The BEST Watches for Different Occupations

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so as the world gets slightly back to normal with people starting to go back to work a bit more consistently the work from home kind of culture slowly starting to go back to i'd say normal but i don't even know what normalcy is anymore i did want to though look at kind of looking at watches from a perspective of different occupations and now in a world of 2021 i think it is a bit of a changing world in many ways but i thought it would be fun to kind of look at some of the best representations of watches to maybe go for depending on the occupation that one has so how this video is going to work is we'll have a list of different occupations and we'll go one by one looking at some great options for that type of use case so in any applicable situation that's not always going to be the case but trying to offer up a variety of different options depending on price this isn't going to again always be the case for all occupations because i think i don't want to stretch and say like hey you know use a rolex submariner if you're doing a specific type of task because there is going to be an appropriate time and not appropriate time to be using that watch all right guys a couple quick things before we dive into this video number one we do have a giveaway going on so if you want to partake in that definitely hit the link in the description go to pick out three watches up to sixteen hundred dollars in one of those watches if you do win could be yours for free so definitely partake in that and good luck to all of you that enter also we did just turn on uh watch consultations again so being able to talk to a dedicated watch specialist on our team the people that are gonna be taking those calls of course are going to be people have been in the industry for many years places that have worked at you know leading brands in the industry leading jewelers in the industry for over a decade so definitely want to kind of just create a great environment around buying a watch on the site and if you have any questions about anything on the site definitely don't be shy and book a call want to make that known as a new feature or feature that we've brought back really wanted to do this as i think a personal connection when buying a watch is i think sometimes very important all right so now the first category and occupation we're going to be looking at is the office environment now in terms of the type of individual here i i want to go anywhere from kind of somebody's wearing like maybe a more like button-down shirt or things of that sort all the way to like the mad men style and i want to offer up about three different options here because i do think that there is probably a variety in which somebody would look for in terms of just budget that would be good representations here starting at the more attainable side of things here let's look at the srpb 77 the seiko cocktail time you could probably go for this entire family but in terms of where these watches are sitting for around four or five hundred bucks usually getting some reliable movements inside of here typically gonna be seeing the 4r family of movements in these watches the dial finishing on these probably the best out there for the money i still really hard pressed to find a dials that really look better than these in the kind of category for price but the reason why i wanted to look at this particular reference was i think it does offer a bit more flexibility in the arena of being able to pair different outfits if you're wearing a suit every single day maybe some different shirts different cuffs you want something that can kind of really go with everything and i think a design like this with simple kind of just more simple color tone is going to be the most kind of do-it-all type of watch maybe that first watch for your first office job this is a great choice then moving into kind of that middle tier there's probably a few different places that you can look i wanted to kind of do something that was maybe a combination of a bit of dressiness while also not leaning so far into that direction so i went with the aorus big crown pointer date now the pointer dates kind of combine a few different things and i think that is from a modern perspective this really is what i would say an appropriate dress watch for many people out there if you're going straight mad men out there maybe not as much but the retro just designed with the look of the cathedral hands as well as going with that pointer date function in this price range this is something you usually see on like you know jlcs of higher price ranges maybe something from like vacheron for example usually like higher end dress pieces so to see this complication in use in a watch like this i think is really nice and also getting some other specification with these designs that i think make them very useful they do have bracelet options available a variety of ones to just kind of choose from in terms of colors you can kind of go for that burgundy oxblood style color red if you want to be a little bit more striking you can go for more something conventional like a black or a blue so there's quite a bit of different options to choose from here also getting 50 meters of water resistance so that gives you a little bit of extra security with the screw down crown so that is also nice but a dress watch in 2021 is very different compared to what we've seen in the past i think the aorus big crown pointer date certainly can do the job now moving up to the higher end tier i think the most obvious example here i think this really is the epitome of a dress watch in many ways and that is the reverso you could definitely put the cartier tank here as well that is certainly a choice but i would say for an enthusiast and somebody that wants to kind of send off a very just subliminal type of messaging while also being able to shine when the kind of moment becomes appropriate whereas maybe somebody's asking about the watch the reverso is just kind of that watch that has that wow factor i would probably go for the just tribute small seconds as being kind of the most versatile it's going to work on a wide variety of wrists it's going to work pretty much if you're talking about a circular case equivalent like a 38 millimeter case that's coming in more of that grand style case it's going to be thin on the wrist compared to a lot of other reversals like the tribute duo phase but really big fan of the reverso and if there's one type of persona or occupation that can pull this off this would be the one next up we have police and fire so these are people that are going to of course need something a bit more tactical very rugged and can be able to take on pretty big beating for the day-to-day activities that come with these type of occupations so to start us off i think from a more affordable perspective and a really practical perspective and i know you probably could just pick this brand and just say it could work for a lot of people on this list but i'll try not to be so redundant but you have to mention the casio g-shock dw 5600 now these watches i think work in a variety of instances but if you're talking about a real world application where these probably really work the best i would say someone in these type of environments are going to be the best in terms of going into a fire i mean you are talking about a resin case so that is one thing to consider but i would say for pretty much every other activity it's great if you're somebody in the occupation of say being a police officer and dealing with firearms you're going to want something that's going to be able to handle shock any type of just just recoil that you're going to have from that you're going to have a watch that can actually withstand that type of thing without having maybe some traditional regulator pins and things of that sort or just having some extra robustness in that degree so very obvious choice i think here but a very true one if you go look on the wrists of many people in these fields this is something that you're going to see quite a bit so i want to be realistic here and not go too crazy in terms of watch here and actually watch that is designed for this type of personnel so the zen ezm 3. so these are watches in in terms of how they're packaged and marketed by zen in many ways really used and utilized for these type of demographics and occupations so law enforcement officers really being a main focus of these timepieces and what they're kind of going about it and you're getting a lot of that in terms of the function as well as the durability that will come with these pieces the other great thing going for this watch is also just going to be the legibility and zen being a brand that of course kind of stems from the world of pilot watches a lot of the same type of carryover effects will probably be needed in these occupations as well being able to see the time at a glance be able to time different events that is absolutely huge also talking about loom and things of that sort that's also going for this watch as well but when you factor all these elements together what these watches were intended for their actual construction as well as i think where they fall in price as well i don't think you want to be necessarily wearing the most expensive watch in the world when you have these type of occupations because you will be confronted with real world problems the zen easy m3 i think is a nice choice all right so now we're going to look at healthcare workers so nurses doctors things of that sort and we're going to be looking at two different watches here that i think would be a good representation now first on the affordable end i want to look at dive watch because i think dive watches in many ways are a great just do it all type of watch of course many people are not divers that wear dive watches and there's a reason behind that because they can withstand the pressures of being beneath the water surface meters and meters below it could also probably withstand a lot of the wear and tear that comes with your lifestyle and when you're moving around like a healthcare worker especially in the last 12 months i mean they're you're gonna have some that you know can withstand a bit of a beating so here i want to go with the orion kamasu and a few reasons why i think this is a good choice here good wearing dimensions you're getting a sapphire crystal which will help with this kind of the the dings against maybe some other just specific just medical equipment or whatever is being thrown your way uh throughout the day but another reason why i like this watch is it can get wet of course so if you're washing your hands all the time maybe getting exposed to just different moisture environments and things of that sort i think this will be helpful and then in addition i think a time elapsed dive bezel is so crucial when timing different events and doing it very discreetly this i think will come into play quite a bit being able to just go ding being able to time specifically how long maybe you're doing some specific tasks or maybe timing specific events that is incredibly helpful as you're kind of going about the day to day and i almost would argue that it's almost more useful in a chronograph than in some instances i would say where it's maybe not as more useful as when you actually have a scale along the outside of your watch that i think could be really used in a more appropriate and more real world environment and for this we're going to be looking at the ck2998 the omega speedmaster as being a great option so i actually reviewed this watch and there was actually a comment in that video i don't know if i'll be able to find it for this video but just take my word for it or actually a few of them that were talking about just being a doctor and absolutely loving this watch and in those comments they were expressing how having that pulsometer along the outside was so useful when dealing with patients so if you're not familiar how the scale would work this allows you to expedite the process of getting somebody's heart rate which when you are doing say just basic physician work and being able to give just a general checkup for somebody this is incredibly useful and a great way to go ahead and go about testing people in that sort so i can imagine this being incredibly useful also of course a chronograph for timing events is also with those other different sub registers and the running chronograph function that is going to be helpful as well and in terms of just looking the part and just i think feeling the part i also think the color way in this one probably looked pretty good with some you know maybe a nice white doctor's coat i think that would look fantastic so i know you're not probably worried about looking your best and color coordinating in these type of environments but hey it is one thing to say so next up we have the military and just some context here in terms of how i'm thinking about this given these type of environments that individuals in this occupation will have there are going to be a lot of just fluctuation i mean you're talking about you know certain people going to be of course in the air talking about work in the sea as well as uh talking about people on the ground as well or maybe in more just general military environment from a strategic perspective so to start us off let's look at something that i think is very robust and can pretty much do it all and that is with the garmin instinct tactical now for serious military use it's tough to beat something like a g-shock for example but in the case i thought it would probably be interesting to include a watch that is already hugely popular with military personnel with the garmin instinct tactical in terms of features there isn't much the instinct doesn't do with gps active heart rate tracking every fitness feature you pretty much want and the tactical version also features the display which can be read with night vision as well as including specific parachuting functions so pretty cool and i think probably appropriate for this type of person add to that though too you have a level of durability that conforms to us military standard 810 for thermal shock and water resistance and this watch could probably handle almost any military situation part of why garmin has become so popular with people in this occupation now starting to look at this from a diving perspective let's look at the seiko willard the spb-183 so in terms of what is real and what is fiction in regards to actual application of these i think these of course are suitable dive watches professional dive watches but you also have to mention kind of what has been created through apocalypse now in that movie with captain willard enriching allowing these watches to kind of become almost cult classics in a way so taking that aside and putting out there but also just looking at the watch on the surface you're getting of course robust water resistance these are a little bit higher grade in terms of what you're going to be getting from seiko in terms of a finishing standpoint as well as the movement inside there'll be housing the 6r35 but if you're somebody that's in kind of dress uniform to a variety of just underwater work environments or situations this is going to be a watch that certainly could take on the duties of that of course we're kind of dealing a little bit with hypotheticals here and most military divers are probably going to wear a g-shock but for anyone aquatic in the military who has a watchner tendency the willard is certainly an interesting one to look at and then to round out our list we're going to look at the marathon navigator as kind of that do it all kind of pilot style watch so part of what makes marathon a full service provider to both the u.s and canadian military is their collection that covers land sea and air applications so the navigator is marathon's purpose-built flyers watch and features a rotating 12-hour bezel as well as a lightweight low pressure resistant resin case that keeps the whole package light now we're talking about 280 bucks that also is very helpful and this was originally designed also as a response to requests from the kelly air force base in texas in 1986 who wanted a low pressure resistant watch for pilots and air crews marathon stepped up to the plate and made the navigator and the watch has been a solid durable and capable in-flight time teller ever since making it a great choice for somebody with this type of application so now next up we have the construction and trade environment so if you're talking about what is needed here we need absolute durability and i'm sorry to be mentioning the g-shock again we're going to be looking at the dw9052 so this is going to be a bit more of a different kind of case architecture of course but when you're looking on the risk of many people in these professions this is going to certainly be one you're going to commonly see so construction is probably one of the most demanding fields when it comes to the abuse encountered by a watch on a day-to-day basis or pretty much anything for that matter if you drive your truck or anything on a construction site make sure you don't love it too much because it definitely is going to get beaten up now you really have to go with something that i think is going to be preferably inexpensive in an area where something is going to be exposed to this type of wear and tear and comparing this to something more low profile like the 5600 the bezel on the 9052 series sticks out pretty much far in front of the watch offering increased resistance to shock and more protection for the crystal if you are swinging hammers or using tools all day given what construction professionals go through on a daily basis i'm not sure it makes sense to recommend really anything other than this if we're just trying to actually be real about the situation so this is gonna be the choice here so next up we have commercial diving not talking about desk diving actual people that really go and dive and thankfully for doing this i actually had some good just insider insight here from one of our team members ben who was actually a commercial diver before joining our team so he was helpful in kind of giving some real world just expectations for what he sees or what he saw in the past with what was on people's wrists so take everything that's going to be thrown at a construction worker and then make it happen underwater and you have some idea of the challenges facing commercial divers and their watches that they wear so in addition to obviously needing a solid degree of just water resistance commercial divers also need extremely legible dials considering the often murky nature of underwater visibility and it's also important to note that commercial diving exists on something of a spectrum with the newer entrance of the field often working in more meager wages in shallower less extreme circumstances with the pinnacle of the field being in saturation diving where divers can earn up to fifteen hundred dollars per day while working out of a pressurized living system in sat with those elements in mind we'll approach this basically on two sides more of a true affordable option best suited for the nitty-gritty faced by less affluent divers and then look at a watch that is still frankly the industry standard for better paid sat divers now starting off with the more affordable end we're gonna look at the skx007 or the zero zero nine so these of course have went up in price quite a bit did mention them as kind of that gateway watch but there are certainly people in the field that are of course maybe more watch enthusiasts that still will use these now if you're looking for just a solid reliable build and one of the most legible dive watch dials out there and designs out there with an off-center crown that doesn't dig into your hand while working the skx is one of the best dive watches on the market for that and there's a reason why this thing has become a cult classic first with the people that it was intended for and then falling into the enthusiast market after that in terms of durability the skx is pretty much as good as you can get and ask for for an analog diver and also pretty inexpensive if you did need to replace things that said that's not always the case anymore because these things again have been kind of going up in price so now to round out on the other end of the spectrum the rolex c dweller the one two six six zero zero so if you're on the extreme end of just underwater professional range and saturation diving you'll then want a helium escape valve and to ensure that you don't have an exploding watch upon decompression so for most saturation divers rolex reigns supreme and is considered kind of the best option for use in actual sat diving environments interestingly most sat divers do bring their rolex into sat but rely on it mostly to tell the time while living in a dry pressurized living habitat though some also wear their watch under their diving suits in the water just to mark the time through often lengthy dives up to six hours at a time so pretty crazy environments here in addition to whatever utility to the sea dweller or similar luxury sat diving watches offer watches like these are often a badge of honor and desirable kind of accessory for divers who have earned a spot in this point end of their field and now to round us out here for a final type of occupation or just type of persona in this instance going to be looking at the students now i have been there i've been a student into watches when i was in college and oh my goodness it was one of the most painful thing because i was broke as hell and i wanted all these cool watches and it sucked but you still can get some cool watches when looking at the affordable end and the two watches that i wanted to look at here were basically two different types of watches first kind of that kind of do-it-all watch that can kind of be maybe a watch that you can wear in casual environments maybe you're going out with friends as well as maybe that watch can kind of make you move into that first job role and not look completely out of place and that is the timex marlin automatic i think the atomics marlin automatic is a nice wearable case at 40 millimeters uh of course it's not gonna be the most robust choice you could also go for a more maybe dressed up dive watch from like orienteer as another example but i think the timex marlin and just what it's able to do from a versatility standpoint kind of looking dressy looking casual have some fun with different straps so you don't get so tired with it this is a great option to go for for around 250 bucks with those variety of dial colors to go for the timex marlin hand winding also could be an option here but i think just the smaller case and being a bit too dressy might make this one a better use case or better option for people in this type of environment and then to round it out i did mention this kind of story but it kind of just furthered why i think this should be the watch to mention here and that is with the vostok and phibia again you could go for some other dive watches out there maybe you can look at something from seiko but when you're talking about maybe the ramen noodle equivalent of the world of watches that is the vostok amphibia and i mean that in the most loving way possible when i was in new york i was approached by somebody that was wearing a fordham shirt and you know clearly in college and he was wearing a vostok and phibia his name was charlie and we talked for a little bit and just seeing that on his wrist kind of further solidified you know this is being a great option for a college student you can have fun with some modding you can have some fun with just the different colors and options it's quirky it's fun of course this is going to be for everybody out there but if you're talking about getting down and dirty getting a mechanical watch for under 100 bucks the vostok amphibious certainly needs to be here all right guys well that is my video today looking at watches for different occupations now this was a thought i had around this video i didn't know if this was actually going to work or if people are going to enjoy it so if you do enjoy this video thumbs up subscribe and hit the bell icon that is a great indicator if we want to do another one of these in the future are there any other occupations that you would like to add to this list as we maybe think about this for the future i definitely want to keep this on you guys to tell me if you enjoy this or not also be sure to take part in our upcoming giveaway as well up to sixteen hundred dollars pick out three watches on if you are chosen to win one of your watches you can make your own as the winner so definitely partake in that link will be in the description down below if you want to stay up to date with some other content be sure to follow on instagram as well taking some great photos of watches it's a great way to just kind of stay up to date with the videos that we're doing here as well as you know being subscribed here of course but guys thank you guys so much for watching be well and i will see you all very soon
Channel: Teddy Baldassarre
Views: 211,069
Rating: 4.882062 out of 5
Keywords: teddy baldassarre, teddy watch, teddy watch review, watch collecting guide, teddy's watch collection, sotc, best watch under 500, best watch under 1000, best watch under 1500, best watch under 100, best automatic watches, best military watches, best dive watches, commercial diver, sat diver, rolex sea dweller, omega speedmaster, vostok amphibia, timex marlin, seiko willard, marathon navigator, jlc reverso, seiko presage, seiko cocktail, bark and jack, hodinkee
Id: n1t8INdS_I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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