The Best VST Plugins you can get RIGHT NOW

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one of the biggest exaggerations I hear told by music producers is you don't need plugins you can do all of it with your stock devices sure you can get by without plugins if you're doing simple music or if you don't want quality of life features you don't want more powerful algorithms now am I saying stock devices are bad absolutely not a lot of them are great A lot of them serve their purpose especially when their purpose is something simple serum or vital are going to be one of your Best Bets for a straight up wave table synthesizer serum costs $189 a bit on the pricey side but there's a reason that it is one of if not the most popular wave table synthesizers it's versatile and highquality sounding I've always thought it sounded way cleaner than massive and for those of you that aren't old enough to rent a car yet massive used to be the serum of synthesizers before serum came out don't worry guys not every plugin in this video is going to be this obvious but I can't not mention a plugin just because it's popular if you do want a free alternative vital is what you want personally I do prefer the workflow of vital over serum and I'm sure plenty of people would agree or disagree but they each have features that make them slightly different one advantage of vital is that it has a third oscillator and the greatest advantage of vital over Serum is that you will save nearly $200 which you can spend on a busy Works beats mixing course wow here's a bass sound I made with vital I have a pack of Base sounds you can check that out down in the description current is also pretty nice especially if you want a bunch of great sounds that come with it in my opinion if you're going to get current the monthly subscription is going to be your best bet there because it has a lot of great sounds but like the sequences the granular the the Basse sounds especially really impressive stuff if you want the maximist option you may want to check out phase plant it is semi modular meaning it is the most flexible in every sense of the word other than you know modular if you don't like the routing options of these other synthesizers that's not a problem it's less Limited in terms of how you want to set it up it's pretty much a playground only downside is it's not cheap stuff now as far as Samplers go you know a stock sampler could do a lot of great things Sado sample is going to be the best one you can actually get though it has a stem separation feature which can get you a lot of creativity mileage that you wouldn't get with other Samplers granted you could use one of those websites that does it for free you could use ultimate vocal remover which I'll talk about later on for stem separation but having it available directly in Sado sample is a great workflow timesaver now this one's going to be a little controversial here cuz I have said some stuff about this plugin in the past but I do think it is the best option for what it does and that is excellent audio's life if you're looking for something to help you randomize some sort of audio maybe take percussion or fley Loop and make it into a new thing a new Arrangement a new chopped up Loop if you mess with the settings enough you'll get something nice one of the greatest things you could do with it is run a vocal segment through it and have it create random vocal chops for you okay these the next two are going to be kind of controversial here arcade people probably a little surprised by this one it's pretty good if you're looking for royaltyfree sampling you know maybe sampling you can put in quotations there I know a lot of people do not think it's good and I honestly blame arcade's perception in the public on their ads the ads were so corny and hilarious man if I had this when I was a fetus I'd be a trillionaire right now I really think it's how you use it if you just take one of the generic samples and then throw it over a drum beat it's nothing special but you know if you combine little segments from different ones together you can actually get some decent sample sounding stuff now granted it's not going to completely replace sampling because you know there's just some classic records out there that just sound really vintage they sound really legendary it's not going to replace that okay I'm not saying it's replacing sampling but it is a great way to get a sampled feel on a beat or if you need some vocal chops but you're worried about getting sued from actually sampling them from somewhere it can be a great option I've used them before for future garage type tracks such as this one right [Music] here this one's probably a little controversial too I think knock fits in pretty good for mixing or sound design now there is some criticism of this plugin you could just use stock effects I do personally think the Clipper on it sounds better than any other Clipper I've used I mean maybe there's a few other I haven't really dove into as much but sounds better than g-clip in my opinion sounds better than Ableton stock clipping I really can't tell if I'm imagining that it sounds better or if it actually does sound better it's got transient shaping saturation it's got filtering it's got clipping the workflow of it is also very quick for processing drum sounds it is a bit on the expensive side $100 you know I mean if you're really need that for your workflow $100 isn't too bad if you just want the Clipper they also just sell the Clipper by itself so that may be something you want to consider if you're going to get it this one's definitely very option well all this stuff is optional for the most part but this one's very optional visco is one of my new favorite tools you can use it to turn sounds into other sounds and I've been shaping drum sounds into other drum sounds coincidentally you can also mix sounds together with it combine this with some layering and you've got a factory for making new drum sounds best of all it's technically free I should make mention this though it's nag wear at first when you use it it's like okay you got to wait 10 seconds to use it next thing you know it's like 30 seconds I think it maxes out at 30 seconds I recommend actually paying for it if you do actually like it enough to continue using it but until then it's free now when it comes to generating kicks I actually have a great free option for you if you use Ableton I've made an Ableton rack called Rob's kick generator basically it has a bunch of options to generate a kick from scratch you can get it for free on my website Weaver kits it's in the description but combine that with a Clipper like knock or even a free one like g-clip you're you're set now an honorable mention here would be Mr bills slap plugin what I love about this one is you can replace transients and sounds it's great for customizing the sound a little bit further I got to give it up to this one too zenaptic morph 3 it's hard to even describe but the different algorithms allow you to take different aspects of each sound and blend them together into one new sound so it's can help you get some unique sounding sounds it is a bit on the pricey side though so you know like I said you know I'm not endorsing piracy here you know but the if the 7-Day trial or whatever the it is is not long enough you can always get an extended free trial no I'm not going to tell you how to get an extended free trial read between the lines here with what I'm saying though now we're going to be talking my favorite thing of all you guys already know it's coming multi effect plugins got to give it up to my favorite one infiltrator infiltrator is not for everyone it's especially good if you do El ronic music and you want to quickly turn one sound into another sound it's a great way to take something and quickly flip it into something else if you're in a Beat battle and you want to flip the sample into something unrecognizable or somewhat recognizable this is going to be your quickest option just cycling through presets that even is really powerful it has a bunch of different effects that you don't have stock in your Daw best of all it actually has a sequencer so you can have effects turn on and off throughout the sequencer I was going to insert some examples of what you can do with infiltrator but if you're actually curious all the transition cards were flipped from the same song with different infiltrator effects on them that's all I'm going to say about it I'm not going to shill it too hard all right guys I also think shaper box is great it's very similar a lot of people compare them they're different though shaper box in my opinion is better for more controlled things it doesn't have as many of effects but if you have a specific idea in mind what you want to do with a filter or volume shaping Etc that's going to be probably your best bet to have to pick between shaper box and infiltrator though it depends on what type of music you make and what you plan to do with it more control stuff where you plan on doing it yourself I would definitely go for shaper box trying to completely flip a sound and a totally different sound that's going to be [Music] infiltrator now a lot of these people know of pretty much a lot of these plugins I'm sure a lot of people know of if you've been in the music production game for a while y Shout Out game he's my favorite producer okay so fab filter Pro Q This is the obvious choice here obviously you can get by but with your stocky Q the good things about Fab filter Pro Q is really the way it functions in my opinion it's got the best gooey it looks good it functions really well it's got linear phase it's got options to side chain into it so you can see when different frequencies are clashing and then I'll help you know what when you need to cut frequencies in different sounds in order to make sure they play together better in the mix obviously you don't need this like you can do it all by ear some people don't even care to clean up their mixes but for me it's really useful all Fab filter products are a bit on the expensive side but that's because they're all high quality in my opinion so you're getting what you pay for essentially you know it's got Dynamic EQ side chain Dynamic it's got basically everything you ask for an EQ I don't even think they're going to release a Fab filter Pro Q4 there's basically nothing left to add now the mixing products from isotope are not bad while it is true it can automatically help you mix some stuff fast I personally like to get into the mixing more myself I don't like having the computer decide what to do sometimes it may give you some good ideas you didn't think of but I hate that it does everything for you I don't mind that as much with ozone which we'll get into a bit later in the mastering section okay so Ott great free over-the toop compressor get it if you make Basse music you should know about it already I mean uh the one thing to watch out for Ott though is Phase issues phase issues can be a problem sometimes they're really subtle sometimes they're really obvious I feel like it's most obvious with something with a saw wave form throw a saw base in the Ott that is sounding there are ways to get around this though you can actually set up linear phase over the top compressors multiband X6 is a great option if you're trying to do overthe toop compression and have it still be linear phase I should also mention this be aware of using linear phase you don't always want to do linear phase it can cause different issues as well such as pre- ringing it's not always good to do linear phase but there are certain situations where you would want to do it now if you're trying to clean up a vocal or dialogue recording isotope RX is decent the one waves plugin I think is worth paying for is waves Clarity it is pretty cheap much cheaper than isotope RX keep in mind with isotope RX you're going to get a lot of other tools too I believe it clear this RX at least in terms of D noise specifically okay duck is a great tool for ducking audio or doing side chain ducking it's a great alternative to side chain compression it's a great option when you want sound a to duck out of the way when sound B is playing there are other options too such as duck buddy which is a Max for live device you could also use LFO tool but I generally find the routing for it to be kind of painful like I said you can just use side chain compression but what I love about these plugins in particular is that it is sync to the grid so you can actually get the timing perfectly and you also have a visual representation of it happening obviously you can also automate Volume in your Daw but really yeah I'll take the time I would have spent on that Automation and instead spend it on putting more stickers on my truck soothe it's great for cleaning up resonant Peaks within the sound overall just taking out the harsher frequencies it is mildly expensive though some other options include Smooth Operator but it lacks the same amount of features so that's kind of the tradeoff you're going to pay more get more features you could also use a dynamic EQ but it really depends on the situation for instance if you have a bass guitar and there's a resonant Peak every time you play a note but it's a different resonant Peak every time you change notes if you were to fix this with a dynamic EQ you're going to have to automate the frequency that is changing with each note whereas soothe it will take care of that for you automatically it's overall just a great timesaver some dork might call you lazy on Twitter for it but time is money and uh you're looking pretty broke Dynamic EQ is great especially when you have something static that you want to take care of am I saying slap soothe on everything no but it has a time and place for sure now if you're looking for Distortion there's a lot of great options I feel like trash 2 is the one I'm going to have to mention here though I believe it is the most powerful Distortion effect you can get now make sure you don't get trash one the new isotope trash like that one's still good but trash 2 just has more options yeah go figure it it doesn't surprise me that isotope doesn't know how to count they release trash 2 then you know 10 years later they release trash one maybe they have amnesia I don't know now granted it is a bit hard to pick up at first I it might be kind of hard to even buy at this point I haven't really looked into it they have discontinued it but it is a bit more complicated to use in your average Distortion tool but it does have a lot of options another Distortion to consider is Aria's cold fire it is very similar in options to trash too I do prefer the interface of this one quite a bit more but it also costs more okay as far as saturators go got to give it the FB filter Saturn I I know this is expensive your stock saturator will do just fine but if you're looking for more options or something with linear FAS Saturn's a pretty good one to go to granted it is expensive so you may want to consider just going with your stock saturator but having those extra saturation options is great the reason why you would want linear phase in a saturator is in case you put it on a return track and you want to make sure the phase of the return track is aligned with the original track as far as Reverb plugins go some of them do sound slightly better you could get by with your stock Reverb but if you really analyze the difference in sound between them your stock Reverb almost never sounds as good as these aftermarket ones granted you will mostly only hear the difference when the Reverb is ringing out by itself or when very few other elements are playing at the same time and a full mix it's probably not too obvious there are other features that you do get with these aftermarket reverbs though that you do not it with your stock Reverb but the main things to look for in a Reverb in my opinion are ducking you know a good sound when it rings out maybe Shimmer if that's something you're looking for convolution so some great options Pro R would be the most expensive but it does basically do everything you can want with the Reverb crystalline is a more affordable one that has options such as ducking and uh Shimmer Valhalla super massive is free and great granted that one is a combination of Reverb and delay and valhalla's other reverbs are great too the only problem I have with those is that you're buying separate ones for each thing like if you want if you want Shimmer you got to buy valala Shimmer whereas something like Pro R you're getting them all combined so for tuning vocals there's a lot of options if you're looking for a cheap option waves realtime tuner don't use too many waves plugin that's a good one cuz it is pretty free pretty free what it is it's not it's not even free when I say pretty free I guess I mean I mean it's cheap it's cheap autotune is a good option it's kind of the same as waves realtime tuner the newer versions of autotune though have a lot more features so you're generally going to be paying quite a bit more for something like autotune than waves realtime tuner the whole difference between traditional autotune and waves real time and something like melodine is that it has to hear the signal first before correcting so it will never correct it before the sound actually plays that and the lack of controls are why it doesn't generally sound as natural as melodine the newer more Decked Out versions of autotune do have melodine type features though personally my favorite is melodine but godamn it is expensive you know melodine is really great because you can make vocalists sound not and if you are somebody who mixes vocals for people or you have a voice and you want to fix your voice you know your voice is still going to Bey but at least it's going to be in key you know you can make people think you're a great singer until it comes time to play a show it's not going to completely fix everything though like there's there's just sometimes when people sing so up that you're just like you know what this is I cannot fix this part melodine even like I don't know what to do with this some other things worth mentioning too these are some free plugins analog Obsession makes some great analog emulation type plugins acoustica audio does too uh I'm saying acoustica audio though because the guy that owns it threatened to sue me when I covered their whole situation with r2r uh that guy sue me for that pal sue me for that rc20 might be something you want if you're trying to make some sound sound more vintage ozone is a given just the fact that it's allinone there are other great tools such as smart limiter Etc but you know you're just paying for that one tool whereas with ozone you're getting a great all-in-one set and it has a lot of tools in it on one hand it is too many tools at least it hasn't progress to waves audio levels of why the are you making this much the auto Master assistant is decent you got got to make sure you know what you're doing though you don't want to just press the auto master and then just go with that cuz generally it may have some settings that are not good or not what you're going for but you can set the autom master assistant really quickly and then tweak it from there it's a fast option it's got a decent price to it but you know you're getting a lot of tools obviously for post production can't not mention it isotope RX now you may have noticed in the past I've had negative reviews about them and it's not that I think isotope RX is bad is that I think they are milking us for upgrades that is the problem it's a really great software it's just in every single upgrade they give us one or two new tools and then half the time they don't even work for instance in rx10 they added a feature that was supposed to transcribe audio to text I had to transcribe their own trailer for rx10 and these were the results our extent standard as a complete Cat for audio cleanup and music and personal Productions from automatically removing noising the antlers of prent and the atow rebel n string mixes with music revalence they're just rushing them out at this point they're trying to milk it for money but overall RX is the best all inone bundle for post production it's got mouth declick dclick it's got like a phase fixing tool it comes with d noise breath control it's got de clipping I do find the de clipping is pretty destructive though D Reverb DEH hum D russle DWI anything you can need to fix some sort of audio especially if it's recorded outside another critique I have about it is it does have a music rebalance tool something for separating stems only problem is it'sing old it's ancient they've had the same algorithm since RX7 meanwhile technology is flown way past that like the the music rebalanced to they should just remove it at this point like it looks stupid having it in here it is pretty expensive but if you need all those tools for post- production or cleaning up vocals if you're like a professional mixer you you're probably going to want this now I don't know if I could personally recommend goo I just don't know if I like it enough to justify the price if you're looking for something for harmonic excitement your best bet is going to probably be the one from ozone it just has a lot of control in it another waves plugin that I will use is the waves aex vintage oral Exciter I just used that one in mastering off thr on a return track just to like bring up the high end while without making it too harsh just to match it to other songs this section is for plugins I forgot while recording originally or I wasn't sure where to place them while I was editing so this one's an Easy Choice especially if you aren't a brilliant musician even if you are it may help you write different progressions or get you thinking about it in a different way scaler 2 it is fairly affordable and Powerful there are preset progressions you can make your own progressions it can analyze what you put into it you can modulate your progressions over time you can route the midi to different instruments for $49 they're frankly not charging enough for it in my opinion but let's just keep that between us so if you need stem separation ultimate vocal remover is going to be your best bet it's free it comes with some algorithms you can download even more algorithms there's just nothing that's going to beat it it has the same algorithms that you can get on these websites that you pay for it has the same algorithms that you'd be using an FL Studio or Sado sample but keep in mind if you have FL Studio they've added that option yes FL Studio had the foresight to implement this directly in your Daw I'm not surprised though this guy can fit a lot of ideas in there I'm not really sure how it compares to like the best algorithms ultimate vocal remover I'm not doing another one of those shootout tests it makes me want to shoot it's not technically a plugin but it is definitely something that should be a part of your toolbox [Music] I felt like it deserved its own category just cuz it's eh one of my favorite color-based plugins lately is chroma from what I can tell it builds harmonics based on the key that you tell it to put it in and you can choose which notes you want it to do the soul for color-based plugins are great because you can take regular base sounds you might hear in dubstep and make them more colorful sounding and it just gives a different vibe you can take the inharmonic portions of a sound and make them extremely harmonic sounding again good luck finding this in a stock device this one's an honorable mention here rebound it's a Max for live device you use in Ableton it works slightly differently but it gets a similar effect okay that's it for this video guys if you enjoyed it consider throwing a like on it um otherwise I'll be outside your house tomorrow morning that's just a joke YouTube do not I'm going to be outside their house to say hello to them I'm not going to do I'm not going to hurt them I'm going to [ __ ] hurt you subscribe if you're new here we have content like this basically every single day if you want to support the channel consider join my patreon or becoming a channel member for as low as $5 a month you get access to exclusive content goodies such as sound kits outakes and more that's it for today guys see you guys next time probably [Applause] [Music] tomorrow W bang Incorporated
Channel: Weaver Beats
Views: 33,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music production, music producer, music producers, music production news, music producer news, music producers news, weaver beats, weaver beats 2, digitakt 2, digitakt ii, tekton audio, tekton audio lawsuit, yeezy porn, yeezy, nothing earbuds, grimes, grimes coachella, fors tela
Id: oDcrfxi_bdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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