Why Pros BASS Sound SO GOOD? Here is the secret..

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are you having problem with your baselines this is the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my entire life you're in the right place because we are going to remake the best baselines of 2024 so this and this and of course this and there's one trick that nobody shows on Internet that will change how you make your baselines forever and I'm not really exaggerating it I'm not going to keep you weighted so let's jump mpanza okay buckle up because this will be a bit wild sometimes I show really advanced stuff but I really do my best to show you how Pearls do it and this is a very good example everybody has rolling baselines but how Pros do we are doing this one at first side it sounds like in other rolling Baseline right I will show you different ways and Pro and the amateur version of doing this and probably nobody has shown this before the idea is simple right we are going this up and down rolling Baseline G sh all the way the easy way to getting this sound will be just bringing in serum a envelope envelope to go a Cado filter and the trick will be using Unison so that the sound is pented right and left now of course we have a shaper box or side chain to kick right sounds good and most of the time this can be enough but if you bring in our imager and take a look you will see that we are all over the place and we may have issues with the mono compability but you know what if you're not producing for clubs this will be fine now novice version of this will be you take the same sound but put a utility and do Bas mono it will Sol issue a bit but we still all over the place and semi pro version of it I've sh this before many people shown it before you can separate them highend other line sub base now we are much closer in the middle but you will see that this sounds a bit pH it doesn't sound Super Clean Pro way of doing this is actually like this this is probably never shown before and you will probably see it later other channels showing after me but it's a good thing people showing that so how do you do it properly this should sound much sonically should be much more contained but we still have the stereo what's going on right this sounds super clean buckle up because this will be probably something that you will use all your production life all I ask in return is just subscribe to channel because 50% of the people have't subscribed to channel and give it a like it really helps me a lot so I'm going to start from scratch so that you understand what I'm doing rather than using Unison you want more control on your oscillators and how much you are panning you can control globally but it doesn't give you the control of the faces so you cannot really pinpoint everything what you need to do two Slaters P them P the person to the right turn person to the left but nothing is happening everything is in the middle I'm going to just fix the envelopes a little bit so the sound is similar with fat good enough right okay no stereo at the moment even though we P the trick is you have to change the pH of these two sound so they start to go into the stereo image do you hear it on the imager right now we are having the stereo but we are not all over the place we are not really going all the way to the right and left but there is more to do this oneth so what we can do now is actually remove the fundamental from both like that now we only have highs now we can add the fundamental back right in the middle with this sub here we go now we even contain the sub part and then open up the right and left now at this point decide how much you want because you have all the control in the world you can pan more you can phas differentiate more the more you do this you will see that the more we will deviate from the middle but we are still much much much much more contained if we go back to original I try to like find a s spot kind of I say separated original Maxx's base and compared our base to his base of course this is a master track and probably they tighten up bit more the St image but if you take a look you see how similar they look behaviors are super similar and soundwise they are super similar as well and I know it is probably complicated for you with all these phases and pens and remove the fundamental but if you want to really make something sounding super good and super tighty at the same time manual control is always way to go with everything and Al together now look how good it [Music] sounds and nobody else will show you this one so you're welcome if you are having problem with your lowan I created Atlas lowend tools it is a pack of different low ends with the kicks and bases and different percussions and so on and so forth you can either use it just to start your project or you can reference your own base or lowend with these different lowend example it will be only $29.90 for the lunch probably only for this week and later it will be 34 so if you want something as solid as it gets check that out this one is for more groovy and den baselines goes like this my inition a real sensation my inition a real sensation very T very gvy so how does this work if you remember maybe a year ago I had another video and I told you that the rumbles are getting into the other genres as well and this is one of its example the first thing we do we use a longer kick with the body so sounds like this a good thumb and a relatively long sustain for the kicktail as well then we create a second Channel we root this channel to the kick Channel and then pick the post effects so we can hear the kick when we click in here the volume is much lower the reason is that we don't want it to take it over the first thing light Reverb you can use any Reverb I'm adjusting testing to get the sound closer overdrive EQ the container so we don't need Super lows and super highs free clip to shave it a little bit right and then one more you could really contain it in a certain area together so we have this kind of room effect to the kick and it's really on the mid to high end so it doesn't affect the low end too much then to make it really in your face with the base we divide the base into sub and the base and the sub is very straightforward here in serum I have a single patch super simple soft to the most important thing is having this like a sustain envelope so the sub sustains so you can really hear the body of the base and a lot of dve on it right this really nice warm subline we are using eight pattern but keep in mind that we have a space in between the pattern this helps to make sub really separates from the kick it's the reason that it sounds more more groovier when you listen to [Music] it then I have shaper box here just side change the kick so that we have this we almost completely take the first hit but it still kind of glues the things together now the sub is there but we need some kind of top line but it so that we can really hear the base a little bit better and for that we have the second Bas line over here so idea is still keeping that warm analogous sound and this is the reason I'm using again single soft too very similar envelopes but this time we have a really more permanent envelope on the filter so we have this movement again we have a good amount of dry and fed to warm it up and a little bit hyper to make it slightly stereo and again one more Distortion to make it even more warm all together now we want more B to this so I add a bit more saturation and the more important thing is of course taking off all the sub so that sub and the base doesn't clash and the color of this is really adding kind of a sty ACD base step so that we can hear this more grooviness into it and for that one we have one final ACD sound and this one is actually more like a squarish and softed in between sounds like this how do you get something something like that in this case the sound was on the side so we are using Unis in two so one to the right one to the left in this case the tune slightly but here the main thing is getting out of resonance and adding quite a bit filter to the cut off so we have this one way movement but of course to make it really obvious you need a lot of distortion right this is not warm this is warm and kind of more distorted And Delay ot2 to make the body come and a Reverb EQ bit and of of course one final filter cut off so that all this Distortion too much so make it still kind of contained this is the main trick really the final filter to clean the sound up now let's listen all together and dance to it a real sensation my intuition a real sensation my intuition it's so good this lamp is in between groovy and driving at the same time sounds like this very cool again very warm let's see how this is done if you listen to Adriatic you will see that they like to use really long kicks and in this case we have a very long one here right and because it's a very long the space that you can use for your sub Bas is really limited and you can little see on the pattern for your Baseline yes there are things that overlapping a bit but when you s in it they will really fit nicely together and for the sub base the idea really continues keeping it simple but strong I want you to take a look at the envelopes like the siing is very high and the second one on the fet is really tiny tiny and we are using again this in between sof too and square wave form contained but still strong and then little bit EQ and of course shape your box for a very aggressive size chaining we could definitely make it longer really something like this yeah we can definitely see that overlapping part here right together keep in mind the pther is actually two bars rather than one bar and it's changing quite a bit right it's a very cool pattern as well and then of course we need something on top because we want to hear the base and make a pattern even longer and a bit more permanent and in this case this is much easier and we can do that because we don't really care too much about the kick because you're on the higher end of the frequency for this type of sound you either go for the FM synthesis or ring modulation or both in the original track it is slightly slightly different but I didn't want to spend too much time to do 100% match but I think this really close enough so in this case you will probably remember this one the serum like it this acid style sound I'm of course using a ring modulation on top of that I know it's getting very confusing even though it's looks confusing these are much like trial era you go and turn some knobs and here and so on this sound I have two engines the first engine sounds like this second engine sounds like this the second engine gives the basic part and on the sze and the first engine is in your face the way it sounds get this part is like let me solo this one like this is really bad but when you start frequency [Music] modulation it's skch much more darker and deeper the reason being if you take a look at the modulator here what modul is this one is a sine wave tuned down to 36 so it's a very dark deep sign way modulating this one giving this really dark sound here as well and of course we have position modulation here like we are using the envelope to like move this one bit up this is already very authentic very good sound right of course this filter helps make the sound contain on the low end it's a forant filter and of course we have tons of delays and distortions on here and here another filter cleaning up the top end right and then the second engine we are using the really very same idea frequency modulation sine wave and together this this strong cool sound this sound is actually coming from my pigments obsidian techn press I changed a bit to make it fit a bit more to this track but the most of the modulations were already there so very very cool sound so what we want get rid of all the low end add a delay it's such CH it so we are taking Orin base H and now this really opens up the base and give so much character listen now now we need to make it more playful so the first thing is a base percussion so we are using another Baseline just to give a bit color to the space Sounds here like this one is just simple unlock sounding base patch I did it on the flly just to match the original track just single soft toage a bit envelops on the filter and matrix 12 for the filter as well a bit distortion again and slight delay feel this warm sound not much here and finally we need to make it a bit more bigger and easiest way to do it using base horns we have this guy over here right it's big but still contain it's not like the endless Reverb tail either easiest way to get this type of sound is using a Unison and duning quite a bit you see the envelope one is sustained we don't use any filter whatsoever sun go straight into into the Distortion and we are using di two relative aggressive Distortion and compress it to just a contain the sound that is most of the sound really and then we have of course a bit EQ heading super lows and side chain the cake and all together now super cool if you want more Pro tips I have more of these here take a look
Channel: Alice Yalcin Efe - Mercurial Tones Academy
Views: 88,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ABLETON LIVE 10, music production, edm production, how to, how to make, ableton, ableton live, techno production, how to techno, how to edm, audio mixing, mastering, ableton live 11, how to make music, yalcin efe, biskuwi, lofiend, bass, mrak, afterlife, anyma, rolling bass, bass techno, techno bass tutorial, melodic techno bass, bass mixing, rick beato, bass lesson
Id: M4UfZ8YEZ7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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