I Only Used TEMU Beauty Products For 24 HOURS... *Testing CHEAP Temu Makeup, Hair, Skincare etc...*

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hello everyone today I am going to be filming probably one of my most requested videos I've had in ages I've had so many people asking me to do something like this over the past month and that is to test out makeup and beauty products from the website temu or temu I don't know exactly how you say it all I know is it's a bit like wish it's like one of those websites that sells suspiciously cheap items and you don't really know if you're going to get anything good until it arrives and I've ordered an absolute ton of beauty products I'll show you my bag where is it I mean it's not exactly much to look at but this is what arrived I've got a nice orange bag filled with makeup and beauty products which like give you like a quick overview I'm literally just going to dump it all over the floor okay wait I've also got this as well so there we go this is everything that I'm going to be using in terms of beauty products for the next 24 hours um a bunch of cheap ass beauty stuff and we're gonna see if it's any good but before I start I've just filled up my water bottle and I wanted to talk to you guys a little bit about air up who have very kindly sponsored this little section of the video some of you might remember I tried air up for the first time in a YouTube video it must have been years ago now and so I do have my first impression on camera somewhere in a video um and I couldn't believe how cool it was because this might look like a regular water bottle but it's really not this is something completely unique there's nothing else like this out there because it basically allows you to drink plain water while experiencing flavor through scent it's very cool let me explain okay so I've taken the lid off and all you do is you attach a scented pod onto the top of the bottle like this you then pull it upwards slightly to activate it now by sucking the water through the straw you're transporting water and air through the scented pod and into your mouth and then this is when the scent-based taste kicks in which is essentially smelling through your mouth it's all very sciency but honestly it does work like it really does so yeah the idea of it is the plain water then tastes like the scented pod giving it a flavor without actually adding anything unnatural into your water because this is just still plain water because yeah I currently have this one which is the wild berry flavor I really like this one but there are over 25 different flavors to choose from so it's definitely something for everyone these are just some other different ones that I've got as well and yeah I would definitely recommend trying air up for yourself I feel like it's one of those things that everyone needs to try because it's just so cool and clever um and it definitely makes me drink more water so if you're someone who is looking at drying a drink more I would definitely recommend giving it a go so yeah if you want to check them out I'll have a link in the description box cheers okay so I'm going to start off with my morning skincare stuff this is the cleanser that I'm going to be using to wash my face it's a Japan cherry blossom cleanser this is what it looks like it cost me one pound 98 and then I also have this because I saw it and I was like I kind of want to try that it's so much bigger than it's always it's quite large how do I explain it you put your cleanser in it you pump it and it makes your cleanser go like bubbly and foamy so it's like a nicer consistency to apply with if that makes sense this cost me uh okay I've just had a look this cost me one pound 61. the prices in this video are so Random why one pound sixty one so this is what it looks like on the inside okay so I'm just gonna squirt some of the cleanser into here okay that was quite a lot okay I've now just added a little bit of water that looks so disgusting and now I'm just gonna stick the lid on don't mind me doing this on the floor I I did clean this raw yesterday I promise and then I guess you just start pumping it I can't do this with one hand I appear to have pumped so hard I broke it that's a good start I think I've already got the foamy cleanser though so it's fine I just don't think I'm ever going to be using it again are we ready for the reveal oh my goodness it worked that is pretty cool that's completely transformed the like consistency of it so I guess I better now try it on my face ha [Music] and then for my moisturizer I have this this is another Japan product it says Japan Sakura Essence cream this is what the packaging looks like and then on the inside that's not very helpful okay it just looks like a typical kind of moisturizing cream and this one cost me two pounds 69. I feel like I mean firstly love 69. but like why is it so much more it's so tiny like this is the tiniest little product I feel like that's actually kind of expensive considering all this stuff is meant to be really cheap two pounds 69 for that [Music] I think the cleanser was quite nice but the moisturizer was quite like thin it didn't really feel that nice on my skin and it also smells so fragrant I was like I'm definitely gonna have an allergic reaction to this but I haven't so that is good so yeah that is my morning skincare done wait no I have a lip thing so this is what it looks like it cost me one pound 79 and basically I don't know if you can see the lip oil is in this bit and then the lip balms in the top bit is quite cool I hate that looks so nice what in the satisfaction was that that looks so cool I'll do it again okay so I'm gonna try the lip oil first my foot was going to smell nice it looks like it's going to smell like strawberries or something it smells like that's a good start oh okay let me try the little lip balm surely this is gonna smell nice oh my um it looks like a large nipple I'm guessing you kind of like go like that with it why does it smell so air oh I feel like it's kind of tinted like it's giving my lips a bit of a pink tint the lip balm has so there we go it is a tinted lip balm I think it's more of just like a novelty product isn't it okay of all the dodgy products I've bought in my time this might be my favorite thing ever because the translation on it is just so bad I mean first of all what is a cat's poor egg roll stick this is a hair curler sir white what's an egg roll stick that sounds like something you'd eat I don't understand like obviously it's meant to look like a cat so that's where the cat Parts come from but the rest I don't understand rapid heating they got that right anti-scolding on top not on the bottom just on top Uno sacks forget unisex it's now Uno sax one-time molding sure water waves gospel for beginners chatting so yeah the fact that so much time and care has gone into the translation on the books fills me with so much hope when I put this very hot object on my hair well I say hot object it does have terraporator control so I might be all right but I'm kind of scared I feel like it's gonna be one of those things I plug it in I put it on my hand it just explodes oh well make good video okay so I've got it out the box this is my egg roll stick I have so many questions I'm never going to find the answer to what they're not very consistent they're not very consistent because on the instruction manual it's called a cat say omelette book anyway this is the product the first thing I was going to say is it actually feels really nice quality like I need to open it up and oh there we go oh okay so that's what it looks like on the inside but yeah it feels like really nice quality it feels decent so far okay so I've just turned it on and it's making like a buzzy kind of zappy Noise Okay so you can like press this button to choose the temperature control temper richer I'm just gonna go for 180 that sounds all right that's like a typical temperature that I put my oven to so I guess that's what I do for my hair as well okay so I've got a piece of hair I'm just gonna stamp it like that I don't know how long to leave it for okay I mean it has crimped my hair if I keep going down maybe it will look a bit nicer why why why oh I've had that in for quite a while okay I'm just gonna keep going down this piece of hair it's kind of working it is crimping my hair okay so that's my first strand of hair done it looks a little bit messy but it has crimped it I guess it just looks a bit crap I feel like crimped hair just doesn't look great on me this is what I've got to have for today but yeah I'm gonna keep going with this it'll be very boring if you watch me do my entire head of hair so I'm gonna do this off camera and I'll be back in a sec with probably the worst hairstyle I've ever had okay so this is how my hair's come out I feel like it just looks like a bit of a mess I tried my best to do some good crimping but I feel like it just looks so bad so yeah this is not gonna be my hair for the day you have to look at this for the rest of the video I'm so sorry and I forgot to tell you the price of this one you'd probably think like oh you know it's just like a little novelty product probably about like a Fiverr or something this cost me 16 pound 50. 16 pound 50 for this and to look like this but you know what it made me laugh and that's all that matters see it definitely does make me drink more it's only been a couple of hours and I've already had all that okay so it's time to do my makeup I would usually film the makeup part on my like big camera like my proper camera but it is not working at the moment like there's something wrong with it I won't go into it but it's just not working so I'm gonna have to do the makeup part on my Vlog camera so I'm sorry it's not going to be as crispy as normal but I guess it's just a bit more chill okay so first of all I have a primer but I think it's a primer it says sunscreen I think it's like a sunscreen primer and color corrector all in one and it looks really cool well it did on the website I haven't looked at it yet see the good thing about using this camera is I can do a little close-ups look at that oh my goodness I want to put it in my mouth why is that my first thought like it looks edible doesn't it it looks like a sweetie so this is what it looks like it's just like a mixture of different colors I'm just gonna pop it on my face like that I guess you just kind of blend it in like a normal primer I guess it has kind of color corrected a little bit it's made my face look a little bit more like yeah and I mean I'm now protected from the Sun that I'm so definitely gonna go out in today facts of 50. so that's pretty good still want to eat it though but I will not I'll refrain oh and this cost me two pounds 69. I got this for my Foundation because it looked interesting I think I might have tried something like this before but this is an air cushion cream foundation the box came nice and squished but that is okay so you get this little dabby dab thing and then this is the foundation it's got like a little pattern on it and you kind of like stamp it on if I remember rightly yeah oh cute hello hello hello yay there we go I'm just gonna dab some of this onto my face I feel like the sponge is bad I think I'm gonna use my normal sponge okay I've just like scooped a little bit out on my normal sponge okay I feel like that has made me look so pale I look like I'm passing away but that's okay nothing wrong with that I I don't really love it it's quite like a greasy texture I feel like it's made my face feel quite greasy and yucky not two of my favorite things to look like but there we go oh and this one cost me three pound fourteen okay so this is what I got for concealer it's the smooth texture coverage a razor dark circles treatment concealer I think I got it in the I was just about to say I got this in the lightest shade that they had oh are we seeing the difference right now between this and this I'm not putting this on my under eyes like that is not going to benefit anyone I feel like I could use that okay no it's very orange I was gonna say I could use it as a contour it's so orange so this is the Contour that I got it's the beauty light glow liquid Contour I think this is meant to be like a copy of wait I have it oh my they are so similar it's a copy of the Charlotte Tilbury one this is the real one this is the cheap fake one oh my goodness they copied the packaging so much anyway today we're using the fake cheap version so it appears to have shot everywhere no so um I've just pulled out the box and this is what I'm dealing with it's literally all over it oh it like erupted out of here so I'm just gonna give that a little squeeze and it should start to come out there we go I am just going to take the tiniest little bit because I don't know how strong This is Gonna Come Out probably do a little bit more I mean it's blending out quite nicely I feel like the shade is okay it just looks a little bit Messier and a bit ickier than when I'd normally do it but for the price of two pound 24 I feel like it's not too bad okay so this is the blush is the Lang Mani color Bloom liquid blush I mean the packaging is really cute let's have a look at the actual product oh my I did not expect it to be on a thing like that it sounds like a little Stumpy sponge that is very cute okay I'm just gonna dab a little bit of this along here and then I'm just gonna blend it out I might have known too much oh my why is this site even worse I mean it definitely works I feel like the shade is quite nice um it Blended out nicely I just put way too much on and I'm gonna go and fix that in a sec how much was this this was two pound Forty Nine I like it I think so far this might be the nicest product I just yeah too much give me a sec okay I'm back I think I fixed it I just put a load of very light Foundation over the top to try and like hide what I'd done and I think I've fixed it I think it looks okay now the next product is a weird one this is a highlighter but it's a highlighter powder spray I'm now realizing I think this is probably more for like your body to add like a bit of Shimmer not so much for like hair but this is what I've got for highlighter so I'm gonna try um yes the tea Yasin highlight powder spray oh my goodness it's on like a full-on little powder puffy spray thing this is very cool this is fancy slash kind of tacky there's a little close-up so it's got like a little squeezy thing and then I guess the products in there how do I use this oh my goodness if you squeeze it can you see oh yeah I can't exactly just squeeze that directly onto where I highlight so I think what I'm going to do is Squirt a little bit onto my hand so it's basically just spray a load of glitter all over my hand this is not gonna work all I can really do now is just like tap yeah that did absolutely nothing so no highlighter for me today but this is pretty cool like it is a cool little thing like the way it just Puffs out uh this cost me two pounds at 69. God they love their 69s don't they I didn't get a powder so technically that means no powder for me today but I feel like I really need it so I'm just gonna put a really little bit on just just a just a little tiny bit I feel like one rule break is allowed okay so I've got a couple of eyebrow products I've got a pencil and a brow gel I'm going to start off with the pencil this is the my only gold bars eyebrow pencil just looks like a regular eyebrow pencil oh I might have got the wrong shade the one that seemed like it would be for me it is a really like warm toned Brown it's almost kind of like a gingery Brown it did not look like this in the picture I swear it looked like my perfect kind of brow shade I guess I've got to use it though it looks not only is the color off but it was also just a really icky product it kind of felt a bit like slippery so it's quite hard to get like a nice I just this is the padaya fluff hold laminating brow wax Oh I thought it was just a brow gel okay so this is what it looks like oh it does just look like a clear brow gel okay I'm just gonna brush my eyebrows up a little bit oh it's actually working quite nicely yeah I actually like this it's definitely sort of brushing them up and it's making them look a little bit more kind of fluffy which is what it said it would do not enough to actually save my eyebrows today they still look like absolute ass but it works like this product works I like this one the brow pencil was 44 P okay I'm not too mad about you being now and then the brow wax gel was one pound 34. okay I would never usually pick up an eyeshadow product when I'm doing these videos because it's not actually something that I would ever use in my like 24 hours but I saw this and I just had to pick it up I don't know if I'm actually gonna put it on this is the novo soft eyes toast eyeshadow palette look how cute it is it is a little toast guy with a smiley face I mean they look pretty that sparkly one looks really pretty do you know what I'll give it a little go I'll put a bit of eyeshadow on so just remembered I also have some brushes that I wanted to test so I can try the eyeshadow ones with this before I forget Mr Toast dude was four pound and four p and these brushes were one pound 97 not each for the entire set yeah under two pound for one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen brushes I'm sorry what are they made out of oh they're actually kind of soft okay these are the eyeshadow brushes that I have I'm now regretting this because these are all very small I need something a bit bigger and a bit fluffier I am going to take a little bit of this one here I mean the eyeshadow seems to be quite nice but the brush is just not the one definitely need something a bit fluffier for this okay I'm now just going to take this little kind of flat eyeshadow brush I'm going to go straight in with the Shimmer in the middle I'm just gonna oh I'm gonna whack it on my eyelid this actually works really well okay well the eyeshadow palette gets a big thumbs up that worked so well especially the Shimmer like that came out really nicely the brushes were fine like they they kind of worked but they're just your very typical like cheap makeup brushes I also got this just because I was curious I knew I probably wasn't going to use it but I just wanted to see what it was like this is another brush it's a makeup brush but it looks like a flower so I think if I do this oh my I don't know if you can tell how soft it is just by looking but oh my goodness it feels so nice okay so next I have a Contraption this is basically an electric eyelash curler that heats up so it's supposed to curl your lashes like extra because it's hot so I'm just gonna turn them on there we go I guess like wait a little bit for it to get hot okay and then oh my goodness this is so much more terrifying than a normal lash color and and they're scary alone like a normal one is scary enough so I guess oh my goodness it's too big I I my nose is getting in the way of course it is I could probably do the outer bits okay let me try it like this oh it's so warm but oh my goodness I feel like it is kind of working wait it doesn't feel so bad now I think I was just being over dramatic probably yeah I think the heat does help I mean it makes sense but it's just a bit scary and a bit bulky and a bit CBA it cost me two pound 27 so not too bad at all okay mascara time and this honestly as soon as I saw it I laughed because I was like I know exactly what you're trying to copy um this is the mascara that I have so this is the ibccc NDC um lash Sensational Sky High washable mascara oh I love my mascaras to be washable so yeah this is what it looks like it is the exact same packaging in fact I'll get my one out so this is the real one this is the Maybelline Lash Sensational Sky High mascara and then this is the fake one this is the ibcc c e n g e f g h i j k lash Sensational Sky High mascara so the exact same name the exact same packaging just a different brand um yeah I'm gonna try the fake one today oh I mean at a first impression it doesn't seem too bad I mean it's not awful it's definitely not as good as the original but it has done something I feel like it's okay it was very very like messy though like very transferring it went all over my skin I've now had to wipe it all up and that's messed up my makeup a bit but yeah I feel like it was okay it cost me one pound 79 so definitely cheaper and then finally I've got a couple of lip products I've got a lip liner and a lipstick this is cute as well I remember I'm gonna start off with the lip liner though this is the dessert shop mooge lean that's what it says on it so yeah it's a lip liner in this kind of like nudie shade I mean the shade is definitely a bit of me this is the sort of color I would go for it seems to be working quite well I think I'm gonna go ahead and put it like all over my lips a little bit because if I remember rightly the lipstick is more of like a hahaha um yeah the lipstick is quite like a sheer thing so I feel like I need to add a bit of color on my lips first and this only cost me 89p and then for the lipstick this is the gold foil flower color changing lipstick this is the packaging and then the lipstick oh my goodness are you ready how pretty is that it's got like an actual flower in it like it looks like a clear lipstick and there's just like a flower inside just chilling in there I don't know what it's doing but it's just in there how did it get there apparently it's color changing I'm just gonna put a bit of this on oh it's like a pinky color oh I see it's color changing because it looks like it's going to be clear but then when you put it on it turns into a color it's nothing too much like it's not anything too intense so I don't mind it the lipstick cost me one pound 34. what were we thinking I feel like a lot of it was rubbish but now that I've done it all I don't feel like I look too bad unless I'm just tripping maybe I do look really bad no I don't think it looks too bad but I don't know how because like 90 of them were quite crap how did this happen how did we get here yeah there we go that is my makeup done I am now gonna go and get on with my day I'm probably gonna edit this video up to where I've got to um and I'll see you guys again later when it's time to take this off okay it is now many many hours later I am so excited to take this makeup off I feel like it just looks and feels really gross and it just wasn't gone so let's take my makeup off I have another cherry blossom product this is the cherry blossom moisturizing cleansing cream but it was labeled as a makeup remover so I think that's what it is it's like a balm makeup remover kind of thing do a little spatula and then this is oh I don't know how well you can see but it's like a full-on solid balm cleanser it's in this nice like pinky color oh smells right no it doesn't it smells weird but anyway I'm just gonna get some of this on my fingers and then I'm just gonna rub it onto my face I am next to the brightest light in the world sorry if this is really bright I'm just gonna start with my forehead and my eyebrows let's see if it manages to get my mascara off I mean yeah it seems to be taking it off I kind of need to be in the bathroom to do this because I need to like wash it all off if you know what I mean I'll be back in a sec wow I look cute I'll be back in a sec with hopefully all my makeup off [Music] okay so my makeup is off I don't know how well you can turn this light but I feel like that has made my skin go kind of like red and a bit blotchy and just feel a bit like I think maybe that one didn't agree with me but it did work as a makeup remover I nearly forgot to say how much it was this was three pound 14 which is pretty good for a tub that size most of the skincare stuff that I'm going to be using this evening is like the same stuff that I used this morning like the cleanser the moisturizer the lip balm so I'm obviously not going to show that again because that would be very boring but I do have one more product my goodness it's more cherry blossom stuff this is the Sakura mud mask and I think you get quite a few in here oh yeah you've got five uh these cost me one pound 48 for five of them which is pretty good I am just gonna peel it open or try to I mean it is very pink [Music] okay so my face mask is on it says to leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash it off so I think I'm just going to end this video here unless something amazing happens I need to report back on so yeah if this is the end thank you guys for watching give this video a big thumbs up if you enjoyed it yeah I will see you very soon goodbye good night [Music]
Channel: Sophie Louise
Views: 259,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: temu, temu beauty, temu makeup, testing temu, testing, 24 hours, temu hair, temu skincare, temu 24 hours, temu haul, temu scam, temu dupes, sophie louise
Id: KtaCzw5luwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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