The BEST Trout BAIT of 2020 | Trophy Trout CHALLENGE!

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hello everyone welcome to this episode here on nrv outdoors today we're here at the creek to do a little bit of afternoon fishing and as you know it's summertime and extremely hot outside today the heat got up to about 95 degrees we're here today to do a little bit of trout fishing and i really wanted to showcase and talk about what i believe is the number one bait in trout fishing for the year 2020 and that would be the berkeley gulp pinch crawlers you can see here i've got a simple little one-inch pinch crawler here in a natural brown color and i firmly believe that this is the bait to catch fish year-round for trout and other species but what i want to do today is simply catch six fish on these baits i'm going to be using a trout magnet rig and a float just simply drifting around all of the fish we will be targeting today have been targeted by not only myself but others here today they're extremely extremely pressured they've been in here with up to 95 degree air temperatures and they're simply not biting so i want to showcase how effective this little pack of baits can be to catch fish that simply will not bite anything else that you have available so without any further ado guys let's go ahead and get one of these one-inch pinch crawlers rigged up on our little trout magnet rig here we'll make a few casts and we'll see what we can do our challenge for today is to catch a virginia limit of six fish catch and release as i always do and just see if we can turn these extremely hard to catch fish into extremely easy to catch fish so let's go ahead and get rigged up and let's get in here i would like to mention in today's video we're going to be using the luz mock pearl combo here with some eight pound 100 fluorocarbon and again we've just got the 164th ounce trout magnet jig head and we'll be using a trout magnet float very basic simply cast it out and let it float so let's go on ahead and see how many we can catch let's go ahead and make our very first cast here just pop it right on into the current here and this bait does all of the work for you these fish will find it they'll use the scent to find it and then they'll just absolutely crush it here comes one got him on oh biggin very first fish of the video and it's an absolute giant guys he came over and crushed that pinch crawler super big fish here wow big old massive one see if we can turn this big beauty oh she said no come on girl slide on into the net for us she said no again big old fish here there we go while they're all around in that net see if we can just get her unbuttoned here there we go an absolute giant fish there and these fish had seen other baits today and they just so happen especially this one just so happened to immediately want to turn on that pinch crawler let's just let her go right here let that big gorgeous thing to swim right on out of here all right first fish down see if we can get another all right i'm just going to pop our pinch crawler right back about in the same place again and we're just going to let it drift on around here again the pinch crawler is going to do all the work for us it's got that scent and that perfect look there we go heck yeah another gorgeous rainbow trout not as big as the first one what a gorgeous fish nonetheless slide her right on into the net here heck yeah all right there we go and again extremely pressured fishing hole here they've seen every bait known to man today and they're simply just not biting most people have just claimed that they simply just can't get them to bite and as we know we can break out that trout secret and absolutely slay with it let that one go right there heck yeah the one thing i can tell you guys about fishing the pinch crawler is you definitely want to buy more than one pack whenever you go out and purchase yourself some because they are extremely soft and that does help with the bite but it also hinders because they do seem to pop off quite easily oh we got one interesting he got it he absolutely crushed it he came out from under that bush and smoked that thing heck yeah oh jumper another solid fish here he's seen that pinch crawler and absolutely come out like a torpedo another really nice fish here oh there we go wow that fish was doing acrobats he's still got plenty of fight left in him that's for sure calm down buddy we're gonna get you off and put you right back in this cool water there we go another gorgeous fish on that pinch crawler extremely pressured waters don't really make a difference take on off there girl heck yeah and again we lost our pinch crawler but as long as we're losing them two fish i guess that's a good problem to have got him on heck yeah oh angry guy he is angry jumper heck yeah that is my favorite all right and there's fish number four and again every one of these fish have seen a bait today they're all super super uh just motionless i mean they have very little very little movement in the water they're just kind of picking a place and trying to stay cool and as you can see there just another gorgeous rainbow trout on that pinch crawler let's just let it take right on off there she goes heck yeah so that's fish number four let's see if we can get us two more here comes one to look will he take it nope swim right by that's okay not every fish is going to take it that's that's for sure there's a bite another bite got him on right over there in that little corner this little beauty was hiding she absolutely smoked that pinch crawling oh fighter angry fish right here yes it is oh splashed us with water on her way into the net i guess just a little bit of revenge on her behalf and i'd say okay another gorgeous rainbow trout there let's just let her go that was fish number five and caught her right over there in that little corner she took the bobber down absolutely hammered it so let's go ahead and get rigged up and try to get us one more so far we're five for five on fish and pinch crawlers had no pop offs and only a couple short strikes really they've uh really they've went on ahead and dedicated themselves into taking the bait and it's been it's been super easy that little pinch crawler's been doing all the work for me and every one of these fish in this hole has not only seen baits today but i've been casted at and pressured over and over and over again but nonetheless when that pinch crawler comes by they come over and absolutely smoke it well guys it looks like we're only going to get five out of our six fish for this challenge but nonetheless i had a really good time fishing and these fish that was in this hole were extremely pressured and weren't biting anything and we were able to trick five right into biting that pinch crawler without any issues one of them being extremely large but as you can see we've got some rain moving in and filming and raining do not mix so i'm going to go ahead and call it quits for today and consider this a loss slash win because i mean we probably could have caught our six fish but if you enjoyed this video make sure you smash that like button leave me a comment down below let me know what your favorite bait is on the market period for catching trout and what you think is the most effective because i surely would like to know but if you can guys get out and do some fishing and have some fun and until next time be safe in tight lines all right guys we got a break in the rain for just a few minutes here it would appear and somebody got in our last spot up there but there's some fish here so we're going to fish around right here for a minute and just see if we can get lucky and trick one of these fish right here into feeding for us he hit it twice got him that time oh yeah there we go guys that was our last fish to complete this challenge we had some rain move in and had some gentlemen moving to our spot but we just simply came up here to where they were and picked up one of the fish they had left behind no complaints there whatsoever there we go a gorgeous fish to end out this little pinch crawler challenge just let that one go right there there we go you
Channel: NRV Outdoors
Views: 6,613
Rating: 4.9426522 out of 5
Id: L9OUZvDfU1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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