10 Mistakes Beginners are Still Making In Red Dead Online in 2024

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you're about to see one of the biggest mistakes beginners are making in Red Dead online there it is you might say that it's Griffin but I will tell you it's not it's just a stupid mistake and today we're gonna talk about 10 biggest mistakes beginners are still making and read that online even in 2023 so let's begin with the one that I just showed you it's attacking other players for no reason there are two main reasons why it's a terrible idea for beginner to attack someone first of all community in Red Dead online is extremely friendly it's not okay to attack someone in a free ROM just for no reason it's not GTA online but my second argument is even more important as a beginner you just have no chance against a high level it doesn't matter if you're good at aiming or not it doesn't matter if you have a low level friend or let's say five low level friends in Red Dead online there are overpowered mechanics that available only for high level players I'm talking about certain the diability guards such as slow and steady or slippery bastard some weapons just being much stronger than any other weapon I'm talking about Cortana Here Also let's not forget about explosive ammo Dynamite arrows level 3 Health tonics and so on so every beginner who will attack a higher level in Red Dead online will immediately regret it and will have to run away or even switch session so please be friendly to other players not only because it's nice but also because as a beginner you are in a huge disadvantage in PvP next mistake that a lot of beginners are making is not using defensive mode it will protect you from people who are making mistake number one and attacking other players in Red Dead online you still can be killed while in defensive but is going to be much much harder because autoim is not working on you you get no extra damage from hatchets you cannot be marked with painted black you receive less damage lasso cannot be used on you and so on so on practice skilled high level Griefer will still be able to kill you but you will be well protected from low level and even medium level Griefers so to activate defensive mode open left menu choose online options go to plane style and change it from offensive to defensive in 30 seconds defensive mode will be enabled but remember two important things first of all don't attack other players first while you are in defensive and second you have to activate it each time when you logging in into Red Dead online or switching Lobby next beginner's mistake is relying on body shots it doesn't matter if you hunt in fighting NPCs in missions or other players and PVP events you want to aim for the head Hatchet damage is just much higher so pretty much always it will be a one shot kill so make body shots only if you're using the sniper rifle or a shotgun and even with shotgun is actually better to make headshots with help of painted black obviously and yes painted black is a diability card that will help you to make easy headshots especially when you're using pistols to revolve verse or repeaters also avoiding next mistake will make combat in red that online much easier for you I'm talking about using default settings yes not changing the full settings is a big mistake that a lot of beginners are making but you will only start playing in Red Dead online suggests you immediately to open menu go to settings choose controls and then in targeting and weapons you will see that local mode is set to normal and it's not a good setting so if you're playing with the controller and using auto aim I suggest you to change it to Y this will make Auto aiming much easier you can also choose free aim it will disable auto aim but you will be receiving extra 20 experience points per each kill even if you're shooting birds or something and it's a lot of extra experience by the way if you're playing on a PC and don't even have a controller you still will have to go to controller settings and change local mode from normal to free aim otherwise you're not gonna be receiving 20 experience points I also suggest you to change aim look that down to minimum and aim look acceleration aim sensitivity and look sensitivity to maximum it's not related to shooting but changing hold to real fishing setting from off to on will make fishing on a controller much easier almost all beginners are making the next mistake and losing a lot of money as a result this mistake is completing missions too fast it makes no sense at all but in most Red Dead online activities money gold and experience that you are receiving are based on the time that you spending in this activity more time spend more money gold and experience you get for example if you will complete most missions in less than 3 minutes you will receive no gold at all and very small amount of experience and dollars maximum payout you are getting for spending 30 minutes on a mission but it's not always possible because in many missions there will be a timer however if you're looking for a maximum amount of gold per per minute you want to complete missions in exactly 6 9 or 12 minutes and if you're looking for a maximum amount of money per minute that would be a 10 minutes exactly per each Mission but the way timer starts when you appear on a map right after cutscene if there is a cutscene anyway in practice I suggest you to complete all the missions in 9 or 12 minutes exactly because gold is the most important another mistake that new players are making in Red Dead online is ignoring monthly bonuses because each month there is a different event in Red Dead and line with a lot of bonuses and discounts and some of the bonuses are really good that can be like triple gold and money for some activities and obviously such bonuses will help you to level up and grind money and gold much faster to find out about bonuses of the monthly event you can check Rockstar's website my channel because I'm making videos about such events so maybe consider subscribing or you can check the information in game to do that open menu and go to benefits you can immediately see some information about bonuses here and usually here and on a second page you will find even more information about discounts bonuses and stuff like that and yes buying something expensive with the discount is usually a good idea especially if you are a beginner so keep an eye on discounts too next mistake that makes fighting NPCs and especially other players much harder for beginners is not using tonics and food tonics are just overpowered in Red Dead online even level 1 Health tonic that costs only 2.50 will be a game changer in PVE because it's not only heals you when you wound it it also gives you extra health and I'm not even talking about more expensive level 2 Health tonic and especially about level 3 Health tonic that can only be crafted so it's not for beginners they're even more powerful but anyway I suggest you to go and purchase as many Health cure tonics as you can for your first earned money this will make leveling up much easier and also don't forget about Golden food that gives you extra Health as well so all you need to do is hunt some alligators get big game meat find wild mint and add your Camp cook minty big game and obviously don't forget to eat it before you will go fighting also it will be a mistake not to loot NPCs especially at low levels you know how it happens during tutorial player kills Bandits loot them find like 5 cents in each Compares this amount of money to the prices in kevlak and decides that it makes no sense to loot enemies to waste time however by looting NPCs you can find a lot of useful stuff tonics collectible items that you can sell to Madame Nazar later when you will purchase collector roll and sometimes even treasure maps our next mistake is also pretty common because a lot of beginners are spending all their money at the beginning of the game and which is more importantly all there earned gold on clothing and I mean it's not a mistake to spend money on Golden clothing in general but I don't suggest you to do it before you will save enough gold to purchase your first roll and enough money to purchase important things for this role for example shovel and metal detector for a collector roll so basically before you will unlock a solid way of earning money in Red Dead online if you're not gonna be spending all the money in gold on clothing pretty soon you will buy a roll and you will start making a lot of money more money than you need and then you will buy any clothing item that you want and the last mistake is often made not only by beginners but also by experienced players and actually such players are losing a lot of gold because of it you see for some achievements in Red Dead online for example killing 1000 enemies with a revolver you receive in a golden award you can check them by opening menu go into progress and go into Awards and for example let's choose Sharpshooter category you see a lot of golden awards I have so some awards cannot be reset but other Awards can be reset up to 10 times and each time for reciting such a word you will receive 0.4 gold bars so yeah if you were not receiving awards for some time if you forgot about it just go to progress Awards and reset Awards in all categories you will probably make few gold bars or even more you know there is one more mistake that a lot of beginners are making in Red Dead online it's not watching good guides like this guide about best weapons in Red Dead online for example that you can see on your screen now anyway I hope you enjoyed this video stay safe stay healthy goodbye
Channel: PVP Cat
Views: 628,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rdr2, red dead online, rdr2 online, red dead redemption 2, RDO, rdr 2 online, red dead online beginner guide, red dead online beginner, red dead redemption 2 online mistakes, red dead online mistakes, red dead online beginner tips, red dead online guide, red dead online tips, red dead online for beginners, rdr2 online beginners guide, red dead redemption 2 online beginner tips, rdo for beginners, red dead online 2024
Id: W-hGYpKKawc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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