Outlaws of Thunder Junction w/Taalia Vess | Game Knights 69 | Magic The Gathering Commander Gameplay

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something stinks in this town Bounty here we come yeah all right get up Cowboy then I'm going to oh God pay five it's potentially game-winning the this is not good it ain't looking pretty sorry Josh do your worst Jimmy Wong I don't think the other players are ready for this that was real cute but in response I have big plans what a turn right about now she's looking tougher than a $2 steak hold on right there wrecked my whole day I'm feeling out class here this is way worse than I thought it was going to be how Partners how's it going welcome to a brand new episode of Game Nights this show is brought to you by wizard of the coast on this episode we are playing with the brand new cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction and as our special guest we have native Texan representing the Wild Wild West tell vest woohoo and we also have returning friend of the show it's Ashley Ro how long are we going to keep talking like this forever I hope okay well then if you want to get your hands on any of these otj cards go on over to cardkingdom.com commmand that's the best place to go to get you all of your magic product singles anything at all you are all magic players means you need Magik cards you may as well use our affiliate link when you buy them you'll be supporting this show too and of course the thing we love about uh Card Kingdom sorry the I can do it with the accent I swear the thing we love about Card Kingdom is that they have this huge inventory of card it is inventory is so big that it goes way over Yonder and you can't even see past it so C that's right and then if you want to get your cards you know it's going to arrive on your uh Barn step step door you're Sil all in one package it'll be in the same package it won't be in multiple packages go to card.com commmand and get all it'll cover all of your magic needs and when that gets delivered by snail mail cuz that's how it's done in the wild wether I think it's bony Express Jimmy bony Express has delivered your cars head on over to ultrapro.com commmand and lasso yourself up a great deal because they got tons of good deals in this here Barn of a place this store has got everything from sleeves to deck boxes to playmats to wall Scrolls tomorrow wow I'm excited yeah it's everything you ever need to have a roo to and good time in your rodeo and by your Rodeo I mean your collection and by your collection I mean all the Cs that you have sleeved up in Ultra because that's who we trust our own product too because when the bandits come to town we know Ultra Pro is going to keep our product safe that's right ultrapro.com commmand to get all of your magic cards looking nice and beautiful for the ball The prominade Happening later on I don't know the down the ho down that's right that's right but we're going to lasso ourselves up some good deals and foils and whatever wow I'm out of breath just listen talk about that and finally if you want to support the rest of our content and awesome entertainment like we're providing right now just go on over to patreon.com commmand Zone there's all kinds of of all rewards try think W yeah there's all kinds of loot over there yeah the loot would be like you know hanging out with us on Discord it's our Sal yeah that's right come to our well I don't know if we want to say that it's our Discord yeah come to our H down and hang out with us you get to see game nights in extra turns it's earlier than ever anyway command zone.com sorry patreon.com commandz this accent's not screwing me up at all I swear it's all there and it's good because yall support the show but most importantly you're excited to get this game going because it means that you're going to stop hearing us talking or maybe you've already skipped over it yeah well that's right hold on to your hats and glasses cuz this year is about to be the wildest game in the Multiverse let's go [Music] [Music] Howdy's it y'all on this episode of game nights were heading out west which means we had to wrestle up a rooting tooting special guest howdy y'all my name is tal ofest and you may have seen me hosting events on stage at magicon live streaming on whatnot and making original content on Tik Tok in reals as a native Texan I am ready to saddle up and welcoming back a mega talented voice actor and Commander player that you all love how y'all it's Ashlin and I am excited to be back on game nights since you last saw me I've been pretty busy voice acting in some children's animations and children's toys and working on the sets for game nights like uh like this one what do you think not bad right on this episode we're playing with the brand new cards from Magic's latest set Outlaws of Thunder Junction this set is all about the wild wests there's Train Robbers Outlaws Bandits Saloon fights you name it we're going to see it reinvented in Magic's terms get ready to run into all kinds of different cowpoke on your journey in the Thunder Junction the scoundrel in my command zone is obca splitter of seconds I don't have time for this this deck is all about taking advantage of the extra upkeeps my commander gives me so I've got a ton of high impact upkeep triggers plus ways to pump obca and give her evasion if I can find the most brutal payoffs to torment my opponents I'll turn my upkeeps into their downfall my Commander today is geared Mir of the wild Yeehaw Home on the Range my game plan is to use my Commander's ability to make a ton of terrifying tokens first I'll want ones that ram my Mana like Treasures then it's creature token time where I flood the frontier and swing out for the win the deck I'm playing today is Felix [Music] babo this card is oozing with value giving me double triggers when I deal combat damage to my opponents so the deck is loaded with attackers that give me value when they get through and some tricks to deal with my opponent's defenses once I start swinging with an army of Outlaws this game will be mine for the taking today I've chosen breaches the blast maker yeah she blows this Commander gives me explosive value when I cast two spells per turn so I've got plenty treasure makers to help pay for the coin flip plus a bunch of cards that let me double spell all on their own once my chaotic value engine's online I'll burn and blast my opponents straight out of town all right let's fight gy up let's go it's time to tussle it's time to get wilder than a bow at a square dance howdy everyone welcome to the table as always it's time to reveal our brand new Outlaws of Thunder Junction play Master OT bro woo Yeehaw Talia it is your first time on game nights that does mean we have to do something Ashlin would you do the honors I would be happy to I du the Dame Talia arise I'm so excited I waited a long time to hear that so it's finally here all right well now that you've been deputized I suppose there's only one thing left to say welcome to game nights only one stand all right everyone ready let's do it you bet you drop I will Begin by playing a steam vents tapped pass to you Josh all right I will play a blood Crypt tapped almost as good as a steam vents but not quite go ahead you know why you know why y cuz it Taps for blue everybody I will play death cap Glade tapped pass to you Talia I will play a Windswept Heap I'll go ahead and Sack it and I'll find a jet mir's Garden lose one going to 39 pass okie dokie I'll draw I will play a mountain I'll tap both of those lands and cast a thought vessel yep noise I thought about it and it was a good play pass turn all right I'll draw my card I'm just into copying Jimmy here I will play an island and I will cast a Talisman of dominance nice go ahead as okay I'm also going to copy you all and play a Talisman of curiosity fast turn I'll go ahead and play a secure tribe Elder this is just classic Commander show I suppose ho down ho down this is like the most classic of Commander starts that you could ever Envision every single player's two Mana play was a piece of ramp seems about right and I will pass the turn all right before my third turn we have a brand new mechanic from Outlaws of Thunder Junction they are the bounties hey yeeha bounties are a really fun new mechanic that you can get with the precons in Outlaws of Thunder Junction in my mind they're a little bit like plane Chase but not the exact same what they're going to do is give the players an incentive to accomplish a certain goal to get a little bit of reward and there are four levels of rewards every turn that passes it gets better and better it doesn't matter what level the reward is because I don't want to give my opponents a chance to get it if I can I'll claim it faster than a Barefoot jack rabbit on a hot Skillet in the middle of August faster than a jack rabbit on a hot Skillet in the middle of July like a Barefoot Jack Rabbit and on a skillet in the middle of May and the first Bounty is Frankie the Fang oh cool we're trying to deal damage to the player with the most life or tied for the most life and if that happens you get the first reward level which is a treasure token right but if you don't do it then it'll be two Treasures by the time it gets to me and then it'll be all the Bounty you're going get it's actually really good for you cuz it's not just treasure it's two treasure card in a card yeah I think it's highly likely that I'll collect this reward because I'm the only one with a creature on the battlefield right now which is not great because by the time it gets to her she's going to be at the max reward level for it so I think the rest of our job is to put up a blocker so that she can't claim it all right bounties are on the board literally and I will untap and draw okay I will play a sulur Falls and then I'm going to tap three mana and cast my commander breaches the blast maker yes she blows Co I really want to finish these bounties because they give me artifacts in the form of treasures and they're perfect artifacts to sacrifice for my Commander's main ability so hopefully I can stop T from attacking in and claim that for myself pass Turn to You Josh all right before my turn the Bounty reward is going to increase to level two nice means it's worth two Treasures now if anyone can collect oh all right I will untap and I will draw I'm going to play my land for turn and then I will tap four and I will bring out my commander obca splitter of seconds time for round two well hey there all right so my commander is here it's really important that I get it out early so I'm glad I got that r on turn two because next turn I want to play something that has an upkeep trigger attack immediately and get that extra value right away I don't know what kind of shenanigans he's going to be up to unfortunately she doesn't have haste so I can't go after that Bounty so Ashlin you're up all right we're going to come to my turn and that's going to go to level three and then I'll untap and draw for turn I'm going to play a fetch land and I'm also going to play three visits and I'll just go ahead and crack my fetch now so I can get them at the same time and I'll get a forest and a breeding pool breeding pool will come into play untapped so I will take two damage going to 37 and then I'm going to play a faay wild visitor sweet this is a great example of the type of cards I'm going to be playing in this deck it has a combat damage trigger which my commander cares about so the more I can get out as early as possible to set my future combats up the better oh you don't have to make a blocker because you have the lowest left she can't attack you to get Bounty wow so the bounty system gets even more because since Ashlin cracked a fetch land her life total is not the highest which means even though she didn't play creature and she's wide open Talia won't be able to attack her to get that Bounty and Jimmy and I both have blockers so maybe kind of a win all right Talia I leave the rest to you at the beginning of my turn the Bounty level will go up to four Max rewards Available to You Treasures I'll untap didn't even crack the Steve weird you just don't see that very often I know I'm going to play a temple Garden okay I'm going to take two life going to 37 and then I'm going to go ahead and cast my commander geared miror of the Wilds y this ain't my first rodeo it's a 33 with haste haste Oh I thought because Jimmy and I both had blockers that we would be difficult to attack but I kind of forgot that talia's Commander has haste watch out Bounty I'm coming for you I'll go to combat I'm going to swing both at Josh all right well my commander is a 25 it doesn't matter that much I guess it's just a difference in damage to me basically cuz she'll just sack the Steve if I block it all right my commander obca will block your commander gearid we'll go to damage the commanders bounce off each other and I'll take one from Steve going to 39 all right I'll move to my InStep and that means I collect my bounty I'll get two treasure tokens and I'll draw a card Cheez Louise Cheez Louise wow that Bounty looks really I would like to have two treasures and draw a card this early in the game I mean she did go last so maybe it'll balance things out I'm feeling pretty good I'm feeling ahead in the game that's my turn at the beginning of my turn because there's currently no Bounty I will flip the next one and see what it is all right I didn't get this first Bounty but again I'm first in turn order I'm really hoping whatever this bounty is I can complete it and fuel my game plan it is Rissa blades Lee hey do what now if you an instant or sorcery spell this turn while you had two or more instant and or sorcery cards in your graveyard collect your reward are any of these bounties going to be ones I can collect is I have one so far well all right I already got one sorcery in my graveyard and now I just need to get two more I don't play a ton of incense and sorceries somebody else is going to get this one it's definitely not me and that will be at reward level one okay I can't complete this bounty right now but in my hand I have the keys it's just going to take me me one more turn rotation and that's perfect because the reward level is going to be at four when it gets back to me and it's going to shoot me ahead now I will raw my card for the turn oh my what a draw r r i will cast everyone's favorite least favorite spell ristic study who needs bounties who needs bounties who studies I mean risk study well known to be one of my favorite cards obviously I like it a lot less when Jimmy's got it but one Mana for thee or it's a card for me we're back matey wait Jimmy it's Cowboys now oh wait um yeeha do you pay the one partner and then I'm going to tap one mana and I'm going to cast a guxian probe this is my second spell this turn but I'm not going to use breach's ability oh I'd have to sack my only artifact which doesn't sound good so you're just going to look at somebody's handing just going to look at someone's hand and then draw a card so Josh let's take a look at your hand woo oh so I'm just trying to get a little more information here and uh okay Josh he's packing heat oh don't like that oh oh God his head is Cass oh God I don't like those sounds coming out of Jimmy's mouth maybe he can share with the rest of the table what he's got cooking this is information from me and nobody else it's all land isn't it it's all it's the juiciest hand I've ever seen it's all lands my goodness fortunately even though Jimmy saw my my hand there's not much he's going to be able to do to stop my plays this turn I don't think the other players are ready for this and I'm going to draw a card with kium probe and that's going to do it for me I'll pass that turn all right at the beginning of my turn the Bounty will go up to level two and I'll draw my card for the turn then I'm going to oh God pay five I know it's coming and cast a bone hard Drac usar oh no not dra o doggy this is a scary card he gets to Exile the top two cards of his library and whatever the outcome of that is he just gets value usually he have to wait a full turn cycle before this trasar triggers but with his Commander it's happening this turn not only once but twice and boy howdy I'm fixing to get to my upkeep faster than a jack rabbit on a hot Skillet in the middle of January that's going to trigger my ristic study Josh oh yeah you can drive J all right thanks all right then I will go to combat yeah Talia it's your first time on game nights and you already hit me once Soca I'll have it coming yep obca coming at you all right I'll take it I have no blockers okay so I will go down to 35 all right so that's going to trigger my commander and because I dealt two damage I'm going to get two upkeeps after this combat phase unfortunately I did use most of my Mana this turn to get the bone harder out there so the cards that I Exile probably won't matter but I'm still going to get some value with the tokens it makes no matter what so moving to my first upkeep here I will Exile the top two cars to my library one two so it's a feed the Swarm and a Scarab God those are both nonland cards so I'll make a treasure and then I will do that again for my second upkeep wow exiling a M's command and a scalding Tarn so that's a land in a nonland which means I'll make a 31 and a second treasure wow not bad not bad this is good I get some treasure I get a couple of three ones but luckily I got to feed the Swarm off that impulse draw and there is an enchantment I want to get rid of and then we'll go to my second main after my upkeep which is weird I know but whatever I'm going to just immediately sack those two treasure tokens for two black Mana mhm and I'm going to cast that feed the Swarm targeting ristic St no all right well that's going to trigger ristic steady that is true Jimmy I can't pay it so you get to draw another one all right I will draw another card and ristic steady gets blown up incredible and then I'll lose three life cuz RIS stud's Mana value is three uh losing a ristic study this quickly is a huge blow at the very least I drew two cards with it so it's not a total wash but I really wish this was going to stick around for longer all right that's all I can do Ashlin take it away I feel great about how this turn went I'm really set up and next turn I'm going to have even more Mana somebody has to do something faster this is going to get out of hand all right start of my turn the Bounty reward is going to increase to level three I wonder fashion will be able to solve it she has a chance I don't know I'll play a ver catacombs and then I will play a gissa sunslayer ooh well all right all right this card is going to help me with my own little value train giss is really hard to block cuz death touch and first strike and this card particularly I don't like because a lot of things that trigger on upkeep are enchantments it gives me the flexibility to deal with problems on the board and draw me cards well that wasn't an instant or sourc it was not go ahead T you all right at the beginning of my turn the Bounty reward level is going to go up to four I know this seems a little odd not sacking my Secura tribe Elder for two turns in a row but you'll see why in a second Jimmy how many cards do you have in your hand I have seven I did not like that question at all yeah is it ever a good question all right I'm going to go ahead and play a Jessica's will oh sweet Lord well this is super super scary because she's about to get a ton of Mana she already has those two extra Treasures that is really good for Talia and not so great for us yeah all right get up Cowboy just cuz we're going to do some work on this table right now so I'll make seven red mana and then I'll Exile the top three hot dog oh my God what a decision I was not expecting this at all but I am so happy to see the path to Exile because I didn't have any removal in my hand and I need that dracus sarone I'm going to go ahead and cast the path to Exile and I'm going to Target the bone hor Drac usar oh yep drasar will get exiled and I will search my library for an island I mean obviously it's not great when you lose any of your stuff but it's better the bone horde than my commander because next turn I can play something else that triggers off upkeeps attack get that value going right away it's not great but it's not the worst and then I'll play tireless provisioner ooh token time okay all right yeah you see you see and then I'm going to play the rockfall veil from Exile as my land for turn which will trigger Tyler's provisioner I will choose to make a treasure token ooh doggy next I'm going to use my Commander's ability I will tap it in the secure a tribe Elder to create two more Treasures Sweet this is why I kept the tribe Elder around it's making me more Mana anyways and yeah I can always sacrifice it later if I need more lands and then I will pay one green for Reese the redeemed pretty good it doesn't seem like it's going to do much now but later I have some plans to make lots of tokens and then I'll crack those three Treasures for three white and I will spend four of my remaining floating red Mana to cast am Maria's call what in tarnation so I'll make two four4 flying angels and your non- angels gain indestructible just so everyone knows yes just until I hering no her next turn oh wow so good blockers wow Talia has set her board State up really impressively here she's maximized the Mana out of the Jessica's will and she has some huge beaters now in the air right about now she's looking tougher than a $2 steak go to my InStep okay I was not expecting this at all but somehow I managed to cast three incenser sorceries this turn which means I'm cashing in on that Bounty I cast a sorcery while I had an instant in sorcery in my graveyard so that means I get the Bounty man two full max level Bounties in a row what the heck what a turn Talia the Bounty Hunter over here holy moly she did like 20 Mana worth of things there tal is taking all these bounties and she's kind of put herself as the arch enemy on the table I'm feeling little outpaced right now and I'll pass the turn all right at the beginning of my turn I was really hoping to get that Bounty but it looks like I was beat to the punch you're the guy that Nails The Wanted Poes up I'm like oh someday not today all right at the beginning of my turn we will reveal the next Bounty it is Vara Beth Haner hit the nearest opponent to your right as the turn began was dealt Comet damage this turn collect your reward sick you have to hit Talia yeah ain't no all the day work the most intimidating player at the table is the player to the right so it looks like I'm just not going to get this one yet again but not All Is Lost here I'm going to try and Propel myself ahead and just see how big this turn can get I am going to try and have one of my kind of turns uhoh you going to match what Talia did I I hope so scary what could Jimmy possibly have my Jessica's will turn was pretty good let's kick things off by casting Jess as [Music] well heck you know what you don't want to have happen in a commander game your opponent plays Jessica's will and then the next opponent plays Jessica's will woohoo y sell up Jess will in the house whatever all right who has the most cards in their hands not me I have six six Talia right back at you partner I'm going to put six red Mana into my watering hole and I will Exile the top three cards of my library oh boy is that a wheel of Misfortune it is a wheel of Misfortune uh none of these are really great hits off of this Jessica's will but this isn't the end of the value train let's see how much more value I can generate all right for my second spell for the turn I will cast inspired tinkering jumping caddies when I do that my commander is going to trigger so I will sacrifice this thought vessel and now we're going to flip a coin and see what happens so Jimmy's about to flip the coin here and I'm actually hoping that he copies his spell because the fact that all all of T's stuff is indestructible if he gets the damage option I think he's going to kill my commander which I do not want to happen to be honest I'm kind of hoping I flip and double the spell because that means I'm going to get to look at more cards create more treasures and build up my board state to be even more intimidating if it lands on heads it's going to be copy the spell if it lands on Tails it means doe damage okay here we go Tails damage do damage H Josh if I kill your commander it's pretty good cuz it is exactly five yep I mean can you give me anything in return for not killing your commander Josh even if I could I wouldn't okay do your worst Jimmy Wong Josh I'm really sorry but that five damage is a really perfect match for your obca yep all right obca takes five and dies thank you kindly Jimmy I am so glad Jimmy got rid of obca because I don't want to deal with any more Shenanigans with upkeep you know in the west your luck can change on the flip of a coin and mine for the worst okay so I will now resolve the inspired tinkering so I once again Exile the top three cards of my library it is professional face breaker urza Lord High artificer and generous plunderer and I will make three treasure tokens öa these are very powerful cards I'm scared of all of them and the best part is I can play them until the end of my next turn so if I can't get max value out of them right now I can just just wait a turn and see what happens later I'm going to cast the generous plunderer oh and then I'll cast the professional face breaker from Exile pretty good okay this exactly what my commander wants consistent treasure production so I'm really feeling set up here and there's not much I think my opponents can take me down with and I'm going to go to combat ashin I will swing breaches at you it has Menace well can't do anything about that so I'll take it going to 34 when that deals com damage to you professional face breaker will trigger and I'll create another treasure token and that's going to do it for me right now I'll pass turn Josh what the heck good but not great at their boards I know I mean good turn for Jimmy here not as good as talia's really bad turn for me obviously because my board's now completely gone compared to my Jessica's will you just KN H to grasshopper Jimmy okay we'll go to my turn the Bounty will go up to reward level two all right I'll go to combat Jimmy 31 Dyno coming at you it's interesting how the bounties affect the game right because normally I would 100% hold my token back here to block but I do want to try and get that extra value so I put Jimmy to the decision does he want to lose a real card so that I don't get two treasure hm I'm going to block with my generous plunderer okay they trade goodbye as cool as this new creature is that I just played I think blocking here is the right choice and again I know what's in his hand I have to slow him down as much as possible then I'm going to recast my commander obca splitter of seconds and that's it I'll pass the turn feels oh my God so far behind well to be honest I'm feeling pretty down in the dumps after my most recent turn my opponents were busier than bees in a flower garden and I basically cast my commander and just passed the turn and did nothing else okie dokie the beginning of my turn the bounty's going to go up to reward level three well I only have one thing to do right now and that is to cast my commander Felix five [Music] boots it's more boots than most people wear that's a lot of boots yes not one not two five this is great my commander is the last piece I need of the setup now all I need to do is turn my card sideways Bounty here we come yeah I'm going to do what my commander loves to do and that's go to combat Josh I'm going to attack you with glissa sunslayer yep first strike and death touch it's tough I can't block I'll take three yep going to 33 on comat damage glissa and farewell visitor are going to trigger and because of my commander those are going to trigger twice oh that's pretty sweet so I'll make two fairies pretty good and I'm going to choose to draw two cards and lose two life going to 32 oh nice and I'm going to move to my InStep and because I did collect the Bounty I'm going to claim two Treasures all right that's my turn tell you go ahead oh this is great I drew two cards I've got more blockers and I claim the the Bounty she may have got this bounty but I'll be on the next one like a Barefoot jack rabbit on a hot Skillet in the middle of may all right so at the beginning of my turn we have to reveal a new Bounty that's right it is the Bounty of myON Tillis Jr if the nearest opponent to your left was dealt Comet damage this turn collect your reward this is the worst for meas easy I think an angel will probably be able to get that done yeah no easy man my luck this game with the bounties has been awful now Talia gets a bounty where she's incentivized to attack me this is rough especially considering she's got the scariest board by far all right I'm going to cast prosperous inkeeper whenever enters the battlefield I make a treasure token I'm going to play a mountain for turn okay and that's going to trigger my tireless provisioner and I will choose to make another treasure token all right let's do the thing I will cast oh here talk we are win oh okay this card is scary because it's going to allow talia's board to explode very fast right now she has Reese the redeemed on the board if she activates its first ability makes a one one she actually makes three then her commander gives the ability to other non-token creatures to tap and make another three tokens when that enters the battlefield it will trigger my prosperous ink keeper gaining me one life it's important to note that this is only going to work on creature token and not my treasure tokens but still really really powerful and next using my Commander's ability I'm going to tap my Steve and my tireless provisioner to make two more treasure and then I'll go to combat I'm going to swing my two angels over at U Jimmy I can't block so I'll take eight and go to 32 okay well I will go to my InStep and I will claim the Bounty jeez she is like the most prolific bounty hunter in the history of Junction she really is so I'll make one more treasure I got to say I like it a lot better when my opponents are collecting bounties at reward level one then four it's one treasure that's not that big of a deal someday I'll get a bounty all right and then I'll pass the turn to you Jimmy I could activate Reese now but I do have some other stuff in my hand so I'm just going to wait and be a little reactive I expect there to be a whole lot more creatures on the inep right before her turn than there are right now that we can see there could be a big problem very soon all right at the beginning of my turn it's time to slap another bounty on the board hooray me these bounties are going super fast they are yeah it's the Bounty of gorash and Silas at the beginning of your endep if all opponents were dealt Comet damage this turn collect your reward uh cool it's probably going to go to you again another bounty in the books for me once it gets to my turn I am feeling a little slided by The Bounty deck right now kind of sucks to be the guy pinning them up against the wall and realizing that you can't do anything about them okay I'm going to cast urza Lord High artificer from Exile this plane is protection when I enter the battlefield I create a z00 colorless construct artifact it is currently a 44 oh not bad thanks to urza I can tap my treasures for Mana so I'll tap 1 2 3 4 and I play arch Mage ameritus as my second spell for turn that's going to trigger my breaches so I will sacrifice one of my tap treasures and flip a coin I lost my ristick study early I don't have that much card draw hopefully I get two copies of arch Mage merus cuz if I do I'm going to be right back in business heads I copy the spell Tails I deal damage equal to its Mana value Tails damage once again this is what happens in coin flip decks you either get what you want or you don't in this case the four damage is still relevant so at least I can take something out with this I think the obvious Target here would be geared mirror of the Wilds so I'm going to deal four damage to your commander Talia would you like yeah no kidding I'm going to sacrifice my four treasures oh and I'm going to cast Advent of the [Music] worm oh no ah go Thump Thump Thump dump okay so I was thinking that Talia was going to make 1 ons with Rees but she is actually going to make five fives with trample and then make triple the amount of those with her Commander's ability this is way worse than I thought it was going to be I'm going to make a lot of worms hold on right there partner no oh it's a real standoff it's a standoff with Advent the stack I'm going to Assassin's trophy your O'Hare yes yeah d d it um yeah O'Hare talk will be destroyed I'll search my library for a plaines and that will come into play untapped I was going to make so many worms and now I'll make slightly less worms Ashlin you ruin my day okay ohh here talk will be destroyed so that means it will be returned to the battlefield transformed as the Temple of civilization okay using a removal spell on this does feel a little bit bad because the card can come back but the way I look at it is that's a problem for future Ashlin and that was two lands that entered the battlefield so that will trigger the tyus provisioner I will choose to make two treasures and now Advent of the worm resolves yep you stopped six of them it's better than the sardu car the Harkin did yeah yeah SAR they stopped zero worms not the best outcome regardless but way better than T having like 20,000 of them I think it would be nine way better than Talia creating nine of them and that four damage is still being pointed at geed so before that happens I'm going to tap it and Reese to create two more five5 worms and that was three creatures that entered the battlefield so that will trigger the prosperous inkeeper and I will gain three lives okay and now the damage finally Oles on gared yep that's right he'll die and I'll put him in the command Zone it could have been way worse basically Jimmy and Ashlin both teamed up on her in this moment and she's still got three worms two extra lands in play and two Treasures it's alarming when your opponents are able to sort of take the attack and not miss a step so once again her deck's looking crazier than a sack full of goblins on The Middle on a hot Skillet in the middle of February okay well I guess I will just go to combat and Josh I'm just going to swing breaches at you for three damage okay has Menace right yep well I only have one creature so I will take three and go to 30 and when that deals combat damage that'll trigger my professional face breaker and I'll make one more treasure yeah I am feeling nice and outclass here so I'll pass Turn to You Josh you're feeling outclass yeah well all right at the beginning of my turn the Bounty will go up to reward level two very unlikely that matters to me I'm going to cast this sort of feast in fan salmon oh don't like that then I'm going to equip it to my commander uh-oh mhm sort of of fam always good even better for my deck because it pumps the power of my commander which means instead of two I'm now going to get four additional upkeeps when it deals combat damage I don't know what he's going to play to take advantage of it but whatever it is it's going to be pretty strong then I'm going to play this creeping blood sucker yeah I've kind of been the punching bag so far this game cuz I haven't had a lot of Defense I'm going to use this to hopefully gain a bunch of life back then I'm going to go to combat and Talia I will swing at you for four I can't do anything about that I will be at 35 the sword Is Not Great it has protection from green and black and pretty much all my creatures are green I really want to get rid of this and then you will have to discard a card and I will untap my Lance all right I will discard a sacred Foundry all right my commander will also trigger and now I'm going to get four upkeeps sweet on all four of them this creeping blood sucker is going to trigger so all of you will lose four life and I'll go back up to 42 I mean this life is probably nice for Josh but it isn't dealing with anyone's board or generating any long-term value he's not doing a whole lot so let him have it you know all right second main I think if you look at the board it's pretty obvious that I am in last place by quite a bit all right what's the biggest thing everybody's got 55 54 55 luckily I have a card and it's going to get rid of a bunch of my opponent's stuff and kind of balance those scales all right then I am going to cast toxic Del I knew it cool X is equal to 5 no what do you mean no that's sad I mean I had my engine set up so it's going to set me back which sucks but it's great that it's dealing with Talia the tou wrecked my whole day I sorry Josh have a response oh no uhoh what does he have I'm going to [Music] play okay I'm going to all right I'm off to see the Wizards heading to Seattle for the weekend Josh no you can't go to Seattle it's not like it here in La sometimes it rains there uh that's fine because I just got these new shoes and jacket from vessie oh yep with my vessie stormburst shoes I'm ready for anything they're comfortable look great and on top of that they're waterproof you know I'm a practical guy so I like having one pair of shoes I can really depend on and vessis are the whole package you can't beat their versatility I mean look you spend a huge amount of time in your shoes right so you want a pair that's stylish but still feels good on the Move well with my vessis I can throw them on every morning and never worry about where the day is going to take me and on those rare occasions when it does rain in La I'm like automatically twice as prepared as everyone else they've really become my go-to Footwear they're perfect for everything from the office to exploring a new city to going on a nature hike I didn't know you hiked oh I don't I just like to look like I might oh that tracks elevate your summer activities with vessie storb and weekend shoes discover more at bessie. c/c command Zone get your pair today to get an automatic 15% off your first purchase a checkout and be ready to stay cool and dry come on come on come on yes wo what happened I just got a psych grift for 13 bucks what where I won it in an auction on whatnot it's a shopping platform where you can find great deals on Collectibles all while hanging out in super fun live streams they've got everything from comic books and video games to sneakers and sports cards I naed a vintage copy of Chrono Trigger earlier and now I'm checking out some magic yeah what not makes buying cards just as fun as playing them you can hunt for good deals with activities like auctions and pull boxes plus they've got tons of free giveaways and whenever you win something cool there's a chat full of people spamming GG and cheering you on it's a really good vibe you can even find some of your favorite creators on whatnot like tal vest or the professor and maybe get a question answered or a signed card it's like a meet and greet that you can access from your couch that sounds awesome maybe I can find a deal on a tf's protection well if you sign up at whatnot. comom invite commmand you'll get 15 bucks free to spend anywhere on the platform that's what knot.com invite commmand to get $15 of free value ooh look this person is auctioning a black Bard winter orb winter orb come on Jimmy do you really got to be that guy yeah you're right what I'll be that guy Jimmy can you send me the link Josh I think it might need need more card draw who are you talking to or is that just something you say oh no I'm on a call with Jimmy we're uh building a chatter Fang deck o I just added toasty that should help right wa the card just showed up yeah with architect you can collaborate in real time from anywhere in the world changes show up immediately you don't even have to reload the page so it's perfect for brewing with a friend this is cool but isn't Jimmy just upstairs yeah but I'm I'm downstairs right now I ain't coming downstairs archade is the best place to browse brew and play test Commander decks just go to architect.com / command Zone to get started that's AR ct.com command Zone then I'm going to cast toxic Del I knew it X is equal to 5ik and I'll go down to 37 life yep Josh is a pretty smart play here because his Commander's toughness is at seven it's not going to die to the toxic delusion which means I think I'm going to balance the scales here and actually be in a decent position to get additional upkeeps next turn sorry to say it but I think oba's got to go I have a response oh no and it's not going to stop the Del from happening so don't get too happy I will tap a treasure using 's ability and I will cast rapid hybridization targeting your commander wow okay that means obca will get destroyed I'll put her back in the command Zone oh that will trigger my Arch Mage ameritus and I will draw a card my boy Jimmy thank you very much I'm like a sad Buffalo and then I am going to sacrifice my Secura tribe Elder and I will search my library to find a forest comes into play tapped that will trigger my tius provisioner one more time so I will choose to make a treasure token nice so let's resolve the toxic kaboy that's painful it definitely sucks cuz I worked really hard to get all these creatures out but at least it's all an even playing field right now so not feeling too bad all right that is all I can do and Ashlin go ahead all right beginning of my turn the Bounty is going to go up to reward level three one interesting side effect of the board wipe is that no one at the table is going to be able to complete this bounty dealing combat damage to each of your opponents when there's nothing on your board is pretty tall order then I'm going to play keeper of fables and Spring Leaf Avenger [Music] ooh that's spicy that is so good for you these cards are just what I need right now card draw and bring back some of my friends from the graveyard that Josh got rid of all I need to do now is cast my commander and this train is back on the tracks all right and then uh that'll be my turn go ahead Talia at the beginning of my turn the Bounty is going to go up to four all right I'll tap everything draw okay I'm going to recast my commander gared I'm I'm going to then pay two sack two treasures and I'm going to cast Jax's the Troublemaker ooh jaxis is really great because they have an ability where you can basically make a copy of another creature then I can use a Gear's ability to copy that creature even more times if I want then I'll go ahead and pay my remaining two mana and I will cast a patrol signaler cool this is a funky card because you have to untap it to use its ability but her commander gives it a tap ability so you can untap it make a token and then immediately use it to double that token pretty sweet Synergy here I'm going to go ahead and go to combat since my commander has haste I'm going to swing this three at Josh yep I will take three and go to 34 and I will pass the turn to you Jimmy okay she recovers pretty well from a board I'm not too worried about talia's board because she still needs to get set up and while she's trying to do that I have big creatures that can attack into it so this doesn't seem like much of a problem at the beginning of my turn we're already at reward level four so nothing would change there I'm going to start things off by tapping for five mana and recasting my commander breaches the blast maker y y and then I will tap for two mana and I will cast a ledger Shredder oh that's pretty good that's going to trigger my commander I will sacrifice an artifact and I'm going to go ahead and flip a coin so heads is double the spell tails is deal damage hey finally so I'm going to create a copy of The Ledger Shredder that's pretty good I'm feeling really far behind right now but one of the best things I could do is sculpt my hand and look at more cards when everyone's rebuilding it's almost guaranteed they're going to play two spells a turn that's going to do it for me I'll pass Turn to You Josh all right on your end step I will reality shift breaches ah come on oo doggy I had the two Mana left and I have this removal spell hand and if I draw a land I'm just going to tap everything and recast my commander so I won't have the opportunity to hold up this spell so I was going to cast on something and you know Jimmy thed my plans last turn so I don't know eat it and then I'm going to manifest the top card of my library oh that's definitely a card that kind of changes what I'm going to do next turn so uh exciting all right I will untap and I will draw my card I was really hoping to draw a l this turn but I didn't draw the land so now I'm just Bing my time like a prairie dog waiting to steal a biscuit from a chuck wagon or something okay I'm going to pay two black and one and I'm going to cast forian Arena M good card and then I will pass the turn oh no all right it feels bad when you're the one that board wipes and doesn't rebuild as quickly as everyone else I think he's hurting just a little bit right now I got to hope that I can somehow survive and find a way out of this all right so I think the best best thing to do right now is play my commander yep and then let's move to combat shall we yeah oh boy this is going to be good all right Josh since you have no blockers I'm going to send my keeper of fables and Spring Leaf Avenger at you well I will take 10 I'll go to 24 all right so I have three combat damage triggers so I'll draw two cards and from my graveyard I will return glissa and the Misty rainforest to my hand and faay wild visitor will get me two one1 fairy tokens pretty good everything is working out I got my card draw and I got my little friend back from the graveyard I couldn't be happier than a dog sneezing on a porch on Lazy Sunday all right and then I will play a misty rainforest I think that's it for me so go ahead doia all right I will untap draw for turn oo I like this card okay I'm going to start out with one of my favorite pet cards this is IO ukabi Prince W this card is absurd it's a monkey that's throwing bananas around the table I thought we were in the wild wild west not the jungle Jimmy can do a really mean monkey noise oh God you started off with the nice part to F you I know like I love this monkey kbo is so much fun I can choose to give everybody a banana or I can attack and the player has to sacrifice an artifact so I'm definitely planning on targeting Josh with that to eventually to get rid of that sword okay then I'm going to tap five and I'm going to cast shamanic Revelation o oh that's so good so I will draw a card for each creature I control which is currently four nice four is a pretty modest amount but my hand is getting really low so I need that card draw Char that's your second can spell this turn so I have two Leisure Shredder triggers so I'll draw a card and then I will discard a land and then I'll draw for the second ledure Shredder and discard a storm kill artist and that's going to put a one one counter on my copy pretty good I'm going to go to combat Josh I'm going to swing my commander and Jax's at you okay yep I still have no blocks so I will take five and go to 19 all right and then I will pass the turny youim all right I'm going to untap and draw my card for the turn okay I'm going to sink six Mana into this manifest holy crap and you bet you it's a t PR jeez this is not good well ain't that a kick in the pants a tally I'm so excited to go to combat all right before combat I'll Inferno grasp the Itali oh no but tally [Music] down okay I get it I get it I killed your commander a couple of times you killed my biggest threat okay and Josh and I are now fully vetted against each other it seems I mean you did kill my commander twice I mean look don't defend yourself you did it I'm just going to sit here and let the two kids fight it out yeah of course I did I'm just saying it was totally reasonable to do so I mean what I just did was very reasonable as well oh I I'm not complaining and about this point wo Jimmy starts getting saltier than a cowpoke sock after a week on the trail I think he thinks I'm like actually mad or upset that he killed it but I kind of would do the same thing if I was him all right um I will go to combat and yep I guess joshu will swing three at you yep I'll take three and go to 13 guess that was pretty much everything okay I'll do nothing and I'll pass turn okay I'll go to my turn I'll untap I will draw for the fexi arena losing one going to 12 and then I'll draw for turn 12 turn clock it's a lot less than that a lot less with your board everybody attacks me every turn yeah so once again even though I get to draw an additional card this turn I do not draw a land which means I can't deploy my commander which means I'm you know at least two turns away from getting extra upkeeps maybe longer okay well I'm going to cast Court of lockne ooh so I will become the Monarch oh and then as well get a creature out there I will play a keen duelist ooh and I did use my Talisman to do that all go to 11 rough playing the king duelist right now seems ambitious Josh's life total is pretty low this card is just going to put him even more dangerously low but what else is my plan here obviously the cards I've got are not getting me into the lead I need other things to do so I got to hope that I can somehow survive and find a way out of this that's your second spell Josh so both of my ledger shredders will connive so I will draw a card I will discard Crown violent cacophony and then ow draw for the second canive trigger and discard a fellar stone to put another one counter on the other leer Shredder okay then I'll go to my end step and I Am the Monarch so I will draw a card nice go ahead Ashley that Bounty is still alive yep well well well this bounty looks like it has my name on it I have a couple of Flyers my opponents do not have very many blockers so I think I might have myself a bounty I'm going to start off by cracking my Misty rainforest I'll search my library and find a watery grave I'll have it enter the battlefield unta so I'll lose a total of three life going to 22 then I'm going to go to combat I'm going to send one of my fairies at you Talia and one of them at you Josh and then Jimmy I'm going to send my keeper of fables and Spring Leaf Avenger at you okay before damage a lot of stuff has happened since that board wipe but ashin has just rebuilt the best by far I think I got to slow her down I'm going to cast a reality shift on your keeper of fables ashin M all right so so that's going to get exiled and I'll manifest the top card of my library ah this is the first time someone's pointed removal my way doesn't feel super great but I know I'm still getting a lot of value from all the other things on my board so n Jimmy when you sacrifice that treasure kbo's going to get the one- one counter go to blocks no blocks no blocks no blocks I will take one going to 30 I'll take six going to 22 and I'll take one going to 10 all right I have combat triggers first I'm going to make two fairies and then I get to return two permanence from my graveyard and it'll be these two fetch lands value nice and you become the Monarch hey yea so ashlin's deck is really starting to get cook in here and I think a big part of it is because she's had me to attack as kind of a free get combat damage triggers punching bag I going to play a dazzling Sphinx wo and then we'll bring gliss back pretty good this is a neat card with my Commander's ability because it will trigger twice I don't know who's going to let me in with it but if it does hit it's going to be pretty fun that is your second spell this turn so I have two Ledger Shredder triggers I will draw a card problem and discard a Talisman of creativity and then I will draw a card and discard a mountain so no plus one plus one counter on the second card all right I'll move to my InStep I get that reward cuz I believe I hit all three of you did did this is wild watch out Dalia I'm fixing to claim that Bounty Hunter tile for my own and then because I'm the Monarch I will draw a card and then I'll discard a misty rainforest oh boy high class problems I'll get it back eventually go ahead tell you big turn Ashlin is playing a lot of scary stuff she's filled out her board quite a bit she's got a bunch of combat damage triggers going on more next turn but I have big plans yeah I'm chilling all right so at the beginning of my turn it's time for a new Bounty it is this is the Bounty of the outsider at the beginning of your endep if you cast a spell from anywhere other than your hand this turn collect your reward well I'm not doing anything like that all right untap I will draw for turn my first play for the turn is going to be this war leader call oh this war leaders call is super bad for me my life is so low it's probable that just the one damage triggers off this ench is what's going to take me out sitting here at 10 feeling real good hell no I also have a Keo listo upkeep's not looking pretty yeah I am then going to pay four and I'm going to cast parallel lives oh with war leaders call yikes this is one of my favorite cards simple doubling tokens and this is perfect for me right now all she has to do now is make a bunch of creature tokens and pair with that war leader call we going to take a lot of damage well that is your second spell this turn so I have two Ledger Shredder triggers yep all right I'm going to go to combat I'm going to attack Jimmy with the patrol signaler which is a 2 two okay I have no blocks I'll take two damage going to 20 I might be just dead if she can make a token cuz she'd make two tokens 4 6 eight more that Patrol signaler now that it's tapped T you can untap it make a token use your Commander's ability to make a bunch of copies of that token double it with parallel lives with the War leaders call and the one damage from all those creatures entering I'm very close to Deb the odds are not in our favor all right second main I'll pay one and I'll cast esper Sentinel ooh nice now a creature enterers the battlefield so that will be one damage to everyone off the war leader call yep I go to 19 I go to nine I go to 21 all right that's going to be it for my turn I'll pass the turn to you Jimmy okay I thought asham was the threat now tally is looking like the threat wow I'm feeling outclassed here I don't know how I'm going to dig my way out of this at the beginning of my turn the Bounty reward will go up to level two okay I'll play my land for the turn it's a mountain I'm going to tap for five mana and cast rain of riches well that will trigger my esper Sentinel so do you pay the two I don't you can draw a card all right I will draw a card when that rain of riches enters the battlefield I will make two more treasure tokens and the first spell I cast each turn from a treasure token has Cascade this card is sweet because it not only gives me Treasures but allows me to Cascade those spells I cast from them so hopefully I Cascade into something sweet here and then I will tap my three lands and sacrifice one treasure and I'm going to cast a Rose Room Treasure sure so Jimmy when you sacrifice that treasure it's going to take my kbo up to two counters making it a 5 five okay I did use a treasure to cast that so rain of riches will trigger and I'm going to Cascade for four okay three or less here we go pongify right off the top wow my board state is pretty solid and ashen's board state is getting really scary as well so I'm not really sure what Jimmy's going to choose here I guess I could go after Ash's Commander but she recasts I think the dazzling Sphinx is maybe the scariest now on her board I have kind of a choice in front of me I feel like ashlin's Commander is the most powerful but she can just replay it same goes for Tal's Commander but I'm looking at Josh's board and an idea comes into my head I K keing dualist Josh I might want you to cuz then maybe I live with that keing duelist out there's a good chance he just dies during his upkeep this is going to seem super counterintuitive but I think I actually try to keep him alive just to give me one more shot at looking for a board wipe this is weird this is very strange but Josh I'm going to cast this pongify off the Cascade on your king duel list okay yep and it's a monkey table so you get an ape I get a three three there's going to be a banana maybe defeat that 33 in a second I also have two Ledger Shredder triggers so I'm going to draw on discard so this is interesting from Jimmy he's trying to just keep me alive for one more turn hoping that I find a board wipe which I will take even though I think it doesn't matter because even if I board wiped I'll probably just still die to the war leader call and whatever the next thing is T you plays but hey then I'm going to sack two treasures and cast a loyal Apprentice that is going to trigger my Rose Room Treasure so I'll immediately get one treasure back cool all right that's two more sack Triggers on kbo he's now a 77 okay I will go to combat I'm not doing nothing it's too scary out there I will pass turn however at my end step I did cast a spell from Exile that means I will make two more Treasures Jimmy is this your first Bounty this is my first Bounty feel good I finally get the Bounty for the first time in the game yes here's hoping I can actually stay alive to use the reward all right that's it for my turn Josh I'll pass to you all right I will go to my turn we will flip the next card of the bounty deck it is squeakers the slly sure that's going to be real tough for me to collect might be tough for everybody to collect at this point want it's the Alone part for you all and just having a legendary creature okay I'm going to untap on my upkeep fxi and Arena I will will draw a card and I will take one going to eight and then my cord of lockne is going to trigger and I will Target Jimmy all right please let's Exile the top card of your library let's see what you get it is a mountain you got your land yeah it's great I can finally cast my commander and then I will draw for turn yeah so I go to draw my cards for turn and I don't get anything impactful none of these cards do anything I may as well just deploy stuff just on the off chance that somehow I live to see another turn but that's feeling pretty unlikely okay I'm going to play key to the city mhm that was your first noncreature spell by the way so are you going to pay two for esper Sentinel yes I'm going to pay too oh fair enough I can't really use the Mana either way okay then I'm going to move to equip the sort of feast and fam to my ape yep and Talia since you are the one that's probably going to kill me I will attack you with a 55 ape before blocks I'm going to tap the key to the city and I am going to discard this Knight's whisper to make the ape unblockable oh all right well since it's unblockable there's nothing I can do and I will take five total going to 25 okay and that'll trigger the sort of feast and famine you'll have to discard a card I will discard a wooded Foothills and I will untap my lands yep and then I'm going to pay one and cast an ivory Tower woo doesn't do anything that one card yeah the Ivory Tower gives you like a moment of Hope the problem is I have to live to my next upkeep and I don't have enough cards in hand to trigger it so it's not going to matter ashin go ahead all right the Bounty reward level is going to go up to two I will untap everything and draw a card for turn all right let's just go to combat okay I'm going to send all my flyers at tala and I'm going to send glissa the sunslayer at you Josh well that's not good I really want to make sure glissa gets in so that I can deal with parallel lives and War leaders call and then Talia doesn't have any flyers and it's probably my biggest threat at this point so I'm going to send whatever else I can at her I cannot block flying I have no blockers so I also will not block all right let's go to damage so I am taking eight totals going to 17 and I will take three going to five all right I have a couple combat triggers first my SX is going to trigger twice so tellal you let's see what you get you're going to get two spells from me yeah totally forgot about that trigger and and this is not good for me I mean I have board wipes removal there's a chance it could just be like a rampant growth or a cultivate just give me something good all right let's see what we [Music] got unexplained absence oh nice the first card the first card was a removal spell I was hoping to get something to just deal with Talia but I'll take everybody that's great too first things first are you going to pay for esper Sentinel on that it would be two Mana yeah I'll pay okay all right so Talia I will Target your kbo Jimmy I'm going to hit your rain of riches and Josh I'm going to hit the sword of feast and famine d g it I feel like ashlin's calling all the shots here and she just has full control so I'm just going to do my damage before she removes any more of my stuff and I I know it's coming okay before that resolves I am going to tap kbo and give everybody a banana yay banners but I get two because of parallel lives yep and then I'll sacrifice a banana to add a green and I'll gain two life going up to 19 I'll tap this land to add one more mana and I'll use that to untap the patrol signaler that will make me two kkin soldiers because of parallel lives and with unexplained absence still on the stack I'm going to tap three creatures to create three more solders but because of parallel lives that's actually going to be six so now I have eight 2 tws ah yeah I mean this is bad because all that stuff's going to come into play now War leaders calls going to trigger it's still around and I'm probably dead during this combat it's not a surprise but you know obviously you just always hope maybe something will happen and you won't die and that's eight creatures entering the battlefield so because of War leaders call everyone is going to take eight damage oh no there's only room in this town for one of us and then I get crushed by a Stampede in a canyon that's bigger than a Settler's wagon full of coyotes and a rodeo in the middle of August who boy go on get I said get Josh get and now unexplained absence will resolve okay I will Exile my reign of riches I will Exile my kbo and cloak the top card of my library I feel like I'm kind of dead in the water now Josh is gone my only Ally at the board Ashen is clearly in the lead here I feel like if we can't get another board wipe we're just done for that's another creature entering the battlefield which will trigger War leader call and you all will take one damage yep all right and then we have that second stinks trigger okay we're looking for the first instant or sorcery land land oh oh what did we get requisition raid H it has spree this is a new card with an interesting mechanic where you can pay into as many of the different options as you want it's not as great for me in this situation because I already have artifact and enchantment removal under control so I guess I'll just buff my creatures I'm going to pay the free cost on the last option which is to put a plus one plus one counter on all my creatures love it could have been a lot worse her things are now bigger but I'll take that over another removal spell any day that was your second spell so I have two Ledger Shredder triggers I'll draw a card I will discard a reality chip I put a one one counter on this Ledger Shredder and then I will draw another card and discard an island all right even though Josh is dead gissa did do combat damage to him so I have two combat triggers tell I'm going to hit War leaders call and parallel lives o they are dead wow I mean I knew it was coming but my two best enchantments are gone sucks and then I hit two players with non-token creatures so I'm going to make four fairies off of Fay wild visitor oh gosh all right so we have kicked up quite a storm I got one more thing that can push me over the edge but it is risky all right well I think now that the dust is settled I'm going to cast toxic delug now that the dust settles let me make it more dust let me make it slimy in here can't breathe toxic you know when there's no dust it's because it's all acid yes basically gross and I'm going to do it for three oh X is equal to three x is equal to three what is going on in Thunder Junction with all these toxic deuses something stinks in this town you're tapped out I'm tapped out yeah I can't do anything it happens it happens it happens kill a lot of your Flyers I'll lose all my fairies yeah butter me silly and call me a biscuit that actually just board WIP herself she's in a very vonal position though yeah I mean she's got to stop basically two Ledger shredders two Ledger shredders why am I doing this this clears Talia and Jimmy's board aside from those Ledger shredders but given what I have in my hand I feel like I can weather this storm all right and then I'm going to play baleful stricks oh pretty good okay that's real good against Ledger Shredder baleful stricks it's such a good card this is going to be the perfect blocker up against Jimmy but it's only a blocker it's not removal it can only block one of my creatures I can work with this and when it enters the battlefield I will draw a card then I'll cast Nature's lore I'll get a basic forest and put it into play untapped I think that's it for me I'm going to go to my InStep because I'm the Monarch I will draw guard she's still the Monarch I think that at this point in time we have to work together yeah I mean ashy has to have a plan there's no way that she would go down to 9 and leave herself open to removal but two players are better than one right I've been sculpting my hand for a while now T's just got to do some amount of interaction and we might be in the clear at the beginning of my turn the reward level will go up to three yep first things first I'm going to go ahead and pay Seven to recast my commander all right I'm going to help you out and cast a second spell okay so I'm going to pay three sacrificing my banana go ahead and gain two life taking me up to 21 and I will play a blade splicer whenever enters the battlefield I will make a 33 Golem now I can go ahead and tap my commander to use its ability to make another Golem I'm feeling pretty defeated I'm not going to lie like I'm a token deck that's been hit by two toxic delusion I'm really leaning on Jimmy to get in with those flyers because I can't do a whole lot right now all right that is your second spell you've cast this turn so it's time to shred oh I really wish Talia had some interaction here but she's just kind of setting up to defend against what ashlin's doing now I'm not feeling so good about my chances anymore okay Bounty is going to go up to level four and then I'm going to untap here and draw my card for the turn he's looked at a lot of cards trying to find that board wipe yeah digging deep it's not a board wipe oh uh-oh first things first I'm going to cast my commander once more for seven Mana here's breaches the blast maker and then I will tap the command Tower sacrifice banana and one treasure I'll gain two life and go to 12 and I'm going to cast my kite sail larus oh when this gets cast breaches is going to trigger as will Ledger Shredder okay this is my second spell which means I can copy it or do damage and honestly both of them are good for me right now because it means I can get rid of ashlin's blocker now let's trigger the breaches I will sacrifice an artifact being this treasure and let's flip a coin to see if I get two kite SE larcenists heads means I copy the spell Tails means I do the damage okay Tails three damage I'm going to point it at the baleful stricks all right stricks is dead and then my kite sale larcenist etbs and I'm going to choose your dazzling Sphinx as a creature to turn into a treasure M ooh that's good and Talia I'm not going to touch anything on your board or mine well thank you okay I've cleared the way but there's no way Ashley just left herself dead to a single removal spell right so I think it's actually right to only attack with one creature here I really really need a block her against her because I'm at such a low life total I'm just going to die if I don't and then I'll go to combat and let's see what happens Ashlin I'm going to send one 179 at you in the air 179 assuming you have interaction I don't know why Jimmy just attacked with one of the Flyers it's do or die and you just decided to attack with one before damage I'm going to channel my utara soaring City ow I should have SW with the other one okay well kind of a misplay here I shouldn't have attacked with the Clone knowing that she's in blue and can bounce my creatures but either way I'm glad to just have a card out of her her hand that's all I can do for my turn so I'm going to pass it to you Ashlin everything is working out Jimmy and Talia haven't really done anything so now I want to get as much value as I can to close this game out all right I think I need to deal with the kite sale Larson so I'm going to infernal graspit howdy dowy okay and I will pay the one for Ward oh boy all right so she had a removal spell and the bounce spell I'm feeling outclassed here and I will lose two life going to seven that also is going to make your creature come back and is no longer a treasure myx is back no why yeah it makes sense to do this right now because I can still attack with the Sphinx my chances of winning this game are just getting lower by the second well it's going to flip more instance in nurseries darn all right and then I'm going to cast oring Frost Fang oh no the frost Fang was your second spell so I draw a Leeder Shredder and I will discard a fiery emancipation and pump this guy up one more time emancipation yeah probably not H doing anything not doing anything no lightning bolts in this deck I'll play a verdant catacombs and then I'll sacrifice it I'll search my library and find a basic forest and put it into play untapped I will lose one life going to six all right and then I'm going to play a wand of orchus oh boy and a normal setting this is cool but with my commander it's going to create double the zombies which allows me to be aggressive and defensive at the same time it's everything I could ask for all right and then I will pay three to equip it to my dazzling Sphinx and I use my banana to do that so I will gain two lives going back up to eight oh God those bananas they just last forever they never go bad they never go bad and even when they go bad you can make banana bread oh that's a good point mushy okay I think now all that's left to do is go to combat tell you I'm going to send the dazzling Spinx at you and Jimmy I'm going to send the rest of the team at you g well I can't block flying I will block your Spring Leaf Avenger with my ledger Shredder and not the other I guess you can't the other two I can't do the other two yeah interesting well you could block the glissa I don't want to block the GL if my Comm is not around I just I die yeah I am so glad that I left this blocker up because my only chance of winning is double spelling with my commander next turn so at the very least I think I'm still alive go to damage all right I am taking five going to 16 The Ledger Shredder will trade with your Spring Leaf Avenger cuz of the death touch and then I'll take 10 going to two all right and then I have some combat triggers some I have a lot of combat triggers I'm going to make five zombies from the wand of orcus doubled from my commander so that's 10 oh gosh and two twos and then I'll make four fairies from the Fay wild visitors that zombie army came out of nowhere I didn't even know she was a Zombie Deck yeah that's what the other three boots are for they're all hiding zombies and then because of Oran frosting I'm going to draw six cards oh and then I have the dazzling Sphinx so Talia let's see what you got again all right I just need to keep my commander alive so please hit an inconsequential spell off of this Spinx Ashlin please this is brutal so we're looking for the first instant in sorcery yep land inant Soul partition ooh more removal all right yeah we'll hit bre okay breaches gets exiled and I can pay two more to cast it which is cheaper than its Commander tax you could choose to put it in command no thank you it's not this just wanted to let you know that was an option that was kind of my last Ray of Hope I'm at a super low life total I think I'm dead here we not done yet once more into the breach is all right here we go enchantment there we go instant it's a another spree this is rustler Rampage I think I'm going to choose to pass on that one all right not going to cast not going to cast it okay very unsuspicious yeah wink wink blue blue so yeah I'll move to my InStep I will draw from Ron Arch then I'll go to my cleanup I have nine cards in hand and I will discard a Zago triome and underground moru all right I'm passing the turn here and I'm feeling pretty good about where I am I have some cards in my hand to help me deal with anything that comes up so I have this all under control all right that's it Talia go for it all right I will un tap draw for turn cool oh no you know we tried but that's that I have to pass the turn it pains me but I literally have nothing okay pass heart of the cards I'll untap and I'll draw that board wipe yeah that's a no no okay well I think the writing's on the wall here I could kill myself again I could just go out I'll give him the satisfaction but you know what ashin you don't get the pleasure of killing me I'm taking myself out the classic Jimmy Wong way I will tap to mana and I'm going to flash out a snapcaster me I'm going to Target my guxian probe and I'm going to pay to life and get probe you Ashlin but you'll immediately die you'll immediately die but you won't get the satisfaction the cowboy goes out on his own terms and then I died to myself hm how does this always keep happening good luck out there Talia je all right I will move to untap so dead draw my card for turn all right Talia I'm going to send in The Horde yep attack you with Earth that's it and then I died to a stampede good game good game good game good game good game part good game part good game partner well I'll be Looks Like These Boots Were Made for winning let's go I had a roo and toot great time in the saloon with my friends playing some Commander that was a lot of fun as always I loved seeing Tal's Commander pop off with landfall value and card draw there was so much back and forth I thought all the decks in this pod were really really cool and using cards in interesting ways I really like the Bounty mechanic I think that it adds another layer to the game it made catching up if you felt behind a little bit easier I reckon if you were to try out some of these new Bounty cards you might be uh happier than a pig in mud Outlaws of Thunder Junction is a really fun theme it's not something magic has really dipped their toes into before the old Wild West the Cowboys in the saloons I'm from Texas and this was perfect for me to be here yeah this was talia's first time on Game Nights we've had her on extra turns we've obviously been friends with her for a long time she's a great player sequenced really well I'm a big fan of her content and all the effort that she puts into it she's a perfect addition to the game nights family and I'm so happy to welcome her in at the end of the day there's nothing better than sitting around a campfire with three of your best friends and playing Magic the gallin see yall next time wo W oh my goodness wait I thought we we weren't we agreed we weren't going to do the action I'm going take a nap after that game marathon don't start doing it Jimmy oh what a great game that was said the Westerner who didn't know how to have an accent boy I don't know what I'm doing I'm just a stiff old Banker haha look at him all right first of all congratulations to Ashlin yes good job as big surprise ashin comes back for the first time in a long time and just whoops us whoops us so much value and uh that game was really cool the bouncy system was really interesting yeah I I I really I thought it was going to be more like plane Chase but it actually was cool to give you specific goals of things to accomplish and to try and stop them from accomplishing yeah yeah yeah add an extra layer and it let's fourth place like really get that extra Advantage which I thought was really interesting too yeah I noticed I wonder if that's going to be the how it's going to sort of play out every time um that's you play with Bounty but it did feel like it Advantage the players in the later turns which I think is good we know that early turn like first turn player is Advantage so yeah yeah super interesting hope you enjoyed the game of course if you'd like to get your hands on any of these Outlaws of Thunder Junction cards go to cardkingdom.com commmand it is the best place to go to get your magic product singles anything at all they have pre-orders going on now or just regular orders very very soon for Thunder Junction if you want to get any of these cool commanders if you want to build a deck around them if you want to get the pre-con collectors boot all of that they have what you want they're going to get it to you when you want it and you're going to get it all at once yep and of course when you get that stuff sleeve it up in ultr Pro sleeves head on over to ultrapro.com commmand you can get flame mat sleeves deck boxes wall Scrolls everything that you need basically outside of the cards themselves ultr Pro have you covered J and I have trusted them for over a decade now for our own collections so you know you can too and you can get great deals by going to ultrapro.com command and they also facilitate a giveaway for us to ENT that giveaway you have one of three options the first is on Twitter use the # game nights and link to this very episode in your Tweet or your post and then go on over to Facebook on our Facebook page find the post that's sharing this episode and just tag a friend or two a couple of partners that you want to ride into the wild west with that would also like to see the episode and if you're on Instagram just make any post using the hash game nights at the end of one week from the posting day of this episode we will tally all those up and choose some winners at random and announce them so you have one week you can enter three times or just once or twice up to you but more entries you get the better chance you have of winning some free stuff yeah you should just enter all three ways that you have three times the chance to win yeah and you can post a picture of like your dog on Instagram and use the hashtag game nights and still ENT I like dog pictures yeah definitely do that put put your dog in a cowboy hat o I love that that's a good idea that's a good idea right there all right everybody thank you so much for putting up with our Wild West accents Yeehaw Jimmy I think it's time I think we need to ride off into the sunset see you later Cowboys peace bye-bye we need those coconuts like money5 them what an Epic Journey this was I'm retiring from this life what's next we're still riding our horse yeah the credits are rolling I'm going to ride my horse down to otj otj oh man Oldtown Junction see you by
Channel: The Command Zone
Views: 649,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic, gathering, mtg, magic the gathering, trading card game, deck, commander, cards, Card Game (Game Genre), command, podcast, the command zone, edh rules, Game Knights, gameplay, josh lee kwai, jimmy wong, edh, video game high school, vghs, wizards of the coast, wotc, nerd, rachel weeks, gaming, tabletop, thunder, junction, outlaws, otj, lord, rings, lotr, 40k, marvel, assassins, creed, bloomburrow, duskmourn, final, fantasy, ashlen, rose, taalia, vess, cowboy, western, old west
Id: n-BZvGAbBKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 50sec (5030 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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