The Best Temu Haul EVER? (NOT SPONSORED!)

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[Music] hi thanks for tuning in again for another Teemu haul and what actually could be the best one yet I took a quick look at everything I got and I'm kind of impressed I think maybe maybe this time we'll have some good luck so starting off I have this it's an electronic lighter what I'm impressed with already is the quality of it it feels a good quality and the user manual is very clear and in perfect English so it's easy enough to follow and understand which I guess is a good thing when it comes to flammable flammable devices then we've got this it's a strap that's supposed to help me stand straighter so we'll see how that works okay and then a pack of 10 little magnifiers I used to have one of these in my wallet I don't know what happened to it but they're really handy to carry in a wallet because they fit into your credit card slot and then you can just pull it out when you need to see something up close which happens a lot in drug stores on medicine bottles and stuff like that so it's really handy for something like that this is kind of an odd item but it's a body mass body fat Mass indicator you know like you see in cartoons I don't know if they actually ever really use these but it looked like kind of a fun item and so yeah it measures how much fat you have on your body coincidentally I just after ordering this I've read an article online and I didn't call it up it just came up like things do online when you you have some association with something saying that these actually don't indicate anything anymore they've come to conclude that yeah they're kind of useless but I'll try it anyway and again another thing about this is perfect English on the back the instructions are very clear if not a little too extensive like Kevin take the fun out of doing this okay this little piece of plastic is actually a seed seed Cedar Husker so you can put something like a sunflower seed in it and peel the sunflower seed out of it so we'll see how that works now we have these night vision glasses that were sent in a Ziploc bag for freshness I guess I'll see how these work in the dark they're really kind of cheap actually came back to magnification again this is a a sort of a chain with a big magnifying glass on it so if I ever decide I need to walk around and magnify things and always have it handy this will be what I use hey these are kind of cool even after the after the great lockdown it's 100 little sheets of soap so I'll see how how well that works they don't they don't have a smell so far okay this is a ice ice ball maker so it makes perfectly spherical ice cubes for you if that's something that's important then you need in your life then this is the device for you okay here's some super strong magnets although I'm a little annoyed I'm sure the I'm sure the ad said anywhere from uh 10 to 12 magnets and it appears to be five in here hey this thing this little piece of plastic is a Venom Venom sucker odor or supposedly yes if you get bit by something you can suck the venom out using this we'll see how that works and finally and again wrapped for freshness in a Ziploc bag is this handy melon baller back on the balls we'll see how this works I'm not sure what this is for but they do they do put a piece of plastic on it to protect you from cutting yourself so so that's good so yeah so far most of these products look pretty good so we'll see how they test out though all right let's get started [Music] okay so let's try out this electronic lighter I charged it for over two hours it said I believe it said it charges for two hours and holy the writing is very small take it out it comes up nicely it's got grooves so you can I don't know if you can see them but it's got grooves in the styrofoam so you can get at it easily enough and then it looks like you do this and there's a lock button here yay it's working okay I don't want smoke getting into the house it might set off the alarm it feels good in the hand too it's a feels like really good quality and safety is on so yeah there's no way to turn it on when the safety's on is it hot to the touch not at all okay and track the gold color we have a winner of course it was a little pricey so you know I paid 11.19 for this if you want to leave it in your car it's less of a concern than a lighter exploding in your car or matches starting on fire so I would assume this is a safer option the only trouble is you always have to make sure it's charged it's a keeper and plus it has a nice box that it comes in so it would make a fine gift for the smoker in your life [Music] okay guys I tried this every way to Sunday I ordered it based on on my size it said order it based on weight so I did and in the picture these straps seem super long but once you've got them attached on here anyway they are so small so short that the whole thing was just digging into my underarms and actually causing pain so yes I may be walking straighter when I'm wearing it but I'll be doubling over in pain so yeah I would say this is not a hit this is a big big Miss [Music] little wallet size magnifiers 10 of them cost me 229 so really not a lot of money and what I'm liking so far is they're individually wrapped which is good because you don't want this scratching in your wallet my concern was that these wouldn't have any protection and that they'd be useless Within a couple months because they'd be all scraped up but no it does have a protective sleeve and then also what I like is it has a place to touch it without touching the magnifier and getting it all finger printed up so so far I'm really liking these and as I was saying the lighter instructions are microscopic so let's see if I can read them a little better oh I can read them a lot better a quiet buzzing sound can be heard okay yeah no these are definitely definitely a plus yeah I I highly recommend them and the fact that you get 10 of them you can give them to friends and family that would appreciate it people with older peepers like mine definitely need all the help they can get okay so yeah highly recommend [Music] up next we have this body mass indicator thinking about Bob and it looks so complicated that I don't even have the energy to try it but I will and again the writing is so small I'm going to use one of my magnifiers okay so to take all the measurements on the right side of the body okay I'm not sure what I'm trying to do here I'll have to come back after I read this okay guys the instructions are so long and complicated and this thing is some cheap plastic and I know according to the drugstore electronic blood pressure weight measure thing I'm considered obese so and also the fact that I just read that these things are not accurate I've really lost all interest in trying to figure out if I'm fat or not I know I am so I I don't need this thing to tell me and especially when it's this complicated so in my opinion yeah this is a bust it's really not worth the hassle of the good thing is I am two dollars lighter as a result of this [Music] try this this sunflower seed Husker or whatever you want to call it to get my trusty spits with me not even sure it came with no instructions of course so I'm not sure what you do okay so what that did was no different than just opening them with my hands with my fingers I mean okay so you put it in okay so that's all it's doing is cracking the shell now let's see if I can do that on my own yeah I can see the need for it it's harder to crack it open on your own oh yeah okay so yeah if you ever have to crack open sunflower seeds on your own this would I guess be the way to do it without putting them in your mouth to crack them which is the way most of us would crack oops okay so I just shattered that one and now Caesar thinks that he's gonna go find some shells and that's not the case it's not gonna happen yeah this is what this is why you would buy your sunflower seeds already already shelled because it works so much easier with your teeth okay so if for some reason you have to Shell them fresh this would be the way to do it but holy what a lot of work [Music] thank you okay so I'm trying these night vision glasses in the bathroom because it takes too long to get dark here in the in the summer and I won't be up that late so I'm going to just try it with a little flashlight and see what happens yeah I'm not quite sure what they're supposed to do they're very cheaply made this makes everything look very sunny actually but yeah I'm not sure the jury's out on these I don't know if I see the point in these okay I don't think I gave those glasses a fair shot so here I am going out to test drive them there's no traffic out at this hour it's about 4 30 and I don't know if you can tell but the sun is already coming up in my neck of the woods just waiting for another car to come along and let me know how much glare there is I don't know if you've noticed but lately some of the newer cars have extremely bright plates so this actually is helping with that so yeah I don't know maybe yeah I think they are working okay yeah so the more I'm testing them the more I'm liking them yes I totally give these a thumbs up to avoid that glare of of the LED lights that some cars are now using yeah totally wow love it love these okay so even though these are cheap and flimsy and very plasticky they do the trick they actually prevent the glare of of very bright lights so yeah for the price they are really worth it [Music] okay let's take a look at this magnifying glass necklace thing while the chain is much fancier than I was expecting I thought it was just utilitarian but it's kind of kind of decorative it's very nice okay so I need something small to read so I will try the body mass index thing okay it actually yeah oh wow it works well it's it's only got a small scope though so so you'd be doing a lot of like scanning something to to read a whole sentence but yeah it's it seems very powerful even more so than those other wallet size ones it's a nice looking and it's effective thumbs up on this one [Music] okay so I'm gonna try one of these soap they seem to have a piece of paper between them the thing you want to keep in mind is you need to need to have dry hands when you're taking it out of the package because if you get water in the package you're going to I would think wreck all the other soap foreign well it actually feels kind of slimy and I'm not sure I like this my hands do feel really clean almost too clean so I want to see if whatever this was between the soap is actually soap or if it's paper oh no it was soap as well white soap Foams much better than me blue again there's no scent to any of the soap which is maybe a good thing but there's supposed to be a hundred pieces of soap in there so plenty but again you don't want to stick wet hands in that soap [Music] I'm impressed with the design of it I don't know if you can see but it's got little legs on it so once you've filled it you can set it down without it spilling so that's that's kind of a thoughtful design my only concern is it doesn't seem like it closes really tight but let's give it a shot we'll fill it up and see what happens and it's totally leaking it doesn't seem to leak if it's sitting the way it should but if you were to put it in your freezer sideways yeah you would have a bit of a mess in there so when it leaks it loses some of the water on the ball so it means it's not going to be spherical ice cubes let me try the elastic band trick really you shouldn't have to alter products when you buy them okay so I've wrapped it in elastic bands this is what happens when you turn it sideways it's still leaking but not as bad let's again try to fill it all the way okay so let's throw it in the freezer and see what happens so it's been many hours later and water seems to have frozen solid yeah it looks like the container expanded oh yeah actually it leaked totally container it is frozen solid holy before I resort to pouring hot water on it I would like to try to open this the normal way try this I am concerned about breaking this all right and here we have the ice ball okay I'm gonna have to resort to some water okay these are not easy to get out okay so we have four very large ice balls not sure if it was really worth all this effort so I don't know guys was it worth it and this ice cube has a a big long thing hanging off of it so it wasn't exactly a perfect sphere I just don't know if it was worth the effort anyway it'll make a nice glass of ice water [Music] so we'll check out these rip-off magnets that were supposed to be 16 or whatever 12 or 16 and there's only five they claim they're super strong I think they've got that claim right they do they do feel heavy duty but in the ad they're showing the magnet working right through somebody's finger okay unless you have really thin fingers that is not doing that at all okay so no they don't don't go right through your fingers but let's see how strong they are on something metal like this closet door okay and we'll try to hang a coat on it does it stick it does wow granted that's not a really heavy jacket but still it's holding wow that's kind of cool okay I think I like these magnets okay so this coat is much heavier no it's not gonna hold okay uh for something uh somewhat lightweight yeah they they work they are strong [Music] okay I'm not sure how I'm going to test this without being bit by some insect full of Venom so so what I can say is it does have really good suction I don't know if you can tell but yeah it's got very good suction I'm not sure if that would be really sucking the venom out of something uh well I guess if you pump it maybe holy okay okay so it does it does it does suck but in a good way I'm not sure if it really would work okay something I noticed on the team who sight when I went to go get a screen capture of the product is this is discontinued so I'm not sure what that means exactly maybe it doesn't live up to its claims but sounds like even if I recommended it you couldn't get one so for whatever reason it is it is discontinued [Music] all right let's go give them melon baller a whirl hope you're going to now try this melon baller which also has uh some kind of knifey thing on the end if you know what that's for let me know I'm assuming maybe it's Decor things like strawberries or tomatoes I don't know but let's see how the uh the ball section works okay it's a half a ball thing I'm not loving about this already is this knife part when you go to use it it's actually kind of cutting into your hand it just doesn't seem safe as far as doing what it's supposed to do I would say yes but with the caveat that be careful with it because you could be digging it into your hand and not even realize it it's kind of cool for the price yeah it's not bad does what it should okay so yeah I tried to bowl the whole watermelon doing it for that length of time I really found it found this blade was really disconcerting to be holding the entire time it doesn't appear to have cut me but it felt like it was going to so to have to work so gingerly with something if you were doing a whole watermelon with this I think it would be a real pain in the butt okay I hope you found some value in that I think Caesar did and if you did share it and press the like button and make sure you subscribe it would really help me out okay and until next time that's the deal with this Teemu Hull right [Music] [Music]
Channel: What's the Deal?
Views: 324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Temoo, teamu, teemu, teamoo, teemoo, hall, melon baller, ice baller, venom extractor, magnifying neckless, credit card magnifiers, BMI, BMI indicator, back corrector, posture improvement, seeder, seed husker, magnets, soap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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