The best tow truck wheel grids that you've never seen

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well good afternoon austin's here and we are testing out some new wheel grids because we made some new wheel grids these are the factory wheel grids on any normal alarm type of truck the problem with these is they suck so we came up with these much better in a whole lot of ways uh the biggest problem with these is the oil pans on these low carbs this is a volkswagen jetta so it's like one of the the worst for crack and oil pan we solved that problem by making these and patenting these so it's ours don't do it um patent pending patent pending or patented depending on when you're watching this either way it's ours year too late very similar in how they slide on and off this to adjust width and all that but the actual surface the tire sits on is much narrower this is almost two feet across right here how many vehicles have two feet wide tires how many not very many none none that a tow truck like this would ever be towing you have two foot wide tires so why is the tire surface two feet it doesn't need to be that's dumb no we made a 12 inch wide tire surface because that's gonna fit almost anything and what that does is gets this point that the tie that hits on the oil pan especially on these jettas way over here away from the oil pan the other thing we did is we made it to where the tire sits what's this three and a half that's three inches three inches farther away from the crossbar and that three inches makes all the difference in the world with oil pan clearance in a couple ways one it moves the oil pan and everything in there three inches farther back away from this point right here which cracks so many oil pans that puts the entire oil pan of the volkswagen jetta from being right here over this bar to back here behind the bar so even if we don't pick the car up any higher off the crossbar the oil pan will miss the entire crossbar so you can bounce this thing up and down all you want the oil pan it will miss right here so i guess the next thing to do is pick up this car with these wheel grids and show them how close it is and what all problems are perfect yeah let's do that so the other little side benefit to our new wheel grid setup is uh it gives you an extra three inches of reach on your extension tube we forgot to take that into account when we towed the car out here to this church parking lot to film this uh merle's here by the way we towed it out here on the new ones swapped to these ones to uh show you what they do and then extended this out it didn't reach because these ones are three inches longer so just gonna drag it forward a little bit okay we got the car on the factory wheel grids and on these wheel grids they're 100 factory this hook setup and this ratchet are not on i think any factory wheel grids that's something i did for a couple purposes i'll show you but they will come standard on the new wheel grids we're both dumbasses and both of us left the tape measure at my house before we came to town to do this and show you the clearance differences so we can't show you the measurements of the clearance difference but i took some photos when we did it earlier so i'll splice them in here to show you the actual measurement difference in factory wheel grids and our new wheel grids and to show that this is all at the exact same height because we're going to take all our measurements at the same height and we'll show you why in just a sec uh we're gonna use these collins dollies see collins dollies are handy for everything to be our height measurement so we are right there at a dolly tire height is going to be our towing height this is so scientific it's about as scientific as how we design these things it is so you can see we're about level at the top of the crossbar here there's not a whole lot of room and if i were to stick my finger up there you see not much room to that part of the oil pan which is right here over the top of the crossbar as you can see right there so the oil pan overlaps the crossbar and this edge right here is known for hitting this corner right here on these volkswagen jettas and cracking the pan the next view we'll show you is from straight underneath you can see how the oil pan overlaps the crossbar there so this car does have enough travel in the suspension to come down on a big bump and hit that and that is known by pretty much everyone who runs wheel of tow trucks because most people have cracked an oil pan this car just happens to be one of the worst which is why we're using it as our example this corner here which i'll try to get in here and show you right there hits this corner of the pan and cracks there too as well and what helps with this is by tilting this bar up you can see we're tilted up now but by tilting up it gains a little bit of clearance because and also the higher you lift the more clearance it gains because the front of the car is pivoting off of this point so the higher up you go that lifts away from the bar like that so if you tilt the bar which rocks it back that raises the car and lift tilts it away this way as well and gives you more clearance but the more tilt you put in then you have the problem of the crossbar swinging this way and turns instead of this way and you end up twisting on the car back and forth but you don't obviously want to do more than you have to we solved that problem with these wheel grids and we will switch around to these ones and show you how all right we are raising it up on the new wheel grids to our designated dolly tire height yep there we go that is a scientific measurement right there thank you collins we are at the exact same height at the exact same tilt and look at the difference in clearance right there you don't even need the tape measure that we both forgot to see that if i use my finger trick again wow big difference uh we actually measured this out i believe it was four inches two inches of clearance with the factory wheel grids and four inches with our wheel grid so just putting it in the wheel grids as standard and these ones without doing anything tricky doubles the amount of clearance we have in the oil pan doubles or more so here's the importance is that whole drop down part of the oil pan is now behind the crossbar i see but so now even this car bounces all the way up and down that whole drop down portion is back behind the crossbar so if we get under here again look at that i don't know how good you can see because as you can see i'm looking at you upside down so oil pan behind the crossbar all the clearance we could need and this corner right here which on these wheel grids is way over here is nowhere near that corner that it hits and cracks huge difference just in one moving the car away from the crossbar which brings your whole oil pan three inches farther away the other thing it does is when you tilt obviously the farther out on a lever you are when you tilt the greater effect it has just moving that away gives you more lift as you tilt which gains you more clearance as well but these also have another trick to gain even more clearance so let's go ahead and set this back down flat on the ground and we'll show them the other trick so when you're hooking up to a car obviously you want to make this as tight as possible because the tighter it is the higher in the wheel grid it holds the wheel which keeps your oil pan higher off obviously if you were out like this and locked into one of these farther out holes and you've got a gap on either side the wheels no it's fine the wheel is going to sit lower in the wheel grid which obviously gives you less clearance granted on these wheel grids the oil pan is back behind the crossbar so it's not nearly as big of a deal so the way around that if you can't get enough clearance to clear your oil pan what we do and you've seen me do with this in some previous videos is double pick and that is where you set it as tight as you can get it like that and then get that to lock in and you can see now there's play back here because there's holes on the back side of this bar and if you can't get all the way the next hole you just have to back up until it pops into one that's a problem because that means you just loosen that up to get it locked into a hole so you lift it up put a block under the tire lower it down and then close this up another hole or two and then lift back up it's called double picking right here is a perfect example because look we can't get to the next hole so we have to back it up to get it to lock in well that little difference might be all we need to not have to double pick this car so what do we do i'll show you so now we have a chain here with no hooks on it you can have one with hooks on it it doesn't matter austin's looking at me like i'm crazy because i haven't explained to him what all we're doing just yet because we didn't make a plan before no this is all seat of advance as you can tell by the fact that we forgot the most important part to show you the clearance difference the tape measure so you get where i'm going with this yet you take this chain here it slides in that hook this way this one drops into this hook this chain this hook is facing that way so the chain can now not come out of it this one is tilted slightly back so as this gets pulled on it drives this one deeper in if the hook was faced all the way down like this one by the time you pull it out get it hooked back into it you'd have so much slack in the chain that you would completely defeat the purpose of what you're doing so now we do the same thing to the other side see no chain chain movie magic now we are in between holes this is tighter see yeah see doesn't go in we are in between holes where without the chain we'd have to back this out a little bit to get to the next hole which is about half a hole off but with the chain set up we don't have to do that this is now half a hole tighter pick it back up hold on austin's going to start the truck because we've been running this wheel that back up and down a whole lot and i don't have a jump pack in the truck right now so we're gonna start it just in case because it would be really bad if we had to call for a jump start in the tow truck okay we got it raised up to our scientific height shut the truck back off probably didn't need to do that but i don't want to call for a jump start so now we have even more clearance look at this there is no way you're going to hit aside from the fact that the oil pan is behind the crossbar even if it was up over and we had this much lift this car does not have that much suspension travel in it to get to that oil pan so i know the sun's totally behind me and shining at you when i'm looking at you but i didn't want it shining on you when you're looking at this because this is way more important than this and especially that so you have far more clearance here than you could ever ask for without double picking on a volkswagen jetta one of the most notorious oil pan cars out there for wheel of trucks so these wheel lifts will save you money in oil pans wouldn't you like to be able to just go load up any car no matter how low and how little clearance with no double picking and drive off without having to crawl over every speed bump and dip in the road or you go through an intersection especially here in snow country where everything gets soft and pumped down by the heavy trucks we have in oregon going through an intersection all of a sudden you're on a roller coaster back there and you feel that dreaded funk as the car hits the lift not that i'd know what that's like or anything i don't hear it you don't have to worry about it with this setup because it solves all your problems no double picking no clearance issues that's not from me customer damage all your problems you drive it a lot all your problems solved here with this very simple upgrade you hit one or two oil pans you've paid for this upgrade and the biggest thing is you don't have to worry about it anymore you can just load up and go i've been running these for about six months on this truck all different cars it doesn't matter the big huge trucks still picks them up just fine the little low cars like this you don't have to double pick don't have to worry about it the extra three inches of reach to get out there with something with a long bumper or picking up a pickup truck from the back is a big help very good setup that can save you a whole lot of money and just takes all the worry and doubt out of the picture but that's not all they have one more thing they do that's pretty cool so let's show you that i don't want to hear it so yeah go away so the other advantage to these wheel grids comes to tying down the vehicle on your standard l-arm setup this is the most common type of tie-down the lasso strap it goes into this hole right here you've seen me do it a hundred times with this little finger hook goes around the tire back to itself you cinch it down tire can't really roll forward because it's stretched this way can't really roll backwards it stretched that way but it's not great it holds it it obviously works it's kind of the industry standard but you're putting a lot of leverage on that strap when this rolls backwards if you get into any serious rigging classes or lifting classes start talking about veer angles and stuff like that that is a veer angle and this is putting leverage on there would not take much to overload the 3 33 pound rating of this section of strap because that's the straight line section so i've never heard of one breaking i've never seen one breaking but i don't like this for that reason on these smaller cars no issue at all it works works just fine it's adequate but it could be better so on our wheel grids this car is tied down see you don't see let me show you look back here it's hooked into the bottom of the l arm back here it comes over the top of the tire and to this ratchet in the front and no it's not touching the bumper even though it kind of looks like it so probably a bad car to show it on because it does look bad but it's not touching the bumper so it comes over the tire to this ratchet now that strap goes all the way over the tire it is pulling the tire straight down if the car tries to roll forward that strap is being pulled on a straight line there's not nearly the leverage being put on it as there is by that veer angle of prying with the standard lasso strap i'm going back to the other side of the car i'm tripping over the truck this time oh that hurts so bad look like i said little cars no big deal but think of a big old truck with 37 38 inch tires on it right here this is a pretty good wheel chock for a tire and wheel this size why do we put big tires on off-road trucks to go off-road well to go over obstacles easily so i told you we didn't plant any of this he has no idea what i'm about to say next and i have no idea either so we're all hearing it at the same time big tires on big vehicles make it easier to go over obstacles when you're off-road this is an obstacle the bigger the tire is the easier it can roll over that and the more pressure it's putting on that strap to stop it from doing that or backwards and you would think the one on the back is where it sees the most force because when you take off but no you have a lot more braking power than you do pulling power so the most force these are gonna see is actually this thing trying to roll forward out of the pockets going back to this side of the truck that is where this setup comes in this goes all the way around big oversized tires just the same as it does these little ones and holds them far more secure i can tell you since i can watch this in that camera right there as i'm driving with big tires as you're going forward and breaking all that you can watch this whole thing rock back and forth a little bit with the lasso strap with our ratchet set up here that i've also added to these wheel grids and i added the hook set up too uh there is no rocking movement at all with bigger tires the other place it's an advantage i'm going back to the other side of the truck think of a car with some super low profile tires very fancy wheels think those tesla wheels that cost five million dollars and fancy porsches and all that stuff do you really want this d-ring riding right here or when you pop this ratchet open and getting ready to smack that and i know we don't want to hit any rim or scratch anything but it does happen sometime and yeah you always be careful stick your hand back here before you pop this up when you have two hands and one's not holding the camera but it happens this setup it's just part of the deal you got to be careful about it but just like the hole don't have to worry and be careful anymore i'm coming back to this side of the truck you can't hit the wheel on this one no matter what you do it takes all to have to be careful out of it because there's no chance you're gonna hit the wheel with the ratchet because the ratchet is mounted to the front wheel grid problem solved doesn't matter what size tire you're putting on it big to small low carb a big car whatever the concerns are with it these wheel grids take those concerns away so we put quite a bit of time into it like i said six months of testing they're very well worth it they don't cost any more than your standard wheel grids like these are the factory ones from this truck they wear out over time look how not square these are that they wear they tweak a little sooner or later you got to replace your wheel grids anyway replace them with these same cost as replacing with those and look at all the advantages you get why wouldn't you doesn't that make sense makes total sense it's just red and green looks like christmas actually by the time you finally watch this it might be christmas so this is what we're doing today is filming some videos on this explaining to you guys you in the shot i can't even see some of my eyes explaining to you guys what we came up with what we've been running for the last six months uh if you actually now that you know about this go back and look through the videos these are in so many videos like that whole best place to hide something is in plain sight thing you guys have been watching us test these for months and here they are now you see them you won't be able to unsee them you're going to now notice them in all the videos but yeah you've been watching us test them the whole time so you know they work and we just also showed you without a tape measure because we both forgot the tape measure we're super organized yeah so now we got to take some like real pictures and try to make this look professional for like a commercial type thing or website pictures sure we don't know what we're doing so we know how to build the thing and make it work we don't 100 know how to sell it or do that whole thing just yet so we gotta figure that out yep that's what we're doing right now so yeah i'm zero percent worried i'm zero percent worried about cracking the oil paint with these on there so i think we put the camera on the magnet and drive around we're not gonna problem the problem is when we go to show how close these ones are yeah we might crack an oil pan i think we should throw a different car on it and do that we have that junk car at my house yeah so we're not we're not hurting michelle's car well you have to deal with her more than i do if we do so i'm i'm fine with it okay just a quick shot while we're driving back to my house to switch cars because austin is scared of breaking his girlfriend's car look at this in my rear camera you can clearly see under the oil pan plenty of clearance you won't see that with normal wheel grids i know this because i have towed these same cars on the normal factory wheel grids you don't see that gap in the camera so look at that perfect what are we doing casey we're not bending over to change tires the back tire on this car why are you filming the crutch the back tire on this car you're a worse cameraman than grumpy the back tower on this car is flat we want to tow this car all over and try to break the oil pan on the bad wheel grids and show that the good wheel grids don't hit back tires flat front tire is good so let's swap them and put the flat tire on the front because that will make it want to hit even more which will even further show how good these wheel grids are look at this beauty and he's gonna sell it two lug nuts oh i said there's four of them on it hey milwaukee fix your stupid thing so that it holds a thing on there doesn't fall off every time every milwaukee thing i own does that also uh sponsor me sponsor me with some of your cool like tripod lights that light everything up that way the people watching this can see what i'm doing at night because i don't have good lights and they don't like that so you should sponsor me after i just said something bad about your stuff see you can't keep the damn thing on there how funny would it be if they actually sponsored me because i said something bad about them there's mural he knows he's supposed to sit over there huh merle city knows he's supposed to sit over there when we're doing stuff merle knows danger he's seen enough of it that he recognizes it and he stays away so if you see merle leave when we're around you should probably back off too merle has seen some stuff want to explain yourself milwaukee you're just going to pretend like you didn't see this video i know you watch my channel it's so big so popular how could you not oh come on these also double as hammers they're called impact guns for a reason i need a real hammer this is why merle's sitting over here he knows there's danger as you know there's danger i didn't see anything okay i'll film it all right check this out we have 16 inches of height that we're running at here we'll run them both at the same height so you can see we should probably rip this plastic skirting off because it's gonna make it look way worse but either way you see 16 inches off the ground as we're running our crossbar so everything will be the same between these new wheel grids that we'll see how they do and we'll run the factory wheel grids at the exact same height exact same l arm position everything and you will see the difference and this is with a flat tire on the front of this car yeah that part too okay test number one new wheel grids four by four right they find the front tires so take off run over it with the back tires ping pong paddle this car off the wheel lift and we'll see how much it moves whether it hits oil pan or not then we'll try it on the factory wheel grids and we're not tying the car down because it falls off it's just gonna make a better video look how good of a shot that is now we're gonna go run over some stuff and my face isn't this long and weird looking it's the uh gopro lens thing sucks [Music] okay we took our goodwill grids off put our factory ones back on we are at oh come on 16 actually a little over 16 inches of uh wow i'm doing this horrible uh little well almost 17 inches of ride height granted the ground's not off so it's not perfect but we have the l arms not in the exact same holes because if we put them in the same holes exactly there would be a bigger gap in between because these ones don't have that three extra inches out here so we put them two holes off because they're inch and a half spacing so the distance from here to here is exactly the same as when we had them in those so the amount it's holding it out up is the same as when we had it in these wheel grids fair is fair so let's put you guys back here on the wheel lift oh pull you back off the wheel lift we're gonna do the same thing that block right behind the front tire so we get this much a run at it same all the way around so here we go think it's gonna hit it's for sure gonna hit but we'll see [Music] i can't tell did that hit or not so for those of you who wanted this car i'm sorry but we had to do it for science good news is the wheel grids are okay okay we're just cracking up laughing we're watching that video over and over again um that was totally unnecessary and doesn't prove anything we had to do it i mean how could you not so now we know what would happen if you don't strap a car down and run over a set of tires at way too high speed and can you believe austin actually said before we did this you should strap that car down no no we shouldn't because then we get to do stuff like this well i thought we were going out in the desert for some high-speed action no because i got to sell this truck still so okay yeah i better not do that yeah we can't be too hard on it just yet they gotta sell it but that was hilarious i always wanted to do that but you know like customers cars and they get upset and damage claims and such so we never have but that uh that was just fun so we did it um i think though aside from that last little you know thing we did there uh we showed our new wheel gear it's pretty good don't you think not too bad i mean we showed you what they can do i don't think we could have done it any better oh we could have so done it better but we explained i think we've got all the points we showed what they can do how they do it uh how they're better and how if you gotta upgrade your wheel grids or replace your wheel grids or you lose one same cost roughly i don't know how much yours actually cost but what i've bought wheel grids before and looked we're right in the same ballpark so right about same cost not gonna cost you any extra get the better ones no go to the side they're over here get the better ones oh and ignore the fridge over here making it look like a junkyard that's our garage fridge it caught on fire the other day which apparently that's a thing fridges can do i didn't even know but anyway get the better wheel grids so that you don't have to worry about hitting that oil pan um actually we still got to watch the video to see if it hit on our grids but i'm confident that it did not so we're going to say it didn't and you've already seen the video so you know it didn't i hope but uh i think we're gonna call that it for this video sounds good we've uh wrecked enough stuff i think today we've proved our point we've shown you what we've been up to lately and i know that's why i got glasses now you have to bleep that one out so cool oh you cussed you son of a but that's going to be it for this video i think we proved our point i think we showed what we've got here what we've been working on for so long what's the six months in the making so far and patent people and engineers and you gotta pay people a lot of money to draw stuff up on a computer i didn't realize yeah because we can't do that we're not good like that no you're it's lucky you're able to see this video but that's gonna be it for this video uh and we will see you guys next time do the goodbye thing
Channel: Casey LaDelle
Views: 192,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tow truck, towing, wrecker, recovery, rescue, off road, stuck, jeep, kinetic rope, heavy rescue, winch, 4x4, 4wheeling, overland, overlanding
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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