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[Music] and then welcome to bite size piano so in this tutorial I'm going to go over a couple of different ways to really help you get to know your chords and the notes within the chords and just to try and make these exercises sound a little bit cool as well so that you'll actually want to go and practice them so there's two different things we're going to do we're going to play the diatonic chords with in C major and then we're going to go show you different ways you can practice them really good to know the cause and then we're going to switch it and use the diatonic chords of C minor though make it a little bit more tricky and a bit more challenging but really good practice to practice navigating in and out of the black and white keys and it's a bit more and I think this is where people tend to struggle a bit more and I'll show you which fingers you can use and just more technical aspects of it as well so if we go to the piano I will show you the first exercise so first of all we need to get a custom to what the diatonic chords are of C major now if you don't know what diatonic chords are I have done a whole separate video on this so please go and watch that and I have left that in the description below you need to really know a bit about that before we move on so I'll be talking about diatonic chords of this scale we're going to just play through first of all the diatonic chords of C major I'm gonna do this in both hands and but you're welcome to do it hand separately first do we have C major I move my other fingers out of the way just using just forming chords using the notes of the scale of C major which is just all the white notes D minor as major G major a minor B diminished back to C major so that in itself is a really good exercise to practice maintaining that hand position so and also playing in unison with both of your hands might keep your hands in that position and just moving a lot one at a time so what we're going to do now is we are going to pick apart each of those course are formed using the notes of the scale of C major and we're going to play through the inversions of all of those cards so for example let's take C major to show you in the right hand starting from here I've done a whole video on inversions as well explaining what they are in depth and so basically inversion is just where you play the three notes of the card and you take the bottom note each time put it on top and adding any extra notes you're just changing the order of those so we have position [Music] great first second vote first fragment so in terms of which fingers you would use for those inversions each inversion creates the same shape so 1 3 5 4 root position the right hand and then 1 2 5 4 first inversion and then 1 3 5 again for second inversion so we're going to do that with every chord so that's C major and what you could do as well is just maybe play a single just the root note in the left hand and play the inversions in the right hand and we're going to do it in 3 times you're going to emphasize the first of every 3 so [Music] a minor F major three G major all right a minor all right and be diminished [Music] and back to C and then you can try it in the left hand so do it the opposite so play the root in the right hand first 1 2 3 - 3 D minor - three F major G major two three a minor three be diminished one to C major so then once you've become a bit more comfortable that we are now going to try breaking up those chords in those inversions and this is where it's going to start and being a little bit more technical and you're going to really know the notes within the chords well and it would also be good ideas just to simply say the notes as you play them to really enforce the notes so let's go back to piano and I will now show you the second exercise so I'm just going to teach you a broken chord we'll do for three beats in a bar you're gonna play those through the inversions of all the diatonic chords again but this time we're gonna break up so using the same fingers so one three five come back one two e25 come back onto g3p down so do that again you can stop anywhere you want so if you do the same thing again so keeping them the root note held down in the left hand [Music] D minor I am using the pedal hotel we don't have to use the pedal major G major a minor lastly be Dinesh [Music] so as someone that was out too sharp I was just repeating that pattern up and down the piano so we can do the same in the left hand now [Music] e-minor F major do you major a minor you damaged [Music] finish it however you want so now we're going to try it for in groups of four so you go one two three five so create the movement in your wrist if you have smaller hands to help you move shape with your wrist so you can use your three or four whichever is most comfortable you could practice coming going up and then prices coming down coming down you just going through playing the next note of the chord to come down [Music] we playing three notes of the Triad [Music] site same pattern because it's all the white notes once you've got the hang of C major the rest of them kind of fall into place F major G major me damaged so that it gets practicies in both hands so I'm going to give you a cop aggression so we're going to use the first chord of C major the fifth chord the third card and a fourth chord so you could have a go at breaking up these courts so maybe you could play the chord in the left hand D major a minor [Music] F major so now I'm going to switch to C minor it's gonna do C harmonic come on I'll just briefly explain what that is for those who don't know so C minor is has three flats B flat a flat B flat that's C natural minor but to make this a bit more interesting we're going to use the harmonic minor so the harmonic minor you sharpen the seventh note so the beef right is actually going to become a B so C harmonic minor sounds like this and we're gonna use a diatonic chords of the scale of C homelike minor it just gives us a bit more variation a lot of classical music particularly that romantic style music uses a harmonic minor so we're going to do the same exercises as we did for C major so just playing through the diatonic chords first so I've got C minor this time and then we have D diminished and then e-flat Augmented F minor G major a flat major [Music] and then be diminished so it gives you a bit more of an odd job of chords a bit of a mix of course if you want major and minor as well as diminished and augmented so let's do similar thing what we did so I'm gonna play the chords and play through in verges and then you can play that again d diminished that again it's an e augmented [Music] G major again F flat a flat major not again to be diminished [Music] so again we could also break up these cards I'm just going to give you a cool chord progression so we're going to pick out the 1st 3rd 2nd and 5th cos C minor harmonic so that gives us C minor E flat major D diminished G major so you could have doing this D diminished and then to G major you you could try breaking up the chords as well just like we did before in triplets you [Music] you cannot call supplies exercises to any scale that you enjoy playing try to use a range of different scales so number chords come from scales it's really important that you you do still practice your scales as well so practicing the scales is also really practicing chords as well so let me know in the comments which exercise you enjoyed which ones you're going to carry through in your playing and your warm-up routine and if you're going to use any any composition as well so as we know some of them sound quite epic and kind of sound quite beautiful please make sure you subscribe I would love to have you here learning from my piano tutorials so that's the end of the video I hope you enjoyed it and that it's useful if you actually repent at or a request you need to click on this video which takes you through to my official request space you do need to be subscribed all requests are noted in considered so I look forward to seeing you over there
Channel: Bitesize Piano
Views: 319,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to play chords on piano, how to practise piano chords, how to play piano chords, piano chord exercises, bitesize piano, piano chords tutorial, the best way to practise chords, piano chords for beginners, chord practise exercises
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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