The Best Soulsborne Content of the Decade

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As the decade comes to a close we look forward, for an Elden Ring reveal is bound to drop any minute... Just kidding. Elden Ring doesn't exist. It's a hoax. :D So let's look back instead, and celebrate all of the content created since the beginning of this series I've categorized all the content types on screen so skip to whatever interests you but let's start with music. I believed if I knew where I was going I´d lose my way This is "We are the souls" by The Pruld, an animation set alongside the song I believe by Christina Perri This video was actually taken down all the way back in 2015 But now it's back and every line, every lyric has been expertly matched with the visual designed to hit any souls fan right in the feels. (((Praise the Sun intensifies))) Pruld even asked me to be part of this masterpiece with a short narration and It's just one of the many collaborations that I was honored to be a part of this past decade, and it all started with "Lord Vessel" by tanooki suit back in 2013 who must have been among the first to do fan songs about the series It was the start of a sequence of soul song edits for me and the best were always those that were made by those who really understood the games and were a part of the Community and it led to songs like "Fading Light" by Aviators which found outstanding success And who can forget the plethora of soul songs by miracle of sound There's also this abundance of metal music that has been created about the series. The aesthetic of Dark Souls matches the genre so damn well and so far this might be my favorite. It´s from the "Bells of Awakening" EP By Visigoth. While these artists have one or two songs related to souls No, one can match the sheer amount of music created by Alex Roe a composer who twists existing soundtracks into something new yet familiar. Expanding upon From Software's universe with music my personal favorite song of his is "Epitaph for Boletaria" Inspired by Demon Souls, and I've been thinking a good role for my channel this year I think should be as a central hub, a sort of bonfire, if you will, strengthened by its connection to others. So please check out every creator that interests you in the description Wait till the end of the video and then just mash your middle mouse button on all of the links that interest you when I'm done, then select all the tabs bookmark them and Wrap yourself up in a blanket with some hot cocoa and settle down for a long viewing Because I just gave you enough content to last you until next month And one of the animation clips you're gonna want to watch is this :D Of course I have to mention Pruld again in the animation category how else would I know what it's like to go dark souls with your best mates unless... Hello. May I share with you the lore of this land? Uh, yeah, let´s hear it. I know it´s hard to believe But we´re actually standing in a... Why did you do that? No, that was my fault Please leave a bad player of you on my name So I may learn from my mistakes. "Happy Souls" is this incredible Wholesome animation . And there are some animations like "Height of Despair" by Ricepirate that don´t need words to tell a story. And if I wasn't around to make lore videos, you know at least we'd have plague of gripes to break it down for us with Dark Souls in summary. I kind of lost the annals of history. Well, son, I'm disappointed But I still love you display... And your van Halen mixtape... And failing that, at least we'll always have Kaathe... (Mmbles in eldritch horror) And I shall never repeat myself. Do you understand what I've been explaining? Yes Kill more bosses. Damn straight. ArinsMind has a whole Dark Souls series featuring events that most of us can relate to, which is a segway to Matthew Shezmen who features a ton of encounters from the game in these Immensely detailed animations that must have taken an insane amount of effort now You know I´m not dead, right? Awww Speaking of death here´s Otzdarva dying to the last boss on his 41 bosses zero hits run of Dark Souls 2 He's currently 11 hours and 53 minutes into the run and I know it's taken him countless hours to practice to get to this point. This might be one of the most painful moments in Souls history, But you really have to watch the full video to really understand the impact of this moment. (inhales) It´s a really well edited video plus he just put out part 2 up on his channel and you're just gonna have to go over there if you want to see if he succeeds or if he fails again But while Otz takes the crown for what must be the most painful moment I feel like happy hub might take it for the most joyous Last year the day before Sekiro´s release actually, this is him in the final moments of his souls born No Hit Run. That's blood-borne Demon Souls Dark Souls 1 2 & 3 back to back, with no hits taken at all There are so many amazing creators I could mention in this category There's lobosjr who has done almost every challenge run Under the Sun There's kwitty who excels in sekito and blood-borne runs and of course all the speedrunners like Distortion who create these incredible strats for beating the game quickly and They've proven why these games are so damn good to speedrun All of these creators can be primarily found on Twitch because this is a category that lends itself to live streaming So go over there and you too can be on the edge of your seat during these moments And also shout out to twitch chat back when twitch played Dark Souls back in 2015 And we could all play the game together in putting controls and deciding what to do next We started this video with the proved who showed us the limits of content that can be made with source filmmaker but now let me show you a snippet of the newest video by the Perry God who is pushing the limits of what we can achieve Cinematically in game. I really love the twist at the end of this video So for that You're just going to have to go and check it out Perry God's work is Groundbreaking and I'm honored to have him as a partner on my channel as he's been responsible for most of the recent edits Bringing your cinematic experience here to a whole other level. So please do yourself a favor and subscribe to his channel And while you're at it soak in the atmosphere of this next clip and ask yourself if it's something that you'd want to see moral Confederate As your stomach not turned turned at the world of man So wondrously wretched and brimming with unsightly vermin much like our very own mission. I Feel the house manages to represent the story of blood-borne Cinematically with nothing more than visuals and the game's own narrations But while Perry God is a master of editing and field house is a legend with barely any tools There are no clips here that are quite like those of sunny legend who posts on Twitter with these unbroken cinematic clips that are pure art The reason that creators like us can do what we do is in no small part Thanks to the work that's done by the modding community Many of whom create tools that make cinematic footage like this possible these are the quiet heroes people who identify the values in the code that represent things like the camera and then Create tables that anybody can use for good and evil back in the day It was only a legendary creator called Hellkite Drake who publicized their findings in the games code? but leading the charge now is Lance McDonald whose talents have Created amazing tools like being able to control enemies in Dark Souls 3 and blood-borne There's also tools that he's starting to make publicly available over on his YouTube channel And he's on earth to countless secrets like why the flaws in pontiff Sullivan's room are suspiciously smooth It's because well, there's a floor sander in the Alpha files of Dark Souls 3 It's amazing what law we can uncover with deeper access to these files truly items texts and bosses many of these cut as Provide context for what does remain in the game with from software being so secretive? it's kind of the closest we have to access to what their developers are thinking and No one has documented more over the years than senators Kay and then there's illusory wall someone who experiments a lot With what's just accessible to the average player in 2014 For example through sheer will and testing he started to discover many of the fascinating secrets behind vagrants Which are those mysterious creatures that appear in your world in Dark Souls 1 and they appear when someone in another world loses their humanity a great person to follow to stay abreast of all the advances being made is zhu li who has Themselves contributed many tools and skins and mods like the first person mod Fascicular they put me on to stay 3d who is currently posting about their Dark Souls 2 remake on Twitter Then moving around assets changing the lighting and and hopefully they can bring back some of the magic that the game had in its Pre-release demo state and at this point there are so many incredible High-quality PC mods for the series some of the more famous ones that I might show you guys soon the daughters of Ashe remake and the scorched contract mod and these change the game to such a degree that it actually feels like you're playing a Director's cut of some kind but it isn't just the hackers who have helped us to understand these games They're also the reviewers who break down exactly why these games are so special one of my favorite reviews is by Matthew mitosis a 24 minute long video about demon souls that forever changed the way I view it now that we have sequels to compare it against Time and again, they threw out the rule book and just did whatever they felt like Conventional wisdom says that struggling players should be offered a helping hand not pushed down a well convinced another great video series is done by super bunny Hawk who makes Excellent points about the evolution of Dark Souls level design though. There are exceptions the majority of souls levels use a kind of spiral tower layout even when they don't look like it the player is always turning and Always moving up or down And lastly there's h-bomb a guy who's video on blood-borne I hope will be an excuse for you to check out his other content And it's amazing how much content can still be made on these games? And how many of you are still into it? You'd think we'd be scraping the bottom of the barrel with videos like how to pacifist run dark souls 2 but anyway of playing that forces you to resort to this technique is Surely worth watching worth watching also are the videos by curtain guy who? speaks about some pro level strats for adults Which is something I can finally relate to you won't be able to damage this boss Normally, they actually have a secret weak point And that weak point is something that we will never find because your baby just woke up Now what you want to do is pick up your baby with your right hand give you as you all know from watching my videos Useless facts about Dark Souls can be fascinating and no one presents them better than the old man and his grandson limit The pygmies path isn't preset you can drop him anywhere and he will crawl to Fillion or Look at him go They'll get your wife food And how could I not mention wild pie who all the way back in 2014? Created the first dumbshits guide to dark souls of all the videos on this list a few of them were created before 2012 a year that was changed forever with only afros Giants and dad. Oh Guess I can't use that music It was a year that was changed forever with the war So a spare a thought for all those who not only had to deal with the N all under watches But only afro and Inferno plus as well Honestly, I feel like there's an argument that can actually be made for the lack of balance in these games the fact that it's not Balanced well is actually great for the comedy side of YouTube since there's nothing quite like watching a team of people getting Blown the fuck out by a pair of twin dragon great swords from young Mastro's incredible PvP montages to grim disasters creative builds there's an entire subsection of the community that exists here and I Can't wait for them all to come off life support when Eldon ring is released because men Sekiro's Single-player focused campaign really left these people high and dry You know, it's bad when iron pineapple doesn't even make a Shrek video on your game That's not very nice And I would be remiss if I didn't mention others in the lore community Whether it's by DS Loki on Twitter Who is one of the very few who is still coming up with unique and credible theories about the games even up tool very recently You can also check out ashen hollows projects Dark Souls which covers most of the canons story across all of the Dark Souls games Or Mitch L. Whose tragedy of lady Maria video you should definitely Go and check out because then you might stop bullying me about not doing my Maria video There is a set of law creators who started around the same time as I did people like Dave control live Tara mantis and Silvermont who are all worth subscribing to as we head into Elden ring territory And there's also a slew of sekito content creators that have sort of gone under the radar People like creep Ling Bob the hollow and grim Motown has great breakdowns of specific characters and Ivanova stories, let's talk law Is this great long format series? If you kind of need something that you just want to put on in the background for a few hours the bloodborne up close series by richard Pilbeam gave me a huge respect for the information that is given by Textures in these games. I'll never forget that series and many of the people I've just mentioned have contributed to Sinclair laws podcast Where you can go to hear Richard suffer for hours on end And of course if you haven't already set aside a few hours to read the pale blood hunt by DMC Redgrave the most comprehensive work on blood-borne story to date before the age of dark There was the age of fire before the age of fire was the age of ancients and before that There was epoch lambreaux making videos on Dark Souls What must have been before anybody else from him came a really popular set of law videos? Opening up a side to these games that few had considered as deeply at the time to all of the games he plays ENB brings this methodical considered approach. That's Honestly addictive to watch it's so different to how I play games and if that sounds interesting Go and check him out on twitch for that but back then it was really just him Quelaag and a German spy those three creators and then I started doing stuff shortly after I decided to put my own twist on these stories because at the time I felt like they weren't being presented in an Emotional character driven way so that's what prepare to cry was all about But man, I was so young back then and I don't care who you are It's hard to look back at yourself from seven years ago Especially when it's still all on YouTube around that time there was also a guy called Vegeta who did these long format guides and commentary and one of my favorite videos by him is his Everything possible before the gargoyles playthrough. You should check that out Although I don't think he's creating videos anymore and a great podcast Continues to be the bonfire site chat pod cast who have been doing this for ages But the real content really was the friends we made along the way right? And if you want to watch me suffer through Dark Souls 3 with some friends Then you can always watch the Edward and the pants series by me crackin and bed banana Finally we have the artists who I hope are all busy right now contributing to an art competition that I'm running If you're interested in a shot at one thousand seven hundred and fifty US dollars and do you think that you're good at drawing landscapes? Or you know someone who is so you can Commission them Check out this video where the goal is to depict a land from dark souls that we read about in game but one that we never really see so drawing places like astora or kareem or Catarina things like that you have until the end of march 2020 to submit your entries Thank you so much for watching Please take a few more minutes to check out everyone in the description add them to bookmarks and I'll see you next time
Channel: VaatiVidya
Views: 729,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lore, dark, souls, remastered, dlc, two, bloodborne, story, vaatividya, vaati, vidya, videos, (video, game), shadows, twice, from, software, sekiro, ringed, city, ashes, ariandel, combat, tips, tricks, elden, ring, the pruld, miracle of sound, alex roe, ricepirate, plague of gripes, arinsmind, dark sauce, matthew shezmen, otzdarva, lobosjr, happy hob, lance macdonald, superbunnyhop, matthew matosis, hbomberguy, iron pineapple, infernoplus, onlyafro, epicnamebro, animation, speedrun, mods, pvp
Id: TkS_tPYGLwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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