The Best Selling Taco Recipe & How to Cook Papas con Huevos (Mexican Potato & Eggs)

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I'm super excited to share with you guys today probably the most popular breakfast plate and breakfast taco in the state of Texas maybe in the world and this recipe has only two main ingredients potatoes and eggs there's a lot of ways to fry potatoes some people like to shallow fry some people like to steam with a lid and Fry at the same time but in this video I'm going to show you our favorite way to make them which is deep fried that's the way my grandma taught my mom and that's the way Mama takes top me so in my house that's our favorite way to cook the Papas to make an amazing simple yet delicious dish but wait there's more I'm also going to show you a truly tchm Taco built off of the potato and egg dish along the border and especially here in South Texas we call this the cute tacu but remember there's no breakfast dish in my house without a delicious salsa too let's get started when I was growing up this was our favorite dish on any morning really truly this was our kids absolute favorite breakfast too potato and eggs it's so simple so easy to make and and then of course as a grownup you got to have salsa too this salsa is super simple it's four Roma tomatoes two jalapeno peppers two Aral Chiles and three garlic I like to get my oil up to about 350° or so more or less and depending on how many potatoes I have or I'm cooking that day I might do two batches you don't want to overcrowd your pan and it's not enough oil and it's not hot enough you want it to stay hot you want it to really fry those potatoes so you can get that nice delicious golden brown color on them all right friends the tomatoes and the Chile and the garlic or oiling we're going to check our temperature on the oil one more time I do think it looks like it's ready yeah we're up at 370 I'm going to turn it down just a ha the other way you can check is just drop a potato in there you see how it immediately starts to boil and it floats to the top that means it's ready so I'm going to drop a little bit more in here make sure you separate them so that they cook nice even and you get a nice golden brown all the way around y'all see there how the temperature came down that's why you don't want to overdo overcrowd your Pan the temperature oil is down to 300 as long as we're over 300 we're okay those potatoes smell really good when they're cooking I think a high heat hot fried potato is the best potato for Papas Kevo because it doesn't get mushy it doesn't get smashed up when you mix it up with the eggs it stays nice and a little bit crispy and that beautiful golden brown color just makes it look even better you can feel the potato getting toasted there you can feel the texture they're getting nice and golden brown they're just about done doesn't take but a couple of minutes all right friends our first batch of potatoes is ready look at that beautiful golden brown color they're all floating to the top that's when you know it's time to pull them get them out you want to get you one of these types of strainers so that as much oil as possible you can get get it out of there you can get them out pretty quick too drain some of that oil now while they're nice and sticky and got a little oil on you want to shake a little bit of this OG on here salt pepper garlic it's the go-to for everything you got you guys are interested in our OG rub it's Pitmaster do us let's go ahead and Fry these other potatoes I'm going to take this over here and get it out of the way so it'll cool off a little bit these are not going to take but a couple of minutes at the most the oil is hot we don't have a lot of potatoes in there it's going to be done in a licky split licky split getting Fancy with my words these potatoes are starting to float I do believe they're done look at that beautiful golden color W that looks good good good and don't forget that little Shake of salt pepper garlic all right cool we're ready to make some potatoes and eggs papasa baby now normally I like my Salsa's chunky so I'll pulse pulse pulse but because we only had a couple of tomatoes I went ahead and psted and got a little bit creamier perfect now today salsa wo I can smell it it's hot way I like it I only used two Aral chilas all right let's give it a taste test just just to make sure it's hot enough oh that's good man I have six eggs here we used oil to fry the potatoes but when I make the dish the final dish it's always with butter Butter's going to give it that nice Umami that looking good you don't want to burn the butter so we're going to get started right away we're going to add our potatoes first where' my potatoes go all right we're going to add our potatoes first we're going to let them get hot again remember we had them cooling down a little bit now you can also add your egg first and when the egg's halfway cooked like with the Amigas then you can add your potatoes but I like to just do it all together watch your heat you don't want to cook them super super hot potatoes have a little OG but the egg needs a little salt pepper garlic too and we're going to give it a little stir turn up the heat I like to flippity flip my eggs and the potatoes all at the same time like this now as far as the dness of the eggs you know that's again like everything else it's personal preference to me these are just about done we're going to turn off the heat keep flipping keep stirring if you don't want to burn your egg you want it to be nice soft and delicious all right friends our Papas cono is made this is probably the most popular breakfast dish in every text mix restaurant basically we just put it all right here on the plate nice big serving we'll serve it with a little tortilla on the side here put a little bit of breakfast salsa right here along the top I'm going to take a little taste test cuz I'm hungry friend try this plate I promise you're going to know why it's the number one selling dish in every Tech mix restaurant for breakfast all right let me try that again John I got to tell you my bite oh no all right friends so let me take my Mexican spoon here one big bite that is delicious buddy wants to taste too here you go pup he spit it out that's what I mean anyway that's it take it or leave it all right friends I'm going to finish up this plate but wait there's more this Taco I'm going to show you guys is probably the best kept secret along the border and in South Texas the cute Taco first thing we're going to do is take a nice hot fresh homemade tortilla we're going to take a bed liner of beans we're going to slap that right here on the tortilla spread it around after that we lay down a nice helping of potato and eggs right here out of the pan you guys know I like my tacos nice and full slice of bacon lay it right on top of here fresh grated Lon horn style cheese and that my friends is a cute Taco I'm going to put a little bit of salsa on here oo that's a big taco this is one of the heartiest breakfast tacos you'll ever have nice big and fat M M M M oh oh yeah baby that's so delicious incredibly good friends I promise if you make this Taco you'll understand why it's so incredibly popular the potato and eggs all by itself are wonderful but you add that little extra bacon and cheese in there and the beans all mixed together you get this nice complex but super delicious aqu is just incredible that good make want [Music] that super super delicious that is incredibly good and we need to make this one of our regular rotating breakfast tacos on a regular basis this is an amazing breakfast I hope you enjoyed this video I promise you're going to thank me later let me know in the comments what is your favorite potato and egg combination thanks for watching everybody hope you enjoyed this video remember to keep the smoke light and make it work boom boom boom I don't know if everybody knows what a bedliner is but a bedliner in the back of a pickup truck is that rubber or plastic coating that protects the bed of the truck in this case the beans are protecting the tortilla and everything else in there that's just what we call it
Channel: ArnieTex
Views: 133,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mexican food, mexican breakfast, potato and egg, papas con huevo, how to make papas con huevo, how to make papas con chorizo, mexican breakfast recipe, how to make mexican potato and eggs, desayuno, desayunos rapidos y faciles, desayunos mexicanos, papas, papas fritas, salsa, salsa recipe, salsa verde, salsa roja, tortillas de harina, chilaquiles, bacon and egg, taco, tacos, q taco, breakfast taco recipe, breakfast recipes, mexican breakfast recipes, fajitas, carne asada, bbq, grill
Id: X83o_uKEEkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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