Most Returned TV Brand At Best Buy Today

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all right guys so we're going to look at the most return tvs here in best buy so it's so messed up because i see like a high sense up here but like these are the display models that they use and they put them like next to some of the most returned tvs out there same thing with tcl up here at the top they got a little busy over here but vizio has a corner so i'd imagine this is their entry level vizio and uh you can kind of tell because if you look up and you read the tag it'll say something to the effect of class 4 series so that's a tcl4 series it's brand new but they're just selling it next to the open box stuff and you know you got the x adj and like the entry level tvs kind of all clustered together insignia another hyacinth u6 series television and of course right next to it you'll have open box stuff like you know the tvs nobody wants right of course tc all this off it's funny though when you think about it because you have like high sense that gets the worst treatment tcle gets the worst treatment you know what i mean they get these like sidewall treatments in a best buy they don't have like the best stuff which is the uag all i see here is a u6 which is their entry most model of course conveniently and you know who the big players are i think we all do at this point right samsung sony lg and it's like when you walk around and you look at it you can definitely see like there's a total bias here i mean if you don't think that this costs a lot of money to set up in your name like you are crazy dude you know but we're gonna go around we're gonna look at some of the popular tvs that some people rant and rave about we're gonna talk about what i'm seeing here on the best buy floor now this is the q70a right at a glance q70a first thing i think there is not enough not enough resolution it's really pixelated that's the first thought that i have looking at it like the earth it's just kind of muddy and the image quality is really cool so it's just like a really big crappy image and i don't like this like matte screen that they have on it so that's definitely one thing that i'm noticing here now this is the i don't know what this is it's a smaller tv but it kind of caught my eye here on the floor it's i don't know what unit this is it's a q60a so yeah i mean not their best but it definitely could obviously get worse as we've seen um i mean really it's not really great with your options i mean you have crystal uhd the first thoughts extremely dim so you're gonna have a really big extremely dim tv noes bueno right so this is their ak right and they want to sell you on 8k first thing i noticed immediately motion was really bad so what tv is this i see this says over here it's a q-net right okay so this is the nano 99 so the nano 99 has terrible motion not gonna be a sports tv at all jesus that was pretty bad don't know if it's the floor model that i'm looking at right now or what but i'm seeing dse i don't know if you can see that on the camera's end here and uh yeah no it's it's not ideal at all when they do slow stuff like walking like that it's fine but in those moments where they were playing like up close like that it was really messy right all right so finally we see hisense on display what could this tv possibly be well i don't actually know let's see this is a u7 looking at the frame from what i remember with reviewing it this is totally a u7 so the only high sense wall that you have is like borderline and end cap and it's like an afterthought what this is another u6 i thought this was a u7 from the frame this must be like the u what is it the h8 g1 because the u6 has like a plasticy kind of frame so don't really know what that's about this looks more like the h8 g1 don't know if it changes with the sizes like this is clearly a larger size so maybe that has something to do with it don't know all right let's keep exploring around it's been such a long time since i've been in the best buy okay so they have the oled gallery i mean we we all know about oled look at this nifty little wall here that they've got isn't that pretty right you just walk in and it's like you know they spend hella cash on this right and they've got uh little sound bars on display down here none of them in stock though i tried to pick up one for review but nothing's in stock everything's literally sold out so there's not really much you can do right home theater and stuff like that so then we've got the qned 90. let's see this one it's a q-net mini led damn motion is choppy as hell on that one too it's another thing i'm noticing with all of these like look at that it's like jerk jerk jerk jerk every time it goes isn't that a pain okay well that's not ideal we got a massive x85j this is always an eye catcher when i look at it it really is the only thing that i take protest to is well obviously it's not the best when you talk about motion and if you turn off the lights you will see a little a little grayish black but it's okay i mean i'm sure it gets the job done but it's a little blurry here as i look at like this little trailer thing just a little bit not terribly but it's a nice size though so moving on we're going to look at another big screen this is an lg nano 90 86 inch first thing i thought looking at it just now was like it's really dim not really impressed with like a lot of these tvs and this is kind of like the norm most of these tvs that i'm seeing are kind of like that so not entirely sure but that oled wall is really cool but you know what i found funny like immediately when i walked out i was gravitated to the oled wall and i thought wow it looks really good but it's the c1 because if we look at the tag here c1 but that's the tv that i've been telling you guys this is the tv this year the lg c1 so yeah we have sound bars and stuff like that then of course you got the sony area they're gonna sell their damn even even on their demos the motion is pretty crappy especially this bottom tv what is this the a90j there it is i didn't even know which one it was i was like yo motion so bad of course is the a90j and the a80 is up top which does have slightly better motion bro i picked that up immediately that's wild bro this demo music came in loud but of course that's not gonna stop them from doing this garbage right here look at that the king of 4k tvs according to who value electronics that's who i mean it's you know it's farcical at this point it's like when the emotion is that bad you know but there's nobody outside of me that regulates this stuff so i mean really how how could you do anything to combat the misinformation you get when you see like king of motion or king of 4k tvs it most certainly is not that motion is horrible like sony used to be so good at motion too now oddly enough when i walked over here like the first thing that grabbed my eye was this vizio i love the way this looks this is there let's see what is this i gotta read it somewhere it's there m series quantum 75 inch that's actually pretty vibrant for an m series not bad not bad at all as far as vibrancy goes or maybe maybe i'm mixing up the models i think it is an m series it should be but i don't know yeah i'm pretty sure that's what it is and the one up top has got to be something older because it's got some pretty thick bezels i don't even know what that is at the top but yeah most definitely all right then you got the wall over here of a bunch of random tvs like these are just the regular basic ones though okay so far sound systems there's not really much here that you can pick up because everything's basically cleaned out outside of the z9f which i already have so let's look at the most returned tv all right so i can tell you right now that this is an insignia if you look down there it is i don't know if you can see it but totally an insignia failed to focus of course we've got an x 90j right we've got a z9j so i mean bro look at the bezels on this thing like just bro so thick this tv it's crazy that thing must be an absolute monster to lift up brother i would not want this tv it's so big i would not want that and then somebody returned to c1 but mostly sony's that i see getting returned today so uh yeah you got a vizio up here i can't see the brand it's like blocked by this little thing here oh that's another video so you got a couple vizios and stuff so yeah all in all i think we can call it like sony basically for the day most return tv looking at all these tvs i mean every time i see like jerky motion i look over and it's the a90 j it is the funniest thing in the world but yeah guys hopefully you enjoyed this and if you enjoy these kind of videos where we casually walk around best buy and we just look at popular tvs and like all that cool stuff every time brother the motion is so fluid on this tv it's like the bee's knees like seriously an excellent tv but all right guys i want to thank you guys so much for watching honesty and until the next video i'll see you guys later [Music] [Music] [Applause] you
Views: 620,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best buy, lg c1, sony z9j, sony x90j, samsung q60a, hisense u6g, trip to best buy, best buy deals, best buy sale, Christmas tv deals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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