second place is duppy which wow hang on a minute bacardi number one bacardi that'd be interesting watching this back to see what i said about that oh i've got a funny feeling i said there's quite a bit going on there which i kind of liked but i don't i think that was what i said oh so yeah bacardi wins your coke but if anna which interestingly i've never put havana as a rum and coke rum i've always put havana as like a daiquiri mojito rum so that'll be interesting to see how this goes uh dak now picardy dmf is not doing too well at its precise moment um but apart from that you know it's all so picardy went from neat to first or from fifth to first interesting so um right the the daiquiris here we go so in fifth place for the dax one bacardi i wish you could i can't really see you can't i'm not sure you'll kind of see that in there but number one uh bacardi so fifth place is bacardi wow so it's gone from first place to fifth place again first place in the cooper libras fifth frame wow uh in fourth place we have got number three which is d oh i'll tell you what dmf's doing well fourth place all the way through so far uh in third place number four santiago uh santiago in second place then number two havana so hang on almost in duppy share number five yeah number five dappy share is the best daiquiri for me interesting and then we've got mojito time whoopsie mojito time so i remember being not too big not being too impressed with some of these mojitos interesting right hopefully they're on camera not out of shot there we go so mojitos mojitos mojitos so in last place in the mojito stakes number one bacardi uh so fifth place is bacardi wow uh in fourth place number five duppy share how can duppy right this is going to be interesting bear with me on this uh in third place number three dmf dmf in second place number four ron santiago well for not hand oh so in first place has got to be havana number two havana wow now that is interesting now i want to do something here because hang on a minute hang on a minute hang on hang on hang on this is something gone wrong in the matrix here so duppy share that one went from fourth place in the mojito stakes to first in the daiquiri so dappy is that one that's a really good daiquiri but mojito wasn't just like yeah that's so interesting also also it's different if you haven't gotten done if you're a newbie all this is different to that is soda water and mint is added uh to daiquiri to make it mojito that's the only difference i really like that as a daiquiri wrong old bit of mojito yeah interesting so those results are completely all over the shop there um what can what can we sum up bacardi bacardi comes last neet mojito and daiquiri so nits mojito daiquiri bacardi not even at the races ramen coke for me bacardi smashed it i really like that as aroma coke quite happy drink that so that's really interesting dmf dead man's fingers um where did we get we got a lot of fourths fourth fourth fourth and then so the best dmf came was third in a mojito and even then i remember saying that wasn't brilliant i mean it's all right so dmf i'll come back to what i said earlier um neat fourth place 20 pounds i think dmf is massively overpriced massively overpriced if that's the most expensive one out of those five at 20 pounds and if they're all coming in under 20 pounds that is massively overpriced for that um yes it's a step up from bacardi but it's not a five when you get 18 pounds nine which way was it 19 i forgot my laptop's going off now but 1975 and 18 i think it was i'll forget which way around it was now that should no way be more expensive than those three no way uh dead man's fingers for me there uh um santiago ron santiago neat lovely sipping knee i really enjoyed that neat uh that's gotta be where is santiago that was neat that one yeah i really like that nate i really do um but then santiago third to third so third for the coke third favorite for daiquiri uh second favorite for a mojito um duppy's share where did we get to duppy dappy third for the neat second for coke first for daiquiri but fourth from mojito so again split i'm trying to pick out which rum to tell you to buy to be fair and from all this right looking at these results here's where i'm going to go for this if you're going for a mojito a daiquiri or neat havana that's where i'm going for that um for a coke you're not just going to have one rum for a rum and coke are you this this is the problem i mean that was i mean duppy share came second for that i'm just trying to look at duppy the thing that let duffy down was the megito really um otherwise i would sort of say dappy in in second place there to be fair um dead man's fingers and mojitos and so that's dappy do you know what this there's not a huge amount in these that's dappy share and this is the dead man's fingers it's not a huge amount in him yes i do prefer the dead man's fingers but not by a huge amount in the whole mojito stakes there so duppy is a decent if you're getting decent pouring deals out of that um or decent prices that's not bad but the only point the only point i've got to make is i probably wouldn't have that with coke otherwise you know otherwise having a three-year-old is he's brilliant he's just i wouldn't have it with coke um because it really didn't work for with coke for me that was my least favorite coke um it just depends where you go i i think right daiquiri mojito all day long havana three-year-old really really happy with that um santiago yeah santiago did well you know santiago came second in mojito third in the daiquiri third in the coke uh and first knee santiago's not ron santiago is not a bad shout actually not as an all-rounder uh it's an all-rounder that's not that bad that if i want if i had one rum that i would go for everything for neat daiquiri mojito and that and rum and coke probably the santiago but i just i wouldn't be comfortable now serving that up as a rum and coke havana but it's cheap enough would you stop that as well all these conundrums that i failed to have answered but the question is going to be and i know this is a bit of a waffle the question is going to be how does and i really don't see this is how what's the winner what is the winner of this going up against other white rums how do i do that i've got a little get my brain in gear do i put havana do i do rums oh no i don't know how to do it i'm talking to myself i really don't know let me know what i should do uh when i pick this against like your florida canyon your but your um door is probably not veritas veritas will smash them to bits but um plantation three-year-old el dorado i really don't know how to approach this i've gotta have a chat with my discord community but yeah i hope you enjoyed that slightly longer video probably not proven anything except that is awesome except for uh cokes and then that smashes coke's hands down but as an all-rounder possibly santiago to cuba
Channel: Steve the Barman
Views: 10,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bacardi, bacardi vs havana, bacardi vs havana club, bacardi white rum review, best rum, best way to drink white rum, best white rum, best white rum review, best white rum to drink straight, best white rums for mixing, duppy share white rum review, duppy white rum review, havana club white rum review, santiago de cuba rum, steve the barman, what is the best white rum, white rum, white rum review, rum comparison, white rum comparison, rum, rum tasting, rum review
Id: fFdoWnlVQjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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