The BEST Settings in Rainbow Six Siege | R6 Pro Guide

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have you ever played a ranked game and you just feel like every death is to someone you can't see well it's not because your game's bugged but don't worry today we're going to give you guys an exclusive look on pro league settings that all the pros use my name is fox say and I've been a pro player for eight years and I'm currently playing for oxygen Esports so don't worry you're in good hands the first place we're going to start is in the accessibility tab of the settings you're instantly going to want to turn screen shake off it's an amazing setting that's been added to the game I want to say within the last year some people don't understand the impact of screen shake you know you could be holding a perfect angle and an ash charge or a grenade anything on the other side of the map could blow up and it could just shake your screen so harshly it's not moving your reticle but it's messing with your eyes so bad that you might die to somebody swinging the corner and it's not what you want to happen immediately turn it off get that out of the way now right under it you might see something that's a little weird this is something that I do specifically I have my team color on red and I have my opposing team color on blue and let me let you in on a little secret having your team color on Blue is the best way to see enemy gadgets Claymore lines Thorn traps C4s BPS anything anything that the enemy could possibly run it's so visible with the blue lines it's easy to spot out Val cams you can see from a mile away now also not to mention that some maps like Skyscraper and theme park have a red theme to them so if you have the opposing team color as red a lot of things may go unnoticed you know you might miss a claymore you might miss a vow Camp because the red blends into the walls of the map now blue on the other hand there's not many blue Maps you'll be in a good spot if you have the opposing team color on Blue I guarantee you it'll save your life now let's head over to the graphic settings this is probably your most important spot and I know everyone's going to want to see it and I'm going to take you guys step by step I don't want to just run through it I know may look simple but I'm going to explain to you how intricate it could really be first we'll start with texture quad body and texture filtering I like to combine these two you know they kind of do similar things I personally think even if you have a monster computer it's better to just run these both on low and linear because we all know Siege is such a beefy game even if you have a great PC it's going to take a toll on your FPS so running the texture quality and the texture filtering as low as possible is going to save you frames I promise you so you want to make sure that you have these low next is LOD quality LOD stands for level of design or level of detail and for people that don't know it's kind of when you spawn in at one point the detail of all of the map from close to far that's pretty much what it is so you want it to be on as high as possible higher Ultra so that when you spawn in everything no matter what the distance is it's all going to be at the highest level of detail and you can see everything as crispy as you would regardless of the distance following that are these next two they kind of go hand in hand shading and shadows shading you don't really use the shade shade at all in this game but Shadows on the other hand you may think you know what could you possibly need Shadows for but let me tell you if you've ever played on a map like Clubhouse and you're up in the rafters and you're looking down at the blue the garage door whatever you may call it you can actually see a player's Shadow outside that door going left to right before they're about to peek that door now it's not just on that map there's some maps where there's spotlights or car lights that outline a player's Shadow before they get into your view and it gives you that little bit of an edge against the player that might not know that you're on the other side of that door it's a lifesaver so in my opinion you always want to have a little bit of Shadow quality on just to be able to see it but besides that you don't want a two crazy Shadows aren't that prominent in the game shading you don't really see too much of it either now once you get past the shadow quality you're gonna see a theme here everything's lower off all of these extra little things are just gonna suck your frames dry it's not going to help it's not not going to do anything beneficial especially things like lens effects or zoom in depth of field nobody wants to have zoom in depth of field imagine aiming in on your Hollow or your 1.5 and it blurs out everything on the sides that's terrible no one wants to run that so you're going to keep everything under Shadows to low to off all the way down to the bottom just to keep it clean and finally we're going to get to the more specific side of things we're going to get to your aspect ratio your sensitivity your field of view with your aspect ratio me personally I've been a big 4-3 guy for a while now but I've just started getting back into 1610 I think 1610 might have my heart this next couple of months we'll have to see how it goes aside from that it's all preference if you like the more stretch res is I would go with four three three two uh if you like things that are a little more narrow or a little more in between slower movement definitely 1610 is going to be your wave I don't know that many players or that many pro players that play 69 or anything on the right side of the spectrum I would tend to stick away from that side as for field of view field of view is pretty General you're usually going to want to stay about around 90. I know some specific people have their you know 16 10 83 or 87 all that's preference I think if you stay around 90 it's a lot easier to get your scents down and a comfortable aspect ratio when you're not messing with the field of view too much and now to finish off with the sensitivity this is one spot that it's very preferential you're going to want to mess around to find that good spot for you I'm just going to show you guys what I run I run 77 I'm on 800 DPI and this is my mouse sensitivity I'm going to leave it up in case anybody wants to pause and look at it I find that most players that I've spoken to are all around that 800 DPI Mark I would definitely mess around there if you want to find your right sense I find this a good comfortable consistent sense it's good for a fast it's good for slow as a Siege player you're going to want to find that bound of what kind of player you are if you're an entry and you're flicking the rooms really getting crazy you might want the higher sense but if you're holding down the site you really like those dmrs you really like those hard angles I want to run a lower sense so that you can go from Pixel to pixel smooth and calm I know what you guys might be saying is you run an aim on toggle yes yes it's probably my most embarrassing setting I know a lot of people run hold it's perfectly perfectly fine to run hold I used to come from CS go back in the day and there's no aiming in CS go unless you're using an OP so the op was only on toggle back in the day and so since that's what I'm used to using when I switch over to R6 I started using toglam on R6 so that's just what I'm comfortable with you don't gotta follow me on that one I promise you you'll be all right without it even after all this the right settings might not make you a pro but there's no reason to be hurting yourself not running the optimal settings alright guys that was a look into some of the essential settings that Pro players use if you learned anything at all or if I've helped you today feel free to leave a like subscribe and comment down below what you guys like to see next I appreciate all feedback thank you guys so much for the support and the love and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Fox A
Views: 274,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ndi3ujT1bdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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