I took the Adaptive Helm Augment so I gave Sylas THREE of them. Then I hit 8 Bruiser, it was insane.

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ink Shadow Crest magic W and fully adapted let us roll magic W right healing orbs idealism I mean this is the best Yi game I've ever seen but do we really want to play Yi the portal is very boring it's three Champion portal I'll go fully adapted guys watch this it's going to be a dank one I promise you guys it's going to be a freaking dank one yeah we're going to go triple adaptive Helm Darius Silas what do you think guys triple adaptive Helm Silas what are we thinking yeah yeah yeah yep yeah I'm a freaking idiot that's what I'm thinking as well man yes I am I'm a freaking idiot I need exalt freak I didn't play exalted and I lose money like a freaking idiot I should have played exalted for one more XP oo Tom kench already come on guys move move man this guy's AFK why is he moving out of the active puddle come on Tom kench do something get the fishes bro any more puddles are we good we're good all right Tom kench give us something big give us something juicy man no no no no no not that not that guys that sounded wrong no no I'm not asking for that not asking for that guys oh my God I have five exalted this is so good for me wait wait a second hey okay okay there we go double double thingy already achieved I have five exalted if I want it what does that do though nothing you know I just sold a Teo then I bought one again yeah I'm not that smart okay so here here's what I'm thinking guys here's what I'm thinking here's what I'm thinking we go for a full Bruiser team with freaking this idiot with the with this triple item right so that's going to be strong but it's not going to be good enough right he's not going to be able to Solo Carry I would assume but we'll play aelia as our main carry at the end what are we thinking guys aelia as our main carrier yeah am I a genius no I'm a freaking idiot sorry guys sorry guys I do apologize guys cool looks cool to me we go six Bruiser and then we just go alist for resistances right mea guys mea Mita freak this idiot we go altruist and we go even more altruist for just maximum resistances get your that's our level 9 this is our level nine team we even get story beaver let's go huge r that doesn't seem too bad to me if we can pull that off I think we'll have a good game not too shabby freeze all unit all guys to move freely what does spatula do spatula does nothing for me spatula does nothing for me you cannot craft a Bruiser em you cannot Craft alterist You Can Craft story Beaver but three story Beaver is all we need uh just to get some utility from kale and that's it Heavenly Heavenly would be too Heavenly that is nothing that does nothing and it burns my cloak Heavenly emblem is built with a cloak so it burns my cloak to get the uh so I can get the Adaptive Helm let me show you down and no thank you brother man all right what do we do here we're playing two Bruiser right now this girl is not exalted rexi I mean I'll sell saraka right I need her late game bro I need her late game like who cares about saraka man I want to go Giant Slayer but I can't yet Giant Slayer on on on the I really all right Giant Slayer Ginsu and we just have a full front line with a cool freaking aelia stacking up Ginsu remember what I always say aelia is very good if she has plenty of time she needs a very big front line then she's going to win every fight more so than other carries like if azir has a very big front line compared to and I really are having a big front line I reallya will beat the azir air is better in other positions right he can burst or qu doesn't need as much of a front line he can burst but if you have a big old front line aelia is amazing so that should be very cool should be very cool guys that's going to be a cool team we just need one more tier for the Triple adaptive Helm for the people who don't know what this augment does it just uh Champions holding this him gain both effects regardless of position so he's going to get a bunch of AP and resistances and he's going to get a bunch of Mana he's going to gain 10 Mana every 3 seconds and one Mana every time he's struck by an attack so he's just going to keep ulting like a crazy boy and he's going to hopefully uh yeah he heals the more the more AP he has the more he heals as well every time yelds so the the guy is going to be really good going to be very good I want to see everything okay the only question is how do we get to level eight but we should be able to get to level eight right pretty easily as long as we slam our items doesn't I really already have a big front line and backline by herself oh brother man I know what you're getting at you're exactly right brother man she does she sure does brother man she sure does yeah she does this girl is exalted new exted UN kind of want to give the Adaptive Helm to the front line right okay ionic spark installed as well it's going to be good so now we can go for the aggressive kale upgrade the attack speed upgrade which is going to give our really a little bit of attack damage which isn't bad at all actually I'm down to Frontline kale and just go AP kale we'll see what we'll do because IIA has armor pen built in and then uh now we have adaptive Helm eh ionic Spar sorry I could go J show I could go freaking juo but I think we go Bruiser right eight Bruiser a Bruiser like a boss guys like a freaking badc right guys yes sir eight Bruiser it's going to be better this curs for eight freaking bruisers okay this is our team this is what we're using to reach level eight I level eight we'll play eight bruisers bruisers and that's about it that's our level eight team let's go baby boy GG we'll have to give the Bruiser emblem to aelia though we probably won't find aelia at level eight right to be fair all right freak it we win this we win those nice good job blood thirst are diff yep getting one XP every turn as well which is good it's amazing we never need this girl now exalted my Destin these guys straight up better boom boom boom okay cool this is necessary I don't think uh my dude is contested I don't think my D Silas will be contested no one really plays this I you guys know what people play man ailos every game fed every single game uh like there's like three viable com fed or four bar roll or five five but legit five legit five legit five legit okay six six but legit six six that's it that's it though like seriously there's six comps kogar roll yon roll Bard roll AOS roll fast nine legendary board and ghostly that's it legit that's it nothing else legit yeah Fortune is not a comp zzy root is not a comp zot is one augment oh yeah seven there's dualists dualists as well dualist as well yeah but dualist always goes bottom four usually only reason it can get top four is when ghostly is too contested that people just grief each other and no one gets Senna three yeah yeah true true true true very true that's true yep that's true that's true I don't want to put the the things on my bruisers right because I need to replace them okay so we have triple boy Juiced up okay please win this fight freak it we make 40 we're actually rich now we're in a very good position 55 health is a little bit low though but it should be okay I just need like one I need like one decent carry that's it like I can get any if I don't get IA I just get like anything man even Ash or even syndra syndra would be nice with Ginsu Giant Slayer it's not even that bad man okay 44 health is a little bit low keep it a buck I will keep it a buck I could also just go Bard carry right oh I'll just go Bard I'll go Bard until I okay I'll go two star Bard until Level 9 right two star Bard until Level 9 for I reallya not too bad guys [Music] what's this guy doing he's pretty strong I would say he's very strong with that dummy that dummy is crazy good that dummy is crazy freaking good I don't think I'm winning I can kill some units that's good oh we win this we win those ooh I think we still win they're going to beat her up nice good job good stuff try not to stop fights okay please give me an easy silus that's make it quick make it quick boy make it quick don't make me struggle finding it so what do I need for eight uh for eight Bruiser I still need Riven I have a two star atrox I have a two star atrox I have a two star kabuko okay I need ribbon Silas and gallo and then a Bard as a carry until I get iela perfectly fine oh my God oh my God oh my God it's just so welld deserved do you understand that guys just so freaking welld deserved bro holy freak it's welld deserved yes it is bro yes it is woohoo we win the game guys for free 1% I reallya for free for me GG baby boy a man that's fun guys I'm going to lose so hard to this guy I'm going to lose so hard right now to this guy man he's level five luckily so it's at most a five unit loss please kill this Nico please my arela is about to get killed by the kma ah nice nice she did well she did well we killed one unit right it's only four we didn't kill the Nico but we killed one unit oh Ascension is really good right [Music] the power of a dragon monsters are everywhere no prison can hold me no prison can hold me my channel the I feel closest to let's move I've got people to [Music] expire I am a baboy I am a baboi I am a baboi I am a babo I am a Baboo C GG guys I'm a freaking Baboo we did it we won a good fight let's go not too shabby we need a two star uh silus we only have 30 Health though we need to keep rolling and we don't have anyone to give a blood thirst or two but it's okay it is what it is guys the blood thirster is freaking cringe [Music] ooh bab boy yep that's what we call for free that's what what we call a big fat for free I freak this ribon gets blood thirster freak this idiot freak this idiot guys all right there we go that's our comp um we play alist and we're good to go level nine and we get two star girl and we're good to go guys how much AP does he have 145 and now the star of combat thing triggers and he gets 200 200 AP how much is he healing he's going crazy and he ults boom yeah he ults boom he's very tanky as well lots of resistances he ults he's healing 6K damage it looked like he was doing nothing but he actually did quite a bit 6K damage right there we have the percentage Health healing as well which is very nice freak it just get this extremely good um I will replace aelia I will replace her and put the Bruiser emblem on rakan if I make to level 9 I'll be really strong guys just got to make it there we'll have death blade on um on iela as well because we don't want the Bruiser emblem right and then blood thirster on ran with Bruiser emblem not even bad yeah you see that guys that's cool that is sick Bro if we just make it to level 9 just got to make it there couple more turns stage 55 stage 55 we're level 9 we'll need a another aelia of course that's going to be a little bit of a problem but when we get that we're good to go we're good to go when we get that I think my position is fine we just stay in this position it's cool right surround Redemption with one more unit not needed these units are freaking trash these other units are freaking trash we want the Gallo to get targeted first because he has the set fast hard and he's really tanky with his old all right there we go iela is cooking it's okay it's not bad at all the starting attack speed is not bad either it would be nice to have dualist on iela but it's fine there we go that's really good now we could do this but I I don't want him to die I think this is still better when he doesn't if he didn't have steadfast hard I would do this but because he has steadfast hard we're good to [Music] go uh when he doesn't have it anymore then we'll have to switch a little bit we want Morel we want Morel on the dudes Morel on um rakan as our last item would be ideal other than that it's just tank items on Tom kench Tom kench is also very good so we can give him the remaining items afterwards we'll need a new ribbon as well this guy is getting cooked Ascension was the best thing I could have gotten for sure Ascension was so good this guy is actually doing 9k this is crazy I didn't expect him to do this much I really didn't expect it I thought he would do well like 5K damage and be very tanky but he's actually very tanky and doing twice the damage that I expected it's very good and Bruiser 8 doesn't raise damage it just gives more health and every 3 seconds bruisers oh no it does deal uh 6% bonus physical damage on their next attack oh but he's not really dealing a lot of physical damage so this is trash I thought it makes them heal I thought it gives them a regeneration for some reason yeah the physical damage doesn't do much wait do you think the physical damage is doing a lot on this girl nah probably not probably not bro it is my it's just scales with health travels in I just go adaptive yeah right why not adaptive I have the Adaptive augment would be stupid not to go adaptive R okay um we'll be level 9 here we need to survive three fights when some of the enemies are really strong hopefully we can do that this guy is the weakest I would say out of the people I scouted he's level N9 but he still has Kiana carry should be a joke oh but my guy is just getting potted he just jumped into the pot like a freaking idiot oh that is look look at a kaana huh that was the worst fight RNG I have seen in my life he got potted like four times he jumped into every single pot deserved like this this was such a bad fight I should never lose that so that that the fact that I get lucky there at the end this deser that was the worst fight RNG I've ever witnessed I'm not even kidding bro like he jumped into the pot over here and then he went over here and then the Kiana just kills my I reallya which is usually impossible right so freaking disgusting man holy so freaking disgusting okay I'm mean two more fights I need to win one and then I'm level nine please win both freak it win both comy 32 Health stay at 32 Health this guy's the strongest in the lobby this guy's by far the strongest in the lobby but he has 50 gold he has 50 gold but so do I right I really will eventually get targeted by the dude by the freaking kma but the kma wastes one ult on my freaking uh on my freaking kale right this is good oh that is going crazy that ult does go pretty crazy the kma will die soon to I Really if she SS here let's go and she doesn't get one shot Oo we beat the strongest guy in the Love Sick Sick guys a man four three the freak is this man wait this guy's a two star he's full legendary board full legendary board really strong has set as well which deals percentage Health damage okay I mean I have to actually set right here I grab onto this have to position like this so the set doesn't grab onto this one nice I'm against set this guy's one star one star front line one star uh Gallo uh Shin on Shin on kaisa is extremely bad we should be fine we should be fine we made it to level 9 with 32 Health really good really freaking good really freaking good how many how many AOS are out of the pool there's there's one oh I need that I need the replacement I really I need that death blade on I really it makes her so much better than this garbage Bruiser emblem ah freak man thought I would get lucky okay watch this watch this watch this watch this guys it's a freaking Archangel rakan it's an archangel rakan guys it's an archangel freaking raan okay I mean no one's playing I really I really I died wait let me just wait until the aelia the dude just that just took aelia sells her oh no he didn't sell her he's using her we are made by our choices that's pretty unfortunate I have Riven marked right [Music] yeah oh I mean that's pretty unfortunate I literally hit nothing that was a complete bust but we do get alterist which is 10 armor and Magic resistance on all my freaking units which is of course very very big for the bruisers with this much health that was a freaking bust wasn't it I busted him no I didn't I didn't I didn't bust I didn't bust I I didn't I didn't guys I don't know what I'm talking about like I didn't I clearly didn't do I sack one I don't think this guy's beating me he doesn't have three stars I don't think this guy's beating me right thank [Music] you okay I'm far away from the syndra that's good we do not want to be next to syndra getting focused immediately the thresh is the thresh is completely in the wrong position like just doing some garbage there oh he got an ionic spark H he got a dragon claw though which is good against my Silas of course useless against aelia though and that's all that matters I think we have Giant Slayer on aelia he's going to kill everything nice okay we got top three which is already good right weird freaking comp I'm thinking about just going level 9 at level 10 but honestly like level 10 I just add the girl I don't think I can go level 10 right level 10 I just add the stupid girl man did that I really up player die the I really up player die it's uncontested I'll hit I'll hit bro I I have to roll I'll hit and I probably don't even go level 10 this game like I'm just adding saraka which is good but like I still need a new Riven if I roll for Riven at 10 it's impossible right let's move I've got people I mean surely I'll get one Riven [Music] right hello bro I need a Riven a brother man I need a ribbon Legends are told in word you freaking piece of garbage man I don't have heal reduction right brother I need one ribbon like one are you are you good are you good brother man come on man just give me one ribbon I I have a death plate on a ribbon bro let me moove the freaking death blade you freaking idiot and the blood thirster allel coming what the freak is this oh I need one rivon man okay I mean this is good this is good no one has a ribbon by the [Music] way okay we're not getting focused by uh the AOS immediately he has three star AOS now he might beat me he has Ascension as well but I mean even if I lose this fight I'm about to have double two star right I hope I win it though because it's more comfy to have 32 Health right in case we lose one because of positioning nice we're losing we're winning so easily by the way we're winning so easily bro I mean it's not super easy I'm locked okay boom boom and GG guys ribbon oh man br blood thirster on on on freaking rakan would also be insane with with this much health right I mean we win the game for free right we win the game for free now no probably he's not moving that was a cool game no why beat on rakan is he like an AP Bruiser yes is a huge AOE this does a lot of AOE magic damage he does not have he's not a cc unit like he usually is he's not a support he's a melee AP carry he's a burst carry he does a ton of damage yeah I mean it doesn't look impressive here because the fight is over so fast with to s what the freak is this adds a completed item to each unit what am I going for I could go [Music] hurricane I'll go this freaking I have my death plate freak this freak this stupid ribbon I have have my death plade bro who needs Riven I freak it I'll still roll for Riven because the game is almost over I can't I can't reach level nine I can't reach level 10 I found like 15 I really us no ribbons do I just go hge on rakan I don't really want to go hge on rakan that that makes me mad I don't want to go hge on rakan guys I do not really want to go H and raan freak it Hodge on Riven freak it man freak it Riven freak it freak it bro man God speed Riven the rarest unit in the game freak it you're my carry now you piece of garbage just dies instantly the the the guy is always full HP by the way see now the raan did a lot the guy's always full [Music] HP Riven Riven man Riven bro Riven you're a piece of garbage you know that you are all right so this guy is strong this guy just beat he just hit two star a zero which he didn't have he's going for three star elaoi which I should probably deny I'm just sitting here rolling for Riven like a freaking idiot I mean we won right we we win those we win those guys we win those guys we do right I mean Ascension was the best thing I could have gotten though I think Ascension was by far the best thing I could have gotten yeah ooh he almost killed my uh Silas with the damage he has right oh he's going to die to AOS he died to AOS GG only one ribbon was found the entire game guys the rarest unit in the game uncontested deserved not really subscribe recation Bell if you enjoy these TFT videos also make sure to leave an algorithmic comment and an algorithmic like down below to support this video in algorithm so I can get some more views and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: shurkou TFT
Views: 82,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T4JV5KYaI94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 26sec (2126 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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