The Best Upcoming ACTION Movies 2020 & 2021 (Trailers)

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[Music] good morning goldie my name is guy and i live in free city i have everything i need [Music] except one thing hey excuse me hey hey bud you ever think that there's got to be more more than what the stuff we do day after day literally not once today's gonna be different goldie what are we looking at who are you we ran into each other the other day how did you find me i waited outside by the murder train guy i have to tell you something there is no easy way to say this this world it's a video game i really want to kiss you is that weird listen to me you're not real wait you let who kiss you guy there's not a button for that oh he found the button buddy if we're not real doesn't that mean that nothing you do matters i am sitting here with my best friend trying to help him get through a tough time now if that's not real i don't know what it is millie i know this world is just a game but this place these people that's all i have thanks guys who is this guy this character in the video game free city has been turning heads by being the good guy who is blue shirt guy you're absolutely right who is he or she indeed this loser is ruining the game man i don't care if he's arnold freaking schwartz invader terminate him we're doing great guy in two days the game is gonna shut down you this whole city they'll be gone what if we can save it [Music] was that cool it felt really cool we could change our world but we have to fight together i don't even know what's happening right now but i love it this is the first time i've ever driven a car before i really wish you'd mentioned that yeah they seem nice your instructor is one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced his exploits are legendary what he has to teach you may very well mean the difference between life and death your reputation precedes you i have to admit i wasn't expecting an invitation back they're called orders maverick [Music] good morning aviators this is your captain speaking today's exercise is dog fighting two versus what he's gotta be kidding what the hell [Music] smoke in the air [Music] [Applause] you have any idea what those markers are they look pretty ancient the tracks end here it's definitely bravo team they don't just disappear where the hell are we that lightning and hit those markers and it took us somewhere guys so what are we like guardians of the galaxy now on our six dear bros holy [ __ ] did you see that thing pull back this is officially above my pay grade i don't care what those creatures are we destroy them and close the gateway i'm getting us all home so [Music] from your secret friend underneath having let's play a game just me and you any of this mean anything to you [Music] you're becoming quite a celebrity why is he writing to you if you are justice please do not lie what is the price for your blind eye the hell are you supposed to be i'm vengeance [Music] you're part of this too oh my part of it you'll see i tell people my sister moved out west you're a science teacher your husband fee renovates houses thinking about moving but you're gonna wait until the interest rates go down that's not my story before i was an avenger i made mistakes and a lot of enemies it's called science taskmaster he controls the red room they're manipulated fully conscious but no choices i should have come back for you how many others are there than us we have to go back to where it all started so they never do that to anyone again we're family we fight with you won't win i've always found it best not to look into the past okay you got a plan or should i just stay dug and come but my plan was to drive us away gloria plan sucks [Music] at some point we all have to choose between what the world wants you to be [Music] i'm done running [Music] here's what's gonna happen natasha don't slouch i'm not slouching you're going to get the back hunch listen to your mother oh my god all right enough all of you i didn't say anything that's not fair there's something happening to me there's something awakening in my mind i can't control what did you see there's a crusade coming [Applause] do you often dream things that happen just as you dream them yes the test is simple remove your hand from the box and you die what's in the box pain [Applause] you inherit too much power you have proven you can rule yourself now you must learn to rule others something none of your ancestors learnt my father rules an entire planet he's losing it he's getting a richer one he'll lose that one too arrakis is a death trap [Applause] this is an extermination they're picking my family off one by one let's fight like demons an animal caught in a trap will nor off its own leg to escape what will you do [Music] i know you [Music] one day the legend will be born [Music] all of civilization depends on it the future i can see it [Music] i must not fear fear is the mind killer hello duke where the fear is gone only i will remain go go [Music] oh this world is not yet ready for all that you will do the time will come diana and everything will be different citizens of the world i'm here to change your life anything you want anything you dream of you can have it look like you saw a ghost diana lucky you it's like now one day has passed i don't want to be like anyone i want to be an apex predator you've always had everything while people like me have had nothing well now it's my turn get used to it i've never been one for rules the answer is always more the way i fly they will never find us i forgot to tell you what radar will they will they shoot at [Music] [Applause] us [Music] barbara what did you do you know i'm not so keen on this one i figure uh you are but you know what i'm ready to go i think we can do better parachute pants yeah um does everybody parachute now [Music] my flock this will not be a war of heroes nations will slaughter each other while we get rich this is going to be fun [Applause] you cannot keep me locked away as the world burns son the truth is the world is ruled by corruption and greed we must do something certainly we are the first independent intelligence agency refined but brutal civilized but merciless welcome to the club very clever it's time to pour fuel on the fire of revolution yes my shepherd welcome englishman rasputin your reputation precedes you [Music] let's end this as gentlemen after all [Music] why is it that boys are always so messy good morning miss garcia good morning sunshine i miss you i could kiss you right now sunday curfew is now in effect all unauthorized citizens must stay indoors tensions rise as we enter the 213th week of lockdown grim new reality emerges 23 has mutated beginning thermal scan thermal scan 110 all infected americans are being forced into quarantine camps sarah every little thing sir what's going on department of sanitation sarah talk to me i think my neighbor has a fever it'll be so much easier if you just open the door mrs grant you have visitors [Music] beginning thermal scan three two one anomaly detected armed guards will be arriving in four to six hours you must not attempt to leave your home or you will be shot on site i know you're in there you're coming i have to let you go no no no sometimes we have to do things we don't want to survive i'm trying to save the one person left in my life that matters to me i can't help you what you talking about is illegal [Music] and remember stay safe save and sanitize [Music] so what are you doing out here there is a legend in the jungles of the amazon of a tree that heals all it could change the world but if it gets into the wrong hands he could awaken a great evil i believe that the legend is real and i'm gonna find it what you want when i do just imagine the lives that could be saved i've been looking for this tree longer than anybody i've tracked a legend to every village every island nothing you're searching for something that can't be found but you've never had the key let's do something that's safe let's go see some elephants there are no elephants in the amazon and i don't even like elephants lady everybody likes elephants know this about the jungle everything that you see wants to kill you and can careful they can smell fear i am not afraid oh my gosh who brings a submarine to the amazon foyer [Music] good night [Music] just leave me alone that was a disaster didn't go the way i planned michael i've known you since you were a child you the gift you always have if there's an answer to your disease you'll find it i should have died years ago why am i still here if not to fix this i have a rare blood disease and i'm running out of time this could be my last chance you're up to something what is it that's not exactly legal i want to see you get hurt more than you already have this would be a cure at what cost [Music] i went from time i feel like more alive than ever increased strength and speed the ability to use echolocation and then overpowering urge to consume blood [Music] how far are we allowed to go we'll fix something that's broken until the remedy is worse than the disease michael morbid got tired of doing the whole good guy thing huh what's up doc what are you doing here in summerville anyway honestly my mom won't say it but we're completely broke and the only thing that's left in our name is this creepy old farmhouse our grandfather left us in the middle of nowhere why'd you bring me up here entertainment value what is that i don't know somehow a town that isn't anywhere near a tectonic plate that has no fault lines no fracking no loud music even is shaking on a daily basis hey remember that one summer we died on our table i found this in my living room killer replica a replica of what a ghost trap [Music] there hasn't been a ghost sighting in 30 years new york in the 80s it's like the walking dead your dad never mentioned this to you it's just my mom my grandfather died my mom says we're just here to pick through the rebel of his life wait a minute [Music] who are you [Music] call it karma i believe that everything happens for a reason come on darling it has a gunner seat [Music] you
Channel: KinoCheck International
Views: 5,801,780
Rating: 4.8794222 out of 5
Keywords: KinoCheck, trailer, 2020, 2021, action, compilation, movie, film, best, action movies 2020, action movies 2021, Free Guy, Top Gun 2: Maverick, Monster Hunter, The Batman, Black Widow, Dune, Wonder Woman 1984, The King's Man, Songbird, Jungle Cruise, Morbius, Ghostbusters 3: Afterlife
Id: rxfj3nSu-mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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