The Best Way To Use Inkshadow Items

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when I first laid my eyes on set 11 I immediately took notice of the ink Shadow trait it reminded me of zon in set 9 and I absolutely love that trade and it's many crazy interactions from the infamous cam tank Javin to Canan magically removing the enemy Corner my hopes were high to find similar strategies can ink Shadows match the insanity that was Z let's find out together like always we have to start with the basics the trade itself is quite easy to understand activating the trade current grants all of your ink Shadow units 5% bonus damage and damage reduction you also receive a trade specific item Fielding five ink Shadows adds another 5% bonus damage and damage reduction and you receive a second item finally if you manage to find all ink Shadow units and an elusive ink Shadow emblem you can field seven ink Shadows which grants you two additional items so what exactly are these special items in total there are three offensive and three defensive ink Shadow items for offensive you have of Fury bombardment and toxin for defense you have tattoo of force protection and vitality these items are not exclusive to Ink Shadow units you can place them on anyone you can also freely swap these items around by either benching your units or just remove the trade from your board morog mentioned in a set 11 rundown that the item distribution works like this if you have an offensive item first then you get a defensive item second and at the end you get one of each if you have a defensive item first then you get an offensive item second and again one of each if you max out the trade but only these categories remain consistent each game the items that appear are randomly selected for each individual player for example you could have a game where you start with a tattoo Force but your opponents don't even have it as an option the easiest way to figure out your item choices is to open up the team planner at the start of the game at a random ink Shadow unit like J and hover over the trait this is the core part of ink Shadows now let's talk about all of the individual items and what you can do with them let's kick things off with the tattoo of force this is arguably one of the most popular defensive choices partly because it has a great visual effect as well putting the item on any unit grants 30 armor and 30 Mr whenever the holder acquires a new Target the unit will run quickly to and briefly stun them dealing magic damage when they arrive and double the defensive stats for a few seconds effectively you can put this item on anyone in your front line but there are some units that you it exceptionally well ink Shadow itself isn't the most popular tradeit at the moment but one reroll comp that can compete with the current meta is based around Nar and Senna if you combine them with rexi JX Caitlyn and atrox you activate all of your trades and roll for your tattoo units with level six the most common setup here is to run a Nar with a blood thirster and Titans resolve and give him tattoo of force in the early mid game n gets Great Value out of this item because he will constantly take out his Target and then Dash towards someone else keeping his downtime to a minimum this will also allow you to itemize Senna earlier since you don't have to worry about the third Nar item until later into the game another way to use tatto of force is by running four dualist and three ink shadow in stage three and giving the item to volibear this is usually done as a mid-game power Spike to help volibear get through stage three since you do prefer to roll for your dualist with level seven starting in stage four unless you have an emblem or an early leason you can't reach six to list early anyways so it is a valid alternative compared to Sage if you see this as your first item option in late game coms especially based around Trickshot and Kaiser you will often see this item placed on udia this is because you likely itemize your main tank already so he effectively wins by default as he is the best tank option that you have left this is not a bad thing he gets great use out of this item and it can often be worth activating the trade just to get this tattoo since this somewhat fits into everything that I just talked about let's quickly cover tattoo of protection as well it grants a 50% Max Health Shield to the holder after casting the first time in each combat after the shield breaks it grants 50% of this Shield amount to the two nearest allies the effect is fairly simple and there is not much to say about this item except that it is surprisingly strong especially for the aformentioned senana reroll comp atrox is by far the most popular choice for this item as he acts as your main tank and he should have a decent amount of HP as a the three star Bruiser other units like rexi Gallo or udia are all valid choices as well it is a great item even in the early game and you should not disregard this as an option because if we strictly go by stats it appears to be the best performing tattoo at the moment the final defensive item is called tattoo of Vitality and it is widely regarded as the worst tattoo in the game if players spot this as their first option it pretty much signals them to not run ink Shadows at all and go for something more useful instead so why is this item considered so weak the description states that attacks heal the holder for 2.5 of their Max health and deal the same amount as bonus damage one of the first problems that you will immediately encounter is that Frontline units tend to have the worse base attack speed in the game for example you would assume this is a great item for kobuku due to his HP scaling but he only has a 0.5 base attack speed and also doesn't help that he has an insanely long dense animation obviously you don't want to give attack speed items to your frontliners and they often tend to be hit by crowd control making this item extremely inefficient this means it's often better to give it to a backliner but now you have low damage and low sustain however not all hope is lost I got a great tip from a YouTube comment that suggested giving this item to aelia now why would you do this aelia attacks in a very unique way she has seven blades that she is weaving through her opponents normally if you give her an item like hurricane orino then the item would trigger every time a new unit was hit by the first blade but obviously you don't receive seven ginso Stacks or seven hurricane bolts for every unit with tattoo of fatality this works a bit differently for some reason very likely an oversight by Riot every individual blade can proc the bonus magic damage So in theory if you give her two vok she ends up with 3,852 HP and deals around 96 magic damage with each of her seven blades that goes through a unit this can definitely result in some pretty noteworthy magic damage and also some very strong healing who knows maybe putting aelia with a VMO and tattoo of Vitality might make her into a formidable tank this strategy definitely has a lot of potential but since this qualifies as non Riot approved fun I would suggest to hurry up because this will likely be fixed in the future this covers all of the defensive items but what about the offensive ones let's start off with the tattoo of bombardment this item grants 20% attack damage and attack speed every third attack fires bolts at the two lowest per Health enemies with each bolt dealing physical damage based on 60% of the holder attack damage in short you want this item on a unit with high attack damage but also on a unit with high attack speed to proc the effect more often the ideal unit for this tends to be ca 3ar since she wants a ginso rage plade has high base ad and gives herself an ad steroid with every cast you can also give it to kaisa since she usually runs around with strong 80 items like Infinity Edge or death blade but here the item is usually just a placeholder until you find something stronger now you might wonder how exactly does this item interact with kaisa while she's channeling the answer here is surprisingly simple she fires a total of 20 waves and five waves are treated the same as one attack this means she receives four ginzo Stacks or fires four hurricane bolts during one cast since the tattoo of bombardment only procs every three attacks this means she has one guaranteed proc during her cast and needs less attacks afterwards for the next proc in case you're curious Asher cast counts as three attacks and aelia would end up needing to hit three units in total for one proc one great user for this item that I haven't mentioned yet is B since his item build is completely based on attack speed and usually you want him as a three star he tends to have the correct stats to get the most out of this item with the help of trick shot it's not uncommon for the additional bolts to help take down the enemy backline considering the tattoo even has B in its name it only makes perfect sense that it works well on him then we also have the tattoo of Fury which only grants 25% attack speed but it has a very powerful effect the holder deals 35% bonus damage to targets below half health and gains 40% attack speed for 6 seconds after a taked down this is an item you can pretty much give to any of your carries one thing that is important to keep in mind is that this effect is not based on the HP P that the holder is currently attacking any AOE or board wide ability will benefit from the damage increase if a unit is below 50% HP while units like Senna volibear or kaisa are all decent users it can also be very good on AP carries since 35% bonus damage with a fairly easy condition is nothing to sneeze at quite frankly it is also powerful enough that you can consider keeping it on your main carry until the very end for this item I don't really have a list of good users since the effect is so benefit official for all units that you can just put in on any of your carries and call it a day the final item is called the tattoo of toxin based on stats it is currently the strongest offensive ink Shadow item in the game the holder receives 25% ad and AP and the Damage applies a toxin that deals an additional 33% of De damage over 3 seconds while also reducing incoming healing this item is honestly just the Morelos in thegu except that the damage over time tends to be either physical or Magic depending on the ability the true power definitely lies in the antiheal effect so units like Moana H or aelia are among the best users it also doesn't hurt that some early game units like teimo love it as well so you should never have too many issues finding a holder if we go back to the original question then how does this trade compare to Zone it's definitely more convenient knowing your items in advance and being able to place them on any unit but as a consequence it does feel like the items are often lacking a bit in power this can be further proven by looking at the current state of ink shadow where running five or seven is pretty much never worth it because the strength of the items doesn't justify running so many weak units MOG did mention in his rundown that he currently doesn't recommend going deep into the trade and we can expect some changes to Ink shadow in the future considering how the item distribution works it is more likely that they add more bonus damage and damage reduction instead of pushing the power level of the items since otherwise you could end up with a situation where three Shadows becomes a must include for a lot of comps for now the threepiece is still worth playing most of the time either with the senari roll or in a trick shot kaisa setup and I don't see this changing anytime soon what is your favorite ink Shadow item or which item do you think should be reworked let me know in the comments I hope you learn something and see you next time
Channel: leduck
Views: 89,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TFT comp, lol tft, league of legends, teamfight tactics, tft guide, tft streamer, leduck, coaching, tft coaching, challenger, patch, op, carry, bug, best, myth, trick, tip, guide, augments, items, augment, item, broken, mechanics, trait, synergy, origin, tutorial, meta, tierlist, sheet, cheat, comps, 3 star, prismatic, tips, tricks, eductional, 10, rumble, remix
Id: 7pzu3mt47lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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