The BEST WEAPONS in Fire Emblem Fates

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hello everybody this is lag spikee and today we're going to be going over the 10 best weapons in Fire Emblem Fates I thought about doing this video because I've seen quite a few people saying that Fat's weapon balance is completely and utterly irredeemable and while I do agree that it's not well balanced at all it's actually one of the few gripes that I have wholeheartedly with this game I do think it's disingenuous to suggest that there's only a handful of weapons or so that are worth using before we start the list I just want to lay out some ground rules number one this list is going to take into account all three routes but there's going to be a heavier emphasis on Conquest than Revelation and a heavier emphasis on Revelation than Birthright number two we're going to be considering that you're going to be doing either a run on emulator where you've hacked in my castle resources stuff like food and gems or a run on Console before the server shut down because post shutdown Fates is a world that I don't think any of us are ready to discuss and as a result I'm not going to be covering it in this video number three this video is by definition and opinion piece but I do want to let the people watching know that I put a lot of thought into this and I asked several people including sepy BL faren Zoran balk and so on on their opinions and I adjust it accordingly there will be disagreements and that's my favorite part if you disagree with something on my list please leave a comment with your take I love to read all of my comments and I love engaging discussions with the comment section even more that's all for the rules let's start our list off with number 10 number 10 guard naginata first up on our list is a hedan weapon the guard naginata gives you plus five defense and resistance when you equip it this is really helpful on a lot of units giving your Falcon Knights more reliability making your spe your Masters less susceptible to Magic and making your generals basically Invincible because of this powerful ability its offensive stats are quite low using the guard nagada is very straightforward you get it in Birthright very very early in hinoka's inventory I like to either keep it on Hoka or give it to kale dhy as I tend to rush the K dor perog as quickly as possible to have somebody to replace subaki this weapon will make your Flyers a lot tankier in Birthright Raina especially will make excellent use of it making her an even better defensive jugon rut than she already is because you get it in a unit's inventory you can choose to forge your Gard ninada with the one that you can purchase starting on chapter 14 if you so choose this will take it up to seven might making it a pretty strong weapon considering just how much of a benefit it gives you this weapon is also good on late game builds with a ton of Defense often times late game Birthright will toss an avalanche of enemies at you but often these groups won't have any two range so if you have a sufficiently bulky unit they can distract that group for a very long time and eventually take them out Revelations guard naginata can only be first acquired after the Armory upgrade you get right before chapter 14 hinoka still has one in her inventory but you recruit her a lot later in this game so you won't be able to forge it if you want until chapter 16 when she joins you at the start of the map the guard naginata is a lot more relevant in Revelation because of just how strong the enemies are it can help you survive multiple rounds of combat where otherwise you would have no chance of doing that or a significant chance of death if you tried it first of all the Gard naginata requires C rank lances this isn't impossible to do and there are quite a few units who do reach C rank at base but it is still something you have to consider and work towards if you're reclassing into a class to take advantage of it on top of that its low might makes it not really great at dealing damage to enemies obviously going fast in a chapter doesn't always do anything for you but it's usually going to take inherently longer for a unit with a guard naginata to take out enemies this weapon is also not available in Conquest so it misses out on an entire routes worth of availability even then any Sky knight any spear fighter any Paladin and any great Master will be happy to have the guard Nagin as an option in their inventory but moving back to the main point this is an enemy phase weapon obviously but it has a FAL flaw in the fact that it doesn't have one to two range so it often ends up not doing much for the player on top of that Lance classes unfortunately tend to be kind of underpowered compared to their peers almost always a wyvern will be better than a sky Knight and a Berserker is going to be better than a spearm master the G naginata is a powerful tool no doubt and using it will make a unit much more versatile than if they were not to use it but many more experienced players would rather seek out a more sturdy and broadly applicable solution to bulk issues the lightning Tome is the only Brave weapon in Fates that's not an a rank weapon also the only ranged Brave weapon in Fates that does not have your attacking stat as its debuff instead inflicting a silver weapon debuff on the user why I got no goddamn idea you can buy one in the level two dusk Armory which can be upgraded to level two right after chapter 13 or you can obtain it for free on one of the villages in nilia paralog aside from a few rare exceptions Mages and Fates can have somewhat of a hard time doubling early on and the lightning is an excellent stop Gap that can get you doing severe damage without needing to speed stack that way well and as a bonus it helps cleave through generals with wey Fighter the most common example of a lightning user in Fates is Conquest Leo Leo doesn't quite have enough Speed without support to get doubling and if you do not have the resources or the willingness to support his speed then you can instead drop a lightning to on him and have him devour enemies as a helpful bonus Leo boasts a massive base 20 magic allowing anyone who dual strikes off of him to reach kill thresholds much much easier than they would otherwise in Revelations enemy stats are so high that sometimes reaching double thresholds is just not viable in situations like this walking up to the swordmaster or Adventurer that you're having trouble doubling and hitting them twice with a lightning toone on a strong trained magic unit like hayato rajat or Leo again will probably just be enough to let you score the KO dual striking is even more helpful in Revelation because enemy HP pools are high enough to occasionally necessitate it C rank might seem like a problem for lightning but most magic users actually join at C rank or so close to it that it shouldn't be too big of a deal non-magical units won't be using the lightning to to begin with because of its low might so that's not too big of a deal either no the main problems are route availability and class reliability first of all the lightning toome is not available in Birthright and even if it was it wouldn't be that good second of all those same fast enemies I mentioned earlier unless you're in the dark Mage class line and benefiting off heartseeker you will find your hit rates with lightning to be very shaky even hayato an excellent unit in his own right in Revelation will have to nickel and dime his way into having decent hit rates against the targets that are too fast for him to double finally enemy res is quite decent in Revelation and while you can get away with using the lightning toome against an adventurer because of the weapon triangle Advantage you won't be able to get away with using it against a dark knight or a sky Knight or a paladin effectively at all the lightning to in the right matchup is game-changing but in the wrong matchup can feel worse than useless number eight bolt axe the bolt axe might just be the single most surface level weapon in all of Fates it just shows up with massive might and one to two range it's basically up to the player to figure out how to use it it can be a bit frustrating to use the bolt axe considering just how low its hit is but if you can figure out a reliable method let me tell you this thing goes crazy the bolack is also one of the few weapons and Fates that are available in all three routes conquest and Revelation allow you to buy it in the dusk Armory after upgrading it to level two but you also get a bolt ax and Birthright on chapter 14 on an enemy Berserker there's also an extra bolt axe drop on chapter 19 of Revelation to make use of the bolt axe you need to figure out two things the first is obviously having a non-shit magic stat as even though 14 might is quite a lot if you have like three magic it's still not going to do any damage the second thing is having a way to fix your hit rates in Conquest in particular this can be remedied very easily and effectively for Corin specifically by grabbing a Gunter pair up gunter's personal allows you to get basically a free plus 15 hit when he's in the back of corin's pair up and this gives any malignite Corin or I guess on Chieftain Corin if you're like that the tools necessary to take the bolt ax to absurd degrees another method you can use the classic just half stupid stats L strategy which is exemplified by Camila Camila being a pre-prom oute just has insane stats and as a result even though the Bol tax's hit is decidedly dog she'll still get at least 70% hit on enemies for a long time in one round very easily along with these character specific strategies there's also some Universal strategies that can help any unit utilize the boltax better hit increasing skills are godsend for boltax users so malefic Aura certain blow and quick sodic are definitely skills to look out for if possible along with these access to tools such as rally skill rally luck and aura's dance the inspiring song will increase your reliability rally skill gives you plus six hit and rally luck gives you plus four hit so even if you just have a random bow Knight that has rally skill stacking that on top of a skill and luck tonic and some other supplementary boosts will get you there the boltax obviously does best in Magic using classes like Oni Chie and malignite but if you have a unit that just has enough magic to make it work going into a class with a better skill base and or growth such as blacksmith her or general might be worth considering the boltax is probably the single most inherently flawed weapon on this list 65 hit is pitiful and it's a c rank weapon which does not help its use case minus 20 avoid isn't always that important but it does mean that the boltax user is going to need enough bulk to survive several hits in a row after hearing all these hoops that you have to jump through and all of these issues that the boltax has you might think that it's not good enough to be on this list however the thing is that it just cannot be overstated just how stupid its offensive capabilities are a good boltax us user that has jumped through enough of these hoops required to use it will never want for a different weapon a lot of weapons fall off as you reach later in the game but the bolt ax is a rare weapon that just gets better and better the more time you have to work on your units to make them better at using it number seven yat what can I say about the yat that hasn't already been said the yat are at the worst case scenario free stats for just having something in your corin's inventory and it's not like you're getting useless stats either you get bulk from the conquest yat and strength and speed from the Birthright ones with the Revelation ones giving you all of the above you get them for free from story progression they're tied to one of your best units and they have the effective dragon skin which all three of the Final Bosses have and are annoying as hell to deal with the yato is always going to be used except if you're in a class that cannot use swords when using the yato it's important to keep in mind that it's a katana at the end of the day so it does give you that minus one defense and resistance and plus one speed while equipping it it's kind of weird that the birthright yat give offense and the conquest yat give defense because to be honest it's Quest that the offense would be more useful for and Birthright where the defense would be more valuable I mean I can't imagine just how much more lenient Takami one round thresholds would be if I could get an extra plus4 strength from the yat but that's beside the point at the end of the day corin's going to be using the yat in combat for the entire game if they're in a sword class and they're going to be using the yat in combat at the start of the game if you pick something else as your talent and regardless of what you do it's going to be in their inventory for the rest of the game in Conquest you upgrade to the Grim yato at the end of chapter 14 and upgrade to the Shadow yat after you see goop Garen for the first time which actually means that you can use it in paralogs right before you beat the game though I'd never recommend leaving any paralogs for that late in Birthright you upgrade to the Noble yat at the end of chapter 19 and the Blazing yat at the start of chapter 27 in Revelation you upgrade to the alpha yat at the end of chapter 15 and the Omega yat at the start of chapter 27 which means that you get the plus two strength speed defense and resistance for pretty much all of Valor which is really helpful the only issues that the yat has are the fact that it's a sword it doesn't have 1 to two range and that for some reason it never gets more hit 85 hit is frankly ass and the fact that the yat can't even give you skill or luck does not help the situation I've seen 87 hit on anonos in Revelation because of the weirdly low hit of the late yat sword classes are also a bit of a mixed bag depending on the game and there are often times where you'll not want to be in a sword class such as when you want your core and to be flying even then none of this changes the fact that free stats and one of your best units at worst and an excellent weapon the best case scenario is just absurdly good and applicable in any situation number six no Fatu spoiler alert no Fatu is the last entry on this list that isn't available in all three routes I think the most fascinating thing about the no Fatu toome is the community stance on it on release people were sing for Odin left and right and made him work at any cost possible because they just loved his character after we had a defined meta we thought Odin was trash for the longest time and we all know nowadays that the nose Fatu is an excellent tool though the no Fatu got seriously nerfed since its last outing and Awakening it's still an extremely excellent weapon to use though you do need to know when it's a good idea to use it and when it's not no Fatu is almost exclusively used in Conquest in the early game no veratu basically single-handedly turns Odin from a very middling to downright bad unit into a Gods slaying tank that could walk out of a 50 man free-for-all is the last one standing after Odin catches up to the levels of the other unit in your party give him an HP magic and a defense tonic and a magical backpack usually elas ni or Felicia and you've basically got a unit that can go toe-to-toe to the entirety of Conquest until up around chapter 17 with the exception of any enemies that use debuffs such as ninjas and seal defense spearm masters from chapter 19 or so until the entrance into hoshido Odin basically doesn't have the ability to keep up with the amount of damage that the enemies dish out unless you get him a lot of tools such as stat boosters and skills like Vantage however the funny thing about no Fatu is that becomes more useful again once you hit hoshido around chapter 22 Leo becomes basically ambivalent when it comes to which class Dark Knight is great for movement but if you reclass Leo to sorcerer for the late game he can use a group of TOMS involving no Fatu and the lifetaker skill that the Dark Knight class has given him to be a sustainable killing machine on the battlefield on chapter 22 23 24 and parts of 26 this same kind of late game tanking can be achieved albeit with much more difficulty in revelation after Leo joins the issue in Revelation is that enemies just have higher stats and Leo joins a lot later than he normally does often it's probably better to put Leo in sorcerer for the better offenses but not necessarily use no feratu but you will find points in time where you'll be happy to have a no feratu to on hand and no feratu has a lot of great match ups on The Conquest paralogs even in Revelation the no ratu toome has a few weaknesses first it cost 4,000 gold if you want to buy it as soon as possible that's 40% of the money you'll have obtained from chapter 8 if you got the maximum reward for visiting three villages second it's limited in what units can use it it's basically only useful on Odin Leo and if you really want to try to make it work ofilia its hit rate might seem like issue but it's actually quite easily remedied by the fact that dark Mage has heartseeker to make one- range combat basically guaranteed and Odin has really solid skill and Lux stats once you go into sorcerer sorcerer has an innate five hit bonus which also helps out with this the way that Leo uses sorcerer in the late game is a lot more based around switching TOS depending on the situation to make combat against specific groups of enemies better so he doesn't really have to worry about his hit rates as he'll only ever use no Fatu against enemies that he has good hit rates against to begin with honestly no ratu is a lot more versatile than I'm giving it credit for here any unit with either massive magic or massive ball can use it and yes that includes Xander ask alran about no veratu Xander that dude will talk your ear off however practically speaking it's quite Limited in its scope and as a result it is not making the top half of this list number five the good effective weapons if you've ever played Conquest before you know how clutch the hammer is the hammer is basically one of the only reliable ways to deal with wey fighter generals and dual striking off of a strong unit holding a hammer can turn several clogged hallways into fodder you might be surprised to see the the armor Slayer on here along with the hammer but in my eyes Conquest chapter 12 armor Slayer is useful enough to justify itself a side mention in this entry adding on to those in Birthright and Revelation is the sting shuriken a much needed way for magically Ungifted shuriken users like Kaz and kago to still put the pain on enemy armors this thing packs a punch and then last but definitely not least are the Beast effective weapons the Beast killer and the Hunter's knife these things are so widely applicable in all the roots they're available in that it's borderline disgusting use them against Falcon Knights kinches bow Knights great Knights paladins really pretty much any Beast enemy and they're probably dead to rights keep in mind that effective Weaponry in Fates is extremely strong if you compare the armor slayer's nine might and 95 hit to its d rank iron sword counterparts six might and 90 hit you're going to find yourself a bit confused so let me explain in Fates effective weapons have extremely high might and hit rates but if you use them against an enemy type that they're not effective against they will function as though they have four less might and 10 less hit this allows for Effective weapons to absolutely on the enemies that they're supposed to be good against but not end up just being better than normal Weaponry this combined with the insanely low weapon rank requirement of D really results in these defective weapons being extremely powerful tools to feed weak units any weak unit that has d rank in a relevant weapon type can instantly equip one of these in the right matchup and get a much much easier time killing the enemies which starts the unit snowball off fast and big for example everybody knows that the retainer squads that you get on chapter 16 and 17 of Revelation are quite weak if you give Perry a beast killer and a Keaton backpack on chapter 17 of Revelation even though her stats are very laughable the fact that the Beast killer is so strong will allow her to innately one round every single unpromoted Beast enemy on that map at base with that stat stack and if you give her blood thirst once she kills an enemy and sing for her she'll be able to one round even the promoted paladins on that map the effective Weaponry is a really quick and easy Gateway into giving your units a lot more power very early every single General in Conquest from chapter 18 onwards is going to have weary fighter killing those bastards without armor Effectiveness is going to be hell so you can imagine how the hammer is used so you want to give this to high strength axe units so Camila corn of applicable kumera sh he's a Berserker Percy baroa if she can make it work Charlotte even basically anybody that can use a hammer will be able to use a hammer the armor Slayer is quite unique because you get it before the store starts stalking effective weapons this is a surprise tool that will help you a lot on chapter 13 which has a large host of wyvern Riders paired with armor knites these guys don't have wary fighter but they still have a ton of defense and are going to be borderline impenetrable if they land on a forest tile without the armor Slayer I like to give my armor Slayer to either Perry llo or Selena on chapter 13 the armor Slayer and Hammer are both slightly less applicable in Birthright and Revelation although they are much more helpful in Revelation than in Birthright it's basically the same use case as in Conquest except in Birthright and Revelation Ry fighter is not 100% guaranteed and in Birthright these weapons are also useful against the horde of great Knights the player faces in the late game however in re even without wey Fighter the generals can be a pain in the ass so the hammer is just a generally useful tool to deal with these difficult enemies in Conquest you can get a beast killer starting on chapter 14 and that Beast killer is going to pay itself back very quickly chapter 14 has a ton of Sky Knights that you can use the Beast killer on after that chapter 18 has a ton of paladins and a couple bow Knights some strategists that you can use it on the Sophie perog has a bunch of paladins Cavaliers and strategists and trador the kits layer map is notorious for being able to be completely freed up by a wyvern Lord Xander using a beast killer every single Kimi Knight and Sky Knight and hoshido is going to get wounded by this basically everywhere in Conquest you will find a reason to use the Beast killer and this also affects the Hunter's knife though to a slightly lesser degree on chapter 19 because your Hunter's knife units will not have the same level of defense that Xander has for an assured chapter clear in Revelation you will be able to use these same Tools in pretty much the same ways except the enemies are going to be a lot stronger so you're going to want both of the hunter knives that you can buy once you hit the level three shop effective weapons are by definition a little bit Niche there's going to be chapters where you will not be able to take any advantage of a given effective weapon making there be significant power spice for when effective weapons are really gamechanging some of these weapons are also not available in all of the routes such as the sting shuriken not being available in conquest or the Hunter's knife not being available in Birthright the armor Slayer in specific also falls off quite a bit in Conquest as you don't fight great knights in the main game and Generals all pack war fighter though it's still relatively valuable against Great knights in Revelation and Birthright number four dual weapons the Dual weapons are the GBA Reaver weapons on crack there are six of these dual weapons one for each weapon type but I'm only going to go over what I think are the most commonly used ones but every single one of these will be worth buying these weapons are all C Rank and invert the weapon triangle and double its bonuses this might not seem like that big of a deal but you need to realize that at B rank for example you're getting plus two damage and plus 20 hit from these not only that but normally when a weapon triangle disadvantage you lose your weapon rank bonuses so let's say you're a Berserker with B rank axes using a normal axe against an enemy swordmaster on lunatic the swordmaster has srank swords so he gets plus4 attack and plus five hit from his weapon rank bonuses and plus two attack and plus 20 hit from his weapon triangle bonuses now if you use a dual Club he now gets nothing from his weapon Rank and now you get a plus two attack and plus 20 hit from your B rank weapon triangle Advantage being doubled and a plus 10 extra hit from your weapon rank bonuses these swings are massive let's go over Conquest first because these are hosan weapons you can only get two of the Dual weapons in Conquest you can only get the Calamity gate from opilus perog and the Dual Club from chapter 10's bottom left Village the Dual Club at its worst gives basically any axe using Korn a free Roma kill on chapter 25 and Camila a solid chance to one round Roma on chapter 12 not only is that valuable but the Dual Club is helpful at obtaining good hit rates against every swordmaster in conquest and makes it so that a wyvern Lord Corin can actually take on the chapter 26 worm Slayer room on his own because of the combination of swordbreaker and the Dual Club making it basically impossible for any of the heroes to hit you with a worm Slayer the Dual Club also has a little bit of crit on it so I guess you could use it on a Berserker to get good crit and hit against sword users if you wanted to next up is the Calamity gate at the low low cost of having C rank TOS a requirement that's only something you have to work on with Camila as Odin is likely to have close to B rank from using no Fatu to tank you get good combat against so many enemies in Conquest that it's absurd you can use the Calamity gate to get good combat against paladins generals Falcon knes spearm Masters basar and even ninjas at times the Calamity Gates ability to make a good magic user into an absurd magic user is incredible and basically every single good magic user in Conquest is going to be using the Calamity game in fact because you get bowbreaker and sorcerer you can use the Calamity gate on chapter 24 to maintain surprisingly good combat against both the kinchin knites and the Falcon knites at the same time the last dual weapon I'm going to talk about here is the Dual Katana in Birthright and Revelation the only enemy types real can be said to struggle against are the ones that he has weapon triangle disadvantage against and as a result the ones that he doesn't get his weapon rank bonuses from depriving him from plus two attack at his base weapon rank of B the Dual Katana turns these enemies into confetti as an example rioma is basically always going to die if you try to send him mindlessly against the hordes of Cavaliers you faing Birthright the map right after his join however if you send him into the freay with a dual Katana equipped and then press start to skip the enemy phase you're going to start the next player phase with a rioma that's got more than half his HP left and more than half the enemy enemies on the map already dead another thing that the Dual Katana is surprisingly good for is letting you dodge I know we don't really like to use Dodge tanking as a real argument but if a sword master uses a dual Katana on player phase against a general for example even just at C rank swords they'll have 20 less hit from the doubled weapon triangle dis advantage and five less hit from their lack of a rank weapon rank bonus this adds onto dualist blow and the innate swordmaster of void bonus to give you 65 less hit than the general would have and this is just at C rank at a rank swords this turns into 75 less hit and at S rank this turns into 85 less hit at S rank even on enemy phase this enemy is running 55 less hit on you than usual if you add AST onto this you can see just how quickly you can turn a group of enemies you can't touch into a group of enemies that can't touch you dual weapons have two issues they're C rank weapons and they cost 4,000 gold to buy if you don't get them from enemy drops that's it if you have a dual weapon there always will be a way you can use it I've literally never seen a dual weapon and gone man this is useless even in the worst case scenario there's at least one class that can use dual weapons of one type sword Masters get great value out of dual katas Falcon kns love dual Nagin nadas Berserkers and wyvern love dual clubs snipers can hit for even more ludicrous numbers with a dual Yumi every single magic user on the planet will appreciate having a Calamity gate and ninjas get good value out of having the ability to deal more damage while also debuffing by using their dual shurikens I think it just speaks to how broken the rest of the weapons on this list are that dual weapons are this low number three the Sig freed and the rento Sig freed and rento are the personal weapons of Xander and roma and they really take them to the next level not only are they just really good weapons but they also just like the yato give Xander and roma extra stats when they're in their inventories Xander's plus4 defense makes it so that he can go into wyvern Lord for the flyer skip maps in Conquest 19 20 and 21 and solo at least two of them and Roma's plus4 strength makes it so that he can compensate for the sometimes low might of katana even when he's not using the right gento using this weapons is super easy you just give Xander speed and roma some bulk and send them into The Fray these weapons are built for Juggernaut being the only one to two range swords that don't have massive penalties for using them and they synergize really well with their user skills Xander's personal and his access to Elbow Room and Defender make it so that he's basically impenetrable and hits extremely hard R's personal and his access to Astro and sword Fair make him hit like a truck consistently double and get massive value off of having a backpack attached to him my personal recommendation is rinka to just crank up that DPS even higher while giving him a lot of bulk these weapons are perfect on their units the only thing I could even consider knocking them for are the fact that they're personal weapons and as a result only their units can use them but it feels like such a nitpick they're also not able to be used when you're flying but this game has pair UPS so if you have a problem with that then just pair them onto a flying unit and you know FY them wherever you need to go then again this restricted usage is what makes them not the number one entry on this list the fact that they aren't as widely applicable as the last two members of our list number two horse spirit coming in at number two we have one of the most powerful Toms to ever be conceived of the horse spirit is a magical weapon that gives you a discount Omega yat effect and it's d rank people I cannot overstate this enough the horse spirit is the go-to toome and the fact that you can get it in conquest and relatively early at that only makes it better its speed boost makes it valuable offensively and its deaf res boost makes it invaluable defensively the fact is there are quite a few Mages in Fates but many of them do not have good speed Leo Odin Orochi hayato's base speed and Birthright isana opilia and the list just goes on and on and on the horse bear can take every single one of these units from not really doubling easily early on to doubling consistently instantly the horse spirit in Conquest is basically Mission critical for the mid game so I recommend going to opilus perog as soon as possible after that I usually give it to Leo once he joins this tone can help him tank chapter 14 even easier than normal basically solo the left side or the right side of chapter 16 depending on what you want which is something very few other units can do handle all the dangerous Mages in the top half of chapter 18 and the use cases just keep going on and on if you include the parall logs the horse spirit gets catapulted into even more a must have weapon the horse spirit is still an excellent weapon but Birthright doesn't give you too many units that can use it well hayato is trash Orochi is not that great and aama doesn't really have the kind of magic to justify going into on mioi and Sakura is super underleveled rinka is really the only really great horse spirit user in Birthright the strategy with rinka is that you equip a horse spirit on her put her into Oni chiefton and enemies just don't deal damage to her because Birthright AI is not like Conquest Ai and will still attack you if they deal zero damage rinka seal res will proc and eventually she'll be able to handle the enemy groups it might take a few turns but it will be done with eventually Revelation really shows off the sheer value that the stat boosting of the horse spirit has Leo joins much later in Revelation but even with his late join a good pair up along with a horse spirit and a Calamity gate can get him immediately into the running against any enemy type despite Revelation High enemy power level the hor Spirit has no flaws number one bronze and Brass weapons I'm sure several of you saw this coming a mile away but yes despite all that talk I gave at the start about there not being a lack of weapon diversity the bronze weapons and the brass weapons are still the top dogs when it comes to weapons and Fates if you aren't that familiar with Fates and are confused then let me explain bronze weapons at their base stats are quite weak though very accurate however if you get them one or two forges you can instantly get a weapon that'll last you all the way through to end game a bronze Lance plus two is all the normal one range Weaponry a Perry or an Fe or an OBO really needs when they're using lances all other weapons are to help in specific matchups for example you might also have a bronze sword or a dual naginata to help with green enemies you might bring a javelin for more tactical flexibility or you might bring a guard naginata for more Buck however all of these are just side options to the main weapon that is the bronze Lance in this case now let's go over the forging numbers let's take an iron sword plus one and compare it to a bronze sword plus two the iron sword plus one costs 2,000 gold from buying two iron swords the bronze sword plus two also costs 2,000 gold from buying four bronze swords in exchange for the ability to crit and and Trigger skills the bronze sword plus two has 12 more hit 10 more crit avoid and the same might as an iron sword plus one extra hit on weapons that already seem to have enough hit might not seem like it's Mission critical but Fates is a game that seriously punishes a lack of reliability if you miss in two combats in one turn you might just end up losing a unit not being able to proc skills is only a problem if your unit isn't a build that wants to proc skills in which case you'd be forging an iron weapon to begin with finally having the inability to crit is frankly a benefit Fates if a unit cannot crit then you cannot suffer from success by killing too many enemies and you can predict your guard gauge activation even more reliably bronze and Brass weapons are the default weapons and you might find yourself somewhat dissatisfied in Niche cases however that's kind of the whole point and there's dozens of other weapons including many of the ones mentioned in this very list that can be used to fill that Niche at the end of the day the bronze weapon is the go-to weapon in Fates thank you guys for watching I hope you guys enjoyed please leave a like if you did subscribe if you want to see more check out my editor lunar Dave's Channel if you want to see more cool Fates content he made a video about the Korean version of fireemblem Fates which is pretty cool and uh I'll see you guys next time [Music] bye-bye
Channel: LagSpike776
Views: 16,116
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Id: 0Ejl4D9waHk
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Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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