ここは絶対ハズせない!!大阪が誇る極みうどん職人が夢中になってこだわり抜いた衝撃の一杯丨Best Udon in Osaka

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Namba, Naniwa-ku, Osaka 6:30 am. The owner, Mr. Kida came to the restaurant. He used to work at Kamatake Udon in Namba Sennichi for 15 years. Then he opened a new branch named as"Kidatake Udon" in 2018. Kelp Nameko mushrooms He steps on the dough to make it chewy. Pickles Thank you. I put the chicken into the water which contains 3% salt. This softens the chicken. The fibre of the chicken breast comes out by doing this. Fish cakes This is for the cold tempura udon. Green onions Eggs Grated daikon Here' the smooth dough. It's important to know how many times to fold the dough for the best texture. You don't make the chewy udon noodles without the smooth surface of the dough. Something like this. You can see fine layers like millefeuille. The gluten tissue is built up. Ginger Choice ginger Closed Open We got orders of a curry dipping noodle, a meat udon, a bowl of kayaku rice and an egg rice bowl. The timer will automatically turn off after 30 seconds. They set plenty of time to avoid rushing to work after the timer goes off. Here's the egg rice bowl. Could you take it to table 8? Thank you for waiting. Bukkake udon topped with fish sticks and egg tempura Chicken kayaku rice Welcome! Welcome! Thank you. Welcome! Take a seat wherever you like. Welcome! Sure, I'll be with you in a moment. The fish sticks and egg tempura are almost ready. The fish stick udon with less noodles are ready. The curry udon is ready. Thank you. Here you go. Thank you. The chicken bukkake udon is ready. Here you go. Are you ready to order? Thank you.
Channel: うどんそば 大阪 奈良 Udonsoba
Views: 16,609,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: うどん, そば, うどんそば, 饂飩, 蕎麦, 大阪, 奈良, うどんそば大阪奈良, 大阪グルメ, 奈良グルメ, udon, soba, udonsoba, 우동, 소바, 일본 우동소바, 乌冬面, 乌龙面, 荞麦面, 烏龍麵, 蕎麥麵, ちく玉天ぶっかけ, ぶっかけうどん, かやくごはん, き田たけうどん, 大阪市浪速区難波中
Id: GFfodTXiQ-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 11sec (2471 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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