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Today , I'm going to teach you how to easily change a specific color to another color using Photoshop. It's simpler than you think. I 'll also teach you how to use it in various other situations. In my case, I'm designing a blog or creating a detailed page. I am using it usefully. There are a total of 4 photos prepared today. I will teach you various methods such as changing the color of the sea like this, changing it to gray, changing only the ocean, or changing the color of strawberries to green like this . First, start with the simplest and most basic ones. I'll let you know. Let's start with this photo. The camera the model in the photo is holding is originally yellow like this . Let's change the camera color like this. You can open the photo by pressing FIle-Open. I already have the photo open, so I applied this effect. Let's delete the layer and proceed again in the same situation. You can proceed by opening the photo. When you open the photo, a layer called background will appear like this. If you look at the bottom here, click this round menu and click Hue-Saturation. Then, a window will appear at the top like this. It will pop up. Click this finger-shaped button here. The color we want to change now is the yellow color of this camera. If you look now , you can see that the mouse has changed into an eyedropper shape . In this state, click the yellow part of the camera. Click on it, and if you look here like this, you can see that the yellow part is selected like this. Then, if you move this bar back and forth on the Hue part up here like this, you can see that the color changes. I like this color. A little more. To make it look natural , lower the saturation slightly below this to make it look a little more natural . It looks a little more natural, right? In the case of this photo, the camera was the only yellow color in the overall photo, so it was changed simply like this. It gets a little more complicated from the next photo, so I'll explain it one by one. Let's move on to the next photo, shall we? Now, I prepared a picture of the strawberry like this. Just like before , click on this round menu and click on Hue-Saturation. Then , click on the red part of the strawberry. Then, the red part is selected. Now, you can quickly adjust this again. If you look now, we can see Only the strawberry part should change color, but this side and this side both turned green. In this case, we have to change it in a different way so that it does not apply to this side other than the strawberry part. What we use at that time is the mask function. This is the mask next to the button. Let me press it once. Then , a mask has been added next to this Hue/Saturation layer. If you look here, you can see that white has been applied overall. It looks difficult when I explain it like this. I think it will be easier to understand if I explain it by actually trying it. Click again on this background layer with the picture of strawberries to make it active . Click on the menu called Select Subject below. If you wait a moment, only the strawberry part is selected. And then click on the layer with the mask applied again. And if you look here, there is white at the top and black at the bottom . If you click this button, which is the menu that says to change between colors, the colors will change. Change it so that black is at the top like this . I want to remove the green part outside of this , not the strawberry part . But the selected part is the strawberry part, so if I erase it using this brush and add color, the color of the strawberry will change. If you look here, the part I painted is black. You can see that it has been painted and appears on the layer like this . Press Ctrl+D to return it to its original state. Then, we need to select the other side , not this side. Now, press Select - Inverse. Then, there was a dotted line like this only on this strawberry part before. This time, there is a dotted line again throughout the entire area. This means that the outer part, not the strawberry part, is now selected. Now, if you press Alt-Delete on the keyboard, black is poured into the outer background like this. Then, press Ctrl+D to remove the dotted line. If you do this, only the strawberry part has become green. This is the original photo, and the color has been changed. Let's move on to the next photo. This is a photo of a cute cat. Let's change the color of one eye like this to make it an odd-eyed cat. All we have to do is select the cat's eyes. Select it precisely. When doing this, you often use the pen tool. But for now, we can simply draw a circle, so in that case, press this Lasso tool on the left, press Ctrl+ to enlarge it a little, press the palm button , and use the mouse a little like this. You can move it by clicking it down. Move it to the appropriate position and click the Lasso tool again. I'll try to enlarge it a little more. I'll simply select the eyes. It doesn't matter if it's a little off . I made the selection roughly like this. With this layer selected, press Ctrl+J. Click to create a new layer only for the part of the eye that we just selected. You can't tell if this has been created now. If you click on the eye in this background to turn it off , you can see that there is only the eye in the upper layer. Now, turn your eyes on again. Next From now on, you can do the same thing as before. Click this button and click Hue-Saturation. This time, you can press this button without having to specify a color and just adjust it right away in Hue. But right now, we only need to change the eyes, but the fur color is also changing. First, change it to the color you want, then press Alt on the keyboard and bring the mouse closer to the Hue-Saturation layer and move it down a little more. The keyboard and mouse shape will change like this. In that state, hold Alt as well. It must remain pressed. Can you see the arrow pointing downwards? If you left-click here, the layer will move slightly and an arrow pointing downward will appear like this. If you look at the cat, you can see that only the color of the eye area has changed. This function is called a clipping mask. The name seems very difficult, but this is what we are doing. This means that I will not apply the color change I just made to all the layers below this overall , but only to this layer right below . If you look earlier, there was only an eye like this, so I will apply this color change only to this eye . This is very used in practice, so knowing it will help you a lot. This is the last picture. It's a blue picture overall . Let's change the color of the sea to a more emerald color . Let's change the sea part to black and white like this and make only the model stand out. I will delete all the photos I have applied. If you open only the photo like this and press Select subject, only this part of the model will be selected. Press Ctrl+J to copy only the model part like this. Also, in case you don't know, this background Click on the layer and press Ctrl+J once again to copy this layer itself. I'm going to use it later to compare it to the original photo. Now, while pressing Ctrl on the keyboard , click this part on the left side of the layer where there are only model photos. Then, model it like this. Only the selection has been made and the dotted line is blinking. Press select-Modify-Expand in the menu. This means that you want to expand this selection a little more . Set it to about 20 and press it. Then, you can see that it has become bigger like this. In this state. Click Edit-content-Aware Fill. Click OK. It looks like nothing has changed, right? This is because we copied the model part. If you close your eyes in front of this, you can see that the model part of the photo is gone. If you press Ctrl+D, the selected part is deselected. There are some parts that are a little awkward, but we put a photo of the model on top of this. Because it will create it again, I won't bother editing this part. And what we just did with content-aware fill is another layer like this. If you close the eye, it will return to the original photo. So, we need to combine these two layers. Select the layer below while holding down Shift. With the two layers selected, right-click and click merge layers. Then, they will be combined like this. Now, in this state, like before, click this circle menu and click Hue-Saturation. This time, in Hue. I 'll change the color by moving the bar back and forth. I like the color this much. Adjust the saturation slightly. Then, if you turn on the model layer in front of this model that you had previously turned off, you can see that only the color of the sea has changed. You can. Let's compare it with the original. It's the original. It's a photo with the sea color changed. In addition, what I showed you earlier is that only the model is in color, and the sea is also available in black and white. Black and white is really simple. Pull this Saturation all the way to the end. If you pull it, it will immediately change to black and white. Well, today I showed you various ways to change a specific color using these four photos. Did you follow along? I tried to tell you how to use it in as many situations as possible , so it got a lot longer, but I think the people who watched and followed along until the end were really amazing . Honestly, everyone on YouTube wants to watch fun content, but they usually don't watch Photoshop lectures like this. All I can say is that you watched until the end. I 'm so grateful and I tried to make it as easy as possible for you to follow, and I hope it helps you a lot. I'm still a beginner YouTuber, so uploading one video a week is quite daunting, but I 'll work hard to upload videos as I get better, so it's a bit awkward. Even if there are some parts, I would appreciate it if you liked it. Thank you very much for watching until the end. I will bring useful design tips again next week. Thank you for watching. This is Rize.
Channel: 리제의 디자인 초등학교
Views: 8,505
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Keywords: yt:cc=on
Id: MU5gomMRItg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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