The Best Way to Learn as an Android Developer!

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Salam friends and welcome back to channel in this video I'm going to share with you the best technique in my opinion when it comes to learning as a developer and as a software engineer I'm going to demonstrate this as an Android developer but this can apply to any industry let's get started so simply this skill is about reading other people's code this it reading other people's code like other forms of learning are good for example learning from such a video for example learning from materials from documentation learning from articles can also learn from books but as a developers we can also learn from code by reading other people's code in Android word luckily there are many open source application okay and I'm not talking about open source so you can contribute to it well you can do that but also you can see like production R application what they are using the patterns the architecture the library that are there like many things are going to see some few examples and demonstrate how you can do such a learning okay so the first example I'm Shar in which is now in Android now in Android is a fully functional Android application built entirely on cing and Jetpack compos the beauty is that it is maintained by some Google developers that's a good thing has many contribution of course and they try to use all the new things in Android so this is really compatible project in which you can learn many many things when it comes to Android this is good application that demonstrate some room stuff some Network stuff some work manager stuff like many things so what you can can do usually I try to load the project in Android Studio so I can do good navigation okay let's say for example in this session of learning I want to see how they are using the work manager I can do double shift and search for work manager okay so there is work manager s workor manager actually this is s manager okay I'm talking about instance okay this is the S worker and then I can see how they are doing this thing they are using coutin workers like I can see what they are using in the real production application this is pretty crucial all right so you can see the pattern they are using how you are how they are giving dispatchers for example here they're giving dispatchers with something inhal we know as custom qualifiers they are doing another approach that I didn't uh use before which is to create an enom yeah exactly enom and also dispatcher annotation previously if you saw one of my old videos I create dispatcher for everything for default I create an annotation something called iio dispatcher annotation and also default stuff like that but I think this approach is much better so I can do this refractor so you can see just by looking to something you can get a new pattern and you can apply it into your Android application while this is not for Android only you can use this technique in almost everything okay Beauty in Android Community we have many many uh op s application and production ready application what you can do also you can see for example the length here you can see some of the lenting they are using for example they are using design system detector for example this is the first thing you can see a module called lint maybe you don't know even what is a lint okay that way they can give you a patn or something you can Ser for what is linting this is a detector check for incorrect usage of composed material API over equivalent now in Android design system so this is custom thing you can see how they are implementing it how it is used and stuff like that this is pretty awesome like they can teach you something called lenting right you can see that they have many modules here for example the core have many modules also features have many modules so you can notice that there are extensive use of multimodule Android application so this also can give you perspective and insights on how maybe to build your Android applications all right so you can check for example the data or the database you can see how they are using the database for example here they are using room exactly you can see they using migrations maybe you can already check how they are doing certain migrations like this is compatible and integral Android application all right you can notice what they are doing for the architecture the whole architecture how they are deploying and using features for example one simple screen one simple view model how they are doing their test for example this is also a cool thing how they are testing their view model how they giving the test for example they they need sync manager this is the sync manager they are using Okay test sync manager you can notice this is a fake like as I said this is pretty pretty awesome thing what I try to do usually for example if this is a new project I try to open the Android application see certain screens and from those screens for example I can search the strength and go to the containing activity and see how they are doing certain stuff okay this is pretty awesome you can open the Android application uh try to go here and there and then decide what you want to learn specifically in that application if something interests you can see how they are doing the navigation for example you can see the the way they are structuring like many this is Google sample so you can take things from here uh a lot of people try to follow the same pattern they are doing here in in a okay for example you can see how they are managing their build confidential like sharing logic between uh build configuration for like they have many many libraries right let's say I want to change a Target SDK for everything it will be tedious but luckily they are having an Android Library convention and here I believe they are having Target SDK see that's the beauty for bu logic but what I'm saying is not talking about the build logic feature but how they are using it they can give you insights like how to use the feature okay this is one example of many Android application I'm going to share with you some of the Android application I also try to check whenever I try to learn something from the Android Community okay so there is the well-known Mozilla Firefox the Mozilla Firefox is a well-known Android application and lot of people don't know that this is an open source project okay this is here in the fix I think and here you can go and learn about Firefox for Android of course you have to download the application and check what other the features so maybe you are interested on how they are doing pism inside new tabs for example network configuration stuff like that uh they have for example specific lint rules as we saw in lint rules previously of course you have to download the project and check like they have specific linting you can check lenting for example you can also check some of the automation they are doing you can also check their GitHub actions for example let's say you want to learn how they are deploying how they are testing how like many things for example just learning about something called true request laborer okay you can notice that there is certain stuff here like many things as I said this is production R uh application okay so you can check what are the practices they are doing in a production ready application so this is really learning from the industry itself okay you only need to know how to navigate into this kind of applications and see what is your goal and what you are trying to learn okay another famous application which is VLC for Android VLC is also a common Android application uh I use previously but vfc is one of the open source project you can check okay this updated last week for example there is in gitlab here I don't know for the application you can check there are many uh things there television module for example you can check what is this module about what they are doing for certain test there is no test here actually okay you can check what they are doing in the UI I think they're still using Okay presenter activity I think they are still using the old uh what you call it uh fragments uh XML stuff like that still you can learn many things from such application how they are loading the data how they are loading the music and similar stuff this is VC another famous application which is D.O this is actually a browser okay and you can notice that this is a famous browser this is private browser they are known for their uh privacy and this is really a big open source project like you can see the number of modules and here you can check the redmi file and you can check the different modules and actually yeah they are hiring this is an opportunity for hiring for Android developer you can maybe get a chance to check what is the code they are doing here maybe you can uh I don't know like uh this is up to you of course so you can go to common for example and then you can go to Common UI and this is as I said opportunities are endless you can check how they are doing certain stuff okay this is the activity they are using they are still using I don't know if they are using compose or not yeah this is also one good thing you can do actually you can go like this is you can do it for all applications you can go let's say I'm going back here you can go directly to the lips and see what libraries they are using okay so by seeing what libraries they are using for example they're using Google truth this is a testing library but let's pretend I don't know it what I will do I will search for it right when I search for it I will discover that this is library for testing for assertion similar stuff so I gain a new tool that is production ready because it is used here at this project the in Android or you can see what they are using in dcto or other application and I can start using it okay they are using or vary for screenshot testing retrofit this is famous for example what other stuff they are using room Firebase okay what for the plugins what they are using for example secret Gradle this is cool one actually robarazzi of course graph assertion like certain stuff for for sure you want know everything so this is opportunity to learn that's the thing I'm telling about this is an opportunity to learn so try to see what the things you don't know so this represent a great potential for the things you don't know so you can learn them because these are a kind of production ready application okay so this will be dependent this is big Android application actually so you can notice that they have many many modules for sync module only they have sub modules okay maybe are interested in the sync maybe are interested in the Privacy maybe you are interested in how they are protecting their Network API as I said the opportunities are endless and you can check and decide for yourself all right this is for duck Duo there is podex which is also a new one by uh by SkyV this is famous developer cre developer developed this Android application with compose I think compose let me check there is variation of compose and variation of the view system I think you can check this profile has many Android application uh you can check it podex is the one mod Android developer I think they are using compos or not yeah exactly there is a compos repository here this is the compos and this is the other one this is also great Android application to learn from another one is stream shot this is kind of from the same developer the get stream right so they are sharing how they are doing this kind of uh UI and also how they are using the stream shatting in order to implement such a thing this also a great application to learn from there is another application which is famous one I don't know if you know it or not this is mega mega is an Android application for this kind of like Google Drive so this is the Android application the problem is that when you are launching this kind of application you can't run the application because this dependent on the back end but you can load the application and try to manipulate you can manipulate the real application check some strings search into the application where this string is used and then go to the activity and try to learn about it okay as I said opportunities are endless you can take for example look at their gradal file how they are doing certain things in Gradle okay this is a catalog for example plug-in version luckily this is co thing they are separating their to file I didn't know previously that you can separate the th file for plugin separately for Google versions like this is an awesome thing actually okay they're using the compan here the Firebase gson Health Okay Google crypto T this is a new library for me actually so as I said this is production R application so the opportunities to learn anything are endless let's do one final application which is EV wallet this is actually cool Android application of simple wallet it's Wallet Manager all right so you can go here to the Play Store to download the application and uh notice it yourself for example you may be interested how they are doing the UI how the backand calls are implemented and similar stuff for this project particularly I was interested in uh this one in the workflows they are using they are having some kind of good workflows for example uh workflow for detect uh this is cool one actually uh workflow for paparazzi screenshot testing having workflow for APK generation similar stuff deployment if there is a deploy they're having compos stability reports this is also cool thing they don't have a deploy I don't know where it's deploy CI action test the first interaction with this repository for me was F workflow so as I said opportunities are endless just grab one android application try to see the code try to see what you are interested in learning see what API they are using what libraries uh the pattern they are using architecture pattern how they are using certain Android specific features and believe me this will have the biggest Airy on your career and your Android Development Career okay as I said this is not only to Android development you can do it in any almost any other field just try to see what are the famous open source projects I don't want you to contribute to it I want you to understand the the project how they are doing stuff so you can do with for your own learning then if you notice that there is an opportunity community of uh improving something improving performance improving some test like anything this is this also will represent a cool contribution of the community so you'll be known for your contribution Al lar developers are known only for their uh contribution to open source project so this is it for this video thanks a lot for watching this video the end I put all the links Down Below in the description if you have other production application like that share with us a repository in the comments below thank you very much and see you in the next videos Salam
Channel: Charfaoui Younes
Views: 1,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: android tutorial, android clean code, android model view view model, android mvvm, android, studio, development, dev, app, data, views, jetpack, library, explained, explain, how to, guide, tutorial, kotlin, java, mobile, splash, screen, fetch data, network, animate, animation, compose, api 31, api, android 12, api 21, splash screen, android splash screen, splash screen android studio
Id: XWcwNK28Sk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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