The best way to be successful in 2022 | Compass Real Estate Keynote

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because if you're in the game of being around in 10 years you have to understand what's coming up the ranks these are 15 17 19 year olds that aren't lazy that are not entitled that are not soft they have options this is not about they don't want to work this is about i'm 16 and i make 250 000 a year on youtube ads this is i'm 22 and i could just do makeup on tick tock and make 110 000 a year sorry mom i don't want to go work at some place for forty five thousand a year this is not they're soft this is they're smart you've got your perspective i just wanna be happy don't you want to be happy [Music] uh it's really fun to be back on stage um just starting to get back on the road i think this is my fourth talk since uh covid so really excited to be with you and super excited to be with you because when i think about this industry and the opportunities within it what's going on in the marketplace right now in most parts of the country and then for me what's kind of going on at a global level with human beings and their relationship with technology and the opportunities that exist it's interesting to be here because obviously this brand is more aggressive than so many other entities from a technology standpoint in this space which really kind of connects for me because my background really does sit in the cross-sections of technology or personal brand small business you know regional business so i was giving a lot of thought to what i wanted to cover in this talk today and i think i'm going to break it down into a couple places and now with a sixth book coming out uh it was supposed to be out yesterday but some of you might have saw i did an nft marketing campaign for this book and we sold 1.2 million copies so they couldn't print them fast enough so we pushed it two weeks thank you that wasn't a humble brag i didn't need the class but you're very sweet it was it was more of setting up the context of what i just wrote about in 12 and a half but it's actually this is actually perfect this is luck i want to basically talk to you about 12 and a half and i want to talk to you about jab jab jab right hook the 2022 version i think the 2022 landscape of real estate is extremely fascinating for me i think the ogs in this room and even the youngsters may realize because of kovid we have such unique things to try to figure out of what is this market right whether it's growth or decline or how there's just so many unique dynamics that a global pandemic created that are unusual to look at in even a 50 or 100 year window so i think we can all imagine and i'm sure this is what you spend a ton of your time on is like well what's the market really going to be like right and and to me the thing that i've been most passionate about in my career and i think i'm most proud of 25 years into operating is that regardless of what the market has been i've been able to be successful the market threw me for a loop for my premium wine business that focused on wall street in 2001 when 911 happened and that entire ecosystem literally was devastated and so i had to adjust to that the market was incredibly difficult to navigate in 2008 and nine with the recession and again i was very much in the premium wine business kind of hard to sell 800 bottles of wine when the entire economy is collapsing and i was starting vayner media so that was super interesting 09 and and onwards and onwards at onwards and we will all go through that and then obviously you know for this market after he got off the initial hump there was incredible opportunity in real estate with covid not so much for my business vayner got very caught because we were not small enough or not big enough for any government support so i got zero dollars and zero cents to navigate the last 18 months with my companies uh which to be very transparent is the best you know um i uh people people love capitalism and entrepreneurship but when it gets super hard they always want the government's help and i laugh at that um yeah please don't give me that affirmation because i'll spend 40 minutes on this subject matter um [Music] i think a lot about the people in this audience because i think about context i think about why would you even want to be associated with this company what is the value prop what are you doing like why are you doing that versus something else a competitor of theirs or doing it yourself that's why i'm so passionate about jab jab right hook this company from afar i haven't really triple checked under the hood so i'm speaking in headline reading from a technology standpoint is clearly committed and because i know enough about the competitive landscape from a technology standpoint which is almost non-existent i'm going to make assumptions that they're winning for you on that moat what i also know back to what i the joke i just made about the government helping is if you are not the queen and the king of your domain of brand building and marketing nobody's gonna help you no matter how much they try no matter how much tom ferry no matter how much you watch my content it doesn't matter if you are not actually actually i'm thrilled to hear the uh framework for this talk or 2022. in a no excuses way it's incredibly important we spend a lot of time on what i want to talk to you about if you signed up for this company or any other company for that matter and you believe that is the engine to your marketing and your brand building you're in for a rude awakening it's just not gonna happen and i don't say that as a negative i think there are macro things this logo and seven or eight others in this space do carry clout when you put it over your name and you are more considered in your local market like that i believe i believe in the macro brand but my curiosity and what i'm focused on and as i look at this room and think about this brand in this ecosystem so i'm making assumptions of a lot of the people that decided to jump on board here what excites me is it speaks to a level of innovation and ambition that is a competitive advantage at least for me looking at it from afar against your competitive set like if you jump if you're here you're slightly different in my opinion that you chose this brand than the other options you could have had don't clap yet because it's because this is what i want to talk about because it could be epic or it could actually be the vulnerability of 2022 which is why i want to talk to you about it it could be epic because you're more innovative you're more progressive you're this that and the other thing it could be a vulnerability if you're over relying on the company's branding and aggressiveness and are assuming it's yours and for all the things i do the majority of my time is spent listening my flight to orlando yesterday three hours just reading 41 different hashtags and every comment everybody had about it my flight from orlando to here yesterday reddit and 4chan groups and facebook groups to get a sense i did a ton of homework on many of you in here and the content that you put out it was enjoyable it was enjoyable because it was affirmation for me once again of how much people don't understand social media not as i'm professor and you stink i mean it honestly this isn't this is just an important combo it's not like you don't get it i get who gives a crap let me just tell you an observation that is predicated on the people in here's content on social which is the following the lack of patience in actually building relationship on social see my thing with real estate agents and firms is really fascinating in real life there's actually an incredible level of patience and relationship building going on with the people that win you're all good to get in there with the pta you're awesome at some softball coaching you're really good at girls night at with wine at the pizza thing on thursday you're cultivating you're romancing you're flirting on social you're like a drunk dude at a bar last night slipping a key off of a hello i got in last night i saw some of you listen to me 99 of the content in social forget about real estate the industry you know i have 2 000 people globally we have all sorts of data scientists nerds that can't even look you in the face because they only care about math all the stuff that you can imagine and we look at this stuff this is what i do for a living this is what i do 99 of the content that is put out on social is dramatically and inherently selfish it doesn't land there's too much it's just supply and demand if you're just posting another picture of a beautiful house there are 73 000 of those on instagram and linkedin and twitter we're not good at it the variable of success in 2022 in the real estate industry is being good at it this is very important there are ogs in this crowd who have dominated their local market for 15 years relationship on relationship on relationship who are starting to lose market share to first-year rookies because first-year rookies know how to make a tick-tock yeah this is important and rookies don't get high in yourself you're doing a lot of dumb too all right [Applause] some of you rookies need to learn the basics of actually how to do a contract but we'll get into that later and this is the point listen to me i want to help this room because i don't usually get a full hour usually it's q a i'm like god damn it an hour keynote how am i going to fill this i'm like i might as well go deep so we're going to go deep please if you remember anything from this talk think purple let me explain what i mean by that what the reactions and the energies that just happened is there's this fascinating thing this is the beautiful thing about being a listener and as some of you may know my sister has entered this business three years ago so i'm double listening because i love her more than anything so i'm paying attention even more there's this incredible tension and conversation and just macro energy of the youth movement versus the ogs because of technology before it was just the ogs you had to pay your dues and for the ogs i have a lot of empathy i had to pay my dues too like you don't think i'm mad that i didn't have the internet and the blockchain when i was 15 i would have owned the jets by 19. but the ogs need to understand you don't control when timing is you're mad that these kids have facebook and can speed it up well guess what your great great grandmother's mad at you that you had running water like you know things like things change it's okay right so but what we have to do is the following i am fascinated that so many people that are players in their market have an advantage of history and reputation and word of mouth are allowing the rookies to take up so much of the attention and the real estate i'm fascinated by it it comes out of your audacity it comes out of your audacity i understand you're the queen bee of sacramento but technology doesn't care about you and it's happening and i'm watching it happen on the flip side for the rooks you a lot of them are moving too fast and are relying just on the notion of social content and are making missteps on the stake of the game of sizzle and steak and so there's a lot going on but the reality is and everybody knows it here you can stumble through your first five six seven eight deals you're gonna learn that part how to do it and how to have partnerships and couple relationships it's the commodity we can razz on the rooks of like they stumbled there they didn't get it there or they missed up there you were rook too you made those same things you figured it out they're gonna figure it out the people in this room that are putting their head in the sand that they need to be putting out stick with me now seven to 12 pieces of content on social media a day uh-huh if you have basic ambition the people that have their head in the sand on that are going to lose that's the word i'm going to use what do i mean by lose i don't mean you're going out of business the market's hot the world's abundant nobody's real when you're mad at that person in town nobody's really taking your stuff like there's plenty of room for everybody i mean it's going to chip away day by day by day and market share is important especially when you're in this business and your market share is quote unquote somewhat limited the stakes are extremely high for the people in this room to actually figure out how to do social media content social media content along with ott netflix hulu are the dominant consumption tools of our society the end i watch people spend money on dumb because that's what got them there they're quick to spend 3k on a billboard because it makes their ego feel good because they drive by it but they won't run three thousand dollars in ads against localized tick tock content when the cost of the tick tock ads are so underpriced it makes me borderline uncomfortable and because we've seen this game with instagram and facebook it's just basic pattern recognition and people want to make assumptions that tic toc is 12 to 18 year olds when everybody in here knows that's not true i love when people are actually on tik tok themselves but then claim it's not good for their business because their age group's not on it yet they're on it 2022 is the single best year for a real estate agent and brokerage and team and firm and brand and compass because america's attention is more on social in 2022 than 2021 and social creative making the videos and pictures and the ads are dramatically underpriced compared to print radio television outdoor and benches that one hit if i if i could leave with anything i would leave with a macro commitment from the top the mezzanine in this floor a macro commitment to actually deploy the 25 hours of homework this is what i'm asking for i'm asking for 25 hours of homework from you i'm not looking for you to get motivated or compelled or potentially open to doing this and then deciding you're going to go home and you're going to hire your 23 year old niece because she gets this i need you to get it you have to understand it because if you don't you won't know how to judge your 23 year old niece or the person in the office that does it if you don't understand it you don't know how to judge it the reason i have so many people reach out to me and say gary this doesn't work is because they don't know how to do it they don't know how to judge it you know what doesn't work for me a screwdriver i'm serious give me a hammer and a screwdriver and i can't do that much with it i'm not overtly handy and so what people do is they blame the tools and the opportunity but not themselves and their capability what i'm looking for is 25 hours of actual homework how do you post a tick tock ad enter on google yeah people like gary so how do i do this i'm like go to google i know so much now google it's free right oh geez remember we had to go to the encyclopedia britannica 25 hours of homework so that you can post seven times a day on social media in 2022 who has even a glimpse of potentially wanting to do that raise your hand thank you not a very good number but i appreciate the self-awareness now let's talk about self-awareness let's talk about self-awareness and let's talk about what i'm talking about now because it's a pretty aggressive jump to go to seven posts a day versus once a week right i'm empathetic and by the way let me be very candace with this audience i could care less if you do it i don't know who you are and i actually don't care about you so i don't have any feelings or needs of you accomplishing this i genuinely love when i get the email from somebody in here eight months from now saying i cannot believe this is working the way it is thank you so much that i get a huge high on but in real talk i'm leaving in 45 minutes i'm saying this to be historically correct for my own content that i'm gonna put out drock where are you hey drock right so this talk is for me if you're interested in getting the collateral benefit of it i really need you to get serious about this before you say no the biggest issue in entrepreneurship in business and just in life in general is this infatuation with no versus maybe this infatuation with no this concept of gary i've already tried we did that two years ago it didn't really work i didn't get enough leads this infatuation with well i'm comfortable on facebook but i don't like this tick tock thing i'm trying to get my daughter off of it what do i need it for this that any other thing the game of self-awareness is incredibly important in what i'm about to say for example i've been talking about for the last three years about linkedin quite a bit linkedin about five years ago really converted and i see by some head nods you know where i'm going it went from a tool that we would use to recruit or just spam people on email to a social network for all intensive purposes content content content by show of hands how many people here consume content on linkedin raise your hands raise it high i want everybody to see it higher thank you for the likes this is awesome one more time hi look how many people are consuming content on linkedin thank you everybody what what i love about linkedin is it gives people options in here let me explain linkedin is incredibly effective with just the written word linkedin is incredibly effective with just the written word i know that a lot of people in this room even though this is your profession are skewing more introverted aren't interested in being on camera are insecure about certain aspects the way they talk the sound of their voice the way they look i'm empathetic to that that's real that's very real to the conversation i'm having with you however if this audience understood how many people are actually getting leads from written words on linkedin it would be a different conversation this is why i talk about self-awareness you have to understand how you like to communicate some people have the gift of gab to do it on video and the comfort others really genuinely struggle with that but actually can talk and don't realize that they can just hit the memo button on their iphone record it save it and post the audio there is no rules for content creation the rules are very simple be self-aware of what you are good at or enjoy so that you can actually achieve the amount of output and then most importantly what i started with this industry has to find a better way to bring value than just telling people about the listing the jab jab jab of right hook was very simple talk about other things and then it's unbelievably okay once you've built up equity to ask aka post the listing you will close the listing your open house will be more attended if you've done a phenomenal job in actually bringing some level of value in your feeds the problem is everybody goes so literal i'm a real estate entity in this feed i'm going to talk about real estate what people don't realize is all the strengths that so many of you have in the real world are the strengths that you can have in content the thing that i really want to challenge this audience to think about is if you love golf or cooking or fishing that that should be a core component of your content strategy you can't post seven times a day if the only thing you want to talk about is your listing or joining your team you can when you decide to be in you know an actual human being so when we think through this framework of how we provide value we need to understand this now what gets really interesting for me is the no versus the maybe let me explain tick-tock right this second is a marketing phenomenon you can literally tonight because you thought this talk made some sense to you download tick tock for the first time how many people here do not have a tick tock account raise your hand stand up stand up stand up stand up stand up if you do not have a tick tock let's see it lights up there i got it good all right first first no keep standing back up back up dude thank you first let's clap it up for these patriots you could sit i can't believe i can't believe you do not have a tick tock after 15 years of this unacceptable we'll talk after the show let me tell you what's so cool about this for me this is wild i'm gonna go this is what's fun about having an hour for the ones that stood that are compelled out of curiosity to maybe make a play i want you to create a tick tock account after this talk tonight this evening when you create your account i want you to put your photo in i prefer it not be one of those atrocious linkedin pictures all of you have be human and in the bio you explain who you are including the real estate part but not only i then want you to put in the link the default link a link that is directly to your business right whatever your business best link is then i want your first tick tock to be something outrageously simple the glass of wine you're drinking the person you're with the meal you're having something whatever here is what is remarkable about tick-tock that we have not seen in the last 20 years tick-tock unlike every other platform is built actually excuse me tick-tock like tumblr years ago some memories is built on the interest graph not on the social graph you're not getting in your feed who your friends are or who your friends or friends are you're getting in the feed things that you like so if people like football and wine and jokes that's what their feed is the reason tick tock's doing so well is people are getting posts they want things they're interested in and so the interest graph is amazing because unlike the social graph where all of you remember when you went on twitter or facebook or instagram and you posted and you had to like text your four friends and ask them to like it because you felt so bad about yourself i know how humans roll on tick tock and this is what's so bananas about it and this will go away because it's all supply and demand of attention and as more ads are being run on tick tock and more people are producing content so this is all the same story these gray hairs come in handy i'm now on not intuition i'm here now on pattern recognition what's amazing about tik tock is that there's somebody in this room who literally right now does not have a tick tock account is going to post something ridiculous and is going to have 800 000 people see the video and one of them emailed them for a lead that's right what's crazy melissa and i appreciate your no is and i know like you're saying it from the like that's that's why i'm pumped that's why i'm saying it right now what's so wild is um the only other time we saw anything remotely like this was early early early facebook fan pages 2011 where you would post something and you'd be like why did so many people see it now i have a lot of empathy for the context of this room in a localized business if you're in denver you may not need your views in new jersey but referral game friends of friends there's a lot of real stuff going on in your business that if you're thoughtful about what i'm talking about you could take advantage if you do a little legwork early early facebook fan pages we're talking about 10 years now but the number of people whose first post get 5 10 15 000 views is remarkable it's absolutely remarkable and i couldn't compel you more to do it not because i'm a chinese spy [Laughter] i know you cynics not because vaynermedia does well with tick tock but because you have to is she okay she's good i'm proud of you that was fast execution do you need a job but because i'm trying to get all of you ready for the rest of your career let me explain how many people here likes again this is great i'm having fun how many people here by show of hands are retiring in the next 10 years and before you raise it i don't mean you're gonna crush it and buy a yacht i mean you're old and you're finished raise your hands 10 years raise it can i get the likes please raise your hands 10 years they are fair okay thank you let's clap it up we will let those 74 people slide for this next sentence for the rest of you ten years do you know how much technology changes have happened last ten years do you understand that almost everything we do from i mean if you if you look at your cliche 18 year old that lives on two core things tick tock and netflix they didn't even exist i mean netflix did but in a very different form cds to the house pretty cool those two things didn't even exist and this is where i need the ogs to hear to go back to the history books with me there are people in this room my friends for the youngsters in here under 30 under 30s make some noise you're gonna like this one under 30s there are people in this room who once said that they would never get a cell phone cause their pager was good enough let's go very vulnerable and honest by show of hands who in here was this person i'm never getting an iphone the blackberry has buttons and i need the buttons raise your hands raise it high by show of hands while we've got the lights who in here said i'm never getting either one of the following a facebook a twitter an instagram and now has one raise your hands raise them high own it my career is completely predicated on one hyper thesis i have intuition from the luck of my parents having sex at the right moment that's true i have intuition that allows me to understand what all of you are gonna do when you think you're not gonna do it this is the crux of what i want to talk about today with you both on the marketing side as i've been and in a few minutes on the management and team side i need everybody here to leave today with at least the seed of maybe kinda sorta and i am not naive and incredibly self-aware and very in tune to how this may be entertaining and you might have gotten a laugh and it might be curious but you are viscerally against the concept that i'm throwing down as i said earlier that is incredibly fine but let there be no confusion the data is extremely clear market share amongst real estate agents in local towns are shifting completely predicated on the ability to be good at social media [Applause] now you may be more than happy with how much you make and have eight years seven years nine years and you're like screw it if i make a little bit less i'm still good and that's amazing that's actually awesome do you but if you're interested i mean it like you know i i think people are very confused at times like if you make 12 an hour and you're pumped you won life most of my millionaire friends are miserable as but if you have a sake or an interest in growing market share in your place there is nothing else this logo can do a lot but not the thing we're talking about you've got to make the content you you've got to talk about why your local town is awesome i said this at a tom ferry event i was here 10 years ago become the mayor of your town with your content if you make content of why this subway you know burger shop is the best that might just catch someone's eye and that becomes a legion if you're the person that reviews the school on video form in facebook groups or on a tick tock that might be the gateway drug to the business that you're looking for content on social has become a requirement of growth not an option it's clear and again you don't need to do it but it's really the conversation to be had and i hope you guys take it a little just a hair more serious and i hope for the people that remember they did well on facebook or instagram but then the organic reach went down and you're not doing as well for who here had a good run with either facebook group or instagram but then felt the effects of the reach going down and are not doing as well as they've done at their prime time in their careers raise your hands so for that group because you've already tasted what i've talked about you must immediately get serious about tick-tock immediately yesterday let's move on thank you for that chapter of this talk how many people here have employees underneath them raise your hand what have employees underneath them people that work for them reason higher people are so scared with hands thank you for that crowd and for the other crowd but we're going to start with that crowd there's something that i've been spending a long time in my mind on but it was back here it was in my subconscious i didn't really i couldn't get it all the way to the front covid gave me an opportunity to get into my feelings and luckily i was able to finally get it to the front you know that you know how life works like we're all humans right like it's there you know it's there and finally oh damn it he's cancer get him out of my life that stuff that's what was gone sorry that was that's where i'm about to go um there's been something in my here for the last 20 years that i just couldn't figure out and i finally feel comfortable and ready to talk about it in a compelling way that makes the argument potentially land for all of you which is why i wrote this book i believe that we have been misguided in how to win in business i believe that the popular conversation of business that we accept today as entrepreneurs and operators is wrong i believe that the dog eat dogs hard elbows and my literally there may not be a statement on earth that i hate more and i don't like using the word hate but there is not a statement on earth that i hate more than the concept of nice guys finish last if i could find the person that created that saying i would dig them up from the grab ground and punch them in the neck it is such a fundamental misnomer and i think it's time we have this conversation this book talks about leveraging the emotional ingredients necessary for business success i don't believe any of us were raised with the concept that the core tenant for business success is kindness i just don't think that's something we've ever heard i don't think it's something people believe i even think when i just said it it was like funny to say and funny to feel your collective reaction let there be no confusion about the next part of this talk and where i'm going i am not in the over coddling foofy foofy like world of business this is not about entitlement i the same person i want to dig up from the great i want to destroy every human associated with 8th place trophies [Applause] i am not looking to coddle this up i'm here to dominate i am here to build the single greatest entrepreneurial career of all time i'm here to if you bother me too much i'm going to start a real estate brokerage in your local town and put you out of business i'm being dead serious i'm very weird when it comes to competition so as i talk about what i want to talk about now please remember all the things that i just said in the last two minutes kindness empathy compassion the soft skills are actually the hard skills people are confused people are confused where we are in the world not today this isn't about i know where some of you are going to go somebody's going to go oh i see what gary's doing he's trying to prepare us for gen z because they're so woke and soft [Laughter] uh news alert that is not what i'm doing what i'm trying to do is get everybody prepared to understand how they can make more money how they can be more successful how real this is you have to understand what's happening what's happening very simply is this we've been lied to the world is inherently abundant even in a local business where you're trying to compete against seven other people that you know who you're competing against for the houses the fundamental truth is nobody's taking yours you're limiting your upside the way you're limiting your upside is over stressing about somebody else getting a listing that you didn't get when you spend two hours dwelling that susan got it and you didn't that's two hours that you played on defense not offense there's nobody taking your stuff and because of that and things like that we are confused we think that there's a certain demeanor a certain style that needs to be done for business success of course of course you can be massively financially successful being atrocious it exists we know it and to me you know i heard somebody say whether it's you know it is unfortunate like honestly no feelings towards it unfortunately fortunately it is life what's that got to do with you though at the height of the steve jobs god era in silicon valley i was booed aggressively for the only time in my career ironically in this wonderful town it's true i was on stage in the height of steve jobs land at south by southwest and i proclaimed that i wanted to be nothing like him and that he stinks because i didn't like the narrative that i watched a lot of kids start running their business because they heard that steve was mean they decided to be me youtube watcher what's up it's garyvee first of all thank you so much i hope you're doing super well during these times i also want to ask you please subscribe because my commitment and exploration of youtube is about to explode stories polls more content more engagement more surprise and delight this is the time to subscribe i hope you consider it and i hope i see you soon you
Channel: GaryVee
Views: 64,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gary Vaynerchuk, Garyvee business, gary vee, gary vaynerchuck, garyvee, business, success, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur
Id: zjNq7jMUyWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 8sec (2468 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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