The Best Sangria You've Never Had... Probably

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red red wine stay close to me stick with the red red wine welcome to another video handy handy handy andy i don't know what to do with these things and apparently this is captivating so today we're going to be making my sangria the best dang sangria you maybe had in your life maybe you've had it maybe you haven't sometimes you might be doing this in a picture which if i was at home with a few friends i'd definitely be doing that but today we're just going to build it in the glass obviously you can scale this up scale it down just multiply this recipe by the amount of people that you have and then bingo bongo quick math throw it in the pitcher so what we're going to start off with we're going to do a little bit of peach knobs um in this case because we're just building in the glass we're just going to go with a half ounce because peach knobs goes a long it adds that beautiful fruitiness that you want with your sangria we're going to have some cointreau in there get a bit of that or like triple sec um basically any kind of orange liqueur you might want you might use grand marnier but it's kind of a it's a little bit expensive for for sangria you know the whole thing about sangria is just making cheap wine taste good so you don't really have to spend a lot of money on things here i've got some fresh squeezed orange juice i mean you could use just regular store bought whatever from concentrate this is much nicer it's just a little bit lighter and you get the more natural fruit like the orange juice coming through i'm going to throw in three ounces i've got some pineapple juice here as well i'm just gonna go with three ounces lovely i'm gonna add some ice do this before we get too carried away here this is something that you want to have a good amount of ice in because you are hanging out i'm probably enjoying this outdoors on a patio a deck by the pool you're going to want to leave some room obviously for the wine we're going to put a little splash of soda water some people like to have seven up i like to i prefer a little bit less sweet so i'm just using some sodastream especially when you're using pineapple juice with it too because it is quite sweet you just want to take it easy on that i'm just using a cheap merlot today something i had and then we're going to go ahead and float that on top and uh i'm not actually measuring that i probably used maybe three two and a half ounces and now we're gonna kind of garnish with some fruit here so i've got some or um some peach since we're using peach knots in it might as well use some peaches because i've got them use what you've got around if you've got mangoes you've got citrus i've got some strawberries here so we're gonna oh that really kind of mushed a little bit eh cool okay we're gonna use this side of the peach because it's a bit more firm and i'm just gonna use my bar spoon here i'm gonna throw those in i'm gonna do a little bit of strawberry beautiful and there we are the best dank sangria ever did have we should probably just try it [Music] oh my goodness that's life changing guys thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed the video please hit the like button as well as subscribe to the channel we really appreciate that if you know of somebody that enjoys our sangrias or if you're somebody that you'd love to share at sangria not a glass of but obviously a picture a picture of sangria with share this with them thank you so much see you next week [Music] in another video [Music] ciao [Music]
Channel: Now That's A Drink
Views: 8,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best sangria, sangria recipe, how to make sangria, best sangria recipe, red wine, fruity sangria recipe, easy sangria recipe, best sangria ever, sangria recipe without brandy, sangria recipe red wine, now thats a drink
Id: eA5dSgInI2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 3sec (243 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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