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[Applause] hey what's going on everyone this is KDK kill Dy and welcome back to the channel so I'm prepping for a big review here but I thought I would set aside some time to show you guys the top single board computers for the 2023 and 20124 year uh I read an article a couple of days ago and I was really disgusted with that list because there were a lot of good popular new boards companies coming out with single board computers that I thought should have been on that list I think they did like a top five with the Raspberry Pi five uh being on that list being number one orange Pi 5 and then there were a couple of others you guys will be familiar with but you didn't see things like this on there like the U2 X1 single board computer best SBC on the market right now uh for the best uh cost to Performance ratio and so I thought I would show you guys since I finally have them all under one roof right now what I consider to be the best single board computers of 20123 and 2024 now what you see in front of you there is nothing here that's bad they are all phenomenal they're all great uh but and they won't be in any particular order definitely want to make sure that I say that so uh over here we have the Raspberry Pi 4 you guys can see it here we have the Raspberry Pi five another Raspberry Pi 5 both of these are 8 gbyte models I have another one that's Outdoors right now it's in the it's in water soaking for another review you guys will see that uh then we have the u2x I'm sorry this is the U2 R1 single board computer this is a brand new industrial based board it is based off of the 3588 K single board computer chip as well as the orange Pi 5 running off of the 35 88 chip so if you have a uh even though I don't have like the rock pie 5B which is based off of the uh rkade 3588 then you can also include that into the same family because they use the same type of chipset now both of these boards are a little different they're going to have different os's different optimizations and there's uh a couple of different perks that this one has such as uh the ability to have a infrared reader I think it's a tech field reader where you can scan a device or something of that nature uh you can get that for any one of these boards but that is definitely here on this list with the RK 3588 uh that pretty much is right now the rock Pi's uh leading brand that is their go-to chip for that and a lot of these single board computers here have made a lot of other single board computers in the market obsolete so if you have such like a a lower end arcade uh chip or maybe even one of those all winter chips most of those are pretty much obsolete by looking at this table here here we have the uy2 same company awesome stuff over there I love their stuff single board computer uh they sent this one over for review actually they sent both of these over for review love both of these this is an x86 single board computer this is by far the most comparable single board computer right now to a Raspberry Pi 5 and some of the other single board computers uh this one starts out at 109 but around Christmas time they had it at 9 $9 phenomenal board and they packed as many accessories and connections you can install m.2 it also has that near play what is it MPC near filled Communicator device just like this one that you can install and I have never in my life seen a single board computer that has optimal mics on here so you have a digital and an analog microphone built into this so this would be the most comparable single board computer to Raspberry Pi 5 it was $99 109 right now for the 4 GB base model excellent x86 single board computer uh it's really quiet and there's a whole lot you can do with it runs Windows Ubuntu Linux Debian you name it you can do it all right then of course we have the other already kind of mentioned this one this is the orange Pi 5 RK 3588 uh this one is this particular one is an 8 GB Ram love it I mean if you guys are running Android and Roid for anything Arm based that's pretty much the best OS to run it with now I know a lot of these single board computers like this one and then even the R1 they still need a lot of development you know in terms of Arm based single board uh with being a different chip set but if you're running Android or just uh AI any type of processing these are nothing to joke around about in fact a lot of the new handheld uh units uh that I think amck and a few other companies they're using uh the same type of chipset but awesome single board computer um so we'll get to that right now now a lot of these boards they all have pros and cons I'm just kind of going through some of these right now we're going to go through all of them but we're just kind of focusing on what each single board computer has to offer in some of the specs then of course we have the one and only Zab board this is an x86 based processor uh this one is primarily made for media now you can run up to Playstation 2 on this one uh obviously is not really meant for gaming but it is made to be a server in fact this one uh will decimate most Standalone Nas servers in your house which will typically cost about $400 or $500 uh I don't remember the particular chipset on that one but uh I've seen people say you can't do gaming on it it can do some gaming again I ran PlayStation 2 but it is not really made for that uh this board retails for over $200 company sent that over for review but it is an excellent media server in fact uh I was actually disappointed with a lot of reviews that I saw out there because they didn't go through the OS and go through all the system settings and so when I went through them myself I was really impressed with all of the uh things that you can add to it and do with it then we have the brand new uh ratza x2l this is the 8 GB model I bought this one a couple months ago great SBC now it's not it's not the most powerful SBC on the market uh in fact the chip set in here is using like a j14 I don't have that information in front of me right now but uh the chipset in here is about a couple of years old and uh it's one step lower than this one but it it runs Linux it runs Debian it runs uh Ubuntu as well great single board computer uh entry level price of $39.99 for this board um I know I have not done a lot of reviews on it as of yet but you won't go wrong with this you just want to use a different computer um to hook it up to your TV to kind of surf the web do some other things uh install Windows 10 Windows 11 work it runs great uh the only thing that I will tell you guys that I've noticed about this board uh unlike some of the other x86 bases like your Atomic Pies and whatnot is that killer not Killer Instinct but NFL Blitz has some weird slowdown to it so I can't explain that yet but that was really the only thing uh that I noticed about it uh the only other thing too is again this one has an entry level price of $39.99 for the 2 GB model I believe the 8 GB model this version here with no emmc cost me about $69 plus shipping and then of course you have to Source your own uh module here this one cost me 10 bucks and then the fan uh the heat sink and fan cost another $10 and then uh the battery battery cost another $2 or whatever I got that off of eBay uh you really need to have those accessories the only downfall about this particular chip or board is that it does not have a case it is just like this so I always leave it in this box that is the only thing is that it does not have a box now um I think or or some type of case rather so I think you could probably 3D print one but if you're not good to that that's pretty much uh what it doesn't have now the cool thing is uh they have also partnered up with the Raspberry Pi Foundation by offering the RP 2040 chip on here that optimizes all of your bandwidth for all of your connections I mean this thing has two uh HDMI ports it has four USB you have two USB 2.0's and then two USB 3.0 USBC connection phenomenal board also has an m.2 on the bottom there uh nothing to complain about and uh we also have last but not least we have the brand new ratza Palm Slim x2l Palm shell so this is brand new took it apart wanted to see exactly what was in here uh there are some minor differences so just to show you guys really quickly the difference this they're the exact same board now I haven't tested it for performance as of yet because that is part of the process just to make sure that they're the exact same thing even though that's what it says on the box uh this one obviously company sent this over to review comes with the Bluetooth module Wi-Fi module here uh you also get the m.2 screw because even if you get the adapter it doesn't come with a screw so you have to Source one for yourself uh the fan looks a little nicer so you could see that there versus that one there I'm not even sure if I was supposed to pull that off I tried it but I don't think that's the same thing uh they also include an additional thermal pad here on the heat sink you can see that doesn't come included and let's see what else uh came with the battery so you don't have to source that yourself and uh this particular model is the 32 GB emmc version 8 GB RAM and the company was nice enough to include this with I think this is still confident with a 256 gab Kingston SS uh m.2 SSD as well as this additional uh kind of back plate covering a little bit so they included that as well you can see that's not here on this one I believe that is so all of that there is kind of exposed so uh this was really nice for them to send this over for review excellent board again there's nothing wrong with any of these uh this comes in this particular case I know I have it open now so this is a plastic hous I'm not sure what kind of material this is so um this is this is sick showed some other devs this I did a private live stream earlier tonight they absolutely loved it no complaints uh whatsoever so uh again I saw an article you know talking about the top sbcs that are on the market uh each one I have some pros and cons about uh right now I know this one here is the ue2 R1 it currently does not have a case however the company is working on that um the biggest Factor here is and uh this one here is $100 guys I'm sorry I'm miss the priced on that this one's $100 so the biggest issue uh that we've seen in the single board Community cuz I kind of went on my own crusade to figure out how does some of these things work and a lot of times we don't know how any of these boards work until we get years into development six months a year two years and then somebody say oh yeah well it just needs more development and in some cases we could already be at the end of the line and a lot of that development is left up to the community you know the the customer you buy it you fix it up yourself and then you make the best out of that community so why did I decide to go with some of these single board computers here well we have all x86 all these are your standard windows-based type PCS that could run your steam your basic games like for emulation and so forth but you know a lot of times when we look at some of these single board computers like let's say Raspberry Pi 5 or orange Pi 5 we're only looking at bench test results to determine what single board computer is the best on the market so for example uh this this is the Raspberry Pi 5 and this is the orange Pi five uh both of these measure on gig bench on a score at about 878 maybe 878 860 somewhere around there with both of these devices uh when we run Linux Debian or R&B and Jammy uh we still have hiccups with like your NFL blitzes some of your PlayStation 2s they can't be fully optimized no matter what you do however this board which is an x86 it uses a low Intel ceron processor as well as this one this one uses the N I think it's the 5095 again I don't have that information in front of me in fact let me turn this around let's see which chip is this one using this one using the yeah the n5105 this one measures about 400 something on geekbench and this one here measures about 373 and do you know both of these Intel based chips uh in the same format whether you're using Windows or Linux will outperform the Raspberry Pi 5 and the orange Pi 5 I get perfect emulation with PS2 not on these babies maybe if I run Android you know give or take but definitely not on the Linux side of things on this it R I don't have to tweak anything even when I've had my or uh Maximum Carnage image and I tweak all the settings uh there's more optimizations that out of any of these boards that I have to do for this one then I do on this one so both of these even they're they're cheaper and they register uh twice as less on geekbench they will outperform a Raspberry Pi 5 in terms of emulation for like PS2 and some of the other ones uh these can run NFL blitzes and your Killer Instincts and everything you know those obscure ROMs that we always have problems with now I'm not going to speak too much about Ai and some of the other processes I'm just trying to give you guys uh some of the ideas so again we have the ratza x2l we have the Palm shell which is pretty much the same chipset uh we have the U2 X1 and the R1 and of course Raspberry Pi 5 uh one of the things that some of the Articles will also mention too is they will say hey well you know you have the strength of the Raspberry Pi Community or the arm Community there is no Community much larger than x86 so anything that you have uh that is your Mini PC base your Intel based chipsets or whatnot if you guys are familiar with the technology there's nothing that triumps that there's nothing that trumps that all you will have a bigger Community like with your windows-based programs which run x86 and then of course some other things uh compared to arm it it it there's there's no counting it and then Fact Two even if you were to compare Linux uh arm which would be this here and this here I've ran Linux on both X8 six or actually all three x86 uh x86 and it outperformed it with again without any adjustments x86 uh has much more development much more potential much more uh reliability because it's been around a lot you know um and I was looking up a few days ago that found out Android actually invests more money than Windows but the bottom line is not to really go off on the tangent but the bottom line is uh you can't judge most of these single board computers simply looking at some of the geek bench scores some of the bench tests out there uh you have to have development ample development on a lot of these boards to really make a sound decision on what they can truly do now uh the x86 PC market that's entirely different you get a stronger chip obviously you know you're going to get better performance but x86 processes things differently than arm and I think people typically forget about those kinds of things uh everything here will pretty much work like all of your programs like your windows word Adobe After not Adobe After Effects but like your Adobe programs uh arm you have to make sure that those companies or providers that there's actual support for it you guys will always hear it in the single board Community is we need more support we need more support and a lot of times these boards are advertised before communities and devs actually get them and before communities and devs have actually committed to them and you know those are some of the things sometimes you guys will see a review uh talking about hey this thing runs PlayStation 2 great or it runs Dreamcast great or it runs this video game great oh we can't wait for badera and retropie to come out or recall box or when they get it together it'll be run great and people typically forget that you know we make a lot of this stuff work and those uh individuals obviously groups organizations whatever you want to call them they don't have to buy these boards they don't have to provide support they don't have to sometimes sound may not work sometime the a particular emulator may not compile over but again these are all great single board computers I've tested gaming and and other uh bench tests on each one of them you will not go wrong for uh to get one of these type of boards and so again I know when these two boards came out the U2 X1 here and as well as the roxa x2l a lot of those chipsets with uh what was it not x86 but a lot of the chipsets that are rock chip enabled they really became Obsolete and I I really mean that because sometimes development teams devs they work for on a a board for like maybe six months two to three years right so imagine doing all that and you still don't get the effects of something like this and so that's what I mean is if even if they were or somebody was to do development on a uh a lower end Rock or the 3560 3588 you would be better off spending your development time on something that's going to give you the power I mean why would I want to develop on our RK 3366 uh something that's lower in both uh single Bard computers probably cost the same in fact there's been a big drop on the orange Pi 5S The Rock pi5 C and the a you can get those now for like what $69 $59 for some of those so imagine spending that kind of money and then uh spending the same amount of development time uh on something that doesn't even have twice the amount of power and you're still spending eight months to two years trying to squeeze as much juice out of it as you possibly can that doesn't make any sense so uh again wanted to show you guys all these phenomenal boards here they all have their own particular reasons uh and again my personal favorite out of all of these has been uh the ue2 X1 single Bard computer now in most cases I know it's not on the higher end chipset out of the Intel based chips or Intel Celeron based chips but you're getting the biggest bang for your buck 109 you the cost to Performance value is instantly there like when I bought this yeah we know it's powerful for arm and if you run Android but you were paying $127 The Rock pie 5B cost1 169 I'm glad they came out with the rock pie 5C which is like what $69 now it's a great price but again was $1 169 for the rock Pi 5B this one was $17 you get this for what $19.99 and then now we have the Raspberry Pi five which is up there was $80 and then after you add on all the accessories you at about $127 which cost as much as a Mini PC and I got a Mini PC over here to my left uh which runs the n95 chip and that is much more powerful than this so I mean what are you getting for your money uh these are all recommendable single board computers uh depending upon what your needs are we have a nice combination of arm as well as x86 and I know I'm leaving out the minis like your little 02 ws and whatnot I'm not we're not going to talk about any of those like that but again wanted to Showcase here because we finally have the top single board computers all Under One Roof each one of these I've personally worked on developed on and some of these I also still working on but I wanted to give you guys my reasoning as to why I picked out this list and that website that I looked at I can't remember the name of them I made a post on Twitter about it I cannot believe they left off this how do they have a review uh they had the orange Pi 5 on their Raspberry Pi 5 and that's fine I can understand they have the R1 but it's still the same chipset RK 3588 but how could you leave the these two off I don't know we expect there's there's plenty of other guys uh that they're not on social media too much they don't make YouTube videos but they do their homework and they already have these boards you notice there's only been like maybe one or two reviews on this I I haven't even posted my review actually now you guys seen this video I got my video a review of but there haven't been too many reviews about stuff like this cuz people Overlook some of the best technology the best piece of equipment companies get left over like this one right here I mean this company sells a number of different single board computers with different specs whatnot but this in my opinion is their Premier product that I speced out for like several weeks before I even knew it existed I mean this thing is phenomenal but we have this one here the Palm shell this one's great just came in the mail all of these are phenomenal boards I ran retro Pi on most of these as well as coin Ops launchbox and big box uh cloud gaming all phenomenal but all of these are reasonably priced I know the zema board over there is the only one that is $200 but aside from the stack of this uh in most cases these boards here can outperform a Raspberry Pi five um so I don't know how they have that one at the top of the list I know that is a huge Community but there's nothing that trumps or it's bigger than x86 uh orange Pi 5 Community Again The RK 3588 uh the community slowly growing still needs some more optimizations and more development but it is a great uh chipset it is a great single board computer you know to have if you want to watch Cody do some other things AI uh some other development uh it is a great uh chipset to have but anyway those are my thoughts on all these single Bard computers make sure you guys check out the playlist I have videos on all of them again this is my top list of 23 to 2024 and if I had to rank them you know there are some you know that need to be in a particular order cost to Performance value I would go with this uh and and I'm making this answer putting this out there from a consumer-based standpoint I'm not talking to you devs out there who would look at this and say oh I could do anything with that you know no I'm not talking to you guys I'm talking about your average consumer who doesn't want to have their handheld by a Dev or a community or rely on the community to get something jump started the x86 baseboards are their best option and then of course followed by like a Raspberry Pi five which has a bigger Community your ex your your first would be something on the lines of your Mini PC but it's not a Mini PC it's a single board computer because it has all the ports uh I would go with these two or these three first and then followed by some of the other boards and then of course the zemma board falls into its own class as a uh media server so those are My reasonings uh for making the decisions I know I talked to uh what's the guy's name the butcher shout out to the butcher I was on a live stream with him and his co-host and I showed him this board and they said yeah ke that looks intimidating and you know it probably does but it's a cool device I mean if you are familiar with computers and you want to get an x86 board or something that you're really familiar with and the form factor of a single board computer you're looking at one of these uh high-end gaming if you want to use let's say an Android based operating system and then we also have retrop Pi running on this as well then this is also a phenomenal thing now uh retrop Pi does Linux gaming runs much better on the orange Pi 5 than it does the Raspberry Pi 5 I know that's not not answer a lot of people wanted to hear but it does because I took all of my settings and optimizations there are just still certain games that wouldn't run on here like Tekken 4 Tekken 4 doesn't run on this taking for runs perfectly fine on this with no adjustments and I've been making adjustments for months just uh on something like that so but again guys that's my spill wanted to kind of keep everything in perspective for you uh again even though some companies sent this over to me for review I don't care you know these are my thoughts these are my concerns these are things that you guys should know and anybody watching this video people that I've walked uh not so much worked with but spoken to in the community cannot find a reasonable argument to disagree with any one of these but again the only thing that draws this one back the ret x2l uh this the one that I pay for whatever doesn't have a case for it but it's no biggie you know that's that's the only thing you know about it but again all of these are exceptional so um make sure you guys expect some big things from each one of these companies make sure you hit them up on Twitter Instagram whatever you want to do uh to follow because they could definitely need your support let them know that you saw this video what you thought about it if you have some more questions you could you know find me either on patreon some of my Facebook groups as well KY and hobbies and whatnot and uh you could kind of help grow the community and see the progress that is being made so until next time I will catch you guys later peace out have a good night byebye [Music]
Views: 1,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: YOUYEETOO X1, YOUYEETOO R1, ZIMA BOARD, RASPBERRY PI 5, ORANGE PI 5, RADXA X2L, PALMSHELL RADXA X2L, KIODIEKIN, mini pcs, raspberry pi, youyeetoo, best sbc's of 2024, youyeetoo x1 review, youyeetoo kiodiekin, radxa palmshell x2l, THE BEST SBC'S OF 2024 | Youyeetoo | Raspberry Pi | Orange Pi | Radxa | ZimaBoard, arm vs x86, 8gb ram, windows, android, armbian linux, Casa Os, Arcade games, best x86 single board computer, best sbc, intel celeron n5105, single board computer
Id: IzoFw0-lxas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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