The Best TVs You Can Buy | My Handpicked Favorites

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so did 2022 go like super fast for  anyone else out there hard to believe   the year is coming to a close and that  means we're about to start hearing all   about the new tech coming in 2023 but the  year isn't over yet and 2022 TVs are the   ones to buy for several months so  let's go down a list of the best welcome back everyone I'm Caleb Denison and yeah  even though it happens every year somehow I'm   still surprised we're coming to the end of one  year and staring down the next one I'm getting   emails about CEs right now and I'll be learning  all about the new TVs for 2023 which I'm super   excited to share with you but before we get  too excited about the new stuff which won't   be coming out for another five or six months at  the earliest let's talk about the best TVs of   2022. now personally I think it was a great year  for TVs and now that we're finally seeing prices   come down with a bunch of big sales on the horizon  I think this is the best time to look at the best   there is to buy hopefully that will help you make  a purchase decision if you're itching to pull the   trigger on new TV but before we get into it I just  wanted to put a heartfelt thank you out there to   everyone who supported us over the past few months  as we've taken a look at some of the best home   entertainment Tech you can buy it's been a lot of  fun and you all keep me motivated to constantly up   my game and make the best content I can thank you  so much for the continued support thanks for all   the likes thanks for all the new subscribers and  thank you for the comments I love chatting with   you guys whenever I can even though it can be hard  at times because we spend so much effort on making   this content but you're absolutely worth it okay  I'll stop gushing down let's talk about some TVs now real quickly just a reminder that because  we don't get Panasonic and Philips TVs here in   the US they aren't on my list both those Brands  make some Stellar TVs and absolutely deserve a   spot on best of lists I just want to acknowledge  that but because I can't get them here don't get   any quality time with them throughout the year  and because you can't buy them here in the US   they just aren't eligible for this list so with  that said I'm going to start with a TV that I   mean I should have known that it would be good  given this model's history and yet I was still   surprised I'm talking about the Hisense u7h the  u7h in the U.S doesn't have a mini LED backlight   system like the more expensive u8h so I guess  I went into it expecting that it would either   be super bright at the expense of black levels  and blooming control or that it might sacrifice   some brightness to maintain good black levels and  blooming control yet somehow the u7h managed to   impress me on both fronts it's still hot hard for  me to wrap my head around the fact that you can   get performance this good at such a low price now  I need to point out that I'm referring to the u7h   as it sold in North America and just in North  America outside the US the u7h is a completely   different TV and I'm really sorry but I'm not  familiar enough with hisense's models marketed   outside the U.S that I can run down a list of  equivalents in other markets but here in the   U.S the u7h is easily one of the best values  in TV I personally got remarkably good color   accuracy in its theater picture modes though I  understand that wasn't the case for everyone who   reviewed this TV and along with its relatively  High brightness and solid black levels this is a   TV that will really impress almost anyone who's  looking to upgrade from a TV they bought even   just a few years back it's capable of solid HDR  performance which is hard to find at this price   point honestly sure its motion isn't as smooth  as more expensive TVs sometimes I wonder about   consistency like is the one you get going to be  as good as the one I got I can't speak to that   but what I do know is that this TV is capable of  great things and it's absolutely worth checking   out it's got a great Suite of features for gamers  it works great for everyday viewing and even movie   lovers will be impressed having it on this list  was kind of a no-brainer for me and since we're   talking about Hisense let's keep going and talk  about the Hisense u8h basically take everything   I said about the u7h just now and Ratchet it up  several notches across the board the u8h does have   a mini LED backlight even higher Peak brightness  in fact it is brighter than some TVs that cost   twice as much or more it's got impressive black  levels and contrast good blooming control and even   though it wasn't as color accurate for me out of  the box it was still more than acceptable for most   folks remember when I talk about color accuracy  I'm talking about the same standards I apply to   TVs that cost two to three times what this TV  costs again I think motion resolution is one of   the areas that could be improved if I'm looking  for areas to complain about but most folks will   be over the moon with the picture quality on this  TV it's astounding what you can get for the price   next up is a TV model that has made the best of  lists for what four or five years now I'm talking   about the TCL 6 series specifically the r655 now  a big reason that TCL is the number two selling   brand in the U.S second only to Samsung by the way  is the legacy of the 6 Series this is the model   that shocked everyone a few years back and TCL has  been great about upping its game year after year   the 6 series doesn't get quite as bright as the  Hisense uh but what it lacks in sheer muscle it   makes up for in Grace it's just a more refined  picture with slightly better motion resolution   slightly better upscaling and cleaning up of low  quality content and very solid color performance   out of the box it's also a great TV for gaming in  fact it can punch up to 144 Hertz refresh rate in   some scenarios perhaps its only downside is that  it runs on the Roku platform now if you don't   like Roku well the TV is built on it though that's  easy enough to get around you can always use the   streamer of your choice but if you like Roku or  are at least good with Roku then you'll love this   TV it's another super high value TV that makes the  decision to spend more kind of difficult because   it pretty much spells out the point of diminishing  returns for most folks the tcl6 series is one of   the smartest buys you can make now before I  move forward I also wanted to mention the TCL   5 series which like the Hisense u7h is a less  expensive less prodigiously outfitted TV that   should offer very compelling performance I've just  not had a chance to review the latest s546 version   I have it here though so you'll be seeing that  review soon enough might have made the list had   I gotten it sooner I don't know I will know soon  enough okay so which TV should I talk about next   you know let's talk about the Sony x95k now I I  struggled with this whether I should talk about   the x 90k or the more expensive x95k and I ended  up choosing the x95k for a couple of reasons one   I actually reviewed it this year but also I  feel like if you're gonna spend extra money   on a Sony TV then you might as well just go for  it and while the less expensive X 90k might make   more sense for more people we're here to talk  about the best TVs and I feel like the x95k is   just a smarter investment if you're gonna go  with a Sony LED LCD TV the x95k has mini LED   backlighting excellent brightness above average  black levels and backlight control and of course   Sony's processing which is really key to the  amazing picture quality you get on this TV it's   also got a few features for PlayStation 5 owners  that you can't get on a non-sony TV speaking of   check out our best gaming TVs video if you haven't  already at any rate when we look at some of the   competing LED LCD TVs out there in the premium  tier we've seen a lot of inconsistency right   multiple firmware updates changing performance  Behavior inconsistent panel quality that kind of   thing but when we talk about paying the so-called  Sony tax and what that actually gets you I think   what it buys you is consistency and quality and  peace of mind Sony TVs at least in my experience   are the most consistent and more reliable on  balance than other brands and besides all that   the x95k is just a gorgeous set I like the X90 K2  and it deserves to mention so there it is but I've   got to keep this list tight right also this isn't  the last we've heard from Sony on this list next   let's talk a little bit about Samsung Samsung  lands two TVs on this list so let's talk about   those this year I really like the qn 90b and  the s95b now the qm90b was supposed to be the   best 4K LED LCD TV you could buy from Samsung  this year and then folks in the US complained   enough about the fact that European and UK markets  were getting the qn 95b which had Samsung's one   connect box so Samsung decided to bring the more  expensive only marginally better qn 95b to the US   I however picked the qn 90b here because it is the  one I think most folks will want to buy and it's   just an outstanding TV on its own right it's got  four HDMI 2.1 inputs a huge Suite of features that   makes it play nicely with other Samsung products  like Samsung Sound Bars it's got killer brightness   contrast and color the processing is super solid  and it's got the best anti-glare and off angle   performance I've ever seen in an LED LCD TV if you  don't get the Sony x95k then you should probably   be looking at getting the Samsung qn 90b it's  just that good now as for the Samsung s95b I mean   what can I say the fact that you can get brand  new QD OLED panel technology and all the premium   performance that comes with that for around the  same price as competing OLED TVs that's just   that's awesome but also the s95b looks fantastic  now some folks have complained that the build   quality is just not awesome but I just don't agree  with that yes it is super thin up top and if it   gets beat up in shipping that could cause more  of an issue with it than some other TVs but I   don't see damaged s95btvs running rampant right  now certainly not enough to Warrant anyone off   of buying this TV no way like if you can afford  it and you only need a 55 or 65 inch set get it   it is outstanding one of the three best TVs you  can buy this year and also the source of a lot   of frustration for me because it made Choosing My  favorite tv of the year really really hard next up   is a TV that I'm going to call the total package  this is a premium TV that is going to exceed most   expectations meet or exceed most people's needs  it's just the most well-rounded premium TV you   can buy this year in terms of performance and size  options and price and gaming features it is the LG   C2 OLED it's just all there in fact I'm not sure  what else there is to say I mean the LG G2 is also   a stellar TV technically it can get just a tiny  bit brighter and it's got a Slicker design but I   think the LG C2 is the smarter buy between the two  unless of course you need a 97 inch OLED in which   case Mr or Mrs money bags please help yourself to  the 97 inch G2 honestly I feel like I could go on   and on because the C2 is one of my favorite TVs  this year or even ever but like the C2 speaks for   itself oh and by the way in my opinion it is the  number one gaming TV you can buy as well and since   we're talking about LG I have to give a shout out  to the LG Z2 OLED what an absolutely insane TV   this is I mean it's extremely expensive but it's  also extremely awesome I don't think most of you   watching this video will ever buy one but honestly  I felt like if I was gonna put an 8K TV on this   list it would have to be the Z2 there are other  great 8K TVs out there and they are also awesome   but I don't know maybe it's just the way 2022 has  me feeling but I really felt like the 4K TVs this   year were so good that I didn't want or need  to spend a bunch of time going on about 8K TVs   maybe 2023 will have me feeling different we'll  see anyway moving on to my favorite TV of the   year and I can't stress that enough that's exactly  what this is my personal favorite the TV I would   not hesitate to take home with me after the first  date the TV that had my heart at the word hello   this is the one I love and the one that just does  it for me you might not feel the same and that's   okay but I am all about the Sony a95k I never  get tired of of turning this TV on and watching   it it's like a first kiss every time exciting  and enthralling and I always just want more the   color the brightness the contrast the motion  the little Artistic integrity decisions made   at the processing level like it is a video nerds  dream TV and well if it's not already obvious I   am a video nerd I'm a knit nerd I like accuracy  I like replicating a Creator's intent I like the   idea that what I'm seeing at home is super close  to what the folks who master and grade movies in   Hollywood see also it sounds great it looks great  like I said it just does it for me I love the   picture quality and just about everything else  about this TV I think it's a bit too expensive   and I wish it were more accessible to more people  that's really my only complaint anyway when people   ask me and this happens all the time when people  ask me what's the best TV out there right now   well a lot of things go through my mind but my  answer to that question will only come after   I've asked a series of qualifying questions once I  understand a person's needs and desires only then   can I tell them what the best TV for them might  be but if you ask me what my favorite TV of the   year is I won't hesitate to say it's the Sony  a95k thanks as always for watching everyone I   hope you enjoyed my picks if you've got a favorite  TV tell me about it down in the comments please   consider slapping this video with a like if you  enjoyed it subscribe and ring that Bell to see   more I'll see you on the next one and until then  here's two other videos I think you might like
Channel: Digital Trends
Views: 581,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best tv, best 4k tv, best tvs, best 4k tv for gaming, qd oled, best tv for ps5, best oled tv, lg g2 oled, best 65 inch tv, best tv under 1000, lg oled, best 4k tv for the money, best gaming tv, lg c2, samsung s95b, samsung q90b, sony x95k, hisense u7h, hisense u8h, tcl r655, tcl 6-series, sony a95k, best 4k tv for ps5, best 4k tv black friday deals, best 4k tv under 30000, best tv 2023, best tvs 2023, tv 2023 best, best oled, best oled tv 2023, best led tv 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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