The BEST Vending Machines 2023

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what's going on everybody Adam Hill Vending in this video what I want to talk about my check make sure we are crispy clean vending machines a number of questions come in through a lot of sources uh remember before I get into this a lot of things going on if you need help start is the free download guide that's how you can start learning about vending but I want to make this video specifically for people number of people in the past couple weeks have asked which machine to buy how do I do research on a vending machine I'm going to keep it very simple in this video we're going to talk about snack machines and we're going to talk about drink machines and I'm going to tell you if I were you if I were you in 2023 and you had one location and you needed one snack machine and you needed one drink machine exactly what I would buy and why I would buy it okay this isn't I'm not going to over complicate it I'm going to keep it real simple straight to the point so first up let's pull up our handy dandy website here make sure you guys can see this perfect am uh equipment sales this is a a place out of Georgia a place in Georgia that I have purchased uh vending machines from before great company stand by their uh stand by their machine stand by their warranty they're not a uh they do not have their own route and I believe basically they just sell vending machines they ship them to Florida they'll ship them to anywhere in the country so if you're in the in the United States they will ship them to you okay but let's go through you have a location now what do you do if you need to know how to get locations course full program teaches everything I know everything I know also 2023 big things coming for the course so just stay tuned right here new snack machines okay you might be wondering what's the difference between all these machines what's the difference between a combo machine and a refrigerated snack machine what's the difference between an outsider machine I'm going to go through that a little bit but the basic premise you need to know right now is that this these are AMS automatic automated merchandising systems okay this brand since it 3 2022 2023 Edition right even later editions but let's just do for 2023 is the top vending machine snack machine and combo machine on the market today in my opinion now let's go into why let's go into why I would pick this machine first of all unlimited tech support the parts easy to program easy to maintain I can't tell you the last time I had I've got a dozen more than a dozen probably 50. AMS machines out the last time a motor went bad the last time I had to repair an AMS vending machine knock on wood don't jinx myself has been a long long time so um but let's go into your standard snack machine so as you can see right here you have combo vending machines let's go to the snack machines because that's what I said we're doing in this video we're going to stay focused and we're gonna stay dialed in new snack machine if you have a location so it's going to do it uh 100 people it's going to do a couple thousand dollars a month in sales start I would go new I would Finance it through click lease through whoever you want Finance it use them get the monthly payment have the account pay for the machines you have no money invested maybe 10 down yeah you're going to pay 10 interest on the loan but the account's paying for it and you don't have to have any money out of pocket so as you can see they have a three wide four wide five wide and Outsider Outsiders for locations that are outside exclusively that means that they have a thicker gauge metal they have double triple pane glass you don't need that these are going in a break room in a break room I would go with a five wide five wide AMS right here this is exactly what I would do six trays this will hold everything you need this will hold everything you need coils you can change the coil count you can put a card reader on there easy to set up easy to program set it in you're done you will not have to fix or repair this machine for years vending you don't want to be fixing and repairing machines so this one right here drop a comment if you're watching live appreciate you watching the replay if you are not so look at this five thousand dollars I don't know if I want to spend five thousand dollars that's why you get a quality location Finance the machine and have that account pay that make that payment look at that payments as low as 136 dollars a month you just have to run these numbers if that machine itself can do a thousand dollars a month it's gonna have enough I'm not gonna get into the finances in this video there's going to be enough money there's no there's going to be enough meat on that bone to pay for that okay so there you go AMS 39 what does the 39 stand for that just means it's a 5 wide a 35 would be a four wide okay in stock ships in three days nice thing about this place again I don't have any affiliation with a M Equipment other companies probably do this you just call them and tell them how you want it set up how you want it priced how you want it programmed have them install the card reader if you want and it's ready to go when it's delivered either to the location or toward your storage unit or to wherever you have it delivered then you can just have it put product in it put it in the account okay so that would be the snack machine that I would go with as of now keep in mind as of this video Sega the worst company inventing in my opinion has bought out uh uh AMS or taking a majority ownership or whatever so their quality May deteriorate I don't know hopefully not time will tell time will tell let's move on to the drink machines if you've seen any of my content you know you know where I'm going with this look at this beautiful Vendo 721 look at this thing would you just look at it just look at it this video 721 why am I not going with a glass front because glass fronts can be problematic they can have issues the motor the they can break down the arms stack loader 10 selections this is the Workhorse Cadillac of the industry can hold 12 ounce cans 20 ounce bottles 16 ounce no shims no gauge bars no clips 133 dollars a month you've got two machines now say your monthly payments is two are 250 bringing in 2 000 a month boom brand new clean look at the warranties look at the warranties you're going to get warranties on your Refrigeration deck I believe are five three years four years years all your parts will be under warranty if you're buying these machines 500 000 machines off of Facebook off of offer up or wherever you're buying them don't know if they're a credit card capable do not know if parts are easily available so this is a Workhorse this will continue to be produced and parts will be available so looks good I would go for the extra hundred dollars I believe this is called a live display where you can actually see the product in the window so they know it's not just a flavor tab it's the actual product so that's what I would uh stick with I would go with the Vendo 721 Now personal preference some people may may enjoy other brand vending machines these machines have been used in Hill vending for years most with zero issues okay so if you have a question drop it down below let me see here but I wanted to I wanted to make this just to start 2023 with a guy because a lot of people were wondering where to begin but the the Four Keys of ending the first thing you need to get before you worry about machines location machines Service pricing if you get all four of those vending can be the side hustle bending can be full time vending can be what you want you can grow it from two machines bring in a couple thousand dollars a month to 100 machines however you want to structure it but you need to have those four things four things down before you get started so let's see I had another question here who's gonna wrap up let me see so there you go for 2023 AMS 39.5 white if I'm saying a standard break room uh why am I going to go with the five wide over the four wide why wouldn't I have more capacity if the room will permit I will have more uh space more selection just because you have five wide across and a bigger machine and things the volume is not there you can put less product in the machine you don't have to fill the machine all the way up but I want the highest capacity possible I can always Throttle Down the inventory that I put in the machine to accommodate um accommodate that space wouldn't really recommend putting in a three wide the three wide's too small they're going to sell out it's not going to do enough Revenue so we can get into combo machines in another video but I want to keep this straight to the point AMS sends it three uh snack machines and window 721 let me know your comments below if you agree or disagree uh course if you need help again keep keep a lookout 2023 is going to be explosive growth in um for what we're doing online so just want to let you guys know that we have a lot of big things planned Partnerships coming down the uh coming down the line our next video will be I'm going to do a live demo the beer vending machine is now fully functional the bugs were worked out it's ready to go on a location so I'll show you how that whole process works the ID process the scanning everything you need to know and remember most importantly until next time keep your drinks cold and your snacks fresh
Channel: Hill Vending Services
Views: 2,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Vja6SSY9Bp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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