The Best Slice in NYC Comes From Scarr's Pizza's House-Milled Flour Operation โ€” Handmade

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Looks incredible! Always nice to see someone taking pride in their work.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Jackieirish ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 31 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
try to serve what the people want like a good version of a New York Sun and the beauty of it's not bad for you that's my favorite component of the pizza so you look I gotta New York's nice is by the slice affordable it tastes great eats it was the best of the city movie kids those spots that I grew up eating at are mostly gone the original concept of a slice shop is for people to come in and being able to afford to go eat there's a lot of the shops aren't known for people from New York anymore they can't really connect and relate to what New York Pizza really is you don't think I worked in pizza ribs for like ten years no one else was doing something about a slice that was actually healthy actually not made with like chemicals our pizzas organic and whether it creates something like that and no one else does first up we do is we will we marry [Music] a lot of the week we have in the States is banned in Europe I mean and that was that you know what a lot of general public they don't understand that like weeds helping they go to Europe everyone's eating bread all day they eat croissants dd baguettes they walk down the street eating because they're eating it all day then they're not obese the obesity isn't a problem in Europe and they're always eating weak there's a correlation between how the weed is here compared to the wheat that's overseas so I did a lot of research on that and I was like you know what let's do something that's to Tricia's so you could only grind to a certain extent once you reach that certain temperature then you start killing nutrients in the flour at first it was hard for all of us we've never really done it before and then we're like okay that's how we do it all right this is our great sifter before we used to build on this if everything and then we got way too busy and then I got lucky and I found a grower in upstate New York that Mills flour fresh I really did get lucky I was like go man symptom is to separate the brand from actual wheat but the thing is with the extra brand even though it's healthy the flavor profiles a little too strong it's not a classic New York slice and pieces have to be simply ran out we allowed to ferment naturally keikis the yeast we used as an all-natural like there's nothing wrong with using changes I like the flavor profile cause it's the flavor profile of pizza from my youth this no we just allowed to sit and work its magic for little off you normally let it sit for about couple hours to make it dissolve and then after that add the fresh flour with the fresh flower that's already moved from us from upstate New York now we add our flour because it makes it through forest off we go so that's all by looking fuel most of the time it's really criticized but sometimes you never know and we had sold more so it looks like a lot but it really isn't it's just 100 pizzas yet exactly nonetheless the peace of the Risen songs is the olive oil and that should get come together to Bob ten minutes it was a tough learning it was a lot of frustration you know I'm a fighter I grew up with nothing when you grew up with nothing you learn how to fight so you have the whole thing loose elasticity moves around music self forward we let it ferment for five hours before we touch it take it out a bowl then start sectioning it off into dough balls [Music] I like you the door because the oil sticks to look though I don't like using flour because it changes the dough these guys and all the sides to it now they got machines I could do the sweep you had machines too many machines for the process because the delicacy of the dough I'm closer to see basically so suck out all the air so what it starts for bed thing that's not rising in the tips what happens if you get the air inside when it's rising it pins out the middle so when you're opening up the beach you'll get a sense about it right in the middle so you try to avoid the third spot so there's like a two three day from that period so it's all a rotating process of the like we got though everywhere we'd all have about another two three hours before we use it and then we use that's it voila yeah wow this those beautiful my first experience for making pizza was Lombardi's about 18 years ago I was working as a server and I just I don't know is I think I just saw the guy making it be he was always nice to me the pizza maker they don't show anyone I just started watching to make it I was right loved my time I give it a shot yeah [Music] always top side up [Music] Gucci's [Music] practice at hold I practice rubella then they would teach me like all these different nuances you know just pick up a repetition of dealing with them then being on top you don't know you got to do it this way no tie for the squares we wrote out of these clickers they're more laborious to like it's just a balancing act all that just one at the end of the day I just wanted something that was part of my childhood in terms of flavor or texture something that's by the slice where everyone can have it the meat pizzas a way to cater to the people I grew up I didn't grow up in the best neighborhood so for me it was like what make sure like people that come from my back-row could also eat anyone can come in and go yeah I mean who can't eat anywhere between three to ten bucks yeah and the meal drink we get everything you get tourists for your local store every race every color the way I wanted to do something I wouldn't want to certain people who something I wouldn't eat you can't believe it's made with good organic good right people like it's actually good for you believe me when I tell you that you want to actually reach the top of the peak or a challenge to be at the top then you need to actually pay the dues work with people that you admire respect I do it for a reason anyway cuz I want people to get better like I figured you know I'll make money regardless I'm not gonna rush to make money I never had it before nice you
Channel: Eater
Views: 2,620,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza, nyc pizza, nyc slice, best nyc pizza, best nyc slice, best pizza slice in nyc, best pizza slice in new york, scarr's pizza, scarr's pizza new york, scarr's pizza review, wheat pizza, wheat pizza dough, milled wheat, handmade, homemade, eater,, food, restaurant, dining, dish, foodie, chef, foodshow
Id: b5dv_j9SdC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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