The BEST way to cook BLUE CRABS! Nobody is doing this! (Trap n Cook)

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all right guys so I'm out here on the St John's river now I'm going to put some traps in for blue crabs this is our first try for blue crabs this year and we're out here in what is essentially fresh water in the blue essentially fresh water in the St John's river and the crabs that come out of the fresh water are so much sweeter but I got my traps and I've got some frozen pogies here that me and Crystal netted up the other day yall saw that we're going to go ahead bait up I'm going to put five traps we're going to give them 3 4 days and see what we got I'm in 10 to 15t of water and we're going to start dropping traps y'all now like I said I'm about 10 to 15t of water I got 20ft ropes and since I was out at the river I thought I'd do a little fishing y'all I'm not lying to you I just caught one my very first try this is something I've never done before look at that awesome bluegill right there big old copper headed bluegill beautiful fish first spot I tried uh and and i' I've heard about people coming out and doing this but I've never actually seen them do it big old Fat Blue Gill I'm super stoked on that now I don't know if that was for beginner's luck or not but I was I was figuring I'll just see if I'd catch one first before I started filming so what I'm going to do is just flip that bad boy up under there I see looks like it's already getting tapped I think let's see big old red breast nice that's the second one off this dock here I think that's a red breast I'm not a not a seasoned uh freshwater dude just trying new stuff today but what I'm doing is taking all I had was night crawlers I think I'd rather have the smaller worms but I got a little piece of Nightcrawler course this is all tangled up hold on and I've got little gold hook I don't know if you guys can see that and hook in the little hooking the little piece of worm on there I've got a couple small split shots and a bobber and AKA strike indicator and I'm just flipping it up under these docks and kind of letting it drift under it seems like I get hit when it gets under there good one on oh yeah it's a nice fish oh it's a catfish that's why I got a good one I thought this was like rmzilla old it's like a buttercat get that hook out but little old buttercat might be a channel cat actually again I'm not an expert on River stuff it was fighting though I thought I had the bluegill of a Lifetime well after hitting a few more docks that day I never did find the bluegill like I'd hoped but I'm back for my crabs all right y'all it's 5 days soak got Cody out here you guys remember him from the Mahi video we're going to go pull these blue crab traps see what we got first trap folks let's see what we got oh yeah loaded we got we got crabs okay well three three I like a better average than that but we got one nice one in there two eaters maybe one throwback hey empty them Let's uh let's empty them right into this cooler uhoh that's a good crab right there Angry Crab but we're putting them right on the cooler and Ice that'll chill them out so that they don't try to kill us when we're cooking them pulling up on numero do what we got what we got now we we plan to eat crabs this afternoon so we need to get some crabs come on oh yeah look at that huge crab dude good dude now a that's what we're talking about that's a pot right there that one right there is probably 7 in across his back we got 1 2 3 4 5 six seven that's the kind of average I like to see put them right into the coola they're so much easier to get out than stone crabs man them stone crabs will fight you come on buddy he don't want to go oh he's going he likes the river he's going and we're stacking the pots I got to go back to work on Tuesday so these traps are going back to the yard pot number three folks come on crab yeah come on smells like crabs oh oh ah four five five ain't bad hey empty that bait out first so we don't get it all over the boat perfect that one was loaded with bait I think maybe I soaked them too long and some of the crabs are crawling out but life gets busy we've been offshore fishing and having all kinds of fun he's going to fight you number four uh-oh who's driving this thing this one needs to be loaded this feels it feels heavy one two three but they're big crabs mhm big old Jimmy crabs huh missing a fall yeah that sucks you go empty your bait that way you don't shake it all over your boat I did no it's all good crabbing is a a dirty dirty thing if you don't want your boat to get dirty you probably shouldn't crab which is why I'm building that Carolina ski boat in my yard right now so I don't use the bay booat for crabbing anymore we getting there that looks like a meal to me one trap to go last trap usually I set 10 but I just felt like doing five this last time I went out was trying to catch some bluegill thought if I'm going to be at the river I to put some traps in what we got oh couple not the greatest crabon I've ever been on might just be in a bad part of the river but we got enough to eat we also got a bunch of grouper and Mahi from the other day so crabs and Mahi one two three four five I mean shoot there's five or six in there hey we got dinner not too shabby look how angry that crab is I've said it before you lucky them things don't get any bigger than now they kill you so I love being out here at the river man just doesn't really get any better and like I said earlier these are freshwater crabs very little salinity in this water and uh they are super super sweet but got them loaded up taking them back on home and uh tonight Cody and Stacy are going to come over this afternoon and we're going to cook us up some crabs maybe some shrimp maybe some grouper I don't know all right y'all so we got us a cooler full of CBS here and I've been icing them we've definitely done better before but for five traps that's pretty good there's at least two dozen in there and I'm going to clean these things up look that one wants to kill me right there I'm going to clean these things up for barbecuing so I'll show you how I do that real easy got a big male Jimmy here he's a little rusty um what I do is just pop their back like that and come in here and pull their gills off I called them lungs one time and people lost their minds then pull their little face area off and you got the innards there best way to do that just take a garden hose like that and go ahead and spray it on out what you end up with is a beautiful crab now what I'm going to do is like I said I'm going to barbecue these and we got a really delicious basting sauce that we're going to put them on put on them but start working through these things it's going to take me a minute but that is will put them right to sleep they don't fill a thing it's like that those are out Bing bam boom all right so we got them beautiful blue crabs went out and got those this morning and we're going to char grill them or grill them but what I have here is Roose roasted garlic that's about three heads we'll squeeze another head in there because you can never have too much roasted garlic you know that's right and then excuse me I have stick and a half of melted butter and we're going to go our roasted garlic right into that melted butter and I just looked at it I felt like that's a lot of garlic but we're all going to have bad breath after this so mix that in we're going to add the juice of one lime now what this is is going to be my basting sauce so as I'm grilling those crabs I'm going to keep basting them and if you look at the crabs they have like a pre-made little hole where all the guts usually are well that's where the basting sauce goes while they're on the grill and it just Cooks into that meat and makes for a delicious uh sauce so mix that up keep mixing and then I have this is homemade datle sauce from Harold you guys have seen this bottle before I'm going to put like that much and some Cajun seasoning you know I like Kay Fred's Cajun seasoning go in with that and then it's just basically to taste I'm going to mix this up taste it see if it's got enough seasoning in it if it doesn't I'll put a little bit more kay Fred in there I'm also going to split this in half so I'll base the crabs but I'll also have some for dipping while we're eating I think that needs more datle sauce let's check it out you just got it in your beard and now it's on your shirt it's good it's got a little bit of a kick to it so there it is that is our grilled crab basting sauce looks delicious so we out here playing with the slock master blow gun Cody's about to order one he's been wreaking havoc on the squirrels but we're we're putting these crabs on right now so oh here you want me to hold this you do the thing okay I've just got the grill set on low and we got our blue crabs we're going to go ahead go on with them I don't want to you can overcook them real quick but I also don't want to cook them like too fast so I just got it set on low are they all going to fit I hope so cuz we got to grill that Mahi too I'll probably have to pull them off and then do the Mahi and then perect I've got that basing sauce I was talking about and that roasted garlic like emulsified it so each crab has like its own little natural spot right there you get that sauce down in there and it Cooks down into the meat as they're going it's like a little cavity it's made for it it's like that we were supposed to do this I'm going to have it all over my shirt by the end of the night how about that here come feeding bubble cam oh now I I I done look at them I'm going to they're almost done I'm going to flip them one time just to get get some flavor on that side mhm so are you ready oh yeah look at them all it gets all bubbly in there and amazing so good smell it mhm I know what should a smell it yeah right I think the real trick is just not to not to overdo them yeah true I'm just going to give it like a minute on that side then flip them over and base them one last time go ahead and flip these back over yeah their little legs are getting all crispy that's just cuz the legs stick down through the grapes and they get hot but luckily for us you don't eat the tips of the legs you might I'm not going to you might you might Marlin will Marlin definitely will okay so we're putting the crabs on the pretty plate not the aluminum plate even though everybody here hates doing dishes all that delicious bubbly crab and garlic and butter no way that's bad what do you got right there babe twice baked potatoes with what in them uh bacon and blue cheese and butter those look amazing chedd cheese on top we have some shrimp we've been eating on those those are boiled uh oakill shrimp extra dipping sauce and I'm putting this Mahi on right now all right guys so it's another tug trash Sunday dinner we've got these delicious grilled Blue Crabs we got those shrimp uh crystals potatoes some grilled mahi and a fresh salad and we got my mom Cody Stacy of course Bianca and Crystal but uh laugh we got mullet we got mullet this is his favorite out here cuz he gets up on that so we're going to try one of these grilled up crabs bust them in half like that you got that back little swimmer right there you kind of just work on that oh man really dude never fails try to film something every time neighbor SI start trimming his bushes dogs bark and then just push that whole lump out like that yeah good stuff that is good stuff right there how's the sauce it's delicious look at that what do you think that's amazing yeah those are all mine stuff what are you going to eat yeah we need go get the crab crackers potatoes so did you get those crabs and traps yeah that's the money meat right there dip it yes oh yeah delicious that is so good the fish is amazing we're going to dig in here this probably be a short video I hope you guys enjoyed it and we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Tug Trash Outdoors
Views: 103,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yZKT2qA5UoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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