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Today, I will tell you about a really useful way to remove backgrounds, commonly called nukki picking. This time , I will also teach you methods that can be used in various situations one by one. I have prepared a total of three things to try today. Starting with the simple one of removing the background of a cherry photo like this, and this kind of swinging method. I'll gradually teach you how to pick hair and how to pick a cool lion with flowing fur, erase the background behind the lion , and composite the lion on top of fire or ice as you see in the thumbnail. You can also download the example images used in today's video on the blog. I posted it in the More section or in the comments, so please go and download it, turn on Photoshop, and follow along. I 'll try something simple first. This is a photo of cherries. The background color is unified in mint color, so it's easy to just pick out the cherry part just by looking at it. I think I'll get started. I'll delete the rest and proceed. When using Photoshop, it's always a good idea to keep the original photo as a backup and copy another one to use. You never know when you might make a mistake and have to edit it all over again. Background with a cherry photo While clicking on the layer, press Ctrl+J to copy the layer. And click the eye in front of the background layer in front of it to turn it off. This means that you will not see anything on this layer on this work screen. If you look at the center of the screen, you will see a menu bar like this. If you look, there is a menu called remove Background, which means removing the background. Since we pay a lot of money to subscribe to Photoshop, Adobe, the Photoshop company, is continuously upgrading its functions. If you click this, Photoshop will automatically remove the object and background. Recognize it and erase it. Then, you can see that the mint-colored background has been deleted and only the cherry remains . The mint-colored part has changed to a grid pattern. This is displayed like this when a transparent background is displayed in Photoshop. A video on YouTube showing how to pick a nukki. If you look at the thumbnails, you 've probably seen a lot of grid patterns like this. They do a lot of thumbnails to show that they've done it well and transparently. At first glance, it looks like they've done it perfectly, but we need to use it in various ways, so make sure it's done right. Let's take a look . Click this menu and click Solid Color. Then, a window will pop up where you can select a color. I 'll select a light pink color similar to cherry. Now, the entire background is covered like this , so you can't see the cherry image, right? If you hold down the layer with this color and move it down, you can see the cherry on the left again, right? At this time, just let go of the mouse. Then, you can see that only the cherry is selected and raised above the background color. However, if you zoom in like this, it is very subtle, but there are still some black parts like this. If you want to completely delete these parts, please follow me one more time . You can edit it by clicking on the cherry layer. And the area with the black background on the right shows that it has become a mask. If you hold down Ctrl and hover over this part with the mouse, the mouse cursor will change like this. If you click at this time, only the cherry part will be selected. When the dotted line blinks like this, it means that only this part is selected. In this state , click again on the part with the cherry image to the left of this layer and press Ctrl J. When I pressed Ctrl J earlier, the layer was copied as is. You know, if you press Ctrl J while a specific part is selected like this, only the part with the cherry image will be copied. To copy only the selected area, press Ctrl J. You can see that a layer has been created only for the part with the cherry like this . Right-click the mouse. It's easier to check if you change it to a large thumbnail. Let 's enlarge it and proceed. Now, with the layer with only the cherry image selected, click Filter - Ohter - Maximum in the menu above. Then, you can see the cherry image like this. Click the plus part below to show the outline. Please move the position. You can move the position automatically by moving the mouse back and forth like this. Leave it at this level. In this Radius, it would usually be set to 0 at first, but as I was editing it, the number was set to 1. The cursor here is blinking. If you click the mouse and move the mouse wheel up, you can see that the surface is slightly dug in like this. It has gotten really bad. If you move the mouse wheel down, the number decreases and the shape changes more like this. If you look at it now, it is square like this . Right now, we're saying that the Squareness is making it square, but that's because it's selected. Click on it and change it to round with the Roundness. It seems like it's too much now, so I'll reduce it. I think setting it to 1.0 makes it appropriate and not too awkward. Let's set it to 1.0, do this, and press OK . The original is like this , and the one we just added has become transparent like this. Then, the image with the background removed like this can be used in a variety of applications. What do you think it will be used for? For example, we sell cherries. When making a box to sell cherries , you may want to include an image of the cherries from your house. So, I made one as an example, and when I design the box using a photo of the cherry I just picked, I use the cherry image. If you just pick it and put it in, you can add different colors like green to the background and decorate it in a variety of ways. Then, the next thing is an image of a woman with hair flowing like this. If you think about just picking hair like this, it's really hard to think about it. It may seem difficult, but I 've already created a sample of all of this . I'll delete it first and try to think of opening the image for the first time. If you don't know how to open a photo, you can open it by clicking File - Open. Now, if the photo was opened like this, it was like before. Likewise Press Ctrl J to copy the layer. Then, turn off the eye in front of the Background layer and click remove Background to tell Photoshop to remove the background. I was excited to see how elaborate Photoshop would be, but I think it was much better than I thought. Let's check it by installing it. Click on Solid color and I'll make it black. Click OK and move the black layer down to the bottom of the photo. Now, if you check like this, the background image in the photo will be slightly visible on the hair. There is a feeling that the arm part here is completely gone. The arm should be white like this here, but you can see that Photoshop did not recognize it and erased it. Then, I need to restore this. Click on the black part here on the layer that is the mask and this again. If you look on the left, you can see a colored area with black and white. If you press this button below, by default, the left side will be white and the right side will be black. Press this to adjust the white color to the left side. Select the brush tool. Click on this part to see if Soft Round is selected. Right now, my brush size is 1600, which is very large. I'll pull the bar to the side and reduce the size. Then , if I paint the area where the arm was, it will be restored. I have reduced the size too much. Square brackets] If you press the right side, the brush size increases like this, and if you press the left side, it becomes smaller. Adjust the size to what you think is just right, and also move the mouse to the part of this screen where you want to increase this area. If you move the mouse wheel up while holding down Alt on the keyboard, this part will be enlarged. Similarly, if you move the wheel down, the part will decrease in size from where the mouse is located . If you hold down the space bar, the mouse will change into a palm shape and you can adjust its position. I've enlarged it to this extent. Now, let's restore the arm part that disappeared by adding color with a brush. Do it a little bit at a time like this to make it look natural. I think this is enough. I 'll try to reduce the screen size back to the original. If you look on the left, There is a quick selection tool. Click on it once. Then, the menu at the top will change. If you look here, you will see a menu called Select and Mask. Click on this , and a new window will pop up like this, where you can choose how you want to view it. Let's select the one at the top. And if you look at the top, there is an English word called Refine Hair, which means hair trimming. Please click on it. Then, Photoshop will automatically recognize the head and give you the impression of trying to make it look natural, but I personally I don't think I did a good job because this blue color appears here again . Let's fix this. If you look on the left, click the second Refine Edge Brush Tool. Likewise here, press the square brackets [ ] on the keyboard to adjust the brush size appropriately and slightly I'll apply it by slightly clicking on the hair parts . I think you can apply it to the whole thing one at a time. I 'm going to process this part quickly because it takes too much time, but you can do it slowly one by one. I finished it like this and now. You can make more adjustments on the right side. I will try to increase the Radius a little. As you press the button, you can see the changing image on the left and think, "Oh, this should be enough." You can select it to suit yourself. I think setting it to 7 is okay, and the Smooth below also makes it smoother. It means that I'm going to raise this a little bit. It's changed very subtly, so it's not really noticeable, but it's changing. This feather means I'm going to make it soft. Shall we give it a try? I'll upload it. It doesn't seem to be noticeable. The Contrast below also provides contrast, but it seems like something is changing. Change Output To to New Layer and press OK. Then, a new layer is created for only the selected part. But now, the background is black again. If you look at it this way, the beach part like this is still there, and the hair is messy and has a lot of sea color on it. It's not perfect and I don't like it a little. I'll tell you how to use it in this case. There are a lot of things to do to make it something like this. It's a lot of hard work😥 If you click on the layer while holding down Ctrl , it will be selected like this. In this state, press the layer mask button below. And if you look at it now, if you click on this part on the left, this will be white, and a white box will appear all over, and it will say that this side is selected, and click this side. When you click on it, it becomes white and it says this side is selected. Click on the mask on the right to activate it in white. Select the brush tool on the left. If you draw straight like this with white selected, there will be no change. That's because we added white to the white part of this mask. So, if you draw it right now, the outer part is black. If you draw it straight, you can't see it from this side, but you can see that this part here has a white line like this. Press Control Z again to return it to its original state. If you press this , it means changing the colors. Press this to change the black color to the top, and with the brush selected, slightly reduce the size. If you see above, the Opacity is set to 100. Set this to around 20. Please reduce it. Then, with the idea of ​​painting the head, add color like this. With the idea of ​​erasing the blue sea color, you can focus on that part and paint it like this. This is when you wonder if the color is coming in, but this is because we have reduced the Opacity to 20. If you darken it to 100, it will look very awkward, so you can change the color slightly while lowering the Opacity. This is the color now. You don't know exactly what goes in. If you paint over this white clothes, you can see the color going in like this. Press Ctrl Z again to erase it and remove the color from the awkward parts of the hair. I'll stop at this point and compare it with the previous photo. It's blue. There was a lot of this, but the result of editing was a little more natural, right? The more effort we put into it, the more natural it becomes. What example should we use this photo for? If we run a hair salon and want to promote our hair salon through a blog, I think it would be good to decorate the blog skin with a model image like this. I made it simply like this. If you get the hang of it like this, it is very useful in various situations. Lastly, I'll finish with the furry lion you saw in the thumbnail. This is the original photo. I filled in the background like this using the AI ​​function in Photoshop. I'm sure there are people who are curious about how this is done, so I'll explain. I just want to see how to remove the background. ! If you do, I will divide the chapters, so you can flip to the back and look at them from there. If you open the lion image I uploaded, it is a close-up photo of the lion. It is currently very large in size. First, go to Image - Image Size and reduce it to about half. I set it to 1500. Let's reduce it. Double-click this lion background layer and press OK to change it to a layer. In this state, the original layer was a background layer and was literally an image fixed as a background that could not be moved or modified. We used this photo. In order to modify it , I changed it to a layer like this. Now, I'm going to enlarge the overall work area and fill in the background around the lion like in the picture before. Click Image - Canvas Size. You can leave this as is and just change the horizontal and vertical size . Let's set everything to 3500 and press OK. Then, the size will only increase the canvas size and the image will remain the same. Then, in this state , press the Ractangular Marquee Tool and select it by clicking the left mouse button from inside, not from this part at the end . Then, press Ctrl + Press Shift + I to invert the selection area. The outer part, not the inner lion part, is selected. If you look below, you will see a menu called Generate Fill. Click on it. Then, there is no need to write anything in this part, just click Generate right away. And if you wait, Photoshop is creating it on its own. We'll wait until this bar reaches the end. Now, the background has been created automatically, and if you see below, it creates three by default. If you don't like it, click Generate above. If you press it one more time, it will continue to create 3 new ones, so keep pressing them until you get the one you want. I think it will be okay. I will use this second one. Now, all you have to do is press the lion part. First of all, the layer like this is the lion part and the one we just created. There are two separate backgrounds created like this. I will combine the two. If you hold down the Shift key and click on the layer below, the two will be selected. In this state, press Ctrl + E to combine the two layers and Ctrl J. Click to copy one more layer. Turn off the eye in front of the layer below, and with the upper layer selected, click Remove Background below. If you look at it just like this, the selection is blunt. Now let 's try to bring out the texture of the lion's fur . Just like you did , click Select and Mask above and then Refine Hair. Then, it looks more natural, right? With this second brush selected, lightly touch the outside again. After touching it like this, if you look here, click Smart Radius and slightly increase the number. You can also adjust the ones below by moving them up and down with the mouse wheel. This Output Press OK with New Layer selected in to. Then, click on this round menu, click Solid Color, and enter any color you want. If you scroll down here, it definitely looks more natural than before. But these parts are a little unnatural, so use an eraser. I think you can just erase it. Press this eraser button above. With Soft Round selected , reduce the brush size and lightly erase it . Yes, it's completed like this. I'll try making this one as well, as shown in the thumbnail . Like this, the left side is ice and the right side is composited with fire. I tried it. If you just pick a nuki, you can apply it in a variety of ways, right? Up to this point, I have told you about various ways to remove the background of a photo, and how to pick a nuki, which is commonly called nuki. I hope you can follow along with the sample photo I posted. I can't completely make the technique my own just by looking at it. It was fun when I was compositing it into a lion at the end, but I don't know how you guys felt🤣 It's really fun these days because I can pass on the little knowledge I have through YouTube. At first , there were people like designers from large corporations or large agencies posting lectures on YouTube, like me. A person who worked as a designer at a small company gave a lecture and I wondered if it would be okay to post something like this. But they say there are two lies that office workers tell. The first is that I am leaving the company. The second is, should I try YouTube? Because I have already quit my job haha. I was in a state where I would try both if I only did YouTube. I gathered up the courage to start, and seeing that more people than I expected watched, left many good comments, subscribed, and shared, I was very proud, I felt really good, and I am really happy these days. I 'll come back with another helpful video next week. Your subscriptions, likes, and comments are a great help to me. Thank you so much for watching up to this point. It's been Rize so far😄
Channel: 리제의 디자인 초등학교
Views: 16,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on
Id: qi9jlJRsW8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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