The BEST SETTINGS To Use in Red Dead Online! All New Best CONSOLE & PC Settings (RDR2 Best Settings)

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today on the show we will be discussing the best settings and controller settings for rednet online and red dead redemption 2. lots of players have asked me what my settings are how i play red dead and what my graphics are like and also what nvidia filters i use while i have made a settings video in the past that was almost two years ago and a lot has changed since then since then i switched my aim settings quite a bit and red dead online released on pc which also brought better graphics and other controls that i would like to share with you today we're gonna go over all my settings in this video starting with controls and controller settings that i personally think will make a huge difference and greatly enhance your red dead experience and if you're looking for a specific part i will have each section of the video labeled with its corresponding timestamp so you can jump right into it so if you enjoy this video at any point or if you just find it helpful let me know by dropping a like on this video and if you'd like to stay up to date and in the loop with everything red dead redemption 2 and read that online consider hitting that subscribe button with your bell notifications turned on so first you're going to go over to the pause menu go to settings then go to controls and we're going to start off on the controller of course invert look unless you know maybe you're an old school gamer this is how i used to play like goldeneye on the ps2 for example where the game had inverted look i have that off obviously when you push up on the thumbstick you want to be able to look up as well for example right now i play with no vibration and there's a reason for that i prefer just having no vibration that's how i play battlefield and call of duty when i play with a controller i don't like having vibration because if you have controller vibration it could mess up your aim when you're trying to be very pinpoint accurate and that comes into play with the next few settings we're going to be talking about but if you are someone who uses auto aim in this game you don't necessarily have to worry about being super accurate because the game is going to lock onto an enemy for you so you're going to have much less of a chance that you're going to be missing your shots and also if you have vibration off you won't get those controller vibrations when you're searching for treasure or collectibles for example so controller vibration does come in handy for that and if you don't have a lay of the land and the lay of the map then you may miss collectibles you may miss treasures unless you don't know the spawns or something like that but personally i like to have it off but for most people i would say you're better off having controller vibration set to on use cycle camera control for photo mud i just have that set off doesn't really come to play with how i play targeting and weapons this is where the important stuff comes into play me personally i have now switched to free aim and that is the biggest difference from the last time i made this video which was at the beginning of october in 2019 a couple weeks after the red that online frontier pursuits update released when i made my previous best controller settings because now i have a ton of different controller settings so we can talk about those changes and why i switched i switched in march of 2020 to free aim to one take advantage of the free amx p bonus where you get 20 extra xp per kill on animals npcs players etc and also i think it just makes the game a little bit more entertaining you get to savor gunfights you know the game is very easy when you're going on say for example wide normal or narrow lock on you just lock on center mass flick up to the head with pain and black and you get an easy head shot with free aim it still is pretty easy to be accurate if you're good at this game and you just play a lot and you're used to playing games but freedom allows you to savor those gun fights easier they last for longer and just i think enhances your gameplay experience and if you're bored of playing red that online try switching to free game and see how it is but with that being said i do keep aim assist strength on foot to the max both on foot frame on horseback and aimus strength on your mountain vehicle at full and there's a reason for that it's gonna be tough to show it off because i'm on the top of the mountain right now above valentine but when you have free aim you're obviously like say if an enemy is standing right here on the edge of this cliff free aim you won't be you know be looking here and aim and lock onto the enemy right away that's what the auto aim does the auto lock on flicks your aim right on to whatever you're aiming at but the aim assist allows you so say if you're already 80s and you're aiming down your sights and you're just moving left and right and that enemy is still here at the edge of the cliff if there was an enemy there my aim would slow down briefly over them and keep going so it allows you to kind of have a stickiness to your aim so that you can be more accurate even though you're in freedom you just don't get that crazy cheap lock on which is almost like an aimbot essentially so that's why i have the aim assist strength on because it does come in handy especially when you're on free aim you're going to be running into a lot more trouble with the weapon sway whenever you're shooting and enemies are shooting back at you and suppressing you your screen is going to sway basically back and forth like a figure eight and you know it's not this dramatic this is just for an exaggeration but this is kind of how the weapon sway works in game and so when you have that aim assist it's gonna allow you to fight against that weapon sway and stay on target a lot better and a lot easier than you would before automatic pin switching this comes into play with the lamat revolver i don't want to switch to the shotgun ammo when i'm out of ammo with the normal revolver so i just have it set to off but if you're looking for that this is where you can change it's basically like a secret setting for one weapon here in game now the next major part of this best controls video is the third person controls basically just for being having movement on foot third person controls set it to standard fps i wouldn't recommend you know there's a whole bunch of options depending on how you like to play but most people are going to fall in line between standard fps and then also just standard standard is the classic rockstar games experience where you click in l3 left thumbstick and you're gonna crouch in this game and you're gonna be running using the x button on playstation or a on xbox you're gonna be mashing that button just like you would be running on horseback and what that means is you're not your right thumb isn't gonna be freed up to aim around and when you do aim you're not going to be moving as fast right you can't like necessarily look around and run unless you take unless you play claw or you take your thumb off of the other thumbstick and you use like your left hand to control both thumbsticks which is just kind of weird right so you want to set it to standard fps because what that's going to do is allow you to switch those controls and your x button is going to be crouch whereas your l3 button or your l3 thumbstick is going to be sprint but that's not all you need to make sure you change this to standard fps and i'm going to jump down here real quick because this comes into play with the third person controls first person as well standard fps but then you're going to go down and make sure you set running mode to on foot only to toggle to run because if you keep it on hold to run it's not going to work you need to hold in the left thumbstick the whole time what you're going to want to do is set it to toggle to run so that way when you are running around on the map you only need to click l3 and once and you're jogging or running essentially and then you click in a second time and you're sprinting and that means you know if you're coming out of ads you click it twice boom you're good to go just come out of a dive click it twice and you're going to be sprinting etc so you want to make sure if you're changing to standard fps controls for both third person and first person make sure you have it set to toggle to run but just jumping back in horse control horse relative horse control while aiming i have them both set to horse relative i don't want them to be camera relative i want my horse to always be going in a certain direction and my camera to reorient around that look sensitivity and aim sensitivity and also aim look acceleration both of the sensitivities are maxed out that means i can look around super fast at its highest sensitivity this is look sensitivity and aiming sensitivity is also at its max as well and as you can see even though it's max this is still kind of low in the grand scheme of things i play on 20 sensitivity and call of duty for example that's max sense so it's definitely an adjustment going back and forth between those two games but again this is a third person game so probably having a lower overall um sensitivity is why rockstar limited it even though you have it set to max here aim look acceleration all that means is the time it takes for you when you aim and you start moving your stick to aim is the acceleration 100 right away or is there a build up where it goes like this this then it gets a little bit faster and then you're going to max now i would recommend you just have it set to 100 at max right away so that whenever you're aiming it's just the same speed there's no extra steps to have the aim speed up or anything like that aim look dead zone if your thumbsticks are cut if they have dust in them or they're dirty or you have stick drift you may want to increase the dead zone here depending on you know what happens with your controller for me i don't really have too much dead zone um but i do want to just bump it up one notch because sometimes i slightly slightly see my character spinning around if i leave the controller on the desk unattended again toggle to run tap assist i have it set to hold right now but i may just go back to off my previous video i had it as off right now i have it as hold because it just makes it an easier function to get out of you know lassos if you're hogtied or something like that tap to hold delay adjust the time that the game will take to distinguish a button tap from a button hold set that at the absolute minimum because it's just going to take more time if you have this bar increase and then hold to real for fishing i have this set to off i know some players may find that the pc controls with controller are buggy when they're fishing but for me i just prefer spinning the thumb stick around in a circle so that i can reel in the fish faster and easier that way because you're also pulling up on the fishing rod to basically yank the fish out of the water faster so that's what i noticed and that's what i prefer playing this game like now this is a question i've gotten asked a lot especially since the pc release of red that online now that i'm on pc i want to take a segment of this video to go over my graphics settings this is i think very important for a lot of players i'm going to change this i recommend you just go full screen because you're going to run into a lot of stuttering issues with this game if you're not in full screen but sometimes they hit the windows key we back out of it i have an acer predator 27 1440p monitor so i play on 1440p resolution my refresh rate of the monitor is 144 fps vsync i keep on i'm never going to get more than 144 frames but i keep it on just to you know minimize screen tearing if there are any um triple buffering i have it set to off pause game on focus loss that's off constrain mouse pointer sets off now this these are the graphics that we're going to be talking about and i'm just going to go through them as you can see what i would recommend here is i would almost copy these to a t they're basically like a best optimized general types of settings depending on what your build is of your computer you can almost copy these settings to a t maybe what i would recommend is bump each of them down so if you're at ultra for texture quality like i am you could bump it to high etc again it depends on your graphics card i use the 2080 super and i was getting just under 100 fps with these settings there's a few things that i just bumped up now that i'm using a 3080 rtx 3080 in my gaming pc um so i bumped a few settings up which i will talk about but you could basically copy these settings because i will let you know what those were and if you want if you have something less than like a 20 80 series card or a 20 series card you know if you have a 1080 ti or even like a 900 series gtx graphics card from nvidia then i would just bump everything down one notch for each setting but going into it texture quality ultra x16 anisotropic filtering medium for lighting quality global illumination quality set to high shadow quality high far shadow quality high screen space ambient occlusion ultra reflection quality medium mirror quality ultra water quality we have it set to custom because we change a few things same with the volumetrics particle quality etc ultra tessellation quality ultra right now i'm not using nvidia dlss because of a few reasons i'm noticing i'm still getting stutters when i use this but if you set it to say if you're on 1440p set it to quality um i would love to use it but there's a few other issues i'm running into like my character's hair and my horse's manes are very pixelated and me personally i'm very picky about that i don't like the look of it but if you turn on dlss you're going to get up to like 45 extra performance all on ultra settings so for most people i would recommend if you do have an rtx card turn dlss on we have taa set to high fx a off msa off brightness calibration is not going to be the same on your monitor most likely so i'm not going to go over it advanced settings set it to unlocked user graphics api is dx12 i used to use vulkan but i was getting a lot more stutter so i changed the dx12 and i get a lot less stutters in this game near volumetric resolution set to low far volumetrics such the resolution medium volumetric lighting quality high unlocked volumetric raymark resolution on on particle lighting quality medium soft shadows high grass shadows high long shadows on full resolution screen space ambient occlusion off water refraction quality medium water reflection quality medium water physics right in the middle so bar two if you're going left to right one two notches resolution scale set to off taa sharpening you could see it right here it is if you compare to the water physics we're one two three four five six seven eight from uh where water physics is to the left motion blur set to off reflection msaa times two geometry level of detail we have at max same with the grass level of detail when i used to use the 2080 super i had this at three out of five bars and grass level of detail i had it set to four out of ten like this but now i have it bumped up all the way now that i'm on a 3080 series card tree quality ultra parallax occlusion mapping quality ultra decal quality ultra fur quality on high it doesn't go to ultra and tree tessellation set to off which controls the tessellation on the tree trunks i notice i just lose frames and it doesn't make much of a difference it doesn't enhance my experience or anything like that and now that it's daytime we're going to talk about one of the last few things which are the nvidia filters which i just started to mess around with recently and these are the settings that i would use if i were to use the filters personally i haven't used them yet because i haven't like perfectly made it how i like but this is probably how i would recommend you run the game right here this is the difference this is what it looks like normally let's face the sun and then we'll face the sun now with the filters on i think it just enhances everything it's not totally obnoxious colors but it does make everything more vibrant more saturated brighter with just a slight bit extra contrast so i have three filters sharpen color and brightness and contrast in the sharpened category intensity of five percent ignore film grain zero percent because i have film grain turned off in this game anyway and there's really no film grain to begin with under the color settings i changed the tint color zero tint intensity zero percent temperature zero but the vibrance was cranked up to 30. then finally for brightness and contrast we have a few different things exposure on zero contrast on 14 highlights on zero shadows 22 percent less and then also 10 increase on gamma because that's going to make the world brighter at night so you're not going to run into these huge dark corners you know if you're under trees at night and there's no moonlight or anything like that because a lot of complaints that i get on stream from players playing the game and just in general in my youtube comments is players saying that this game is super super dark and they have trouble seeing sometimes so besides just going to your settings and going to the brightness calibration here to change that i would recommend if you have an nvidia graphics card or basically a 2080 series card or 20 series card mess around with the filters you are going to get a few less frames but then you can counteract that with nvidia dlss as well and if you're going to do that that's going to increase the sharpening so i would um take off the sharpen nvidia filter here so you don't accidentally over sharpen your game again this is i don't think the absolute best i'm probably gonna still modify it from here on out a little bit but i haven't decided on like the perfect settings i haven't played around with it too much but right now this isn't this makes the game a lot better looking in my experience is it it enhances the game but it doesn't make it super obnoxious i don't think to play for you know super long periods of time because it's very easy to overdo right if you go to color and you put vibrancy on max you're gonna see now see that looks ridiculous arthur's orange you know this just looks crazy you'd never want to see a game like this maybe i would color grade it like this for a youtube video so it's a little more pleasant to watch for a few minutes but for an actual gameplay experience i would not necessarily like that at all but i'd keep it on 30 i think that's you know about as good as you want to go but i'm going to set it back to off because i prefer not having any filters on at the current moment in time just because i want to adjust those other ones a little bit more so with all that said i think we'll wrap things up right here no need to take up any more of your time hopefully you all enjoyed the video today and if you did hopefully i earned your like on it and of course if you are new to my channel you want to stay up to date with all the best read that online and rockstar games content consider hitting that subscribe button so you don't miss out on a single thing we upload here on the channel we consistently talk about updates news information tips tricks and even leaks and we'll keep you guys updated here on the channel daily so make sure you hit that subscribe button if you want to follow me over on twitch twitter and instagram those are the best places to get connected with me outside of youtube and you're more than welcome to ask me questions on there you can follow me at hazardous hdtv and all of my social media links can be found in the description down below with that being said thank you all so much for watching everyone hope you all have a fantastic day and i will see you guys in the next red dead online video adios amigos [Music] so [Music]
Channel: Hazard
Views: 158,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red dead online settings, best red dead online settings, rdr2 online settings, best settings red dead online, red dead online best settings, best settings red dead, best settings, settings red dead online, red dead best settings, best red dead settings, rdr2 online best settings, best red dead, rdr2 settings, best settings rdr2, best rdr2 settings, red dead settings, best settings rdr2 online, red dead 2 online, rdr2 online, red dead online, red dead redemption 2 online, rdr
Id: 1fVLRXKqjVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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