If You Understand This Video About NFTs You Are in the Top 10% of People That Get It

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[Music] i believe that the way you look up somebody on instagram or you google them now in seven years you're gonna meet somebody in real life and you're gonna go look at their public wallet you've got your perspective i just want to be happy don't you want to be happy gary welcome to the nifty show it's great to see you trev and joel it's a real pleasure thank you so much are you eating nuts there uh grapes okay so that's maybe going nuts so you know you're a little late i know you want to buy the jets but as you can see from the photo i pulled it up i bought them yep they're mine i didn't i didn't realize garbage pail kids and street fighter could be so profitable it's amazing what nfts will do well you're about to find out because you are getting ready to launch your first nft collection that you have called v friends tell us about them 10 255 tokens a little head nod to crypto punks in some way but a little bit a little a little different number um when you know in 27 in 2016 when did ethereum come out you know 2015 15. yeah that makes sense so 15 probably south by 15 but i don't know the timing definitely then by 16. an incredible uh friend of mine by the name of aaron battalion who is the cto of living social groupon's biggest competitor time rea has gone on to become a big you know silicon valley technologist vc brilliant guy tech tech tech boy set you know we're sitting in a jam session at south by and really broke down ethereum for me because the year before that whole crew that would get together we all bought bitcoin and so you know you're starting to get into that stuff you're starting to like learn it and so 17 was when i really was looking at eth and then you know other blockchain stuff for hearing about and then and and and basically when i understood that you could put contracts uh that that's that was like fascinating to me right like you can put a lease on it contracts contracts fine fast forward um to you know you've hit me up joe we have a great relationship with our web 2.0 days and like i'm aware of like wax and ethereum and seeing stuff i invested in a company called roll in vayner rc several years ago for like individual coins personal brand like you can imagine with all the stuff and then the garage saling and the collectible you can imagine but it's all floating in east or out there for me as i'm you know navigating my life um very very similar for me to web 2.0 social media right like watched fredster watched myspace you know doing my wine thing and i'm like this thing feels different right and neil look you know these blogs waxy.org and jason kotke and the neil dash and like hmm this techcrunch thing slash dot you know you know and i'm like there's something brewing and and what i for me i'm you know a pop culture retailer businessman so for me i'm always thinking like when's it going to be ready for prime time even sports cards a year i looked at and that was something i very much understood it was like okay now i'll talk because you've come back in a big way like sports cards are just blown up so for me it was really this winter when i you know for you know april through september was incredible hardcore navigation of a thousand person company a lot of fear with coveted layoffs than hiring like just you know gnarly kind of like 15-hour day life just trying to make sure everyone's healthy and safe and the business is okay and you know you kind of almost need like a distraction when you get out of like a eight month you know like you know when you're a captain it's an eight-month storm and you finally get to come where waters you're like let me go get a beer and like and that beer for me was was nfts i was like i need some let me you know this has been going on let me dig in here a little bit deeper and um and that thing that happens in my life where i'm like oh we're okay it's 11 45 p.m it's not 6 30 it's not 2 30. this is getting close let me get my together because i like being involved in consumer stuff i like when things are ready and but i also don't want to say and i also want you know this is the weirdest one because the last two things web one web two for me nobody knew who the i was i had no audience nothing so in general i like doing homework this was even more dangerous and i'll continue to do that on podcasts like this i'm like look i don't know what that means or like you know like i'm not there yet or you know like all these things that everybody has to do when they go through their journey you know there's so many new chains there's so much going on you know i decided to do v-friends on ethereum so there's all those dynamics of level two and gas and all the things that people take shots at ethereum for which i'm empathetic and i understand why there's you know incredibly cool stuff going on on other another chains i want to understand it all a mutable this for level two wax with you joel what you guys are doing like polka dots solano cardano like you know you're just kind of looking at it all for me though much like web 1 and web 2 i didn't want to learn ruby on rails right i didn't i didn't want to learn how amazon services worked and going way back i wasn't learning how to code in asp for wine library's first site i didn't care how we had us you know i wanted to be dangerous enough so i wasn't an idiot but you know for me this is a very interesting time because with this there's a almost a requirement to get a little bit deeper you know just the hair there's also money being exchanged in a very different way you know that first time you connect a meta mask and you buy something and that 40 second delay happens i'm like wait a minute we're you know like you know i'm patrick one of the biggest things i'm going to do this like the 24 hours before my launch here is probably make 800 videos and go live and be like okay i'm aware that some of you gonna buy something for the first time i'm telling exactly the fear you're gonna have for 49 seconds um so just trying to get my together you know uh and also trying to um you know jumping into different discords reading you know i get so passionate that i always worry that my excitement is confused with thinking i know so i've been very aggressive with my words of like i'm in my journey i'll talk about when i get comfortable with something i'll talk about it i understand why people buy things let's start there i may not understand every single tni on underlining tech but i'm going to listen and try to at least have something i can hang with um but i definitely understand why people buy things and how i understand how markets get built and what becomes of them and that's why i've been telling people that 99 of the projects may not end up being a great investment because i understand supply and demand but it's an incredible time to be alive i can't believe we're here right like it's like you know after going to web 2.0 i didn't know how long if ever would it be before my juices in my body felt like oh i want to stay up at all hours of night and learn and meet people and all you know and this one's so fun right like everybody i'm like following or dm'ing with or discording with they've got their favorite nft as their as their avatar the metaverse is brewing you know all this stuff is going on and for me what a lot of people don't know is two years ago i got very far along the path of creating uh toys that were called workplace warriors and what what you know joe you know this about me i know you know this about me i do read a lot all my comments not like i did in 207 to 211 i have way less time but i i read a lot and you know i get a lot because of the way i communicate and what i talk about a lot of people that are like hey thanks for the i just watched your video at lunch my boss is such a dick it made me feel better or this and that and like to the point where i was like wait a minute this is gonna be cool i like business so that's me but i also love collecting that's me and i love having a selfless and selfish thing right the whole like right it works and i was like you know what i think i'm going to do a toy nice little 30 toy this is my this is what i like people put an empathetic elephant on their you know on their desk and when their boss is a dick and they look at it they'll think of me that says you and look you know like i was like this is gonna really be good so i really went down that path heavily molding the design and then you know and then got busy and then boom code you know it was one of those things where i'll address this in q1 and there's so much to do when you're creating a thing like that the supply chain and all these things oh my god all this physical so you nailed it you knew exactly where i was going so now i'm deep i'm buying some punks i'm learning um i'm i'm looking at all the superhero cool you're doing joel look at i'm just looking i'm looking i'm looking i'm looking i'm like wait a minute i'm gonna be able to do my thing on this because what what happened with me is what happened with wine library tv i'm like oh the internet's changing the way i sell wine for my dad is changing what do i do what do i do oh this youtube thing's gonna be the biggest of them all no i know about wine it was so left field i mean you probably remember julie it was so left field everything was tech dignation zay frank it was all tech and then this guy in new jersey with a wine store starts this show and it worked and i don't know how to do things when i think the world's changing without throwing myself into it right you play with the toys that's how you learn so like i'm like i'm gonna make my own i'm gonna learn a ton of and guess what i have and one you know and you know the web 3 stuff is is really intense and really fun and and i'm learning and i'm enjoying it and i'm just so happy to be a part of the community and like um and thank you for having me on the show it's such a friendly community one thing i've noticed about the nft space is like it seems like everyone's sort of uplifting each other right they're outside they're cheering each other on outside of the different chains a little bit of that gets a little you know kind of thing and outside of like crypto currencies versus nfts yeah you're seeing incredible behavior and rooting for um listen there's a lot of money there's too much money going on i think that that is the probably the thing i'm most worried about with social you were actually just building brand and relationship and reputation which kind of like helped i you know i don't think i think it's going to be a little weird here trav unfortunately like there's too much money being exchanged like i already seen it from a lot of couple people like dm they're like oh are you upset that other things launched right before your thing i'm like no way first of all the things they were referencing were from ogogs and i was like you know who am i to second of all you know one of the things i'll tell anybody who's listening this is just more macro anytime you think someone's taking something out of you you're completely confused about how the world actually works the world the world is fundamentally abundant like there's plenty of room to buy punks and to buy you know to buy cardboard heroes and to buy by the way this is what's going on with the art world and the collectable world all my sports card friends are like what the you know why are you so focused on this like you put in so much into sports cards i'm like both i'm like they're going to help each other tops this project on wax is going to help its cardboard and vice versa i think the world is if you do good it will be just okay don't blame somebody else's success for your lack of execution absolutely so you're going all in uh we did you know i knew when you started drawing these characters you were going somewhere with it i said we got to get on we got to talk about it um i i brought you up to speed on nfts with my knowledge i told you about wax you decided to go with ethereum you got to do what you got to do but let's talk about what you actually are doing here because these v friends these are not just picture nfts that gary has drawn you have tapped into one of what we think is the key use cases for nfts and that each one is tied to something real world correct to me where i was starting this thank you for bringing me back joe you've always been good at that you know uh um i'm throwing a massive conference called v-con where every one of these tokens so this is actually since we're looking at it this is how it breaks down there's 10 255 tokens 9 400 of them as you can see our admission tokens they come in different rarities as you can see um and those are to your point if you scroll up joe if you don't mind um if you click vcon at the tippy top just for the visual yep so what's it what's interesting about this if you scroll down um so vcon is a conference i'm throwing uh actually can you go to vcon dot co i don't know if you can do a i can do amazing things because because i have the internet i can't type though because i have the internet at my no that is not a v com i got myself involved there yeah that's it you were bragging on a little too early like oh yeah i can do all the whoops yeah except go anywhere so every token all 10 255 are gonna be invited to v con that's how you get in to me this is very you'll see so many inspirations in my past south by southwest web summit tech country disrupt right like you know all the things that shaped me i want to throw that conference with a little bit of music and entertainment and actually believe it or not it's basically all those things i mentioned with coachella and rolling loud with summer camp so one of the things i'm very excited about you'll see it as we go back to vcon um it's some of the tokens i did are called competition tokens um which are like tokens to have one-on-one access to play me and ping-pong and then checkers and all this other stuff and you go back to scroll up because this is the smaller one why don't you go meet the friends yep right there yep um so if you scroll down right so there's three there's there's access tokens so let's go back 9 400 to the conference 555 called gift goats you buy this token you connect your wallet and put your address and stick with me here trav six times a year minimally six over three years because all these tokens are three year things you know off chain tokens six times a year i send you surprise and delight gifts mmm thank you joel so as you can imagine what's really cool about this is once i see what everybody pays for it i take a step back and i'm starting to reverse engineer for example if the first gift i send is more than people paid for the goddamn token shit's gonna get really weird and this is and i this was important to me for a reason if this just was my doodles i'd have no control after the fact unless i do what i'm up to which is i'm going to spend the rest of my life building this intellectual property so i'm going to try to do cartoons and backpacks and toys and movies and streetwear brands so i'm going to really this is probably where my career is going this this is my now intellectual property this is my zelda this is my pokemon this is my scooby-doo and i'm going to see how far i could take it and i think i'm very good at building brand and you know there's and so that's the tokens and then there's 300 access tokens which i think you know it's funny i went back and forth on doing this because i didn't want really to be about me and my time so much of this is about building up characters that represent the things i talk about so that i'm not the front man of my passions but i did want to send a blueprint as the project was evolving i was noticing a lot more people coming out that had audiences and doing very projects that i thought were money grabs and i thought a lot of people gonna lose a lot of money and then hurt the space so i said you know what i'm gonna put a blueprint of what i think a lot of people are missing in this project and that's what i think with access tokens so with access tokens you buy the token you get the collectible you still get in addition the conference but if you scroll down joe in addition to this being a ticket to the conference for example there's 125 hangout hawks all 125 people there are part of a virtual hangout group with me that gets together five times a year for 45 minutes q a just with me then you see the in-person ones dinner deer lunch ladybug those are literally having dinner together and what i'm excited about is i'm gonna work my tail off that if somebody buys dinner deer which is you know not going to be inexpensive but they're still going to own the next two years rights to that ticket so as you can imagine they may be able to have dinner with me and then if things go well have an asset where they'll be able to make a decision if they want to come back next year or put it up so it's important for me to innovate on the multi-year aspect and then and then you get into the one-on-one access again 85 of them are virtual facetime characters so facetime fox is a five minute face time with me again multi-year thing and then you get into the crazy one of ones garage sailing yale literally go garage sailing with me for four hours on that episode of trash talk uh podcast panther i think is a great one uh you buy that token i become a 45 minute guest on your podcast so i can see a lot of people seeing that as value a workout wolf literally work out with me and my trainer gone fishing fish literally a four out three hour i think fishing trip with me i mean that's some quality time um uh wine shopping spree woodchuck which is really exciting um what's the keynote koala do they get the keynote with you or what kinokawa is an unlimited token to every public keynote i give in the world where you get a vip ticket and green room access meet and greet prior to it nice so what i'm hoping there for joel is that somebody decides to treat me like the grateful dead and literally i see them at every city in the world vayner heads these kind of remind me of sweet but sweet pickles back in the day i remember these like yeah yes remember yes yeah i remember these they all had the nice they all have a little good feel good story behind them yeah they broke it actually i looked at it because i was like wait a minute somebody said it to me when i was like let me look at it they had a little bit of a mix there's this is a little more positive um uh so you know listen there's also if you keep scrolling down something i'm really proud of uh uh the competition ones here maybe my favorite one uno unicorn that's literally a four-person uno game three people will buy that token we're gonna have a four person uno so i can draw four uh and shouldn't it just be called a uno corn i'm just thinking on some real i'm devastated right now yeah right now right this second i'm devastated that is so much better god damn it look on the flip side i think i did a good job with the bowling boa turning a pin into a snake i thought that was creative that's pretty creative thank you sir uh finding an animal that rhymes with ping pong was tough but there is a kalong bat out there thank god so the ping pong kalong um and then if you scroll down joel uh five scholarship access these are people we're just gonna submit i'm gonna give them five 45 minute sessions with me 30 hours with vayner x senior executives and a paid uh internship to any vayner x company uh on the 10 royalties on the secondary transactions i'm keeping nine i'm giving one percent to five charities i pick each year so a lot of fun dynamics real fun big ambitions project going for it yeah i think i think this is really cool we've talked about this joel and i you know over the time was like you know this is nfts and social tokens really i think the combination between the two give access to your favorite content creators in a whole new way right and you're taking that to the next level with these nfts being specific interactions which nobody's done i've not seen anybody do specific interactions this equals that and you get to do this with me a lot of people just here's a cool collectible and enjoy it and have fun you're actually diving in and you've built a strategy and you set a blueprint around developing access to garyvee and inspiring people on an ongoing basis i think it's brilliant thank you and then for me what's really exciting trav is i'm petrified like i i find people so fascinating people like oh short-term thing i'm like are you out of your mind if this fails i'm dead like i'm spending the rest of my life trying to make some of these characters mean something like why do i go to garage sales and buy thundercats because it eventually meant something and thus that meant like it was worth something versus another piece of plastic at a garage sale from something that nobody's ever heard of right why is why is it garbage pail kids and street fighter and other cool things on wax right like because those meant something like now now if you notice i created something that had a lot of real life value in the first three years that gives me time to turn the tokens and the art into meaningful collectible assets i go and land a netflix cartoon deal for four of these characters in a series we're off to the races if that series hits this is the pathway to the jets this is it right here i think so yeah well a couple things first of all um you're gonna kill it or i should more aptly say you're gonna crush it these are gonna sell out so ridiculously fast your head is going to swim it's gonna go what the hell just happened i have no question we see a lot of these launches and we know which properties you know are going to resonate and which are not we usually call them pretty good sometimes we miss not going to mess with this one and i'm not blowing smoke up your ass it's going to sell out super fast so you don't have to be nervous about it here's the thing you're talking about this is the next part of your life it's not just the brand you are putting yourself so deeply into delivering after this purchase that yes it literally is the next part of your life you're going to be busy as hell you know who was the happiest drock in my video creative team they're so pumped because they're like oh this is gold like we can finally make a vlog you're so boring like you you know you're set like fine but how many episodes of dailyvee or weekly v can people watch of you being in meetings for 16 hours like this is gonna be funny like you're gonna they also know me when i lose an uno on some reverse card and then a draw four i'm gonna be pissed and it's gonna be funny you know it's funny the other part of this drill is and i think again this is what's so fun to talk to you guys because we come from a time where we shared a lot of stages and back rooms and i'm so uniquely built for the way i built this because i genuinely love people like to me i'm excited about meeting barry from indiana in a ping pong game or having dinner with sarah and rick and john like i mean this is like i'm humbled by it i enjoy it i think a lot of people who are lucky enough that big audiences actually don't like it they're a little more introverted and i understand that and maybe they'll do very different versions of this or maybe just the conference or maybe just you know a hard good that comes along with it for me there is nothing that is more valuable than someone's time and the access to their brain their heart and i'm uh and i'm hoping it inspires people and i think you know i want to buy and you know i built this with the intent of like some of the players that play behind you sir like i want to throw the football with zach wilson my new quarterback i'll pay for that especially if i own the token after it like i'm built it you know i mean so i'm you know cook you think about it famous chefs authors it's not just about influencers and celebrities if somebody's the foremost expert of beekeeping and she puts out 50 coins tokens nfts and and five of them are the gold honey ones and those come with a two-hour session with her of like really doing it that's meaningful if i could do it with a music if a music producer put this out and i want to be a music producer and i get three hours in studio with him or her i mean this is really meaningful and i think i think the other thing you have to think about one thing i did very late so i don't know i didn't know as well as i still am a little nervous because it's dragging so but as i started seeing demand building a little bit more i'm like wait a minute i started taking more tokens off that i'm holding for myself because i want to give away more to my discord community because you know all of a sudden you know things can get expensive and you know so you've got to think about all that stuff and i've been enjoying the strategy and the thinking of it yeah what are the prices going to be are these all going to be auctioned off or so all dutch auction trap i was very worried about what i knew i would have is 30 40 50 people i haven't released the prices yet joel um but trap i knew there was like a hundred people that were smart enough to know this is actually buying into me forever and so they were gonna buy them all i was very worried about that i heard a couple things just like just not like heard in the in rumors i mean talking to people and i could just see i was like some of these whales will do that stuff man they're gonna go out there i had an extra problem i have new whales that have never bought anything that really know me and have been really following me and are like you know these are people that are offering 100 million dollar investment to vaynermedia to have a small percentage of the company because they believe in me so much and they can't they so a lot of people are so as soon as i saw them hovering i'm like that i i don't need a headline that says gary v sells playing tennis with him for a million dollars i was petrified of that douchery so i capped it and i'm doing a dutch auction so starting price that goes down one so it starts at a price and it goes down and it basically in essence becomes a buy it now game right you kind of like are playing the game of like do you want to snipe it at this price or not is somebody else going to come in um so the floor on the majority of them are 0.5 eth which is obviously moving a lot since this project started so but for me i'm pouring it back into the conference and into the gift goats like if this does uncomfortably well you know it means i'm going to throw the best conference in the world you know that you know i'm treating this as an enterprise and as a real corporation that like when i look at workout wolf right now joe's got that upright in the forefront when i look at that right i'm like i should probably build a 50 million dollar protein shake business around him like i'm capable of that you know people are very confused by my business vacuum they're so they're so focused on gary b the character in the last 10 years i started rezzy with ben leventhal the restaurant app it sold for 200 million dollars to amex i started empathy wines with two former interns it sold for close to nine figures to consolation brands vaynerx has eight companies underneath it i run it day to day um and it's a global company doing north of 250 million dollars in revenue we just opened up mexico city my brother and i started a meaningful sports agency or a major player in ufc immediately you know 40 and plus nfl players so like i i i'm excited because i know what i'm going to do as the operator as gary vaynerchuk the business operator against the intellectual property of this project so that's nothing makes me happier than that because then i can really come through so you were gonna launch on uh on my birthday thanks for that but uh that was the single reason by the way i know happy birthday thank you for whatever you're 40 what are you 40 now yeah stop it you you flatter her with your words 57 there junior 57. i wish i look your hair's better than mine i'm impressed you work a lot harder um the the launch is being pushed out to what day in what time do you know this i know this is airing on friday i i promised that i wouldn't even put this out because i don't want to put anybody in a curious spot but i'm early next week i'm feeling confident to say that okay so they need to definitely and i'm definitely definitely giving everybody now because of the way it's gone down a full 24-hour notice and then i'll do it yeah you'll post on your twitter and your discord i'll tell you what here's here's what you need to do you know whenever we do a sale we always buy a little our own because we like to play so i would say buy at least one that gives you time with yourself so you can have some time off oh i like that i like that what happens to this i'm curious about the mechanics on this it's like say i buy one of the one of the things is one of those three year deals where you get a dinner with gary or whatever five times a year or you there's only a one-time use and you use it what's the stops is it is it burnable like once they once they are using it they got to send it to you then it gets burned or how do you take it out of circulation so somebody doesn't try to sell it again to somebody else it's validated on change now how wait how are you doing that do you know um yeah so what what we did with um i i to your point so jim and the team at nft 42 have just been remarkable oh gee guys i don't i i don't want to miss especially publicly miss explain it but i'd love to jam with you guys offline um i've i've had like four of my other hardcore nerd friends be like yep good so um we're validating in that way and and making sure that it's also like piping to um um to open c uh and anywhere else i'm petrified of that part uh trab of anybody being confused that's probably stood me up the longest what if somebody gets confused that it no longer has the access right um we did that and we we've encountered that because we sold our nifty boxes a membership card and we did a couple that were just good for a month says right on it november 2020 but people were then selling them after and somebody could buy something that has no use what they have to do is they got to send it to you and then it's validated and you could actually send them back a different version one that's already been used that way they no longer have that version to be able to sell i feel excellent i feel incredibly comfortable in what what they built but i also want to make sure i speak to it and obviously as we get closer here i will have all those teas and eyes crossed i don't understood so are there any of them that are just purely collectibles or does everything has function well no no actually no everything has function every single token is a three-year ticket to b-con everyone what three-year ticket to v-con that's beautiful yeah we gotta get it i got we gotta get these dudes we gotta go we gotta go to v-con that is the thing that excites the out of me because wait you know think about this i care about my reputation dearly i definitely care about my community not more than my reputation like you know everyone cares about their reputation the most so for me what's really exciting is the three-year thing if it was a one-year thing i couldn't do what i'm going to do for my community i'm going to throw such an un i mean i'm putting oh i you know my poor accountant and my finance team they ran the numbers they're they're very big numbers at the prices that things are going right and when i said to them i'm like look can we talk about you know tax write-offs for and they were like for what i was like if if this company loses money they're like loses money what are you talking about like guys i'm not selling a doodle like you read on the newspaper i'm like i have i have i have 555 people getting 18 meaningful gifts that's math and these will be these aren't going to be 40 gifts there's going to be very expensive gifts who the knows where these people are gonna live i might have to ship something to sri lanka who you know like so there's that second this conference is gonna be bananas i'm probably gonna have what 8 thousand you know you guys probably know this stuff better i'm ten ten two five five seven thousand eight thousand because obviously some people have multiple you know tokens and i need to throw something that's insane yeah because it's not gonna be cheap no v-con 2022 has to be insane because if it does and it is and it will be well then everyone's gonna win all the token holders get bombarded when everybody sees what the i did and well you know if you have some of the biggest names in the world performing if you have the greatest keynote speeches those those speakers are going to cost me money like this is going to be i mean i expect b-con to be a seven figure production each year and i'm not talking about one million so like you know i'm not i'm scared it might be an eight figure production for the first one i need to blow it out of the world but even if it's a lost leader gary you're building this brand correct right and that that is really the long game it's not like you're going to suck because because i am an extremely successful author who has a lot of leverage who's a free agent after this book that i have coming out and first my publisher harper is going to be very interested in my books because i'm a money maker for them so when i say to them hey remember when you signed me to that 10 book deal years ago and it really worked out let's let's have a conversation here i want to come out with a kid's book which i do by the way but these characters and i want to teach kids that empathy matters i want to teach kids that compassion matters but i also want to teach them that accountability matters and like some other things and the world needs that man the world needs more kindness we're more divided than ever we got to teach these principles and i think that i gary vee am a good deliverer of information for 63 of people but you two know this i'm not naive there's 30 of people who think i'm bad because i'm aggressive i'm a jersey kid i curse uh i have so much conviction they feel like i'm a know-it-all or just flexing or you know entrepreneurship burnout and there's a lot and i and i'm empathetic to that i don't think that those are bad people i think why should they spend 15 hours really understanding what i'm saying we haven't had the luxury to really have a conversation they don't know how i act one-on-one so i i'm empathetic to that i now have this whole universe of characters to still let me put good deposits into the world for people who tune me out and i think anybody who's been parented as well as i have who's grateful who's happy i think all the happy grateful people have an obligation to put more good into the world and i do that and i take the heap for it as gary vee and and now i have patient panda right to do that and i'm gonna do that and i'm really proud of it i think it's going to go well and and i can do all my stuff right i can do that part while also my street wear sneakers hoodies i can go do jv's with the best streetwear brands in the world and create that part and scratch that itch or my my toy collecting part i can do that workplace warriors thing in a different form now and and you know because i was so affected by toys as a kid you know collectible toys and so i'm like i'm really and what about my consumer package good stuff like i look at workout wolf i just did it right now that was the first time i thought it right now in a spot i'm like oh wait a minute i could probably turn that into a protein bar or something work out wolf like what like i'm gonna show the entire bag of tricks and that's why i think the people that get behind this project have a dark course chance of doing really well because if we all wake up in 22 years and the ip means a lot well then these these nfts are going to have some meaning well gary we appreciate you coming on you uh you promised us 15 minutes and you've way over delivered you have many words and and i know that people are gonna they're gonna enjoy it thank you brother you mean a lot to me you guys grew up with me and that's that the last thing that felt like this to me we were there we were there in those conference rooms and those conferences like we all remember and that's what this is um and i'm coming in at the same exact time i came in in 07 and it was really starting to really happen at 0-4-5 that second wave this thing has been happening i've been watching from afar you don't think i noticed joe when you changed your backdrop on twitter to like superhero i was like whoa i like that what you know like but but i come in there's a certain time when i like to dance when it's a little bit more mature because my head is not as technical i'm consumer i'm more consumer so i needed to be just a little bit more mature i've got just enough danger to understand it but i need it to be a little further along and and i think we're in that moment and i think in 24 48 months everyone imagine what it's going to be like yes 24 to 48 months when the masses are like okay the water's good come on in that's right we've not seen anything everybody understands this is actually social media 4.0 meaning everyone's public wallet right i keep telling my friends i'm like social is getting more private and crypto's about to get more public the public wallet right when i saw rainbow right when i saw the rainbow wallet i was like uh-huh right like i believe that the way you look up somebody on instagram or you google them now in seven years you're gonna meet somebody in real life and you're gonna go look at their their public wallet you can see what nfts are in there just talking about i've always been thinking about this as a long time like why are some of these folks want to put some of these photos and videos that they're sharing up on instagram when they could go create an nft out of them and and then have their fans buy them with their social tokens right they're going to do that yeah for sure i didn't know that you did roll by the way we we actually have a token on tryroll we have the hero token which is currency for bad crypto and nifty show yeah again it's funny i'm about to put out a ton of content of me in 2017-18 breaking this down it's gonna be fun for me right because i know i know i listen that's why when i started getting a little louder in february march oh here we go this now this guy and i'm like i'm like it's just the same old thing like it you should have seen what happened in madison avenue when i started my agency years ago you know that's when i was kind of segwaying from web 200 to madison avenue oh twitter boy that was one of the headlines twitter boy thinks he can do you know to me to me when you don't hear the cheering meaning for me i don't care what when i all the things i accomplish i know that i'm just another human being and if i get hit by a bus tomorrow unfortunately i'll get a nice at the point that i'm in my career i'll get a nice 12 hours eight hours on twitter and instagram screenshots gary did this for me i've done a lot of nice things behind the scenes i'd like to think those stories would get out and then it'd be next friday and 99.9 and at 100 more nines we'll move on with their lives and a small group of my family and my closest friends will linger but then that's it and so when you don't think of yourself as anything special you don't hear the cheering it actually makes you very strong against the booing when people on me and plenty of people have mocked me after i launched befriends you know they've got their different takes you know i understand why but i'm not devastated or unable to deal because i can't hear the cheering and and the reason i'm saying this on the way out right now is there's a lot of incredible people listening to this show because there's no reason to listen to this show think about who would listen to this show you've got to be incredibly progressive incredibly creative incredibly cool in my opinion and i want to encourage them because i feel like a lot of them have pokemon or transformers or raggedy ann in them but they're scared to put it out because they can't deal with the negative feedback and i really don't want them to because they can change their lives and be happy and putting out your art until you you know everyone's like gary's art like this is and i was like you know providence is such an important part of this i drew every one of these every one of these tokens comes with the video that of me actually drawing it wow bonus you know so i'm really like i understand i'm not picasso but they're not the worst i've always well i can i can actually spot the nose on yours i have a hard time with picassos figuring out where they are so anyway i'm really happy to partner with the community and really enjoy being on with you guys and i wish you well thanks gary appreciate you youtube what's up it's garyvee first of all thank you so much i hope you're doing super well during these times i also want to ask you please subscribe because my commitment and exploration of youtube is about to explode stories polls more content more engagement more surprise and delight this is the time to subscribe i hope you consider it and i hope i see you soon you
Channel: GaryVee
Views: 431,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gary Vaynerchuk, Garyvee business, gary vee, gary vaynerchuck, garyvee, business, success, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur
Id: kzNfHalWGBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 2sec (2582 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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